#WildernestHive: Making Your Own Beeswax Lip Balm

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[Music] hi everybody today I'm going to show you how to make lip balm out of your beeswax from you beehive so I'll go over the ingredient list first first I have my beeswax I had already made a couple lip balms of course that's why this is all chopped up but if you haven't learned how to melt down and render your wax from your honey cappings or from bur comb or just from your you know foundations and whatever I have another video on my channel for waxed I'm doing in a crock-pot if you want to check it out now let's show you how to get this nice block of clean filtered wax so that's my beeswax or my hive and that's the main ingredient for lip balm and then the second main ingredient is some kind of oil so I chose on the Doyle just because I looked up all the different types of other they can use you can use vegetable oil you can use olive oil you can use any kind of like the nut oils I chose almond oil just because it's really good and hydrating for the lips and it's an organic organic one and then I'm also adding in a couple drops of vitamin E oil so it's just an in session essential oil that'll you know help moisturize the lips and then these two ingredients here which is turmeric powder and an auto seed they are optional this is just I'm using this just for color I wanted my lip balm to kind of match my branding colors which is like this like goldenrod yellow when I put the labels on them I'm all about presentation so this is just for color I had run it through run it through a couple batches before the first faction I did came out really orange and the second batch that I did using my trimmer card came out like perfect I like just a small bit of this so I'm gonna try that again hopefully I kind of get consistent results but yeah so these two ingredients are completely optional they're completely tasteless completely unless it's a natural comment using soaps and lip balms and that sort of thing so yeah so we will start by cutting up our beeswax well actually first I already cut up a couple pieces from my last batch so I'm going to take these out for a second because what you want to do is get your kitchen scale here and we're gonna measure out the cup and then we're gonna zero that out and now we cannot repeat like so you want one ounce of beeswax I'm gonna announce in here about point seven ounces with a little shaving so far so you can cut up the beeswax as big or as small as you want it doesn't have to be perfect it can be giant chunks they all melt the same alright I'm at 1 ounce I'm just gonna go and do a tad tad bit more I think I did like one point two ounces in my last batch that came out perfect coloration wise I don't that had anything to do with the amount of wax but we're at one point two here so generally it's an ounce but you could do one one point two ounces of cat hair and whatever leverage you can possibly see my cat is curved over the counter alright now after you have your beeswax measured oh you want to zero out the the amount again so now we're back to zero once's and you want to add five ounces of almond oil or whatever oil you choose so we're gonna just squeeze this on in and it's a pretty good amount I actually don't even know if I'm gonna have enough here oh I think I want to have just out of that 4.5 ounces [Music] five all right by 0.1 but that's alright and now I'm going to switch over to my stove here and we're gonna start melting this down so perfect alright so I have now switched over to my stove and so what you do for this process is you use a double boiler because I don't have like an actual like real double boiler or whatever that really is ever seen one I'm going to use just a saucepan here take a medium-sized saucepan and I'm actually gonna stick the Pyrex glass Pyrex measuring cup right into the saucepan with like couple inches of water I gonna fill it up to like to probably wear this with the almond oil is on here so I think it ends up being about like 2 cups so here let's aside and I got another measuring cup here so I'm gonna fill up there's really no exact measurement for this you just want it to be enough that it's not gonna just boil down and completely evaporate all the water I've added in water as I go which is fine to say yeah that's about it's like right about here on the pan so just a couple inches of water and I'm gonna stick this right in actually look a little too much water as I put it in it kind of bloated but so I'm going to put out 10 they're perfect now we're going to turn the heat on between like medium and low so I have numbers on my little dials here on my gas stove it goes I lay up to ten I usually put it to about four so yeah so what you want to do here now is just basically let it come to a boil it'll condensate around here don't ever put a lid on this because you don't want the conversation to get back into your oil and your wax mix because it'll ruin the consistency of your lip balm in the end so just leave it open the conversation around the Pyrex cup is fine so let it go to go to a boil and then you can just watch as your beeswax kind of starts to disappear the color looks really watery at first you're not sure if it's like supposed to be that but it's totally fine so yeah just wait until the beeswax is completely melted stir it a few times probably took about like seven ten maybe not ten minutes maybe like seven minutes the last couple times I had boiled this down to melt so yeah around there so yeah I'll be back once this has melted down [Music] okay melting of the wax in the olive oil together so once it's all melted down we now want to add just a couple drops of our vitamin E oil here so I'm gonna go ahead and do that I still have my pot of water boiling on the stove I've realized that the stuff it dries or it hardens relatively quickly so and you can continue to boil it without it really melting it down or bring it or anything like that so I just kind of leave it on the boiling stove water whenever I'm not doing something with it so I'm gonna go ahead and add my vitamin E drops here go one two three four five and now I'm also going to add my tumeric powder here as well last time I did I want to say one tablespoon of the trigger powder so I'm gonna trail early again so that's what it looks like it's this beautiful yellow car and this does kind of leave a little bit of grains in the lip balm but a lot of it settles to the bottom and a lot of it does melt down anyway and usually just changes the color so to me it wasn't a big deal I don't know how do people feel about it I think it gives it more of a natural look anyway stir it up a little bit and now before I put this back on the stove try to get all the you want all the drops off here you're mixing spoons because that's just a waste you don't so I'm gonna do here though while we have this out just take a small sample on the spoon like that and I'm gonna set it aside and let it harden