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okay you ready for this under the sea oh we're not under the sea anymore oh my gosh this is this is the fastest jet ski I have ever seen oh my gosh oh we're about to the mountain oh hey guys operator JY here and today we're going to be going over how to make missions like I do um a lot of people always ask us you know what mission were you playing on this mome operation what mission were you playing on this one how did you make that mission how' you do this um a lot of people wonder how or where our missions are located that's it's kind of a weird answer because they aren't really located anywhere they're made on the spot but they're made with some template missions and I do want to show you guys um a quick tutorial about how to make a mission I'm going to be doing exactly what to to make those missions um as well as how to Zeus within the missions how to use MCC to your advantage and stuff like that that's really cool about the MCC mod and what you can just do overall in Arma 3 um and its editor and its Zeus capabilities so first thing we're going to do let go up to multiplayer we're going to go server browser we're going to click host server just going to host a land server because we don't really care if anybody else joins um and then from here we're going to go into let's say Altus just because this is going to be a mission that I'm probably going to make a available in the description of this video uh once I'm done with it so pretty much we'll have it load up here it's a good thing to have an SS so that this loads up very quickly that loaded up in about I don't know 20 15 seconds maybe um so we're going to increase our view distance here to be able to see areas and we're going to pick a starting point we pretty much have to pick a starting point what I like to do is not really pick the center of the map because I like to do like full map SE sieges and stuff like that so you can um start at one part of the map you can Siege you know some areas and then you go into the rest of the map so you can have multiple operations on one map and your base isn't really located in a spot where you'll be you know in the middle of a map or in an important objective that would be fun to take over so you don't really want to put your base in an area that is fun to take over you kind of want to put put it in a boring spot let's say like way over here in this little grassy field area we're going to put a base we're going to make a little uh forward operating base so we're going to place some guys down first and pretty much I just have Rifleman as everybody so we're going to place down one Rifleman we're going to wait until it loads cuz it usually just has to load some things while you put the first guy down the second and third and fourth guys it doesn't really matter but the first time you get a good lag Spike okay so we're going to double click on this guy we're going to make sure that he is player and playable now if I clicked play scenario right now I actually play as this guy right here but you need to make sure that if you want to play as him you have at least playable checked in so you don't even have to have player you can just have playable checked and he'll be able you'll be able to play as him that's honestly all you need to really do for this guy now once we have playable and not player checked we're going to copy and paste him so we're going to click on him we're going to let go left control+ C then we're going to go left control V and we're going to paste him now I'm just going to highlight these two guys just to make it a little bit easier and then just continue to copy and paste them and once I got a once I got a good bit of them I'm just going to go like this move them like that and then copy and paste it like this so this makes I don't know what is this 8 by 4 so that makes about a 32 player mission right there so again with these 32 guys on the ground that allows 32 people to get into the server and and Slot up pretty much so if you want a 64 slot server then you're going to want to multiply this times two you're going to add 64 more guys and these guys won't appear whenever the mission actually starts these are just spawn points I'll show you how to make them not appear on the start whenever you launch the game um but here is just you know a a pretty unorganized mess of guys we're just going to put them all in one spot so that they spawn in the I guess sameish area um and that's pretty much all you really need to do as well as set up your respawn systems so one thing we're going to do is go to systems we're going to go to multiplayer we're going to go resawn position and we're just going to select a respawn position right here now this isn't the only respawn position we're going to make in the mission and I'll show you how that is later on but we're going to make sure that we have side as blue four it is default at leading side which you don't really want you want it to be blue four so we're going to go Blue for and that is our respond point now how do we really respond there you're going to go to attributes you're going to go to multiplayer then you're going to go to respawn you're going to go respawn on custom position this will have you respawn on this respawn position here um so you want to make sure that you have this all perfect so you're going to want to copy everything that I do here you're going to want to go select respawn position and I think that should be fine respawn delay don't really have it zero seconds I usually have it around like 5 to 10 just because that gives you some time to kind of think oh I'm dead um because if you die and then you instantly respawn it's kind of confusing sometimes so you do want a kind of a timer to be on there you can also have a revive system and I do like to have this a lot because it is very very nice there are custom revive