How to make awesome video ANIMATIONS in PHOTOSHOP

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right now I'm going to show you how to create an animation inside of Photoshop [Music] hey cafe crew it's Colin Smith you from Photoshop and today I'm going to show you how to create an animation inside a Photoshop so I'm going to teach you first of all the basics of how animation works and then we're going to take this picture of God here of a jet and we're gonna animate it and add a couple of cool little touches into it and by the way if you're new here and you haven't subscribed yet yet subscribe and like let's jump in alright so what I have here is three different layers we look at the background layer here this is a shot I shut out the window of a hotel in New York City and obviously I've done a couple of things to it to just kind of make it look a little more interesting then we've got this jet it's just a 3d model that I rendered out here inside of Photoshop and then I have another layer here that I created which is just kind of a little flame out the back for the exhaust so we could kind of attach that to the jet for fun so essentially what we want to do is we want to animate this jet for the top of the screen to the bottom okay if we want to animate this what we do is go up under window and in under the window we're gonna go down to timeline and you'll see this timeline here and this is where we create our animation there's certain things to see in here let's just close this up for now this is our timeline it shows a duration of time right now it's only 15 frames and if we click and drag our playhead notice nothing is happening we want to make this longer let's make it about 5 seconds so what we're gonna do is click and drag and notice that now we can see the amount of time here there's one second there's two seconds there's three seconds so we want to make it 5 so what we can do is we can make this shorter here so this is not changing the speed or the duration what it's doing is it's just zooming out so we can play around and have a little bit more time to play with you all right so let's say that 2 5 seconds now if this playhead was to play it would go through 5 seconds notice that when it gets to here it disappears and that's because the other two layers here are not all the way up to five seconds so why don't we to extend these and now everything is set so we've set the stage and let's just zoom in a little bit to make it easier to work with all right so here we have five seconds and three layers now we want to move these over time so what we want to do is we're going to choose the beginning position so I'm going to choose the jet and the exhaust and you'll see these around separate layers there see that but let's drag them both up to the starting position so we want this to start here just coming into the frame a little bit all right so what we want to do now is we want to move that jet from the top to the bottom of that screen over the course of five seconds and I'm going to show you how to do that right now so what we do is we're gonna choose the jet layer first let's just click on the jet notice that that selected notice it's selected here if I choose a layer see how they correlate and then there's the background so we're gonna start with the jib and let's twirl open the little arrow and this is going to give us animation options we have three options here position is where do you want to change it over time opacity is changing the transparency and in this style is working you guessed it with a layer style all right so why don't we start with the position so I'm gonna turn on the stopwatch which means now it's recording keyframes you'll see the little yellow diamond that little diamond here is saying hey we've got a keyframe now that means I've marked the beginning position now a keyframe on its own doesn't do anything all it's doing is marking something and in this case we're marking position and say this is where we're gonna start now the keyframe is a listener it's listening looking for another keyframe and so it's not gonna do anything until it finds another keyframe and then when it finds a second keyframe it's gonna animate over time the difference between this keyframe and what's different than the other keyframe I'm Tim so we have keyframe one which is our beginning which is at zero seconds and this is time on our timeline we're gonna move our play head all the way forward to five seconds in time now now we want to put a second keyframe in a different position and it's gonna take it five seconds to go from the first position to the second the first position is up here the second position now I'm dragging this JIT notice as I do as second keyframe appears so now it's getting ah okay let's take it a little bit further and I'm gonna take it to about there when it's just leaving the frame notice you can change the position and it's not gonna create a new keyframe unless you move the playhead so don't move the playhead until you've got your keyframe set up okay let's see how this works if you're that so essentially what we've done is we've created a frame here imagine a frame by frame animation and then I've created a second frame here Photoshop has created all the in-between frames to give us this animation over the course of five seconds so if I hit the spacebar we can watch this animate great now we want to animate the flame that's also behind the jet the exhaust so why don't we just twirl this up for now and let's open the exhaust and once again we're gonna click on position we know that that's starting there let's go forward in five seconds we know we want to attach it to the back of the jet with the exhaust layer selected we can click our exhaust look at that and then just place it at the back of our jet notice a keyframe is created and now we've got that see that all right so I've got a basic animation let me hit the spacebar and you can see how that's working okay why don't we want to do a little bit more with this what if we want to have the jet starting off slowly and then have it suddenly accelerate can we do that of course we can what we do is we go back under a jet here and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna have it go forward mmm I like it to about there so that's getting up out there it's gonna go slow so we're gonna add another