How to Make AMAZING Smoked Chicken Sausage! | Chuds BBQ

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what's going on everybody welcome back to chad's barbecue my name is bradley robinson and today i'm going to show you how i made these smoky snappy delicious plump smoked chicken sausages typically when i'm making a sausage it's either gonna be a beef sausage a pork sausage or a combination of the two except for that bubba cola sausage i did a while back that was beef and turkey and that was absolutely fantastic but one thing you don't see too often in the barbecue world is chicken sausages which i think is a shame because smoked chicken is one of my favorite things so that being said today we are going to take a stab at making some smoked chicken sausage and it is going to be delicious these are some chicken thighs today we're going with some boneless skinless chicken thighs because chicken thighs are a little bit juicier a little bit more flavorful and should give us a juicier sausage at the end although something tells me that breast meat might give us a better texture i don't know that's an experiment for another day and as you can see there's a decent amount of fat on there which is going to help out a lot so right now i'm just going through and i'm just cutting these in half maybe quarters fit through the meat grinder a little bit easier chicken skin is another option i'd like to play around with although in a coarse grind sausage i'm not sure how it would come out that might be better for a more emulsified kind of thing but again plenty of chicken experiments to come and although we're using thighs that have a little bit of fat on them we're going to need some more fat in order to make a nice juicy sausage so you can use whatever you like some duck fat would be great beef fat would be great today we're going to go with some pork fat because it's already going into a pork casing so why not but first i'm gonna weigh all this out to figure out how much fat we need to add oh almost forgot we're also gonna go in with some chicken livers that's gonna add some wonderful flavor nice amount of richness and if you've ever had chicken livers before or you think you don't like them gotta give them a shot they are super tasty do about a pound and of course in with our cubed up pork fat so those you keep in store at home who don't want to check the description for exact amounts of ingredients that is four pounds of chicken thigh one pound of chicken livers and one pound of pork fat and i think that should work out just about great now that everything's weighed out i'm gonna pop this into the freezer while we get our spices ready when it comes to spice blend for your chicken sausage you can do pretty much whatever you like chicken is a super blank canvas and you can make it whatever flavor you like whether it's curry spicy savory but today we're going to keep it pretty basic with a standard salty and savory mix that'll give you guys a great base place to start and building it from here if you want a spicer add more cayenne whatever so starting out we're going in with our binder which is some milk powder then some kosher salt black pepper paprika mustard powder some cayenne onion powder some garlic powder and for a little bit of color we're going in with some parsley as well and this should give us a nice classic tasting sausage with a lot of bind to it and kind of that central texas german check style flavor profile mix that all up get all the clumps out of there we are good to go [Applause] chicken is out of the freezer again it was only in there for maybe half an hour but any little bit helps when you're making sausage because you really want all this stuff to be nice and cold so you get a really clean grind to make sure none of this fat smears and clogs up the grinder so we're just going to go in with all of our seasoning mixture and make sure it's evenly dispersed looking good to me we're also going to go in with our ice which is going to be our liquid for this sausage if i thought about it i probably would have got some chicken stock but again the world is yours so now time to send it through the grinder i'm just going to grind right back into this bowl because you know what they say save a dish save a fish i don't think anyone's ever said that going on my 10 millimeter course die today as i always do unless i'm making an emulsified sausage which again chicken hot dogs that'll have to happen at some point and this grinder i'm using is from cabela's i think it's the half horsepower version i try to put links to it in the description but they seem to keep on breaking the link not the grinder yeah this thing is great no problems yet smelling like sausage looking good to me nice color on there done all right back into this container we go and we're just gonna knead this mix it all up make sure everything is evenly dispersed add a little bit more tackiness to the party and then we'll be ready to case gotta tell you this feels pretty weird usually it's tacking up a lot more the way that pork and beef kind of release their enzymes and whatnot chicken not so much so we'll see what happens i guess pack it in there nice and tight don't want any air pockets