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hi guys sarit here and welcome to the zeus basics workshop i'm gonna show you everything you need to know to host a simple operation this will include all relevant controls modules and a few little tricks to make you a more effective zeus first thing to talk about is how to get zeus and how to set up a mission for that we'll be using the eden editor so you go to single player editor we'll use altus now this is the arma 3 sandbox builder to set up your missions there's much more about ethan than what we'll be using it for today you can place objects in eden editor with much higher precision and control than in zeus as a lot of the objects are a little finicky to place down in zeus itself so to build detailed areas like bases i do recommend using eden now to get zeus from eden you'll have to place down a unit it doesn't matter which one we'll put down at crewmen and you'll notice the red little circle around the blue unit indicator here that means that this player is now the player or the this unit is now the player unit right here player unit i'm gonna need to set the variable name we'll set that to zeus and then to give this unit zeus you need to go to modules zeus and then game master set the owner the exact same name this is case sensitive so set it the exact same name either copy paste or type it in and set the default add-ons to all add-ons including the unofficial ones all right now we're done now to get this quickly if you're hosting a lot of operations and you're building many many things i recommend you make a custom composition out of this [Music] of which i do have one right here zeus and i hit my enter on my numpad to play or you just hit the play button in the bottom right [Music] all right now that we're in game you'll see we can play as my character uh first thing you do is you press y now if you now see a little ping up here you hear the the the ping and you'll see the little zeus eye in the middle of the screen something went wrong in that step in eden editor um and you're gonna have to uh redo that again if not then you should be uh should be getting zeus uh like me here now firstly we'll we'll talk about a few controls uh wasd to move your camera around q and z to do the elevation for the camera and shift to speed all these up all right then we got a few things in the interface of zeus if you press e and r you can hide and show the tabs on the left and the right of your screen here if you press backspace you'll remove the whole interface now we got for november for night vision and if you press it again you'll get the default arma thermals now we have a3 ti enabled so if we press b bravo we'll get the a3 ti thermals uh both in black and white you got a little clock and a compass in the top uh those are k and o the default buttons for your compass and your watch are also the buttons for the compass and the time in the top of the screen here and that's pretty much it for the interface now if you press m you'll open the map press t you'll toggle the textures with miramas you can move the camera around and now there's a quicker way to do the camera if you're you have a location that is uh that you need to be at often so let's put down a afia squad right here to indicate this like this would be our our spawn area i can do control f1 so the function keys and you'll see a little flash like you're being flashbanged this is call it a flash point if you now move to another location now you need to you need to go back and spawn because somebody died or somebody is uh is reconnecting you can press the f1 key and you'll be you'll teleport your camera to that location where you saved it instantly very handy i use it all the time i refer to it in some of my videos as well setting the f1 to the spawn and the f4 to like the final objective and then f2 and three to the locations where the teams are at currently so that way you can easily teleport a player like that and then let's say the players are operating right here i'll set f3 there so i can do teleport player f3 and that's it super quick all right so now that we got that down we got the controls down uh we'll start with the create tab on the right here first thing is singular units we'll delete this first thing is singular units you got the blue four up for independent and civilian tab and then empty empty is a lot there's a lot of uh little props objects all that stuff but this also includes mines so if you go to things and then explosives you can you can place down ieds all right so the create tab the single one is for singular units single single object single units single units the groups will place down groups of infantry and groups of groups of everything really uh in all of the factions and the civilian does not have any groups there however their groups and then the empty will show you composition so like this you'll have a field barracks it will take a little while to load but there we go now if i hit backspace again i'll i'll take away the interface so you don't see all those yellow yellow thingies um this usually works quite well putting this down in zeus however some items may start flying or they're they're gonna be skew like this is this is quite level but if it's on a rock like this for example um so if you do use this in zeus you're gonna have to go around the place and check if uh if things are not breaking people's immersion because realistically nobody would place down their sound back like this um yeah you will notice when you load in azus that way that you're gonna have this game master module uh don't delete this because you'll delete your zeus firms you'll see this on the server as well usually that will be in debug corner which is the bottom left um don't delete that it's it's going to break your game right so on the right here we got units we got groups now we got modules uh we're going to go over some of these there's a lot of modules here in the advanced workshop i'll go over most of these not every single one but in the beginner workshop the basic workshop will cover the essential ones you need to know to host your uh your first operation we got markers over there so uh if you have a hq you can mark that up like that and if you then open your map we'll teleport our zeus somewhere else like that uh you see that there's now a marker um so instead of ending a completely empty map it's uh it's nice to have a few like enemy locations and friendly locations to make it feel a little bit more alive all right we'll get going on some of the