How to make AWESOME voice-overs with Free Software?

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hey i'm anfa i've been recently recording some voiceovers and i thought it's a good opportunity to record a video about my workflow and all the tricks i've learned in making that kind of recordings of course i'll be using open source software and linux i would just like to interject for a moment what you're referring to is linux is in fact gnu slash linux as always so in this video i will record edit process and export a voiceover track all done in ardor 6 and open source lv2 plugins all running on mangero linux let's go okay so before we start i want to talk about things you need to take care of to actually record a decent track because if you record crap we're not going to be able to edit or process anything good out of that okay so the first thing is to make sure your room is as quiet as possible um turn on any equipment you don't need to run close any windows or doors warn the people you're living with that you need some silence right now and you'll be recording etc second thing is treat your room so there's minimum amount of reverbation happening if you clap your hands in your room you will hear a reverb tale if this reverb tale is long you're going to have a really hard time recording a usable voiceover because voiceovers by nature need to be extremely dry so if you can bring some clothes bring some bookshelves and hang it all around your stuff if you don't have access to professional sound treating materials then you can do this kind of stuff if that's not possible maybe open up a wardrobe full of clothes and sit on the edge of that so that your microphone is pointing towards all the fabrics hanging in there and the mass of that is going to absorb a lot of reflections coming in from outside and from your voice bouncing from from the walls and it's going to cut down on the reverbation and this is very important third thing is use a directional microphone most microphones you'll buy have a so-called cardioid pattern so if the microphone is pointing up it's going to capture most sound from the from the front so if i'm here you can hear me very clearly it's not going to capture as much sound from the side so if i go here you can hear that it's not as loud and if i turn around the microphone and make it completely face the opposite direction you can hear that i'm much quieter so use this to your advantage and for example point the back of the microphone at the loud computer that you cannot turn off because it's recording fourth thing is to record get as close to the microphone as possible i'm going to show you this from a side so you don't want to be recording your voiceovers from here you want to be recording them from here as close to the microphone as possible without touching it okay why is that important because it's going to give your microphone more of your voice and less of the room's response to your voice and we want that we want as dry as possible so less reverb more of your voice okay also if we get close to the microphone capsule what's gonna happen is that the low frequencies in your voice are going to get emphasized and we could of course do this artificially in post-processing with an eq but this is a natural thing that's happening it's called proximity effect and it's very helpful in getting that deep radio tone of your object or voice okay because you know um many male vocalists are gonna have that low tone but it's gonna be quiet and if you get up close it's gonna get amplified if i record this this from from a little bit farther away even so i'm speaking just as low you can hear that there is not as much lows in my voice present at the microphone so getting up close is gonna help you sound deeper now make sure you don't touch the microphone because if you do you're gonna record a bunch of this stuff and you don't want that fifth thing use a pop filter or a windshield this here is a windshield or a windscreen and it's made for this specific microphone this is um sure sm58 i believe and this is the windshield is called aws aw2s or something like that um and it's made for this microphone but it only works if you talk to it from the front i'm going to blow into the [Music] microphone and if i go to the side these plastics are going to get through go through and uh create unpleasant sounds at the microphone capsule which we don't want so make sure like that your pop filter is doing the job you can't be like touching your pop filter because it's not gonna do the job because your positives are going to go right through it you need to have a little bit of distance but it can be very close to the microphone like you need to listen record and balance that okay if you don't have any plastics protection you don't have any windscreen or anything the least you can do is simply move uh so that your the microphone is facing your mouth from the side and this way you will still be able to record quite a clean vocal with a very good response but all the plausives are going to go in another direction and not hit the microphone capsule which is important okay seventh thing is warm up your voice before you start you can do that there's many different warm-up routines you can i don't know you can beatbox for a while or sing your favorite song for 10 minutes or read the text as expressively and overemphasize everything like if i'm going to read my script make sure your room is