How to make Authentic Mexican Chicken Soup

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hello and welcome to the views kitchen on today's recipe friends i'm going to be making caldo de pollo de rancho which translates to a country style chicken soup this recipe is super easy to make and i don't want you to feel too intimidated all you need is your chicken and whatever veggies you have on hand there's only a few ingredients that you might not have and that's going to be a whole chicken because i'm going to be cutting a whole chicken head and everything so if you guys get you know a little queasy in your stomach about those things make sure to skip ahead um but definitely make sure to look at the rest of the recipe because you guys need some chicken soup i mean whether you're sick you're under the weather and it's traditional in our in our culture to eat soup every week even if it's 110 degrees outside okay so don't shy away and let's get started by chopping up this chicken i'm gonna begin by removing this little fat pocket from the rear area you just kind of want to come in at a little triangle and remove it okay next we're going to come in and we're going to get in through the through the neck same thing little triangle area you do need to have a sharp knife this is a aladdin ultrasource we got it on amazon you guys can follow the link in amazon storefront cloud does a really good job there thank you for cheering her on see that wasn't so bad friends thank your chicken for all its service you see this little fat part just come in it'll tell you what to do okay now instead of pulling it open and making it do the splits you don't want to do that just bring it in and it's going to make it easier for you to crack that you see that and you can see sometimes depending on your chicken when you push the leg up and twist it over let me try that again we're going to do it twice okay i'll make sure you guys see it on the other one push it up bring it up okay and then it'll help you pop you guys heard the pop and all you want to do is cut through there because it cuts right through that tendon okay sorry i have a lot of fun in the kitchen so again lift it up you see how it just cuts through the skin push it up and now from here you kind of have to figure out if you want to the whole breast or however you want to cut the carcass right so i think i'm going to go this way so that way i'm guaranteed a whole big breasts like this piece for those that love just the breast let me get let me get through the swing over here so we have the wing here so you can start you can kind of feel it right here and for some reason i'm not i'm really not the best at cutting the wings but you have to feel for that that little joint in between that tendon to where you slice through and that's your favorite part of the chicken isn't it yeah and i'm trying to cut just the wing out on its own because my mom loves the wing just like that i don't know if you guys you guys weren't able to see it through the outside but let's come right here you can feel it and i want to make sure that i cut it to where you guys can see it when you're doing it at home because if you have a whole chicken and you want to save your chicken wings every time you have a whole chicken you can see what you can get through it here i just want to make sure i get a good visual for you guys [Music] okay there we go i made it through the wings i'm like i said i'm not the best at cutting the wings but i get by so if i can do it guess what you guys can do it so now i have that little piece of the breast over here in the chicken move them to the side i mean you can definitely put the whole chicken in there just like that it just depends on how you want to serve it and how you want to cut your chicken and we like to split ours so now i'm just going to keep these pieces whole and these are going to be mostly for the adults and then it just depends on how you want to serve it and you know if you can cut the chicken breast more from here if you want if you see that and you can just keep that through the bone but i think this is enough to the way that i want to serve it i just need to get through these little legs a little bit here enjoy hope i didn't go too fast you just got to fill in between the joint right here you guys can see that maybe i should cut it so you guys can see it a little bit better what i'm trying to show because it's easy to just say it because you can feel it but i want you guys to be able to look at it you see that's where the joints meet and you want to cut in between that okay you see the joint is stuck there and we sliced it right in between and it just slices like you're slicing an apple that you shouldn't be struggling if you're struggling to get through it it's because you didn't hit it right in the middle so that's why you have to feel for it and usually you can feel it from this little part right there on where you want to go okay you guys with me we're with you all right next let's go over the rest of our ingredients make sure to wash your hands and clean up these are the fruit and veggies that we're going to be using we have potatoes corn carrots zucchini cilantro anaheim pepper and tomato white onion garlic salt ground cumin and oregano now it's time to bring that water to a boil our water is almost at a boil and you want to add your chicken pieces okay even if you didn't add a whole chicken and you're using thighs we want to go ahead and bring this up to a good boil for about 10-15 minutes and once we get that good boil we're gonna come and skim all the impurities from from the um from the carlo okay from the soup we want max flavor in here okay friends while it comes to a boil let's start chopping our vegetables i'm just going to quickly slice the vegetables on how i like to have them for this particular cardo you can remove the peel although for some recipe recipes like if i'm using red broth i just throw it in there especially if my mother's around she just likes to do it that way and i like to you know impress her and all i like to do is give it a little x set it to the side i said you did the an x for the four