HOW TO MAKE AND CAN VEGETABLE STOCK | CANUARY: Canning veggie broth for long term food storage

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hi folks it's darcy from i am so excited to be a part of this collaboration in january with all of these amazing channels this month and today i'm going to be doing vegetable stock that i took from these vegetable scraps that i keep in my freezer and then i'm going to clean out on my refrigerator and turn it in to this amazing amazing vegetable stock that will be shelf stable in my pantry okay i'm going to first say i'm honored and excited to be part of this january collaboration because it's an amazing thing to be a part of the inspiration that's coming from all of these canning videos all month long will help you stock your pantry full of foods that your family will love and if you like more of that you can subscribe to my channel because that's what i do i do dehydrating i do canning and i do food storage in order to increase my pantry with foods that my family will love so i'm going to leave the link to all of the channels down below in the description box because you're going to want to subscribe to them all and the coolest thing about all of this is that at the end of this collaboration at the end of the month lisa sutton from sutton's days who's hosting this collaboration is giving away a 23 quart pressure canner to somebody in the comments sometime during the month none of us know which video none of us know which comment nobody knows not even lisa so what's gonna happen is throughout the month after you subscribe to the channels leave a meaningful comment on every video all month long at the end of the month lisa is going to draw a random number between 1 and 31 and then she's going to go to that video and using a random comment generator she's going to randomly pick a comment within those comments so nobody knows which video it's going to be nobody knows which comments going to be the only regulation is that you must be a citizen of the united states because these the way this is going to ship can't go overseas it's not going to be an option and i'm sorry for that for those of you who aren't in the states so this needs to be within the us so that's that's that's all the cool stuff about collaboration so before we get started canning i have a couple of things for you one please read the canning manual of the canner that you have especially when you're new but to refresh yourself if you've been at this for a while and two i want you to run to the website i'm gonna drop in the link below it's gonna be the usda where you can download a copy of this book it's called the complete guide to home canning this book is my canning bible it tells you the science of canning and it walks you through how to can things properly and safely for your food pan for your food for your food storage you don't want to be without this book there are other books out on the market but this should be the one that you start with this should be the one that you go to to find all the specifics for how you do things okay now what i have is i bought a copy i downloaded the freebie but i also bought a copy off of amazon and i had them remove the binding at staples i went to my local office supply print shop i had them removed binding this the spine in the book and replace it with this comb binding and then i had them add two of these covers on the front and back so that it would protect the book from spills and stuff within it it allows me to lay the book out flat if i need to it allows me to fold it over so i can take notes it just makes it easier for me and i like having a physical copy of a book that i can take away to read when i'm not sitting in front of an electronic device so get this book and the third thing is is that especially if you're a new canner i'm making available a checklist that's a canning checklist that's going to be part of my purposeful pantry library it is on my website the link is going to be down below you have to join the newsletter and then it will give you an access code to get into the library and it's full of printables that you can print off included will be this canning checklist so that you can kind of walk through the process and i talk about it in the video while i'm doing the process and i will have a copy of what it looks like right here so you know okay so are you ready to get started let's go okay what i have is a bag full of the last of my frozen vegetables you'll see that you know they look pretty bad because they've been frozen um i have let's see there are uh some leftover leeks some celery some carrots some onions some carrots some carrots and onions some celery some leeks and some carrots uh one big coil of garlic that i'm gonna take out because i'm not gonna no that's the end of that is the yeah i'm gonna put the garlic in there i'll save that for something else but this is my uh veggie bag from the last i don't know a month and a half two months so we're gonna just drop this into a pot of water and i'm gonna take some extra onions that i had so these are going in now um what i also have i need to wash really quickly first i have this bag of parchments and carrots that i haven't used up okay well i'll do a really quick rough chop of some of this i'm gonna actually give you that part um there is no magic formula for a vegetable stock you can put in whatever you would like um the only thing that you probably wouldn't want to put in are things that will make it cloudy like potatoes and you don't want to overly season it because too much seasoning will alter the flavor of whatever you're going to be using it to cook it the water that you put into your pot also there is no formula if you have a very large stock pot and a very small amount of vegetable stock or vegetables to go into your stock you're going to get a light flavored light colored stock if you have a huge amount of vegetables to go in in whatever size pot you have in just a little water you're going to have a very deep rich stock so it's kind of like whatever you have available make it and if it's a little too rich for you or you want to you want to lighten it up some you want to stretch a little bit you can always add some hot water too at the end to kind of stretch it some but what i have now is this pot full of the vegetables and i'm going to add a small handful of peppercorns top off may a teaspoon and a half maybe a little bit more i'm gonna add about three of these these are all bailey's and i've had them for quite a while so i'm gonna go ahead and do three i'm going to add a little sea salt i'm not going to add a ton