it hardens within like five five minutes or so five to seven minutes and we're going to check to make sure that it's a consistency that we want while I put this back on the stove to just keep keep heated so I'm gonna set this aside let it sit and that will Harden so I'm gonna go back to the stove with this so it's been about five or so minutes and we have our hardened lip balm here on the spoon it's a good consistency I know it is just because I've done this recipe twice now and I love the consistency of it if you like squish it in yeah it's just like lip balm looks good to me the color even looks really good but I still haven't added in my annatto seed so I had added in like a teensy bit of that last time so I'm just gonna do that again in a second but yeah other than that it's looking it's looking pretty good to me alright so I'm actually gonna put the spoon back into the into the mixture here that had the hard end sample on it and just let it melt down again cuz again that's you know decent lip balm there I have turned my stove down to low to at this point so if you ever want to leave this on you know to go here I have to do something real quick just put it down although it's no longer need for the medium heat that's already been melted down stir this a little bit get every drop off the spoon all right now I'm just gonna add a smidgen amount of this Anna Tosi which I'm potentially pronouncing this wrong I actually what's it up on YouTube before making this video to make sure I wasn't prancing wrong but I can't exactly remember so annatto seed and odo seed one of the two I think that's how it's I was done see I have this very very small amount here and I'm just gonna sprinkle it in all I need and I'm gonna go back to Mexico now I like to leave it on the stove for another like seven or so minutes just because I want those powders to to dissolve as much as possible so they're not on the lip balm and so they don't like cause too much of coloration discoloration or anything I've been using my other lip balms that I've made with both the turmeric powder and the annatto seed and I have not experienced any discoloration of my lips or anything but just in case I like to make sure that this is melted down relatively nicely so I'm going to continue doing this for another couple minutes and then we will make our way over to the little container station I have set up on my other table to start filling the containers with this lip balm all right so what I do here is I actually bring the boiling water with the parts container inside it over here and I let it sit relax you know just sit in the little water here in the hot water just to keep it hot for as long as possible so yeah I have these little pipettes here that I got off by Amazon for really cheap it was like a pack of like 200 of them or something ridiculous so I'm gonna use that to fill these up you can do two at a time to fill up these little containers here I find that using one is better for the little lip balm sticks just because you can kind of makeup bags a mess so we're going to start you just want to do this as communal relatively quick now what I've learned from my last or from my first batch I should say is you want to fill these sticks all the way up to the top like don't even leave enough space I didn't fill them up enough last time and they kind of turned out weird I'm looking at these and that actually looks like it's they're a little too orange this time around as well so I'm thinking I'm just not even adding in the an Auto see you next time I might put in a little bit too much tumeric powder too but we'll see how it dries [Music] so here we have our finished product I didn't there's 14 lip balm sticks and one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve of these little I want to say there's seven ounces each seven ounce containers so you get a lot of lip balm out of your little one ounce of beeswax this turned out to be actually the perfect color it was a little misleading at first but as its drying it's turning into this beautiful golden wrong color which is exactly what I want because everything be related in my wilderness branding is that goldenrod color I would put in my label in the golden brown color on the tops of these kind of similar to my honey label here so here's my honey label and my thought process was trying to make the lip balm the same colors the honey which is why I came out a little orange e last time and trying to label you know these in white labels kind of like bees but I'm just gonna do the inverse of that for these guys and so it's gonna go on to the white cap so it'll be this color on the way cap but yeah that's just me in my product planning as a designer for living it's very important to me to look good but uh yeah other than that I think they came out beautiful you see it will compare to when the look the last batch that I did yeah it's exact so that teeny bit of annatto seed and the one teaspoon of turmeric powder is how I achieved this color if you don't do any of those mostly cherry beeswax comes out super super light I can show you one that my my grandmother-in-law who by the way maybe this beautiful be pot holder here she also did beeswax and she didn't add any coloration choice or anything in a chemo just almost here so hers is almost the color of the tube let's open it up I'll show ya so that's how her beeswax looked like and this is after she had melted have done bunch of times and it was purified and this is from her like honey cappings and burn coal and stuff like that so this is generally what it'll come out like I think mine naturally it was like a slightly bit darker it's funny how different they all come out but um yeah you won't get you know too much coloration without adding you know something so and I didn't want to add any sort of like chemicals or artificial stuff so I was looking up ways to to naturally color my product and the turmeric powder came up so yes this is our you know our final products I'm very happy with the outcome if you enjoyed this video please subscribe to my channel I would very much appreciate it and also don't forget to follow wilderness on Facebook and Instagram on Facebook we are wilderness homestead and on Instagram or world earnest dot na yeah thanks for watching I'm still learning how to be on camera and kind of talk to myself while I'm home so I'm a little awkward but and I also kind of speak too fast sometimes which I'm learning slowly to to do better with but if you enjoy my videos please subscribe and let me know on wilderness on Facebook it's just wilderness dot na [Music]
Channel: Wildernest
Views: 189,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beekeeping, beekeeper, beehive, bees, honeybees, honey bees, apiary, homesteading, homestead, home made lip balm, lip balm, make your own lip balm, beeswax lip balm, Wildernest
Id: UxVoPUeeT64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 02 2018
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