uh some of the controls for ai we'll go to a city right here and we'll put them down on this on these crossroads now ai pathing is going to be a little finicky you're going to have to get used to how ai works how ai pathfinding works with the different stances and the different modes all right so we'll get started on the units here we'll just put down a simple rifleman for now to show you the the first things here um if you double click the the little box above the unit in the in the case of blue fur that's going to be a blue rectangle you're going to see this now here you can edit their call sign uh unless the players will see them on their either c tab or on the map there's really no use of editing this at all here's the information this is only when it's a group and it will give them information when they're in aware mode so if you send them from one place to another they will move in that formation here's behavior careless barely ever you use this because they'll be careless if they get shot at they'll not do anything if you set them too safe they'll start moving around with their gun down and following roads if you set them too aware they do kind of follow roads but they'll have their gun up like they're constantly aware and looking for players if you set them to combat they'll be moving from cover to cover or like prone covering each other etc and to stealth they'll be prone and they'll be crawling around and trying to be stealthy default will be the aware all right as for the combat mode and there's the speed limited this will make sure that they're only walking normal we'll just let them combat pace and then you got full they will just full sprint stances self-explanatory prone crouched standing up and automatic i usually leave it on animatic unless i have him like standing in a building where he can't see anything unless he is standing up um so i'll force him to stand up in that case force that unit or force that group to stand up and then here's the stuff you can do for executing uh codes and scripts onto the units we'll not get into this in the basic workshop we might in the advanced and there's one last thing here there's the side you can change the side for units after placing them down beware for using the civilian though uh if a civilian unit has a weapon they'll just shoot everything all right so you place down your unit but you want them somewhere else you don't have to delete them you can just hold and drag them into the in this case construction site if we want them on the ground floor it's pretty easy you can do it like that sometimes it will put them like underground it's gonna be a little finicky it's still arma [Music] but if you want them on top of a balcony you can hold alt and change the elevation here so let's say we want this guy on the balcony right there we can hold alt if you just copy paste that works too it will copy and paste your unit [Music] so let's let's put three dudes down like that all right now if we want them you you already saw me doing it if you want them to to look in a different direction you're gonna have to hold shift so we'll put this guy on this balcony but we want this dude to be looking down that way and we want this dude to be looking down that way down the the other street if you hold shift and you click on the unit with left mouse button and you drag him into the direction that you want him to look it will turn the unit sometimes especially when you have the unit's garrison they'll just look in a specific direction uh there's no way around that as far as i know a fun little thing you can do with the alt so raising the the units into the air you can actually make people para drop that way so we if you raise them high enough [Music] it will create a little parachute as obviously the game understands that they're going to die if they don't so you can pair drop units like that without having to use any aircraft or whatever uh same thing for like little surprise supply crates so if we go for supplies we can pair drop a a standard supply crate like this you usually would do this a little higher but if if players would need a a resupply you can pair drop stuff in like that all right let's get to weight points and showing your ai around we'll now get a little patrol going so we can select the sentry here i do this all the time these are very handy just make sure that they don't include any units that you don't want the enemy to have so things like anti-air if you're saying that there's no anti-air in the area and you got little birds flying around um the ai will just shoot them down regardless because well you've been using groups including anti-air like the air defense team pretty obvious but sometimes it's not as obvious all right like i said we're going to get going for patrols um we got a little patrol here first waypoint you can set is just right-click so you select the units like that or you select a single unit and because these two are grouped uh it will send that one too but i usually just either select them like that or select the little rectangle above and then right click to do the first wait point the first move waypoint you can also do a attack waypoint so let's say we have a assault squad down right there and we want these units to attack that way but you see that the little cursor uh colors red and makes like an attack waypoint um if we want them to if you want to add a waypoint to your after your first waypoint so you want these guys to move there first and then to the other corner you can hold ctrl and you'll see the little plus appear you can make them patrol like that the only issue with this is they're gonna stop at the very end there to fix this you hold alt and you'll see the little two arrows in the middle there and it's gonna create a cycle waypoint from their point of origin to the point where you click the alt and back you can add waypoints to this so if you if you already you start off with the alt to do the cycle and then you hit control to add waypoints to that so we can make them patrol around this little block you can accept again move the patrol the waypoints using left mouse button and these guys are now patrolling around this little block of houses as you probably already noticed these guys are uh are sprinting around the area it's not very very relaxed patrol not very realistic either so i usually select the units and go to set to safe and set them to limited so they'll take the roads because of the safe and they'll just walk because of limited the only issue is as soon as they get into