all right folks you know the drill from here it's time to start stuffing and getting our hands nice and dirty these are some hog casings i couldn't get my hand on any chicken casings but this will do just fine standard size i think they're 32 mil or 35 mil somewhere in that range and they've been soaking for a bit i'm going to send some water through the casing just to make sure it goes onto the horn nicely and flushes out all the salt because this is compact and salt now we're just going to stroke this on here giving it a nice gentle tug because this is only a six pound batch shouldn't need that many casings hopefully one will do god this is a long casing how long is this thing there it is oh yeah there you go big fella all right we're gonna tie this end off nice and tight and then realize that i forgot my knife every time nip the tip yoink and start casing away if you've seen my other sausage making videos you know i like to go link by link especially if it's just a small batch like this because i can really control the speed which it comes out to make sure the casing is nice and plump and at the same time i know there's no air pockets in here so therefore i don't have to go through and prick every sausage if you're doing 100 pounds or so then making one long rope and linking them from there makes a lot more sense but that's not what we're doing today my knot came undone that's fine color on this is looking great nice and red and you can make these as big or as small as you want i'm not too concerned with perfect consistency here but what i do want to make sure is that they are nice and plump otherwise we'll end up with a crumbly sausage and nobody wants a crumbly sausage yeah these are looking real nice and again the name of the game when casing is just keeping the proper amount of pressure on this casing so it doesn't just fly off and give you a little skinny dank sausage but at the same time if you put too much pressure it'll overfill and then pop your casing which is a pain in the butt i haven't made chicken sausage in a long time typically at lorraine lewis when we make chicken sausage the few times we have we do half chicken half pork and that works out really nicely again i was talking earlier about the bubble coal sausage that was half beef half turkey and uh yeah it's got a really nice texture to it but today we're going all chicken a little bit of pork fat and theoretically with all that binder in there it should work out nicely and like i mentioned chicken is a pretty blank canvas it's not all that flavorful so you can really go wild with chicken sausages adding some cheese in here adding some more herbs probably in november around thanksgiving i'll probably do a turkey sausage with a bunch of sage and stuff in it that sounds pretty tasty back of the knife tiny little hole trying to get some of this air off of the horn here might make the casing pop we'll find out all good but yeah some cheesy chicken sausage is definitely gonna happen throw some pepper jack in here that'd be great maybe for football season i'll do a buffalo blue cheese sausage that sounds pretty good and i believe that's it yep that's six pounds of sausage right there glad i didn't make a gigantic batch this time so we'll tie this end off and then you can also go through and make sure everything is nice and tight re-twirl all these but i'm feeling pretty good about this so with all these sausages made it is now time to fire up the pit also i've mentioned this in other sausage making videos but it's going to take a good 15-20 minutes to get this fire started so to help try and keep the flies off while also drying out the casings got a little fan right here just keeping these nice and dry and you can see that they're already looking pretty dry so little pro tip for you i got a pro tip for you keep the snakes out of your boots nice round dense pieces great for cold smoking and as you can see just like 20 minutes later these are looking a lot drier those casings are looking real dry and that's a great thing because now we can go through and separate them without having to worry about that end opening up if i flip it over you can see how it's still kind of wet on this side probably should have flipped these once or twice but hey lessons to be learned so i've got two big dense logs on this one chimney of charcoal behind me on this pit we're gonna be trying to rock this smoker around 150 degrees or so so we can get some really nice smoke penetration on these links without rendering out any of the fat because if that happens it may start to leach out and we'll end up with some really dry crumbly sausages so on to the pit they go and this is the first time i've done a cook on this thing since i cleaned it out a couple of weeks back so it should be really nice to give us some nice clean weenies so 150 ish degrees we're going to go for the next few hours while we wait for these sausage links to smoke away let's go ahead and make ourselves a little lunch this video is brought to you by hellofresh america's number one meal kit with thousands of meal plans to choose from whether you're a meat eater vegetarian pescatarian or you're looking for something quick and easy hellofresh has got