How to Make an Active Ragdoll (like Gang Beasts) in Unreal Engine 5

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what's up guys welcome to new unreal engine pop tutorial and today i'm going to show you on how to make an active ragdoll for your character uh also physical animations you know you know basically the type of movement that um gambies or human fall flat um has in its games right it's like uh animations by like physics on top of them which makes it looks really cool so today i'm gonna go ahead and show you so actually i've made this a lot of times before also for my epic magazine submission you can uh take a look uh in the description below but now let's start with the tutorial it's gonna be very useful so let's get started all right so the first thing that we are going to do is open our third person um uh blueprint character so let me just open it and when it has uh opened what we're going to do is go into components i'm going to add a new one which is going to be called physical let's just load okay uh physical animation all right let's go ahead and edit in all right there we go uh name it how you want and he's gonna leave it like this and on here we're gonna have our first value which is gonna be our strength multiplier so uh the more strength the more um [Music] like the animation is gonna look so the less the more faces gonna add and the more strength the more rigid it's gonna look so i'm just gonna bump this up into five and just to have a bit more control but anyway all right so the first thing that we are going to need is to get our mesh into here and then our physical animation we're going to drag it on here so we're going to drag it from our physical animation i'm going to say it said skeletal mesh component okay and here we're gonna say to be the mesh also i'm gonna do this in the begin play so just add a begin play so when it just starts the game and we will tell the physical animation component that um uh our mesh is the skeletal mesh which is the body is basically that one okay so we have a reference all right so the next thing is going to drag again the physical animation uh component is going to be uh apply uh physical animation settings below okay so now we can just drag this in and so basically what we want first of all is to have a um like a root name uh bone sorry so what we can do is just check our um character mannequins uh meshes and we can go ahead and open the sk mannequins button of course you can use any character that you want i like for example in my epic mdm submission i just added to my own character that i made in blender whatever so really doesn't matter so when you open it up we can see on the skeleton tree all the bones that we have and you can see first of all we have the root bone but of course that one is not the one that we want what we want is the nearest one which uh in my case is the pelvis it might for you maybe you're using like another type of skeleton might be like hips or something but around pelvis or helps uh you know you basically the closest one after the root so now what we can do he said here pelvis like this exactly like it is in the um bone so you know because it's a name by reference and then what we're going to do is basically get this and then make a physical animation data okay and this we can just drag it down here and we are gonna place all these settings for our uh you know uh rigid body animations and stuff on here so first of all uh for now i'm just gonna leave iso animation uh so first of all the orientation strength i'm gonna put it something as a thousand uh the angular velocity strength around a hundred the position strength around a thousand and then this one at a hundred uh now the max linear false and max uh uh angular force we can just leave them as um zero okay sorry so now what we have to do is um one last thing well there's actually two more less things that we have to do um which basically we have to get our mesh and we have to set all bodies below simulate physics okay because we of course we want to have all the bones to basically um be simulating physics because it's not it will not work so uh we're just gonna disable include self and just put the uh new simulator here and the new bone name i'll show you what you're going to use here is right click in the one that we said before and just promote the variable i'm just going to name it a bone so now we can use dragon on sorry wreck this on here and then we can use it also on here so we're gonna have to start green valleys it's compile and i don't know if it has yeah so it has always pelvis in there okay so now we have to do one more left um thing and it just go into the mesh on here and components and yes we have to go down into the collision and when it says uh collision presets we can use uh search for pound okay and then after setting the mesh to you know uh be a collision presence of a pound we have to use go into the capsule component and in uh collision presets set it to be uh ignore only pound okay so we it will ignore the pound there we go uh also i have uh just changed real quick i'm in the card anyway i was just filling with the settings uh so uh the cool ones that i found is a thousand on orientation strength a hundred in angular velocity strength position strength 1000 velocity strength 100 and then max linear force and maximum force into 102. all right so now we can compile and save and press play you can see how the physical animations is looking guys so so so cool and if we were to place another character like uh for example the one that in the epic media jam something like that uh you will see that it you know it will look better like a more cartoony character it will fit better of course but you can see with the even mannequin is pretty cool to play with so yeah guys that was the tutorial if you enjoyed it please like and subscribe i would really really appreciate it also leave a comment with other unreal engine 5 tutorials that you want to see in the future and now yes with all that said bye bye [Music]
Channel: Gorka Games
Views: 38,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, videojuegos, unreal engine, unreal engine 5, ue5, active ragdoll, tutorial, quixel, megascans, unreal engine tutorial, physical animations, ue5 active ragdoll, ue5 active ragdoll tutorial, ue5 physical animations tutorial, unreal engine physical animations, unreal engine 5 active ragdoll, unreal engine 5 gang beasts, unreal engine how to make active ragdoll, unreal engine 4, ue4, unreal engine 5 active ragdoll tutorial, ue5 tutorial active ragdoll
Id: l4nfL9RHcA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 12 2022
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