as quiet as possible close any doors windows turn off equipment you don't need to run warn people at home that you need to them to be quiet for a while etc you need to like warm up your voice so that you're not sounding like that like you're sluggish in and like you can't articulate stuff because you're just your your muscles are not warmed up that's one thing so articulation needs some warm up but also your voice range needs warm up too for example if i don't warm up correctly i'm not able to hit these radio like deep and facing notes and i'm just go i'm stuck a little bit higher and it's not as satisfying to listen to so don't rush it like i'm not going to teach you a warm-up routine i'm not a voice coach but let your voice warm up gently and then it's gonna give you the best don't stress it though eighth if you produce a lot of smacking noises clicks pops from your mouth like this kind of stuff you can bite your tongue gently and it's going to trigger your saliva emission and that's going to water your mouth a bit and it's going to help with that we of course can cut out these uh noises to a certain degree in post but it's a lot of work so if we can get it better at the source let's do that okay and ninth thing to record you'll need as low audio monitoring latency as possible uh i switch my jack server to the buffer size of 128 or 256 frames per period there's a common line program to manage your jack server's buffer size and it's called jack underscore buff size i'm going to move this microphone here so you can hear me better if i run it without any arguments it's going to give me what is the current buffer size if i run it with an argument i can change the current current buffer size and now we're running jack at a smaller buffer size now mind that sometimes i've had ardor crashing if i do that while it's running okay so save your work before you do it some other programs using jack may also crash at times like it shouldn't be a problem but sometimes it is so be careful but usually i do it and it's not causing any problems so now i'm recording the video as well so i'm going to keep that a little higher because my cpu load might prevent me from going with the lower buffer size but we need as low latency so you can hear yourself through the headphones as you speak and hear what is actually being recorded and if it's gonna have a little bit of delay that's going to be very distracting and you won't be able to give a good performance most audio interfaces external audio interfaces have an option of direct monitoring so you can use that also you can disable monitoring in ardor or any other program if you're using and use that instead but it's not gonna give you any processing so well uh you might be able to if you can get a low buffer and pro monitor your audio through order then you can you know have the compressor and eq and all the other stuff working as you speak and hear the final results in your ears but for now we're going to record it without any processing and we're going to set the processing after we record and edit the material all right and the 10th thing i want to mention before we start recording is you need to set your mic gain properly i like it might be obvious some of you but it might not be so the mic gain is the amount of amplification you apply in your preamplifier for the microphone and usually audio interfaces have some indicator of the sound level being okay or being too hot meaning it's clipping or it's saturating the signal which is not good because that means distortion i'm going to turn this down in post but i'm going to let you hear what a distorted voice sounds like okay so i'm going to turn up my mic input gain until it starts distorting and i'm gonna speak speaking speaking more okay now i'm distorting my audio interface is showing me distortion i am turning this down in post so you don't have your ears hurt but now if i speak and i turn down the volume i'm watching a little led okay it's start it stopped okay right now i'm not distorting but if i see something louder it blinks again okay louder louder louder all right that's that's now i've set it to a volume where i don't see any clipping even if i do a louder sound so generally you want your preamp gain to be as high as possible so that you have less noise because if it's lower then you will have to boost it more and you have more noise coming from the preamp and the audio interface itself but if it's too hot you're gonna distort it and that's no good so make the loudest sound you possibly can lower it until it's not clipping and then you're good to go to record all right that's all the prerequisites let's record the vocals um depending on how much text you have i think it's best to first rehearse read the text out loud for example you can like rehearse a couple paragraphs at once then record them then rehearse the next couple and process them in chunks until you get to the end of it sometimes when there's not much text you can just rehearse it and record it in one go so i'm going to record a little bit of text a little bit of famous text this kind of text and let's record only the first paragraph okay because it's not about uh recording at all and like making it complete it's about showing you the the process and how it's done and hopefully that's going to give us enough room to actually do that all right so what i'm going to do is put on my headphones note that these are closed back headphones