you covered and if you live a busy life like i do having someone else do all the shopping for you once or twice a week is a really great thing and because hellofresh only gives you the exact amounts of ingredients that you need you're not going to end up with a bunch of food waste and it makes these meals super easy to put together because you don't have to weigh anything out or measure anything out and i must say everything they have sent me so far has been absolutely fantastic and not only are you saving on food waste with a meal kit plan like this but also all their packaging is made from recycled materials for a surprisingly low carbon footprint tell you what this is great for beginner cooks too because you don't have to worry about exact measurements or anything because everything's already pre-portioned it's also a way to learn all the basic techniques of cooking my girlfriend is also a big fan of these meals she rarely sets foot in the kitchen but because everything is so quick and easy and simple to put together she's been enjoying it too this meal in particular if i wasn't filming it would have come together in probably about eight minutes oh yeah oh that's looking real nice and the food you get is quality as well these tortillas feel real nice gotta have a little cheese fold them up brooke would you like to try a cheesy beef tortilla melt okay yeah kind of fancy way to say quesadilla yeah nothing wrong with that no simple cheesy beefy no matter well those certainly disappeared quick but if you're in the market for some hassle-free weeknight meals or just looking for a little help with some meal prep head over to use promo code chudsbbq14 for up to 14 free meals again that's use code chug's barbecue 14 for 14 free meals thank you hello fresh we're about two hours into the smoke and these weenies are looking great nice red color on there getting some good smoke on there and look at that there's not too much suit on the bottom because we just cleaned the pit but i'm gonna go ahead and flip all these over to get even smoke penetration and they should be done in the next hour or so but while you're back here you might as well give them a little clean because as you know everybody loves a clean weenie after about three hours of smoking away i am pulling these off and they are looking fantastic got a beautiful nice red color on there plenty of smoke so into the ice bath where they go and again the point of the ice bath is just to help shrink up the casing stop the cooking process seal in all that steam that we would lose if we just let them sit out and it also chills them right down so you can back seal them up pop them in your fridge pop them in the freezer but i want to see how these came out so i'm going to bump this temp up to about 250 275 we'll get a couple crisped off it'll only take about 20 30 minutes and then we will see how they taste after about 30 minutes these links are hot and ready i tempt them rin right at 165 degrees and they are ready to slice in without further ado let's see how these chicken sausages came out oh nice and juicy very coarse evan yeah would you like to try some chicken sauce i sure would so this is chicken thighs some chicken livers and some pork fat so no pork meat no pork meat okay that's really good really tasty jesus man uh i think chicken thighs are much better for a sausage for pretty much anything than chicken breasts chloe you want to give us a sausage pop oh yeah oh man jesus yeah don't squeeze your meat folks that was really good i wouldn't know there were livers in there if you hadn't told me which i think is what you want i think they had like a rounded and depth flavor but good just poultry in the sausage i feel like it's the way it goes texture is on the flavor is really good it picks up more smokiness i feel like i also just feel like it's not heavy like yeah you eat this sausage give your whole link get that juice in the beard oh yeah it's extremely juicy for the official taste test all right y'all and that is how to make some absolutely fantastic chicken sausage again this turned out way better than i anticipated it too it was incredibly firm nice and plump really great texture nice snap smoky flavorful everything you want out of a sausage so i highly recommend you giving this a try i'm looking forward to experimenting a lot more with chicken sausages but that being said if you make your own chicken sausage be sure to hit me up on instagram at chud's barbecue i love to see what you all are cooking let me know in the comments below what you think i should cook up next big shout out to all the patreon members thank you for supporting team chud until the next time i see you please go cook something outside please
Channel: Chuds BBQ
Views: 59,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Smoked Chicken Sausage, Barbecue, Sausage Making, Offsset Smoker, Backyard BBQ, smoked chicken sausage recipes, How to cook smoked chicken sausage, BBQ Sausage, Barbecue Sausage, Barbeque Sausage, Chicken Recipe, BBQ Chicken Recipe, Smoked Chicken Recipe, Texas Style Sausage, Chicken Sausage
Id: jE4oKxMxMAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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