How to EASILY Make Your Own VEGETABLE BROTH at Home

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Bienvenidos welcome to Spain on a Fork in today's episode I'm gonna show you how to easily make your own vegetable broth at home guys there is nothing more rewarding than making your own homemade broth and let me tell you it is so much better than the stuff that you buy at the store that's loaded with preservatives and sodium anyways this recipe is made with very simple ingredients it's effortless to put together and it comes together in under one hour use this broth to make soups use it on paellas virtually anything can imagine and let me tell you the flavor of this broth it's gonna completely blow you away alright folks let's dive right in I'm gonna begin by grabbing a stockpot and adding in two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil then I'm gonna grab one large onion cut it in half and remove one of the outer layers and cut the onion into 1-inch pieces once you have all your onions cut add them into the stockpot for our next ingredient I've got three carrots here I've already washed these and patted them dry but you don't have to peel them once again I'm gonna cut these into 1-inch pieces and the secret here guys is to cut all your vegetables in the same size that way this veggie broth has the perfect balance of flavors and add the cut carrots into the stock pot with the onions next up I'm gonna grab three stalks of celery it's okay if the leaves are on there and once again guys make sure that you wash your vegetables before you start cutting them and cut each celery stalk into 1-inch pieces and once again I'm gonna add in the cut pieces of celery into the stockpot with the carrots and the onions now I'm gonna grab between six to seven button mushrooms and cut them in half I've already washed these and patted them dry and as you can see these mushrooms are a little bit older that is the beauty of making a vegetable broth you don't need to use new vegetables just get in your fridge and grab the old ones and add the cut mushrooms into the stockpot with the rest of the vegetables next I'm gonna add in two generous handfuls of fresh spinach this is bagged spinach I love using this stuff because it's pre cleaned and pre-cut for the next ingredients I'm gonna add in three bay leaves a handful of fresh parsley one teaspoon of dried thyme if you have fresh thyme you can use that as well one teaspoon of peppercorns and one teaspoon of fine sea salt I'm gonna heat this with a medium high heat and start mixing everything together you don't have to mix this continuously you just get in there once in a while that way nothing burns I like to cook my vegetables before I add the water in there this brings out an incredible flavor to this broth it's been ten minutes since I turned the fire on to a high heat and all these vegetables have a beautiful color to them an those onions are nice and translucent this is what's gonna give this broth that beautiful flavor now I'm gonna add in eight and a half cups of cold water and give it a gentle mix that way everything is well mixed once this comes to a boil I'm gonna place a lid on top of the stockpot and lower the fire to a low medium heat and I'm gonna simmer this on a low-medium heat for about 35 minutes this is enough time for all those vegetable to really incorporate into that water to give us an incredible vegetable broth after 35 minutes I'm gonna turn off the heat and remove the lid I'm gonna let this sit here for about five minutes before I drain the vegetables after leaving our broth to sit for five minutes I'm gonna drain the stock pot into a pitcher using a fine sieve if you don't have a fine sieve you can use a cheesecloth and check it out guys our veggie broth is done look at the beautiful color to this broth and let me tell you it has such an incredible concentration of flavors this is the best veggie broth you will ever taste and you guys saw how easy it was to make the best part about this you can add this into the fridge and use it within the next seven days or you can even put it in the freezer for future use if you enjoyed today´s video hit that like button leave me a comment below and if you´re not subscribed smash that subscribe button until the next time...Hasta Luego!!!
Channel: Spain on a Fork
Views: 214,077
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Keywords: how to make vegetable broth, vegetable broth, easy vegetable broth, how to easily make vegetable broth, make vegetable broth at home, homemade vegetable broth, how to make veggie broth, veggie broth, the best vegetable broth, how to make vegetable broth at home, the best homemade vegetable broth, vegetable, broth, homemade, easy to make, simple, homemade broth, video, episode, spain on a fork, albert bevia, yt:cc=on
Id: q3SNY9LZkss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 7sec (307 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2020
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