they are not going to produce a lot of sound outside of the capsules and that's important because you don't want your headphones to be feeding back sound to the microphone again because that's gonna sound bad and if you hear that happening turn down your monitoring volume i'm going to enable recording i have an audio track in order my microphone is assigned and i can already hear my voice and it's pretty okay it's not bad i can hear my voice okay all right now i'm going to rehearse this paragraph so i'm going to read it very quickly so i can record it fluently without too many errors all right i made a few little mistakes there but right now i should be able to record this in full so let's start capturing and i will go on if i make a mistake i'm going to back off a little bit to give myself leeway to cut so that i have an overlap between different takes and i'm not going to stop the recording until i'm done so it's a it's a single chunk it's a single region on my timeline you can do that you can stop and resume but i like to do it this way it's a bit easier to edit after that all right let's go also an important thing water i'd just like to interject for a moment i would just like to interject for a moment what you're referring to as linux is in fact gnu slash linux or as i've recently taken to calling it gnu plus linux linux is not an operating system unto itself but rather another free component of a fully functioning new system made useful by the gnu corlibs shell utilities and vital system components comprising of a full comprising a full os as defined by posix okay that was pretty flawless so i'm going to record another paragraph without rehearsing it so we get more mistakes so i can show you some editing tricks okay many computer users run a modified version of the gnu system every day without realizing it through apart through a peculiar turn of events the version of gnu which is widely used today is often called linux and many of its users are not aware that it is basically that it is basically the new system developed by the gnu project that it is basically the gnu system developed by the gno project let's go on there really is a linux and these people are using it but it is just there really there really is a linux and these people are using it but it is just a part of the system they use linux is the kernel the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that run that you run to the other programs that you run the kernel is an essential part of an operating system but useless by itself it can only function in the context of a complete operating system linux is normally used in combination with the new operating system the whole system the whole system is basically gnu with linux added or gnu slash linux l um the whole system is basically gnu with linux added or gnu slash linux all the or gnu slash linux all the so-called linux distributions are really distributions of gnu slash linux all the so-called linux distributions are really this linux distributions are are really distributions of gnu slash linux are really distributions of gnu slash linux all right so we've got our material recorded now it's time to edit it um for editing voiceovers specifically it is very useful to switch order to the ripple mode in ripple mode if you delete something like i'm splitting this region i'm deleting here everything after that on the timeline is moving forward or back depending on how you think about it which is very useful for deleting mistakes in the voiceover i'd just like to interject for a moment i would just like to interject form what you re all right let's start with this one i would just like to interject for a moment what you're referring to as linux is in fact gnu slash linux or as i've recently taken to calling it gnu plus now there's a little bit of and we can cut it off cut it out [Music] if i just do that calling it gnu it sounds better already plus linux linux i could also remove this bit linux is not an operating system unto itself but rather another free component of a fully functioning new system made useful by the gnu corelibs shell utilities and vital system components comprising of a full comprising okay and vital system components comprise comprising okay comprising comprising let's cut here and delete this system components comprising a i think we should move this back a little bit uh yeah we can also make a little bit of a fade in components comprising a full os as defined by posix great we don't want these craps here all right but this is good end by posix many computer users run a modified version of the gnu system every day without realizing it through a part there's a little bit of clicks and pops and remove this one realizing it through apart through oh okay i need to preserve this breath here so i'm going to move it a little bit and crossfade without realizing it through a peculiar turn of events the version of gnu which is widely used today is often called linux now this is ugly i don't want that and i know what this is and called let okay this is cold but this is a piece of garbage i want to remove that i'm not sure if this is going to be a problem this is a steep click well let's hear if there's going to be a click then called linux okay no click because ardo creates these default um default fade outs and fade ins we can also enter overlap these regions and it's going to crossfade between a is often called linux and many of its users