directions yes the next for the four directions okay now we're gonna do our chile and all you want to do with your chile because this is for flavor remove the seeds but i'll tell you the anaheim is my favorite part of the soup if you don't have anaheim not to worry we've made it with the green bell pepper and it works great so you like the broth and the anaheim and i like the broth and the garlic oh you do it's a good combination okay set our veggies to the side for the tomato just slice it in half chop your ends careful when you're slicing down the middle okay can get slippery on you yeah so i just go straight to the tip right here and i really don't try to be perfect when i chop i think that each vegetable is telling you what to do so it'd kind of be ridiculous for me to be like make sure it's you know perfect so you want to chop them as big as your family would like these little ones help the kids the bigger ones for the adults and you have to make it what say it in the comments do you know clouds i was about to say but then you said spain in the comments say it girl make it comfortable for your home oh i like how that sounds i would love for you to read me a story all right next and for the carrots i like to cut them at an angle a nice thick one just about like that but for those of you that like the big round carrots go for it you guys know my mom will have it with me if i do that to her mama girls does not like their carrots she does not and what mama grandma views because i say grandma well grandma views once grandma gets yes take care of your elders everybody they've already done the work for you that's right it's it's an upgrade name right it's like a title change like an elder like it used to be mom views and not just grandma yep it's just about however you want to cut your carrots and for the corn we like to keep them small for those of you that watch on uh meatless mondays i have something special coming very soon for you might not be next week but the following one but i got something special for you i know could i have done this a little bit cleaner probably but i like having fun in my kitchen and i hope you do too okay peel the potatoes and i know you all say to peel that way but for me it's easier that's how i feel away from me away let us know how you peel in the comments it's just easier for me to groove it if it's just me i add the skin but if it's the kids i take the skin off because you know how kids can be sometimes a little fussy and for those of you that see the little uh brown spots it's just oxidation don't be don't be picky that way okay get through it use your potato i'm not scolding you just a recommendation and i'm saying that because i used to be such a brat when i was younger and my mom would cook i'd be like ew mom and be like stopodrida like it's spoiled and she's like no it's not you're gonna eat it and if you didn't need it i would say drop it on my plate when she turns around yeah cloud was always very helpful during my selective eating when i was younger thanks you're welcome and that's how you build sisterly and sibling bonds you have to have each other's back no matter what we would trade at the table because there's things that you would give me that that um that i enjoyed also and back and forth same thing with your potatoes we'll just do a little carrot on there same thing with your potatoes just chop them down the middle and make them about the size that your family needs i know that everybody loves a good chunky papa and look at what your potatoes telling you to do you know i thought you were calling me a friend thank you i want to be a chunky papa so i kind of have an idea of who i'm going to be serving and who likes what vegetables so that's that's how i pick and choose when i'm in that pot like for my baby my little ones i'll pick these little ones um and then my older son's very selective about potatoes on a particular day so boom done let's go skim that bra careful with that steam when you open up your uh pot okay when you lift that lid i don't want you burning yourself now oh that's for a natural chicken wow that's hardly any impurities i usually get way more i'm impressed thank you chicken i don't know friends i think our chicken's excited that we're almost at 500k thank you guys so much and i wanted to show up for you guys and give you the purest chicken for your soul do you remember reading those those books yes but i have my opinions so i don't wanna i don't wanna voice them well it's because i had a teacher in third grade that every time that i would question her teaching she would have me sit in the corner and read those books and i just learned to hate them [Laughter] you know when i had a stressful day in in school uh growing up and during lunch time i don't want to hang out with anybody i would go into the library and i would just read that yeah i mean i was really good about isolating myself from the chaos yeah so you always have been all right that looks pretty good to me what do you guys think yeah i think we're good let's continue now it's time to add our wonderful ingredients that are gonna season this broth and give flavor to that chicken add your onion your whole garlic ground cumin and your salt friends i am using himalayan pink salt so make sure you adjust if you're using regular table salt to your liking i would start off with half a tablespoon and then after it boils you can taste it because you can always add but you can't take it out your anaheims tomato we're gonna allow this to boil for another 30 minutes okay so hang tight as we get through the recipe [Music] if you need a full detailed recipe for how to make tortillas i'll link it in the description area just a little quick showing you guys what i'm going to pair this with make sure that if you're using a komal your little cast iron that if you're flipping with your hands you don't wash your hands for at least an hour and a half to two after um you can get really injured that way so just use your spatula you're still mexican and you're still a human good job guys not to mention that this goldmine is super ancient and if you see the same material material