What exactly is in Red Bull?

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okay so today I'm going to try to make Red Bull now this recipe is actually a little bit more interesting and definitely has a few quirks that I did not expect when I started to make this however I think it's pretty cool there's definitely some weird ingredients in this but when I was making it it made me feel like part Evil wizard and part Alchemist so this recipe is definitely really fun and honestly if you want to follow at home it's actually not that hard to make this so let's go ahead and get started like all good recipes this recipe starts with Citrus and specifically we're going to need four oranges and two lemons and even more specifically we're going to need the peels of those now if you've got a peeler at home your life's going to be a lot easier and I like to make my life harder so I'm going to be peeling these lemons and oranges with a knife what what should have taken me 3 minutes ended up taking me about 15 and those last 13 minutes I'll never be getting back okay so once I got all of the orange peels what you need to do next is basically add one cup of sugar now this is for sweetness but actually what we're doing here is making something what's known as an oo sacrum which definitely sounds like something in alchemy inside of peels of citrus are are these tiny sacks of citrus oil and these basically give the flavor of the orange now they're protected by these cell walls and so what we're actually going to do is the Sugar's going to kind of partially break down those cell walls and the Citrus oil is going to leak out and collect into the sugar if we coat all the peels in sugar and we let it go we'll end up with something like this which is the oo sacrum all of that syrup that you see collected down at the bottom is full of a citrus smell and taste I let mine go overnight and that's this is basically how much I collected but if you let this go for longer you can even EXT more however you run into the risk of basically mold and other stuff getting in there so like all good things in life you got to you got to take risks if you want the reward okay so now that I have the Alo sacrum it's going to be the primary base of the flavoring but there's other stuff in Red Bull that gives it its flavor and most of that are some weird herbs so starting with ginger which is not weird I'm going to add ginsing and I'm going to add some licorice root now the licorice root I think might be optional I'm not really sure so if you make it maybe try to Adit and see how it comes out I'll put all the ingredient amounts that I used down in the description down below now these ingredients definitely look like they could be used in a spell all right now that I've got the witchy part of this recipe done it's time to move on to the sciency part and for that we're going to actually need some caffeine and something known as toine these are both found in Red Bull and caffeine obviously you're probably familiar with the amount of Red Bull that I'm making is about four cans worth so I'm going to be adding the equivalent of about 400 Mig of caffeine to my Red Bull recipe now I really should be using gloves here but thankfully this isn't a large amount of caffeine um but definitely best practi is are to use gloves especially because caffeine is absorbed through the skin the next thing I'm going to add is toine which from what I can research doesn't really do anything at least clinically hasn't been proven to do anything however it is the primary component of bile uh so maybe that's what gives Red Bull its unique taste so I'm going to add the equivalent amount that you'd find in a can of Red Bull which is about 1 G per can so I'm adding 4 G of orine to a plate and I'm going to add that in later next it's time to actually make the tea and Red Bull so the first thing that I'm going to do do is heat up 2 cups of water and then I'm going to add in the ginsing licorice root and ginger and I'm going to let that boil for a little bit and then I'm going to add in the citrus peels and that's partially for the flavor but also because I just really want to collect all of that syrup that was remaining on there I'm going to let this boil for about 4 minutes total and then at that point I'm actually going to use the same Sie that I used to actually strain the oo sacrum um just to again rinse off any possible sugar syrup that was left on the SI now collected down below we're almost done with the Red Bull syrup there's just a few more things that I need to add first I'm going to need to add some lemon juice the fresh lemon juice is a different flavor than the oo sacrum which is kind of more of like an orange candy flavor the lemon juice here is really going to add citric acid and make it sour and I always find that red bulls they're quite sour so added the juice of two lemons to the syrup then we can add the powdered toine and caffeine to the syrup give this a really good mix and then we're going to actually just let this cool down so I just transferred it to a mixing jar and let it cool in the fridge for a few hours at which point we can add the last thing that we find in red Red Bull which is B vitamins now there's just kind of a feevy of B vitamins in Red Bull again it's not really clear if this does anything especially at the levels that we're getting here however I'm really trying to recreate Red Bull here so basically just added three doses of a B vitamin complex to this gave this a mix and then it's actually time to make the Red Bull so to do this all I got to do is pour off about 1/4 of the syrup and then add in some sulter water and give that a light mix and boom here is the Red Bull now how does it taste all right so I finished the recipe and now it's time for a taste test so I have the original Red Bull here in a glass and then I have basically my version now obviously there's a difference in appearance and I think that has to do with the fact that they're using clarification here if for example I maybe added a little bit of gelatin to this and then strain it off I might get something a little closer to this and there are techniques that come from beer making to basically clean up cloudy stuff like this and turn it more into like this but for me I'm okay with this color and I think it looks okay so now the main question is how does it taste first let me just taste the red bow to remind myself cuz it's been a while that's Red Bull very sweet very sour and it's got like a medicinal taste to it now let's try the homemade Red Bowl honestly it's pretty good it doesn't taste exactly like the Red Bull I would say that there's almost like more of an apple juice flavor with this so maybe they've added something like mic acid to it to make it sour um but this is uh this is pretty close this almost tastes a little bit closer to a like emergency tablet if any of you guys have ever had that like one of those Seltzer tablets uh it tastes kind of similar to that um but it's not that different honestly um there's definitely some crossover between these two flavors now that being said if you're going to make yourself an energy drink instead of having a Red Bull which it's not everybody's cup of tea um why don't you make one that is basically the same thing thing and is what you want so if you want to make this a little bit different and add some strawberries to it or whatever you can make your own now you know how to make an energy drink all right that's it for this week I hope to see you guys again soon and I'll see you later [Music] bye
Channel: Flavor Lab
Views: 1,525,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red bull, energy drinks, diy, make at home, monster energy, jagerbomb
Id: goC20Wl7RP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2023
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