are not aware that it is basically that it is basically okay that it is that it is basically that is this that is that that it all right i need to that or that is it so in this kind of situation what you need to do is find the spot in two takes that is identical so you can layer them all one on top of each other that is that is that and here is that okay i need to layer these two oh my goodness i'm sorry and where that it now let's find a place where these two can meet where that it is basically okay i think we need to back off a little bit leave the where that it is where that it is basic all right you see we managed to cr to find a spot where the two takes can be transitioned between without you hearing any any discrepancy are not aware that it is basically the gnu system develop ah another ugly stuff maybe let's mute this one instead of deleting a system developed by the new project now why muting is because i don't want to shorten this part i just want to have a pause there and in this ripple mode it's it would be automatically shortening this part new project that it is basically the gnu system aware that it is basically the gnu system developed by the gnu project okay this is another take by the gnu project i like the system developed by the gnu project others are not aware that it is basically the project that it is basically the gnu or that it is based all right so we have another take which is better so i want to find it where that that it is where that is are not aware that is that it is okay is that it where that oh i can see by the waveform that we are having the same part here okay let me delete this um and this is where the ripple mode is kind sometimes fighting against you and sometimes slide mode would be better because it wouldn't automatically slide this thing not aware that is basically are not aware that is basically the oh wait where that is this basic oh okay okay where that is this base that it is basically there that is this base or that is this oh that's a slip up oh we need to combine more of that stuff all right it is basically the years are not aware that is this base that it is basic okay so we need to um delete that yeah we're in the slide mode i think we're going to be good in the slide mode for now so the are not aware that it we need to fix this with that part but also replace the other part later with this uh okay which part is this are not a that it is basically aware that it aware that it okay aware that it is not aware that it is basically the basically the okay i'm gonna split it here that it is and is basically the is that it or that it is basic aware that it is baked aware that it all right now we have the third take and we're going to find this place oh nice this i can make a crossfade here that it is basically the gnu its users are not aware that it is basically the new system developed by the project okay uh that's the type of editing i wanted to show you sometimes you have multiple takes which have like parts of words that are okay and parts which are not okay you need to combine them into a single flawless performance and finding the same spot layering the two and finding the perfect place to go from one to the other is how you do it now where are we project origin developed by the gnoop let's go on all right and then there's the third paragraph i wonder if i should edit the third paragraph i think that's going to be enough i'm going to save this project i'm not going to edit the the rest of that because it's a waste of time i'm just doing this to show you the workflow and the tools and i think we've shown you enough okay now let's go to the third part after recording editing let's go to processing so to process this first thing i'm going to do is have a little bit of noise that's going to be perfect okay what i'm going to do is add a plugin that performs noise removal it's called noise repellent it's an open source lv2 plug-in what it does is um it it does pretty much what audacity's noise removal does and that it profiles some sound to create a frequency response profile and then it uses that profile to remove noise so first we need to activate the learn noise profile option and play back some of the noise through the track now it's learned it's been learning i can disable this and it's going to attenuate the noise you can hear that we hear no noise right now in there i'm going to move that plug-in before the fader let's listen to the voice and see how that handles it can only function in the context of a complete operating system now i don't hear any artifacts from this but we could lower the reduction amount linux operating system linux let's mute it or bypass the pro the effect the operating system and now i can hear okay let's go with six decibels of um maybe even eight decibels i still can't hear at even a 10 decibels of that of noise reduction um now there's always going to be a little bit of noise and after we apply equal equalization um and compression the noise is going to be brought up so if we can get it down that's good that's always great so the next thing to do is uh i'm going to add a gate i've recently you started using lsp plugins a lot and i think they are really good [Music] let's go lsp gate lsp gates mono because we're using mono and mono track lsp lv2 great okay so if you don't know what a gate is doing is it's attenuating the sound when it goes below a certain threshold of volume i'm going to make this keep stay