contact they'll still be on limited movement speed and they'll only walk everywhere as soon as players come into contact i'll set them all to normal movement speed alright last two controls are delete and end if you need to delete a unit it will delete the unit and if you hit end it will end its life killing the unit or destroying a vehicle etc one more thing about placing down units is if you for example place down a car or a truck or whatever you can there's this place vehicles with crew option in the bottom right there so we can place this vehicle with crew if we want it to be able to drive but if it's a gmg vehicle and we want it just for uh to be a prop or just not to be manned by ai you can hit the place vehicle with crew so it's unchecked and then it will just place it empty like when you want the players to use that vehicle uh you don't want ai in it all right now we're getting into the interesting stuff the modules will only be covering some of the basic modules and the stuff that you need to run your first few operations because there's a lot to to talk about here now depending on if you have lambs you're gonna have either two or three options uh i'll cover the ace option and the lambs option here as the vanilla one is definitely the worst of the three so you put the garrison group module on a group and we'll you'll have task radius that will be the radius in which the group will be looking for a building to garrison we'll set these to 30 meters you got a teleport option if you want them to teleport or not if no then they will walk to the location uh where they would be garrisoned and if yes then this is faster for setting up your mission but if uh if you want to like regars in a a area and players are already there you obviously can't teleport them because that would break immersion you can fill top to bottom and you can do even filling building the building and random filling just figure figure out what that works how that works exactly on your own and you'll be able to use this most effectively and we can teleport it like that and as you see we have teleported our guys to four different buildings here we can still move them and like i said earlier with the direction uh after you've garrisoned your the units and you tried to to make them look in a specific direction they won't they'll just keep looking in one one certain direction i wanted the units in this construction site only so that's what we'll do we'll set these guys we you can just drag them out basically what the garrison module does is it disables the pathing for the ai and now the second one here you can garrison them and then you can understand them so for example they're getting shot at and realistically speaking they wouldn't just stay out there out of cover instead you can understand them so you will allow them to move again allow them to walk again and they can then find their own cover they will still sometimes stay inside the building but at least they won't just stand in a window getting shot at or on a balcony without any cover [Music] and the second option here is the lamb's garrison group uh i prefer using this one if you have this available this is definitely the superior one you can use the group as center or you can put the garrison module down on a building and then just choose a group to to gears in the building or in that radius garrison the the buildings in that radius there's the exit trigger you can set that to random i preferably set that to all as fired near fired and hit meaning if the unit itself fires or the the a gun is fired near the unit within like audible range like 80 meters they'll they'll start moving and if they're hit themselves so i usually set that to all and you can start positions too high just figure out what this how this works exactly definitely teleport the units if you're just setting it up and then the dynamic patrol if you check that part of this group will split off and start a dynamic patrol around the building where you're garrisoning these guys so right now we've set these guys uh up again on a 50 meter radius around that point and again i want them all in this building right here it works pretty much the same uh the thing is now if if they're fired at or firing near or if they're hit they will actually on garrison on their own so it's kind of a intelligent garrisoning module definitely prefer this one to the ace ai garrisoning we won't be covering any of the other ace stuff we will we'll cover all that in a advanced workshop in the near future now depending on your operation usually you want your players to have access to a arsenal now there's this ace arsenal button right here which adds the full ace arsenal you're gonna need to put down something to put that in that can be a car a supply truck anything or supply box anything we have specific ones for sigma arsenal boxes like that so you grab the ace arsenal add full lights arsenal if you have multiple you can hit control again to click and then add it to multiple but if it's just one you'll just click it and that's it there's this this box now contains the ace arsenal we can press y and go out of zeus and check interactions arsenal and this will give us the ace arsenal now the next module here is going to be the ai skill global ai skill both of both in ace ai and in ai they're called the same i prefer to use the ai global ai skill as that will give you a little more option than the than the ace one i forget this all the time but set global skill enabled set this to enable because otherwise this will not do anything now in my opinion the depending on the faction that you're using the ai skill is fine as is in certain situations you're gonna want to change this however some factions are a little more op than others and some situations like at night you don't want the ai to have as much of a spotting distance or as much of a aiming accuracy as they they would have otherwise to make things a little more realistic i'd be using this first thing you would do is set down the general skill uh the aiming accuracy aiming speed and aiming shake um if i feel like i need to change them i usually set them to like 25 or 30 percent as that works fine and then there's the spawning distance say you're doing a a foggy mission or um it's uh there's a lot of foliage yeah i would just laser through foliage and c players is what it feels like to the players um so setting the spotting distance and spotting speed down a little will help for that so you can remember to hit the enabled and then you can just hit okay and