How to make an entire Comic using AI

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in this video I'm going to show you how I made this Batman comic using artificial intelligence for that I used a special tool called AI comic Factory if you don't know about this tool watch my video where I explain how to use it without a further do let's get into the video at the first I have decided to create a Batman comic in this video for the story and dialogue generation I used the AI tool called chat GPT I asked chatgpt I want to create a Batman comic give me a description of what each page should include then chat GPT generated a basic description for me it felt like not enough so I typed write a story for above description then it gave me a good story with dialogues then I headed to the AI comic Factory I selected the style to be American modern and choose a layout I prefer also I turned on the captions then I simply copied what chat GPT generated for me and pasted it in the text bar after submitting AI comic Factory started to generate the entire comic page with captions for me then I clicked print to save the page and this is what it looked like you can see that the captions are gone but I copied all the captions AI generated so I can add them later also there was a border around the page which needed to be removed after generating all the pages I used a site called I love PDF to convert each PDF to images then I exported all the images to canva I cropped All The Unwanted parts and started to add the captions I copied earlier when creating dialogues I felt like canva does not have enough comic bubbles so I used my pre-made comic bubble pack the pack includes 100 high quality comic bubbles just drag and drop the one you like while the comic bubble selected click the edit photo option go to shadows and click the outline now reduce the size and it looks like a professional comic bubble if you want this pack I'll leave a link in the description before I show you the results let's summarize what I did I used an AI tool called chat GPT to generate the story and dialogues then I used an AI tool called AI comic Factory to generate the entire page and the captions for me later I used another AI image generator to create the cover page but I had to combine the pages and add the title captions and comic bubbles manually since AI could not perform that so technically it's not completely AI made comic while making this comic I had to face following challenges some comic pages had images that were completely irrelevant to the story I was trying to make even though the comic book is 11 pages long I had to create 17 pages and combined some of them to get a better image some of the captions generated by AI were not good enough so I had to remove change and add some captions to make the story flaw also after upscaling the pages I could not use the save option for some reason that's why I used the print option to save the pages and these upscaled 17 Pages took up nearly 800 megabytes of space that's literally more space than my entire Minecraft game so I had to compress them using the same site I used to convert them into images I was dumb enough to not download the offline setup and I uploaded all the 17 Pages again to the site which cost me another 800 megabytes which is nearly 1.6 gigabytes of Wi-Fi data in total and after compressing the pages didn't look like they were upscaled so technically I wasted 1.6 gigabytes of Wi-Fi data and time for nothing my advice don't upscale because it's not worth it anyway here is the result Gotham City a place of darkness and despair but there is hope in the form of a dark night Batman the protector of Gotham ever vigilant equipped with Cutting Edge technology Batman fights for justice in a city ruled by fear one evening inside the Bat Cave Batman was tracking down a strange signal he was on the trail of a dangerous criminal he was tracking the Cyber criminal's digital footprints a new criminal mastermind is emerging and they're elusive this need to be stopped before it gets out of control Batman arrived to the location showed on his map by his Batmobile this is the place where signal came from Batman started to investigate the area meanwhile something else approached him it was a gang of criminals they came from all the directions and surrounded the Batman Gotham's fate hangs by a thread and we hold the scissors The Dark Knight prepares to take on the rival gang Batman swoops in to surprise the enemy Batman takes down the first Thug with a powerful punch Batman retaliates with a Batarang Batman stands Victorious after defeating the thugs speak now who do you work for remember Batman you can't save the Gotham Mr riddle he is waiting for you and got into his Batmobile Batman has tracked the Riddler to his high-tech lair minutes he arrived to the destination the compound was heavily guarded by thugs this is the place Batman started to take down the Enemy by surprise using his high-tech equipments Batman took down the enemies one by one no security system can stop The Dark Knight within few minutes all the armed thugs were lying on the ground inside the building Batman found the Riddler waiting for him very impressive Mr Wayne I didn't think you could get past my guards can you solve my riddle Batman or will Gotham burn whatever you are trying to do it's over for you now Batman took down the Riddler with powerful punch Batman exits the building and cops were already there thanks for coming officer but I did the hard part for you cops arrested The Riddler don't think it's over Mr Wayne we will meet again once again I've managed to save this city but the battles never truly won I'll never stop fighting for this city I am Vengeance I am Justice I am Batman [Music] if you want to read this comic I will leave an interactable PDF Link in the description [Music] if you find this type of videos helpful please consider about subscribing also check out my other videos about how to create AI Comics how copyright law affect AI comics and how to make consistent characters if you want to help me out you can check out my Amazon KDP Publications or you can also help me out by purchasing the comic bubble pack thanks for watching [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Comicscape
Views: 24,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI comics, comic made using AI, how to make AI comics, using AI for comics, can you make comic using AI, How to make AI comic, How to make AI art, batman, comic, reading, voice, joker, two-face, funny, read aloud, AI, artificial intelligence
Id: Sw4gD6l7kks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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