systems for some mods but I really do like the vanilla one because it's just simple and it works with every single mod out there so make sure that it's enabled for all players make sure the required trait is at none required items honestly just this is a basic Mission so we're just going to do a first aid kit and medkit so that means that to revive somebody you either have to have one of these items um you can also have the first aid kit consumed on on the revive so if someone revives you then their first aid kit is consumed in that revive um revive duration you can put that as long as you want I usually have it at 10 seconds and then you can have the Medics if you set any Medics up this is a little bit more advanced so we're not really going to do this you can actually uh multiply the speed at which Medics revive you because that makes Medics more important uh Force respawn can be 3 seconds sped out duration put it around 3 minutes just because that's a little bit harder if it's around 20 seconds or something and that's pretty much it that that is honestly pretty simple and that that's as simple as it gets so we're just going to build a little fob around this I think I already have some pre-made fobs I have a small fob here oh wait no that's not is that a small fob oh yeah it is um so we're going to get this one we're going to cut out all this stuff cuz we don't really need it and we're just going to make this a spawn point it's kind of nice to have the spawn point kind of protected so that Vehicles can't drive into it if you're playing on a public server especially you'll have a lot of people that are just going to come in and want to run like other people over um so you want to make sure that vehicles are separate from the spawn point and separate from the spot that people are going to be choosing the loadouts so um this is a pretty basic place I'll just show you how to spawn these things in by itself you can go to structures Altus you can go to Military and there's all of these different structures in here that you can choose from you can actually get like buildings in here as well you can you can pretty much move them around whatever you want um by the way for anybody that wants to know how to use a 3D editor holding shift while clicking allows you to spin an object holding alt will allow you to move its height up and down and then you can just you know do other stuff with it it's pretty pretty basic pretty uh self-explanatory we're going to lift everything and then drop it back down lift the thing here drop it back down just make sure that everything is on the ground like normal I think everything's on the ground um so we should be good to go I'm going to remove some of the Clutter and we should be good to go now if you test this out by yourself the re the revive won't work because the game knows that nobody else is there to revive you so it won't even use the revive at first um but that is basically how to set up a quick easy revive system now once we actually go and play the scenario in multiplayer I'll show you guys a really cool thing about it um is that here's the 64 slots again so there's 64 slots here um as you can see it goes all the way down you can enable AI or you can disable it so as you see when we when we have it enabled you see the one out of 64 slots but when you disable it it's just one out of one because it's only you in here now um and it's nobody else so we're going to click okay and we are almost loaded in almost loaded in and we are loaded in and this is an extremely small Mission size just because all it is is some guys that are placed down and you know that's pretty much it so once the respawn starts we click respawn and we are in the game now this is pretty cool what I'm going to show you next this is the MCC mod this is going to help us out a lot when we make missions so you're going to scroll to the MCC mod again this is available on steamworkshop armaholic and a lot of other sites to be honest uh you can click on the MCC and you're going to log in you can also adjust your uh view distance and your grass in multiplayer by the way which is something that you can't really do uh default you're going to click the login button and therefore we are logged in as the mission maker of this Mission you can actually do Mission generators which is really cool this is really easy way to just make some missions um but if you don't really want to do that you can also be a Zeus um you can access Your Arsenal a personal Arsenal here but we're going to pretty much use the MCC to create an Arsenal for oh sorry I just I just changed channels for our uh friends to use so we're going to spawn an ammo box so we're going to scroll down to wherever ammo boxes are I honestly think they're here yep we're going to spawn down to the ammo boxes we're going to spawn an ammo box like a let's say uh let's see what's in here a cargo net let's spawn a cargo net so we're going to spawn a cargo net NATO we're going to clear it out of all its inventory um and then we're going to double click on it we're going to go to pickable object we're going to do this little drop down and we're going to click virtual Arsenal bi s so we're going to add that we're going to add that preset by clicking the add preset button and then we're going to click okay now this adds an Arsenal now another useful thing is the respawn on start mechanic of a uh V which is a different type of Arsenal this is a like third party made Arsenal instead of the uh Bohemian reactive Arsenal so we're going to add a vas and then we're going to click add preset we're going to bring that over as well so we have two different boxes here we have an arsenal we have a virtual AR or virtual ammo box so here you can click Arsenal anyone can come up to this and click Arsenal and they can edit their Loadout so if one of your guys wants to be a sniper even though they picked The