that should do it if you go back to the ai skill again it will remember those settings and you can change them again later so it's not a permanent thing all right next section will be the environment here you can set the weather the the time the date the time acceleration and the and you can hide terrain objects here too so let's say we don't want these two rocks here we'll just remove the rocks and we can now set up our base all right so we got the change weather module here first off you'll see the force changes if you set this to no it will trend let the engine transition the the weather from the from the current setting to the one that you want the only thing is and you'll see this in this note here too uh it can desync and differ between the server and between clients so if you want everybody to have the same fog or the same rain or the same everything just set this to yes and just slowly transition it yourself over the course of a few minutes you're gonna have to figure out what exactly the fog altitude and fog decay does uh it's easier to to just mess around with this yourself than for me showing you because it's a little again finicky just mess around with it before you do this during an operation next one is the set date you set the years at the month year doesn't really matter month you can make it a different season so that the days are longer and shorter as you can see the bottom there you'll see that this is uh it's going to be light from say 5 45 to 18 and in january it's only going to be light from 7 to 17. another thing for night ops is going to be the the moon stage so if you drop down the days you'll see that one of the days is going to have a full moon and one of the days is going to have no moon um for night ops i usually prefer to have it like two-thirds towards full moon or or from full moon um as full moon will give you a a very bright environment as i can show you here this is pretty bright if you're doing a night op ai will see you you can players can do this without night vision and they should be alright i usually like to uh to set it to like two-thirds and then players have night vision on no moon at all is gonna make it very dark uh and very hard to see for the players it's gonna be pitch black but again this is uh for you to figure out and for you to uh to play with next option is gonna be skip time now this is gonna be the one you'll you'll want to use if the players are for example uh halo jumping at night and then they're going to be waiting until morning before attacking a certain location for example you you'd skip time as that will show the little um five hours later uh a little cutscene for the players so it's a little more transitional a little more role play they can immerse a bit more than just having the time suddenly change and the weather suddenly change then there's time acceleration um i use this quite often as well you can set this to 60 times making one day 24 minutes uh usually i set it up to like eight times or like 12 times usually i just set it high enough uh so that i can just stop it as soon as i feel like this is uh this is the the amount of light or or like the the sun amount of sun that i need artillery fire mission and create target is something that we'll get into on the intermediate workshop um for now probably the only one you'd be using is the millimeter mortar and maybe the 155 howitzer um 82 millimeter motor would be i'd use that when players are sitting on a hill doing recon or when like they have a base of fire and they're spotted they're getting shot at and they're just sitting there and just deleting all the ai from that hill um and realistically the enemy would be start would start to mortar that location so you'd like send one over there it's like a check round and then walk your mortars onto the players slowly and slowly check some of some of the videos where we do this um we'll we'll enlighten you on how i implement that um don't immediately put down the mortars on the players like this and be like haha you guys got killed that's no fun and we got interiors and the lambs will cover both of these in the intermediate workshop you don't need to know how that works or you don't need to use them on your first few missions they are things to elevate your zeus kind of to the next level um you're perfectly fine without focus on getting your your mission done first getting your your your story make sure that the players are having a good time before you uh well implement more stuff and put more work on yourself as a zeus so the next one here would be the players uh you can create a teleporter if you just put this on a random on a random location it will create a teleportation pole so a a flagpole like that you can also put them on other props on vehicles and it will create a teleporter so we can make this the uh the arsenal we can make that the arsenal and now we have a teleportation poll you can move these around on the server this will lag behind a little so don't be alarmed if it does we'll move that one over there we have this one over here they can scroll we'll teleport southwest of topolya and this will teleport me over here and we can teleport back as well so that's the teleporter then we have the players is teleport players i barely ever use this anymore because uh there's the option to just right click and teleport players you can also like select multiple players and right click teleport there are better options for this i don't recommend using this teleporter but if you don't have any other choice for example a player is inside a vehicle and you need them to get outside the vehicle because they're uh they're down and you want them to uh you you want to revive them uh this is gonna be the way you can teleport them out so let's say my guy is down and he's inside a vehicle um i can use this this is the only module that will be able to teleport him out include vehicles no and then i'm there and then you can right click heal heal all players that right click heals the same one as a medical full heal but again right clicking is faster so that's what i use that's what i recommend using so to get the players to be able to spawn in first you're going to need a mission file where that is all set up i'm not going to cover that here there's plenty of videos explaining that on our server there is a mission file you'll just load up you'll import your sqf if you have anything set up like that we'll get to that later but first thing you do if you want players to spawn in there's this respawn section and then