that's made with it's almost the same as the stove so it is lava hot it really is it's not a pan no it's not uh this belonged to uh our great grandmother and we're still blessed that it that it works the only difference that we had altered to this uh command is the handle yeah the handle was added by our mother i don't know what i'm going to add maybe i don't know nothing it's perfect we're not we're going to have a family meeting it's been 30 minutes careful with that steam friends because it is hot lava add your potatoes your carrots and your corn party once you add your veggies we're gonna continue to boil this for another 10 minutes okay so put a lid on it in a nice way careful with the steam now we're going to add our zucchinis and our cilantro right after you add your zucchinis you want to break down your oregano in your hand and i'm using mexican oregano it's a huge difference at least to me it is but if you don't have it make it comfortable for your home a lot of healing properties in oregano i learned that from you yes ma'am there is we're going to continue to cook this for another uh five minutes i'm gonna place the lid on it and i'll see you shortly now it's time to turn off your burner and we're gonna add you can add one or two ice cubes then place your lid on it until you're ready to serve okay if you guys want to know why i do that make sure to stick around at the end for the tasting [Music] for those of you that want to learn how to make uh instant pot perfect rice like cloud does cloud made this for us uh make sure to look at the ground beef and egg recipe that you all loved uh we show you in there how to do it okay get some rice [Music] i'm going to take two pieces of corn for this and my zucchinis and this makes it a lot easier for you to come in here and pick uh the things that you want i do want that tomatito it's like it's like sushi it feels like sushi take your carrots the star of the show that delicious look at that yummy and the potatoes are the ones that always go to the bottom girl they really do you might need your spoon for that yeah i'm gonna need my spoon there i found my chili and a potato ooh careful no samick gaming you know this pouring the broth is my favorite part of making the cardo although i normally cannot handle pouring sounds but for the broth i can isn't that insane isn't that a common um kind of issue that people don't like the porn sounds i don't know let us know guys i thought that was just me but i love it i love to hear pouring especially if it's like rain or water bra it's a pouring from a pitcher sometimes yeah i've gotten better i think here on the channel since i edit so it's gotten a lot better all right we're ready friends i'm going to show you what i like to pair my color with i like to add a little bit of lime or lemon juice to my tortilla just like this and you can use store-bought corn tortillas or freshly made it'll work just fine and i sprinkle some salt on the top okay now let me adjust my hair for our taste test but i have to dig into this rice real quick because you guys know i've been addicted to rice as always views club and bell notification squad cloud and i are wishing you the best and i hope that this chicken soup helps you feel nice and warm and loved because that's exactly how cloud and i feel uh being here with you guys and on that one we'll see you guys tomorrow bye adios you guys know i've been addicted to rice all your life yes [Music] do i look ready to dig in you do you ready for a taste i'm gonna have you taste the broth and i'm gonna tell you something for those of you that have selective eaters there are so many nutrients in this broth that even if they don't eat the veggies or the chicken and cat can't do it you can even give them a few corn chips on the side and have them say ah well they enjoy the broth oh you said ah all right this is very hot be very very careful do you achieve the penis to your cargo it depends on my mood today i'm not feeling too much for it i just want to enjoy the natural clear broth did you guys see how clear this broth is it is it's amazing i'm the same all um it depends i have to be in a good spicy let me show you how clear that broth is it's light and it has a subtle like it didn't have that much fat the chicken that i used but i like that buttery flavor from it let me set this down because i did um mention that i was going to let you know what you do with the with the ice so what happens with the ice my mom has done this ever since i can remember and her great grandmother that taught her how to cook has been doing since she can remember as well so what happens if you think of an iceberg you see how there's layers of frozen ice so what happens is that cold frozen ice that melts on the top kind of keeps all that flavor in the broth it keeps it to stay in and it seals it so it's kind of like sealing it that'll work so get your tortilla get a little piece of your chicken and you just gotta let it happen naturally for my tortilla i can get the subtle flavor of the of the lime or the lemon and you can still enjoy your broth for what it's supposed to be thank you for honoring our mother's recipe it's perfect yes i did honor it but i do add my portions of oregano because it's really really healthy for you it's good if you're going to have soup might as well nurture your your body you know and there's a lot of um benefits from oregano and mixed with the chicken soup you guys are gonna see how strong you feel after so even if you don't have the veggies and you have the chicken i definitely recommend following all the uh directions and boiling your chicken and allowing those flavors to come through as soon as i started tasting this i'm like i know i'm gonna need a nap so make sure you serve it for dinner it's time for me to leave all right friends my god is going to get cold and i need i need to get in here bye guys we love you rico
Channel: Views on the road
Views: 116,243
Rating: 4.9184837 out of 5
Id: SWxdHmChqJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 44sec (1484 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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