How to Dry Brine Salmon

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how do we get the absolute best flavor out of salmon stay tuned I'm Italian [Music] it's super awesome that you spending some time with me today and checking this video out if you're not a subscriber please hit the subscribe button down below maybe even hit the bell icon up there and that'll keep you in tune with all the videos that I'm posting to do with awesome food and also beer all fish is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids our body doesn't produce omega-3 fatty acids so it's important that we get them through our foods or supplements omega-3 fatty acids are so important to our bodies they help lower the risk of heart attacks they improve our circulation they reduce our cholesterol the American Heart Association suggests that we have fish at least two times a week they excuse some of us use for not eating fishes while fish is loaded with mercury and other contaminants the fact is the fish that have mercury issues are usually your deeper C fatty fish swordfish mackerel tuna things like that and that's it the American Heart Association says at least few times a week do you eat fish two times a week leave it in the comments below on average how many times per week do you eat fish I'm gonna tell you the truth mine is probably less than one fish are vital to living longer so how do we get excited about fish so that we incorporate it more often in our diets when you order or you cooked fish there's two things that really separate a great fish meal from a not-so-good fish meal overcooking it versus cooking it properly and then brining it versus not brining it so I'm going to show you how to do a dry brine specifically for salmon but it would be great for trout many other fish meals but it's gonna help make sure that you get to look forward to incorporating fish in your diet twice a week if not more the first thing we want to do is to create a place for the salmon after we get the brine on it what's gonna happen is the salmon is going to to have a lot of moisture sucked out of it so I'm gonna put it on this pan and to kind of control the Matt I'm just gonna kind of fold the tinfoil create a little bit of a lip here let's do that on all four sides this is just gonna help control them back now let's go ahead and create our prime we're just gonna put this in a small bowl first thing we're gonna go with is Morton's Tennant way and this is a great curing salt it's perfect for this purpose we're gonna use a combination of this and some kosher salt we're going to use a pork cup or cup of more than to tender quick and then we're going to use a quarter cup of Morton's course kosher salt so those are our salts that we're going to use and that's gonna do the curing for us but we need to balance that with some sugar and we're gonna use brown sugar brown sugar is gonna give it a nice flavor we're gonna use 3/4 of a cup of brown sugar here's a quarter half and three chords whatever you're brining with rather it's a liquid brine or a dry brine you're really penetrating the meat whether it's beef chicken or in this case fish with flavor so now is a wonderful time to add in some other flavor profiles let's go ahead and add a tablespoon of garlic powder [Music] we're going to add a tablespoon of onion powder and this is a great one this is celery salt but this helps to add kind of a painting us when you're cooking chicken or pork kind of helps develop a smoke ring and it has a nice flavor to it also we're gonna have a tablespoon of this as well and now one of my favorites I really can't cook much without the one coarse black pepper to do a heavy tablespoon of coarse black pepper that's it we're gonna go ahead and whisk this together as with anything when you're cooking feel free to kind of adjust the ingredients if you see another spice that you'd like to see in your brine you know feel free to add in it's a trial-and-error kind of thing however I'm gonna caution you make sure you stay with a dry brine it's real important that our fish be super dry right before we put it on the grill or the smoker or however we're cooking it we want a layer that's called a pellicle to be formed that's gonna help allow whatever we're cooking whatever flavors were cooking with at the time that we actually put it on the grill or the smoker however we're cooking it's gonna allow those flavors to really stick to the fish in this case I'm gonna be smoking it so I really want that smoke and those flavors to really stick to the fish 2.2 pounds piece of salmon here directly from the bursar store today so it's super fresh and that's what you want you want a piece of super fresh fish the fresher the fish the better the result I actually got this on sale $6.99 a pound this still has the skin on it and that's the way I want it you could do this with individual fillets I like cooking the whole thing it's just a lot easier to do a lot easier to maintain I'm gonna brine it like this and I'll cook it like this and then I can cut it into my little fillets later all right so we're not gonna be scared of this we're just gonna dump this whole brawling on here you cannot have too much I don't I really don't want to see any salmon at all I want to cake this on here and they don't want to kind of shape it press it down [Music] I know it looks like a lot but that's what you want and just lay a piece of saran wrap on top nice and loose alright so how long do we brine it for ah the big debate there's so many theories about how long to brine your fish for you know some people will say if you brought it any longer than two hours you dry it out or you you know you introduced too much salt or you know you make it bad and some people say you have to do it for 24 hours I have found that the best length of time to brine it for is whatever makes you happy but you need to do it for at least two hours in my opinion and my suggestion from my research is really do it overnight that's what you're looking for you're looking for a nice long slow brine I wouldn't do it any longer than 8 to 12 hours [Music] I really appreciate you sticking around to watch the whole video check out these other videos over here you may very well be interested in those also the inspiration behind the videos is your feedback and the best way to give me your feedback is to hit the like button down below most importantly hit the subscribe button down below and you can also leave comments I can't wait to see you next time [Music]
Channel: Delmarva Backyard
Views: 97,266
Rating: 4.6927538 out of 5
Keywords: salmon, salmon brine, how to smoke salmon, how to brine salmon, easy smoked salmon, best smoked salmon, dry brine salmon, dry brine for smoked salmon, salmon brine for smoking, how to make smoked salmon, how to dry brine salmon, smoked salmon recipe, smoking salmon, brine salmon, brine salmon for smoking, dry brine for fish, brine salmon before smoking, smoked salmon, smoked salmon brine recipe, salmon brine recipe, making salmon brine, brine for smoked salmon
Id: 0KdqXisLbq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 17 2018
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