above other windows and let's play back some sounds linux is normally used in combination now let's move down the threshold with the new operating system the whole system the whole system is basically gnu with linux added okay so what is really good about the lsp gate is that it procreates this very useful graph i would just like to interject for a moment what oh you see now we're we've cut off the end of the word too fast so i'm going to lower the threshold which you're referring to as linux is in fact new slash linux now we didn't let the start through or quickly enough i'm going to enable auto return so that i can play back a part of the timeline new slash linux or as i res i want to remove reduce the attack time new slash so that it opens up the gate quicker you can see this ramp if i make the attack long new slash linux or as i've recently taken to calling it gnu plus you can see the gnu was new it was softened because of the low long attack if i shorten it or as i've recently taken to calling it gnu plus linux now we want this uh gain reduction envelope to only duck when there is nothing being said okay so it's cutting off or attenuating the silence between words and this is going to help us first reduce the noise even further and also shorten the reverb tale of this room because this room isn't properly acoustically treated and there is some reverbation and we can get rid of that a little bit by using this gate of course it's not going to do wonders but it's a little bit of a push towards a better sound and whatever we can do we'll do it to have the better sound or as i've recently taken to calling it gnu plus linux now the gain reduction is 24 decibels and we could go all the way to negative 72 or as i've recently taken to calling it gnu plus linux but i think that often is very brutal and like doesn't sound very natural so we can go stay with negative 24 or even go higher or as i've recently taken to calling it gnu plus linux linux is not an operating system unto itself but rather another free component of a fully functioning new system made useful by the gnu corelibs shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full os as defined by pos-x many and it nicely attenuates the spot deposits so we don't have any noise lingering there okay the next thing i want to do is apply an equalizer eq and i'm also going to use lspeq parametric equalizer 16 mono yes um let's make it stay on top and okay so the first thing i want to do is boost the lows a little bit uh so i'm going to use a low shelf filter i'm also going to turn on the analysis and make it post eq or as i recently now we can drag this in or as i've recently taken to calling it gnu plus linux or as i've recently taken to now we're like emphasizing the proximity effect and making the voice sound a little bit more radio like or as i've recently taken to calling it gnu plus linux we've got three uh three decibels of actually i want to have less egg or i'm gonna zoom in because three decibels is already a lot or as i've recently taken to calling it gnu plus linux okay now we have two decibels of gain in the on that another thing i want to do is cut off low frequencies that we don't need and that's going to be anything happening below my lowest like fundamental so i'm going to use a high pass filter and we're gonna want to use the steepest one available so let's go for i don't know if it's b l r r and times4 yeah this is extremely steep or as i've recently taken to calling it gnu plus linux linux is not an operating system until now that reminds me of the video i made about achieving the radio voice transmission effect or as i've recently taken to calling it gnu plus linux linux is not an operating system i'm i'm going to unzoom so i can see more or of the frequency spectrum analysis or as i've recently taken to calling it gnu plus linux okay i like that let's have a bell filter to boost the highs a little bit that's something i do often or as i've recently taken to calling it gnu plus linux now don't pay attention to the sibilance just yet sibilance the s sounds we're going to attenuate them after this but i want to get the general vowel tones to sound a little bit brighter or as i've recently taken to calling it gnu plus linux linux i'm using the mouse wheel to widen this filter or as i've recently taken to calling it gnu plus linux alright another thing i want to do is have a okay maybe not a notch filter maybe a bell filter first i'm going to search for resonances so i'll have this filter and make it narrower or and i'm going to sweep through the spectrum and listen to anything that goes that jumps out at me let's maybe sweep with this frequency knob so i'm not changing the amplitude so i so the actual thing jumping out is not the caused by me just wiggling my mouse app accidentally or as i've recently taken to calling it gnu plus linux linux is not an operating system unto itself but rather another free component of a fully functioning new system made useful but okay this this sounds like uh something's going on in there and i want to attenuate this part so let's go and lower the gain to negative values or as i've recently taken to calling it gnu plus linux now we can mute this filter and listen to how it sounds without it or as i've recently taken to calling it gnu plus linux okay i think it sounds a little bit cleaner we could do this a bunch more times create a bell filter narrower it uh sweep up the frequency