because i don't want to over season this and that way i can adjust it for whatever dish i'm making that's what i'll season in the final thing okay what else i'm going to add to it is some parsley and some extra celery which about half of this is going to be tucked away now for my next bag of veggie stock because i want to make sure that i have plenty to start my next one and i'll be doing some dehydrating veggie stock after this so i want to make sure that i have plenty of base for that to go to so i'm going to take about half of this pre-washed all ready to go chop this up a little bit all right so now the next thing i'm going to be doing is adding water to my now full pot of veg and letting it simmer for about an hour okay what you just missed was me not filming the part that i just did i basically what i did is because i am using brand new jars okay i've had to break into my stash of jar storage so i'm using brand new jars and because these came from the manufacturer you don't know if there might be uh little bits of dust and stuff inside of your jars and while you don't need to sanitize for pressure cooking i do want to clean them okay so i can do this time to make sure there's no nicks or anything i washed them i washed the lids that came with them i have the rings i mean i have sorry i washed the lids that came with them so what i'll do is keep all which is one reason why i pulled an extra jar out to get ready i think i'll have about eight jars but i have a ninth just in case so um i'm gonna keep these in some warm water to get ready for the canning process the rest of these will air dry when my water is starting to come to simmer inside of my stockpot and then inside of my canning pot i will put these inside of it to keep them warm so that when the hot liquid goes into this jar it doesn't break and then in the meantime what i'm going to do is go through my checklist and know and find all the things that i need to make sure i double check before i start cleaning okay we're going to go through a couple of last pieces of equipment that you're going to want to make sure that you have ready for when you start canning i have my jar lifter i have my jaw my lid lifter because you don't want to touch your lids if you can help it when you're pulling them out of your bowl i have my de-bubbler a trick i learned from needy homesteader for getting started is that i marked my debubbler with a three inch line which is what my canner requires as far as the level of water inside of it to run so i have that marked with that line there to help me just put this in to make sure i've got the level correct and i'll show you how to do that in a minute i have my filler clean funnel and then i have my regulator my regulators and my jiggler now i'm going to go ahead and keep using my regulator today because i still haven't gotten this down yet but you can use either one make sure this requires that you watch your gauge on your counter all the time this will let you watch it do a little hula dance on your on your canner however you need to use it based off of the weight of what you need in your area whether it's 10 uh 5 10 or 15 pounds of pressure today i'm going to go ahead and just use my regulator so i can watch the dial so i can be more attentive of what's going on with my canner so these are things that you're going to need we're about to get started with the filling process [Music] okay what i'm about to do now is strain my vegetable broth into a fine mesh colander [Music] [Music] so so now i still have life left in these vegetables and i'm going to add more to them and do a second round of this to do some for freezing um and then some for dehydrating so that you can see the whole process but that will be in another video the freezing dehydrating will be in a separate video in a couple days so there we go so this is what i have a nice amber vegetable stop right there that we're gonna go fill our jars up with bear with me and because i'm doing a hot pack method which means that the liquid going into my jars is hot the water in my canner needs to be hot and i've got my jars in my canner staying warm i don't put them into my oven because your jars were not meant for dry heat and i know that's something that a lot of people do it's something i choose not to do i just go ahead and keep my jars when i can because i still do smaller batches i keep my jars in my canner to make sure they stay warm so that when i'm putting the hot liquid into them they don't shatter from the change in temperature between the cold jar and hot liquid so i'll be taking these out emptying them this is the same water that i'll use it's three inches and we'll start filling our jars one last thing i forgot to tell you about is that i keep a bowl of vinegar and a paper towel or two here handy for cleanup what i'll do is i'll use this vinegar to wipe the rims of my jars when i'm finished before i put them in my canner i also keep an extra couple here just in case i need to clean up a mess i don't want to use this paper towel to clean up any messes because i need to keep these clean for what they're used for so prepared to see my shirt covered in liquid by the time we're finished with this be prepared to see liquid on the ground i'm an on the countertop because i'm kind of messy but here we go okay so what we have now is my jar has just come out of my canner i've emptied it i'm placing it on the table what i'm gonna do is fill this with liquid um i'm gonna go to the one inch head space line which is about right here at this rim i'm going to use my funnel place inside and it's about two ladles of liquid just a little over two and i do just a little shallow so that i don't spill everywhere because i tend to be a bit messy all right that that spot and i'll double check just a tad light pull it more in there we go now i'm going to test with my bubbler to make sure that i'm at that inch it touches so the next thing we're going to do is we're going to take a little vinegar we're going to run it around the rim of our jar to make sure that it's clean that there are no fats on it if you were running anything that had fats and then it's clean for my hands and oils being on that lid on that rim sorry for this here now we're going to take our lit warm lid from warm water place it on our jar then i'm going to take my ring and i'm going to place it on my jar remember your jar is hot don't touch it now i'm going to do is make this where i don't crank it and i don't let it loose i don't want to move when i do this this is called hand tight so you just caught where it starts to tighten up a little bit that's where