players depending on the faction they'll be using usually you'll be using blue for if you put blue four down now blue four can spawn there be advised though uh if you put this down as you can see in the top of my screen i'm now getting a new infantry respawn every time i put down a new respawn every blue four player will get a message that there is now a new respawn you can let players spawn into buildings for example uh just have have someone test that out so they don't all spawn on top of the roof when you're letting the players know they can spawn in they're all spawning on the roof and they're gonna have to break their legs jumping down just have someone test out your respawn if you're doing something special like on a carrier in a building stuff stuff like that but just out here in the field it shouldn't be an issue the players will just spawn right there uh and that's it that's that here we got scenario flow uh that will be briefing countdown we don't use those uh end scenario is the one that you're gonna need to end your scenario you got two options there mission complete and mission field don't look at these three it's this one or that one you can send like a little bit of a debriefing like it's mission filled because too many civilians died and now it's mission over or mission complete well job something like that you can send your little message you can also just not and just hit okay or hit enter and that will end the mission and then we got scenario name uh this will we can uh if you hit this you can do this at any point you want but it will show the players that little like it's your operation title this one is important side relations if you want the players to be sneaky and stealthy and you don't want the ai to spot the players you should set the side relations you can set the relations for everyone um most of the time it's going to be bluffer versus op4 or blufor versus independent and then friendly 2 and hostile 2. so let's say we have a stealth mission and we want the players to sneak around at night and realistically speaking the ai can't see the players but because it's a video game and it's arma ai they will see the players you can set them to friendly too and you can just control the the ai yourself once you feel like they uh they have spotted or like they're they're walking up to the player's home what was that sound stuff like that you can just do that manually at the point that the players are spotted however you can just set this to uh hostile don't play that radio message that will break everyone's immersion uh just don't do it alright so the last one here is the zeus drop down uh there's a few here that you'll use all the time one of them is hide zeus just hide your zeus when when things are going on for you to be in radio range that's required with acre uh just hide your zeus put him on a hill nearby or put him like in a in-house somewhere away from the players where you won't hinder them or hear them if you do get a ping which uh well you'll hear when people press the y you'll get the the ping and the little zeus icon in the middle of the screen you can hit space and that will teleport your camera immediately to the player that last pinged you so you don't have to react immediately if you're doing something else you can just react to the player a minute later by just pressing the space and teleporting your camera to them and right click teleport zeus easiest one to teleport your zeus around to those players just make sure that you have your zeus character hidden to to not break everybody's immersion next one's promote to zeus you'll barely ever use this uh on the sigma server we have we have designated zeus slots however sometimes you're gonna need to promote people to zeus so that's where that button is the remote control you can grab that and put it on a unit an ai enemy units friendly units i barely ever use that specific module instead just hit control and then double click left mouse button on the unit and that will do it for you a lot easier a lot faster and then there's update editable objects so you put that module down and you'll get access to this little interface now i always set this to remove no and then all units of vehicles unchecked so all you will be doing is removing static objects so only walls supplies that stuff and then hit okay to add those things again i just use the right click editable objects add and then a radius you want you can also remove but this will remove everything so everything from that list that we mentioned just now that will remove everything so the way i do this and the way that is fastest in in my experience is if you want to add stuff you use this and if you want to delete stuff don't use this module right there this one right here is the exact same one you got remove no and then a certain radius you can do this mission wide uncheck all these just use the static and that's it fastest way to do it most efficient in my experience all right that brings us to the end of the modules here that you need to know for your first few zeus operations so one last thing worth mentioning here is the right click menu you can heal in a radius if you have it on a player you can heal all hill player you can set captive and you can set surrender and you can edit someone's loadout or check someone's loadout and then there's obviously the editable objects teleport players teleport zeus that's gonna be it for the zeus basics the advanced workshop will be much more in-depth explaining all relevant modules and it will include even more tips and tricks if you're new to zeusing i recommend you practice a little in single-player and host a few operations with a cozos that'll be it for me if you enjoyed hit the like and if you're new to the channel consider subscribing and i'll see you all on the next one
Channel: Xyrage
Views: 74,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xyrage, Xyrage, sigma security group, arma 3 zeus, arma 3 zeus tutorial, zeus tutorial, arma 3 unit, arma 3 2021, arma 3 zeus 2021, arma 3 gameplay, milsim, arma milsim, arma 3 milsim, arma 3 operation, arma 4, arma 4 zeus, arma 3 multiplayer, arma 3 sniper, arma 3 convoy, arma iii, bohemia interactive, arma 3 cartel, zeus arma 3, arma 3 cold war, arma 3 drug cartel, arma 3 pmc, arma 3 zeus beginner, arma 4 bohemia interactive, arma 3 zeus tutorial 2021, zeus guide
Id: C-2s_4JA4ik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 25sec (2125 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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