keyframe so we can force a keyframe by clicking here on that diamond and now we have a keyframe now nothing's really gonna change it's still gonna look the same if we play it see that nothing nothing has changed and to make sure we're matching that's good and do the same thing for the exhaust with the exhaust layer click on there and now we've added a keyframe okay so what's the point in adding this keyframe in the middle all right here's the thing remember animation is nothing more than changing position over time so if I'm going from point A to point B and it takes me five seconds to get there that's a five second animation if I add a point in the middle which is around about two and a half seconds which is what I've done is I know it takes two and a half seconds to get to that key frame and another two and a half seconds to get to the other keyframe which is five seconds there's no change in speed but what if I move a keyframe what if I'm going in that amount of distance is still in the same position but now it happens earlier or it happens later that's gonna change the speed watch this so if I take this keyframe and I move this to say here notice what happens now now it's getting really slow but watch what happens when I hit a keyframe see it speeds up and that's because we're still in the middle but now the keyframe is not in the middle so that means more time has passed for it to go from here to there and if we travel the same distance and it takes more time guess what you're traveling slower and because of that that means now there's less distance here so we're traveling less distance in the same amount of time means you're moving faster okay so let's go down and we're gonna do the same thing with Rizzoli's this click and air exhaust and let's drag that to that position now notice now it lines up before it wasn't because the exhaust was actually going faster than the jet now that we've lined these two out let's have a look look at that see that exhaust is on and then it speeds off now one of the things I want to do though is this exhaust is the afterburner so I don't want the exhaust on until I hit here because when I hit here when there afterburner to kick in which makes the jet go faster okay so we can do that by using opacity let's go to the beginning turn on a pasady now under the exhaust which is the exhaust layer take the opacity to zero that now makes it invisible now if I go all the way to here and I turn the opacity up to a hundred what it's gonna do is it's just gonna slowly turn that up over time watch this see how that's just slowly fading in we don't necessarily want that do we so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go back one keyframe I'm gonna apply another opacity this time I'm gonna take this a pass 'ti to zero so now that means in this amount of time between first keyframe and the next keyframe there's no opacity then I go here and I turn it on and watch what happens if I hit the spacebar now we've got the jet going slow watch this afterburner kicks in and it goes faster alright let's go and add another level of realism because right now it's kind of we don't know how big it is we don't know where it is in space we just know it's kind of floating nude because there's nothing there to give it a real-world position or context and we can do that by creating a shadow and what I want to do now is I'm gonna create a shadow but what I'm gonna do with this shadow is I'm actually gonna make it a layer style so let's go into FX and then this choose drop shadow okay so I want to create a shadow here from this Djinn so what we want to do is change the distance and by the way we can just click and drag and if I click and drag here I can put this shadow there now I want to change the size of it a little bit make it a little bit softer there we go and there pasady down just a little bit there we go so now if I'm to play this we're gonna have this shadow watch this and because we used a layer style the shadows with the JIT but what if we kick in this off the burner and we want to make it look like the JIT is climbing how do we do that well quite simple let's go up under style we're gonna turn on style now what we're gonna do is we're gonna go to the second keyframe right there now we're gonna turn on the drop shadow and what we're gonna do is drop the opacity down a little bit cuz that makes it look like it's getting further away because if you look at a shadow as a shadow gets closer it gets harder edged and darker as this shadow gets further away from the object it gets off the edge and more transparent okay so we've changed the opacity a little bit let's put the size up just a little make it a little softer and we can even increase the distance let's click and drag a little bit with the distance okay click OK let's have a look and see what's happening see how that shadow is starting to change we can make it even more dramatic if we want let's go make it more dramatic so we're gonna double click OK make sure we've got our style is double click on our drop shadow let's make it even more transparent and see how that looks and notice I can just test this by scrubbing in the timeline and see how now that shadows getting softer and more transparent as that Jets climbing let's have a look here let's play it through and you can kind of see that happening there now if you wanted to jet to make it look like it was going a little bit higher you could drag the jet up of course by just simply just clicking and dragging there on the jet and this also did that with the exhaust now watch this at the space bar is the jet flying slowly and now starts to accelerate and climb away we could go even further with this and why don't we because one of the things that happens is the jet has a heat behind it so we want to have some kind of a heat signature let's create that right now so the way to create a heat signature is I'm gonna go here let's just go to the middle somewhere just so we can kind of see it and actually just move forward just when the Jets getting off the screen that will be good about there okay what we want to do is we're gonna duplicate that background so just hit ctrl J makes a copy of it and now we're gonna play a filter to this so let's choose filter and then we're gonna go and we're gonna give this a ripple kind of a look so we're getting under filter we're gonna