you stop if it's too loose you may get siphoning if it's too tight you may also get siphoning now what we're going to do is put our jar inside of our canner so when you're cleaning your jar lid this is also when you can find any uh like chips or anything in the in the rim right here because if you find a chip you want to not use that jar because there could be a problem with the seal as you can see i have a little bit left over i'll just put that into a jar by itself and put it in the refrigerator and use it up today or tomorrow when i cook something for dinner okay before i put the lid on i've got my heat cranked up to about three quarters of the way to make sure that i get this up to temperature as quickly and to get the steam going inside the canner but what i want to do first is inspect this one last time to make sure my gasket looks good that to make sure that my lid lock is free and clear to open and that my vent pipe is clear all right so i'm locked what i'm going to be looking for see if we can get around to here and you can see it is i'm going to be looking for a shot of steam coming out of this vent pipe that is solid i know you cannot see the steam in the camera but it is a good solid well you can see how the numbers are changing there is a good solid uh event of steam coming out now so i have set my timer for 10 minutes as soon as that 10 minutes is up we'll put the regulator on and we'll be good to start okay my timer just went off so i'm gonna put my regulator on what you should see happen really quickly after that is my lid lock will pop up and we will be on the road and what i'm looking for okay what we're doing now is we're waiting for the canner to come up to pressure so you've seen that it's moved a little bit i've got the kinder going almost at full heat not quite but close to it and yes you'll see my christmas tree is still up because today is epiphany it stays up through epiphany okay so we're looking for this canner the pressure on this to get all the way up to 11 psi because that's where it needs to be for my area once it reaches 11 psi it needs to stay there for 20 minutes according to the usda guidelines for canning stock it's 20 minutes for pints 25 minutes for quartz that's what i'm gonna go by and once it has done its 20 minutes at a continual 11 psi if it drops below that i've got to get it back up to pressure and start my timer over again but once it's finished then we will continue on with the next steps okay my timer went off i am now letting this cool i'm gonna wait until this lid lock goes down okay so now of course i missed it the lid lock has dropped so now i have a 10 minute wait then i'm going to remove my regulator then i'm going to take my lid off by unlocking it here and just pulling it aside to allow the steam to release out of the canner once i no longer see steam i can take the lid off and start removing my jars sorry all right here we go you ready to see this well i should probably take you up here first so that you can see the inside there we go no siphoning that's always a plus i had a little trouble regulating the pressure today to keep it stable so i was a little worried about the siphoning but we're good one tip i've always been told never tip your jars even if it's got a little water on the top don't tip it and i'm sad that most of these have already pinged while they were sitting here in the candle depressurizing so we won't be hearing i don't think we'll hear even a pink because i can tell these have all sealed with their pop down on all of them so what we're doing is we're going to go ahead and leave them on this side we're going to leave them here for the next 24 hours we're just going to let them cool they're still bubbling i don't know if you can see the bubbles in there but they are still bubbling then we're going to remove the rings and then we're going to wash all of the cans in good hot water so if you want water to remove any of the residue that might be on the outside of your jar because you don't want that becoming a problem in your storage then you will label your jars and store them in a cool dark place so here we go here is the vegetable stock all ready to go to sit through the cooling process before we wash remove the rings and then store in the pantry nine jars eight jars eight jars one two three four five six seven eight eight jars so i've got a couple more tips for you just a second all right so how do you use this um in place of water for any recipe that you want to do where the component has a lot of needs a lot of flavor so rice quinoa couscous if you want to add it to anything where you're cooking potatoes um you can do it in any kind of thing that you want to just replace the water you're getting some extra vitamins and minerals from it you're getting more flavor than just the water and it's just perfect for doing so many things so don't forget there's the canning giveaway subscribe to all of the channels below leave a meaningful comment on every january video during the month of june of january and two go grab your free canning checklist it's in my purposeful pantry library which you can join through the newsletter uh it is a two-page checklist that gives you uh supplies that you should have uh the requirements for your presto canner this will be a little different if you have an all-american because i don't use one i don't feel like i can give you the instructions for that but this is if you're using a presto canner at least okay thanks for watching today i hope that this gave you some confidence to start canning to start stocking your pantry full of food that your family will love if you'd like to see more of my kitting videos there will be a link here there'll be a link here to my last series called dry simmer for dehydrating if you're interested in learning how to dehydrate i walk you through the beginning and end process of how to do the basics of dehydrating thank you again and i will see you next time
Channel: The Purposeful Pantry
Views: 32,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the purposeful pantry, pressure canning, how to can, vegetable stock, how to can vegetable stock, how to pressure can vegetables, presto pressure canner, how to use a presto pressure canner, usda free canning book, stock your pantry, canning for long term food storage, canning vegetables, canning vegetable stock, canuary, jar it up january, canuary 2020, food preservation, homemade stock, how to can stock, how to can broth, canning stock, how to make stock, canning broth
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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