spectrum or as i've recently taken to calling it gnu plus linux linux is not an operating system unto itself but rather another free component of a fully functioning new system made useful by the gnu corelibs shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full os as defined by posix many computer users run a modified version of the new system every day okay i think this sounds a little bit nasally and i could want to attain with it a little bit and then we can see and compare if it sounds better with that filter on or not let's listen it to it without or as i've recently taken to calling it and with gnu plus linux linux is not an operating system unto itself but rather another free comp i can barely hear a difference but i think this one sounds a little bit cleaner now any room you're going to record with has some room modes or resonances and that in smaller rooms that's going to be um higher frequencies so if you're in a tiny tiny room you may have resonances up in you know 800 hertz 500 hertz i don't know in a little bit bigger rooms you're going to have resonance at 50 uh 140 at some size of a room the resonances go so low that you don't hear them anymore and it's the best place to be in but not everyone can afford a huge room and also then afford the sound treatment materials to put in that room because if it's big you need a lot of that and it gets expensive quickly okay so that's the eq action for us now what do i want to do is apply compression actually i'm going to apply multiband compression lsp multiband compressor mono yes now what the multiband compressor does is it uses a bunch of clever shelving filters that attenuate or emphasize different frequency bands separately based on their amplitude that's what a modern multiband compressor does i have a full two videos about compression in general so i'm not going to talk detail here what i want this to do is even out the the sound and like make it fuller it's going to sound bigger and more radio like again or as i've recently taken to calling it gnu plus linux so what we need to do to actually make this thing do anything is raise the ratios and you can just do it by clicking on this dial so let's click on that angle to dial in 2.5 ratio of okay highs or as i've recently taken to calling it now what i usually do is instead of tweaking the thresholds uh which are ratio and knee knee decibels if if you turn this down it's going to start completing faster like this or or does it or as i've reached oh actually we need to like rearrange okay we need this to be about four and a half okay let's go of 4 000 hertz this could be a bit higher this could be a bit higher or as i've reset yeah let's go or as i reason okay if i rise or if i rise it it's not compressing at all but it's still very low and i think i'm just going to rise the input volume give ourselves 15 more decibels lower that afterwards so we're not getting smashed with sound or as i've recently taken to calling it gnu plus linux linux is not an operating system unto itself but rather another free component of a fully functioning new system okay i think the highs are nicely attenuated but it's a little bit too aggressive and i think i'm gonna back off the ratio or as i've recently taken to calling it also shorten the release so it's immediately retracting and not like spilling the the attenuation at the sounds after it or as i've recently taken to calling it gnu plus linux yeah let's go and mute that uh or as i've recently taken to calling it gnu plus linux listen to the gnu plus linux or as i've recently taken to calling it gnu plus linux it's not hurting anymore and that's what a de-esser would do for us now i'm going to probably add also a de-esser after that but this pretty much does what a de-esser would do in a split mode so i think we actually don't need a de-esser because we viewed this multiband compressor to do the job of a de-esser for us or as i've recently taken to calling it gnu plus linux okay what i want to do after that is apply a compressor and not not a multiband compressor anymore to even out the levels finally or as i've recently take let's lower the threshold or as i've recently taken to calling it gnu plus linux i also want to rise the attack time a little bit or as i've recently taken to call and raise the makeup gain or oh my goodness that's loud sorry or as i've recently taken to calling it gnu plus linux linux is not an operating system unto itself but rather another free component of a fully functioning new system made useful by the gnu corelibs shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full os as defined by posix a posix and by pos-x okay i think the pos-x is a bit too high by posix we get a little bit of a click by posix as as defined by posix all right yeah yeah that managed to do it computer users run without realizing it now there's a bunch of compression and it sounds really like meaty and huge and you might not be after that kind of sound but that's kind of the sound of a voiceover you'll hear in a commercial and since i've been doing some video game trailers that's why what i was doing uh of course you can back off the multiband compression and the compression and like make this sound a little bit more natural and also the acoustics of this room again are not perfect system unto itself so maybe you could try and tweak the gate a little bit to cut off the reverb tails even more maybe if i like lowered the release