choose to distort and why don't we give it a ripple and this is gonna be like a heat signature coming behind the jet so let's increase that ripple this make it pretty strong we can change the size of it small is probably not good mmm let's go medium and if we click OK this is the heat signature behind the plane the problem is we have the heat signature across the whole photo we just want to have it going behind the aircraft and we can do that by using a mask so why don't we hide it with a mask so we're just gonna hide entire layer hold down the alt or the option key and create a mosque now the reason I held the Outland option is it creates an inverted mosque which is black which hides the contents of that layer now we just want to have a little bit of a heat signature going behind the jet so we're gonna click that mask we can hit the beef a brush and let's make sure we got white for the foreground just grab a soft brush 100% opacity and then what we're gonna do is I'm hitting your bright bracket key to make them make it bigger I'm just painting in a little bit of that heat sink just make it even bigger so fades a little bit behind that jet so now we have the heat signature but we need that to follow it follow that jet cuz right now if we fly you know notice it's just going there and that heat signature just comes on there we want this going the entire time okay how do we do that well let's go to the end let's scrub down here's our layer to copy this is the one we're gonna be working on now notice this has got a little bit weird it's okay we just want to make sure the starts at the beginning so just click and drag this across there we go make sure we've got our five seconds there let's increase that great alright so we've got to have five seconds and if we scroll up here the exhaust is still in the same place we're just setting this up okay what we want to do now is we want to just animate this so what we want to do is unlink that layer mask and now we're going to click on the layer mask and notice here we've got layer mask position so we're gonna turn on layer mask position also notice we're starting at the end frame so we're gonna work backwards with this animation so there's the endless good at the beginning and you know why I don't want it to kick in until the afterburner kicks in so we don't need the heat signature until this picks in then it's really gonna pick up a team all right great so why don't we move the position now we're gonna take that layer mask and we're just gonna drag it up notice where it is now until it's behind a jet there it is and let's have a look at that so let's just scroll down a little bit here and we can see there's our heat signature following the jet but notice it disappears here it just sits there static because we have an animated that part yet so let's go to the very beginning and we're just gonna just scroll this just to put it in position so we're just dragging that heat signature behind that plane and now if we look at it it should more or less be following it there we go that's great so what I want to do is it's have a look at this first of all with this heat signature the whole way let's hit the spacebar and watch it and then it kicks in with the afterburner so I don't want it to kick in until the afterburner so let's go down here and we're on this layer here and we're working with this background layer what we're gonna do is go back here we've got our opacity set at 100 this is our second layer here we want to click on opacity we know our pasady set at 100 let's go back one frame drag the pasady all the way to zero and now that's not gonna show until we get here at now the heat signatures going to go on as the afterburner kicks in so let's hit the spacebar to play it there's our jet just flying afterburner kicks in ripples there and notice too that that shadow changes all right when we're ready to export this as a video what we do is go up under file export render video then we're just gonna choose a location give it a name and the default settings here look pretty good we've got Adobe Media encoder you've got two options here let's just choose that h.264 is great high quality and the document size now there are presets if you want to go under here you could go down and you could find something like a YouTube preset or something like that so if I wanted to do it that way I could in this case it vertical so it would work nicely for Instagram stories or something like that or I could just let it box it if I wanted to put it inside of YouTube and that will just automatically do that if I choose that sitting there for 1080 so that's what you're gonna do and then just click render and this will render the video out and make the video for you then when you're done you just played a video and there we go alright guys so there we go we've just gone from very basics of animation all the way through to a little bit more advanced to add some realism in your movement inside of Photoshop now I've got a question for you have you guys done any animations in Photoshop before or even aware that Photoshop could do animations I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments underneath and by the way if you guys are new here hit that subscribe button you'll become part of the cafe crew also turn on all notifications so you'll know when I upload a new tutorial which is every single week and also right now while we're getting through the coronavirus every Thursday I'm doing a live stream it's Thursday at 1 p.m. Pacific Standard Time or California time each day I tune in with us is the beginning of April right now at least till the end of April I'm gonna be doing these I'd love you to come and join us at here on YouTube at the photo shop cafe channel anyway guys if you like this smash the like button into this and until next time I'll see you at the cafe you
Channel: photoshopCAFE
Views: 42,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photoshop, tutorial, photoshop tutorial, learn photoshop, how to, photography, colin smith, photoshopcafe, colin smith tutorial, photoshopcafe tutorial, adobe photoshop, animation, motion, motion effects, timeline, how to animate, make things move in photoshop, photoshop video, motion graphics, mograph
Id: 0X0OaBmhXDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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