Rifleman Loadout at first they can now customize their load out whatever they way they want it um so you know you can have a a Tropic thing with I don't know let's try to get a cool let's try to get a cool load out going or something um and get a full Gilli in here yeah perfect we're going to do this on Altus great idea um but as you can see you know I can make a pretty quick load out for a sniper really easily now if I want this load out to respawn or whenever I respawn I want it to still be here um you can actually go over to this virtual ammo box you can click save gear you can save this as something so I want to save this as you know sniper 11 um so I'm going to save that in Sniper 11 slot go over to load gear you're going to click on sniper 11 you're going to click load on respawn this will make it where if you die which I'm going to die right now if you die whenever you respawn you're going to be able to pretty much have the same load out whenever you respawn so as you can see I loaded the same load out if I pull my gun out I'm going to have the same sniper rifle same ghilly suit on and all that stuff now we're going to talk about some basic Zeus in what I do in missions to um help out myself a lot now I'm going to show you what you can do with the Aries mod so first we're going to place down a unit so we already placed down a little assistant uh like Rocketeer or I don't know what this is like missile specialist um so once we place this guy down and we want to kind of have him do some pretty intelligent things by himself we can actually go to AI behaviors in our module section which is part of the Aries mod and we can actually click Garrison building instant he'll instantly transfer into a defensive position inside of a building now as you can see he's at this doorway kind of looking out if I spawn lots of different guys all over the area if I spawn them here here here here here here here here here then they will actually if I start garrisoning them they will actually kind of teleport into the building so I don't actually have to manually place them and it's kind of randomized so so it's a little bit more I guess balanced for you to as a Zeus make sure it's kind of randomized so as you can see some of the guys will be in this building right here kind of like trying to look out a window crack or something this guy over here will be looking out that window there so it's kind of intelligent locations where they sit they try to focus on looking out doors and windows or sitting at the corners of objects if there's not really any buildings around it's pretty nice now that that is a pretty you know setup AO you could do some CQB clearing but let's do some patrols let's make a a little bit more um you know like realistic so we're going to just going to do a manual Patrol over here on this hill so we're going to place you know two Riflemen actually probably because they're on patrol it's probably Riflemen light I would want for this just because they have a little bit better um stamina now if we want them to patrol we can actually hold left control as we right click and that'll make way points that'll make multiple way points for them now if we want them to cycle through these way points if we want them to once they're done going through Waypoint one Waypoint 2 Waypoint 3 if we want them to go over that Waypoint again and make kind of like a circle a cycle then we can hold left control and ALT and make it a cycle by right clicking again so that was again left control I held to make these three objectives with the right click and then this one was a left control and left alt and that will make it where um you can have it where it Cycles their patrol but if you want to do a patrol automatically um Aries can do that for you pretty dang easily and it's kind of nice how it does it so I can actually go to Aries AI behaviors click Patrol I can put the patrol on them and I can begin a patrol with the size of whatever I want so if I want them patrol around 200 m in diameter then I can have them Patrol 200 MERS if I want them 100 MERS this is probably a good distance I want for them patrolling the town then I can do that if I want the behavior of all the way points they're going to to be relaxed or cautious or searching I can do that as well relax is probably a regular Patrol so I'm going to do that um delay it way points you can actually have them stop at way points and sit there for a second look around and then have them continue um we're just not even going to do that we're going to do this you can also have them do like clockwise or counterclockwise cuz this will be in a circle so we can select clockwise and these guys will actually go Patrol in a clockwise formation all around the town now as you can see these way points are a little bit farther out so I can actually adjust these way points on the Fly and move them in closer to the mission AO to make it a little bit more realistic of a patrol when to move these way points down and as you can see now it's a pretty realistic Patrol you see that they're patrolling the roads especially all around the place and they're going to make the a little bit better now you can also do this with vehicles so let's spawn a you know a good I don't know let's spawn like a quillin armed or something if we spawn a quillin armed and we have it driving around then you can actually do the same thing if you want it to just be patrolling a large area then you can go Patrol I want you to patrol 2 in meters and I want you to be relaxed about it so this will just casually Patrol these 200 M areas and he'll go and drive around hopefully he won't hit any objects cuz Ai and R 3 are terrible driving but as you can see he'll start making his way over to this Waypoint he'll start you know patrolling the roads and that's that's pretty simple that's literally two clicks just to get a guy on the ground and to get him patrolling