time system unto itself but rather another free component of a fully functioning new system made you maybe i'll need to lower the threshold of release so that it's system unto itself but oh i can increa increase the zone range system unto itself but rather another free component of a fully functioning new system made use okay so that it's like it has like a less of a steep slope you know if i embrace the zone system unto itself but rather it's it's clicky and if i lower the zone system unto itself but rather it's a bit more gentle and there's also a way to enable hysteresis so that we have like two different um curves for like attack and release but i don't really understand how it works i'm not going to use it then oh we could lower the reduction a little bit to also make it a little bit gentle system unto itself but rather another free comp now what if we just disable this now does it actually contribute anything good let's check system unto itself but rather another free component of a fully functioning new system made useful by the gnu corelibs shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full os as defined by posix system unto itself but well yeah i can hear that there's less reverbation being being audible in this recording when we enable the gates so it is doing something good i've heard some um denoising artifacts near the end though let's check that out as defined by posix many computer you okay um i guess the gate also attenuates the parts where the denoising artifacts are most audible all right uh the last thing i will do is add a master limiter before we export this and again i'm going to use lsp limiter this time it's going to be stereo so we could export this to a mono file as defined by posix now our levels are really low we're not touching the compressor delimiter at all i'm going to turn this down in post but now let's dial in the actual levels uh as the fun and i'm going to lower my headphones well as defined by posix many computer users run a modified version of the new system every day without realizing it through a peculiar turn of events the version of gnu which is widely used today is often called linux and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the new system developed by the gno project there really is a linux and these people are using it but it is just okay so that's that i'm going to set my export marker there really is no project my goodness it sounds no project it sounds really over the top you may either be like delighted with that sound or bring a gag reflex from the sound but well if you need to get that sound and voiceovers that sound like this then now you know how to do that with free and open source software let's just export it i'm going to do it for 20 44 bit flac uh we don't need any normalization because we're running a a limiter let's call the session snapshot and disable the time span and analyze the exported audio i will export it and we'll look at the analysis screen all right so here is our export and report analysis and we can see that our volume has went over the zero decibel limit um we should have limited our we should have had like negative one decibel of um output gain on our limiter actually to limit that because no limiter actually is going to be perfect even if i use oversampling and this is our vocals the integrated loudness is negative 15.6 l ufs and i think that's a very good level if you want to like have this voiceover be uploaded to youtube or some other streaming services because it's going to be loud and clear but also it has plenty of dynamics as you can see in the waveforms there's there's a lot of room for this to breathe even if it's multiband compressed and then compressed and then limited we're still like we're not smashing it um we could be going way harder at this and actually destroy the sound and make it unbearable but it's not that bad really so i think that's a very good level uh and i did that like just by looking at the limiters gain reduction so yeah funny all right that's all i want to show you in this video i hope you've enjoyed this video and you found it worth your time thanks for watching and also huge thanks to all the people who are supporting me financially if you would like to join them please go to anapha or or you can give me a buck or two every month or not you can download this session link is in the video description you can play with it you can practice editing you can practice mixing or just use this and and make some memes i don't know the downloads are licensed under cc0 so effectively public domain you can do whatever you don't have to credit me even though an attribution is always welcome once again thanks for watching and i'll see you in the next video bye i would just like to interject for a moment what you're referring to as linux is in fact new slash linux or as i've recently taken to calling it gnu plus linux linux is not an operating system unto itself but rather another free component of a fully functioning new system made useful by the new corelibs shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full os
Channel: unfa
Views: 30,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: linux audio, free music software, foss audio, libre music production, unfamusic
Id: ikPR1b9pbqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 45sec (2865 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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