an area so if we want to set up a lot of Patrol so if we want to make this objective really realistic just kind of copy what I do right now so I'm going to spawn two more Rifleman light and I'll make them kind of Patrol the area a little bit here wait actually I didn't do that correctly make them Patrol the area and as you can see now they're patrolling and got some guys in there if we want to make some cars just kind of be sitting in the area to make it look like it's inhabited by the seasat forces we can put some quill and armed in like a big compound here make it look like they've been sitting here for a while we can put some ammo trucks to the side as well that knock down a fence but as you can see you know you can pretty much make an area look like a compound that is controlled by a military force you can also set up a patrol just within this compound as well of maybe one or two guys oh he'll they're actually connected to this guy um so let me delete him but yeah you can actually set up a troll of these two guys within 50 m and they'll start you know patrolling pretty casually Just Around 50 m and that's really nice because then I mean the place looks really realistic and to attack this town you would actually have to face some some interesting spots where you know you might not see this guy in this doorway you might not know that there's guys in this building looking at the windows there's some pretty intelligently placed Ai and that's just through a mod called Aries that's pretty useful now you can actually send reinforcements which are really really nice cuz it is really hard to script um I guess things disembarking and things flying away once they disembark to their people and stuff this is an automatic script it is awesome and it's so easy to use so what you're going to do is imagine a helicopter coming down and dropping like a good squad of troops that that's pretty much what we're going to do here um and then the helicopter flies away and goes back into the distance and it disappears after you know it gets far far enough away from your guys so you don't really see it disappear so we're going to create a new LZ this is the L zone for that helicopter so you want it to be a pretty clear area so we can do an LZ and then we can do a rally point so once they get out of the helicopter at this LZ they can go to this Rally Point which is you know maybe they're reinforcing this compound so they want to go to this compound so we also want to go and spawn the units and we want to spawn them quite far away because a helicopter spawning might be an instant really really loud sound so we want to make sure that this is a good you know mile or two away so we can go here we can do unarm aircraft and we can do rtb and respawn and boom so as you can see we have a full Taro that is heading towards the objective that will go and land at that LZ and drop its people off and those people will go and walk into the objective now and that's a pretty simple script you can do that and it's honestly very realistic they will come and land they will walk towards the objective the helicopter will fly off it's a pretty simple basic thing to do now you can also spawn vehicle units I'm not going to be doing this far away just for the sake of time um but you can actually spawn vehicle unit units as well you can do you know armed light Vehicles this will spawn here and what it will do it will drop people at the same spot just like the helicopter will this effort will come over here it'll drop people at this LZ and then those people on foot will walk towards the Rally Point in the town that is right here so as you can see the if's going over there now you'll be able to see it drop off people once it gets to that spot this helicopter is landing here as well as you can see iFit is dropping off people and once they're all dropped off they will start heading towards that town and this if it will provide covering fire for a second and then it will should it should rtb and re uh like go disappear over here as you can see that if's kind of causing that tar to not know what it's doing but as you can see these guys are going towards the objective and it's a pretty intelligent move they look like they're they an actual Squad of guys in formation walking towards their Rally Point which is really cool see they're all slowly hopping out once they're all popped out the helicopter leaves and it will rtb and despawn now as you can see that helicopter brought a lot more guys than that eff did so this will be a formidable force and that helicopter was definitely allow object so it gives your team you know time to react to it time to possibly even take down the helicopter before it lands tons of uh soldiers in your area and the soldiers will go and Cloud crowd up the uh the Rally Point so guys that is the the basic stuff honestly there's a lot of interesting stuff that you can try out and that you'll learn over time with MCC with Aries as well and they are really awesome you know like mods to work with and they have made almost all the missions that you see on my channel so I hope you guys really really like this tutorial hopefully that that was very appreciated by you guys if you guys would like to see more tutorials like this in the future make sure to leave me a like and a comment in the comment section down below about what you would like to me like me to make a tutorial off of and I will see you guys next time thanks for watching and have a great [Music] day so good oh that's going to be [Music] such oh hello we made it no this can't happen no yeah get him buddy contact man what oh my god look down oh oh God
Channel: OperatorDrewski
Views: 572,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arma 3, mission tutorial, editor, zeus, drewski, arma, guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 04 2016
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