How to Make a YouTube Channel

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hi everyone my name is Kevin today I want to show you how you can set up your very own YouTube channel and I'm going to show you step by step how you first off upload your first video how you customize your channel how you look at your analytics and it's going to give you a full view into how you can get your YouTube channel up and running and it's actually easier than you think all right well enough talk why don't we jump on the PC and I'll show you exactly how you can do it all right well here I am on my PC and to set up a YouTube channel I probably need some type of video that I want to share with the world and the good thing is I have a video now I'm thinking about setting up a time lapse video channel and this is my very first video this is a time lapse of the city of Seattle you see the Space Needle in the front and over the course of the video it gets darker and darker and you can see evening set in on Seattle so this is going to be my first video that I upload to my channel I think I'm very proud of this video and by the way I live in Seattle so this is my hometown City so I'm going to represent with this video so I have my first video how do I go about getting this onto YouTube and how do I set up my channel well here we go so what we're going to do first is let's open up a web browser and I'm going to go ahead and open up Google Chrome with my browser open what I want to do is let's navigate to the website we want to set up our own YouTube channel so probably makes sense to head on over to YouTube so here we are on the YouTube website and what we want to do as our very first step is we want to sign into YouTube so up in the top right hand corner there's an option that says sign in let's go ahead and click on that and then what you're going to need is you need some type of Google account if you don't have one yet you could just go ahead and create a new account however I already have a Google account so I'm going to go ahead and log in with kevstrat6 and then I'll go ahead it's already automatically entered my password and I'm going to go ahead and click on next and now I'm logged into YouTube as kevstrat6 and this is the user that I want to create the YouTube channel for so here I am in YouTube and I have a whole bunch of different video suggestions so how do I go about creating a channel well it's actually very easy and to create your channel really what you need to do is you just need to upload your first video and to do that up here once again in the top right hand corner there's a there's a plus icon right here or the create icon so it's a little camera with a plus sign I'm going to go ahead and click on that and when I click on that button I have two different options one is to upload a video and the other is to stream and go live so I could do either one of those but I simply want to upload a video so I'm going to click on the first option now what's going to happen is this brings me into the upload video prompt and here it says I can either drag and drop a video or I could select the files and this will bring up a file picker so I'm going to go ahead and click on select files and this video file is on my desktop it's the carry Park time lapse by the way if you ever visit Seattle Cary Park is a beautiful uh place to visit and that's where you get probably the best view of the downtown Skyline so I'm going to go ahead let's select that file and now YouTube is going to upload this video and so it might take a little bit of time depending on your upload speed this is a smaller video so it should go pretty fast now when you upload your video and when you upload any video to YouTube you'll be able to type in a title so I'm going to just name it carrypark time lapse and then what I'm going to say is I'm going to type in a quick description and there's my description now as I go down what I can also do is I can select a thumbnail I could select a custom thumbnail or what will happen is once the video has finished uploading YouTube will suggest auto-generated thumbnails for me from the video so they'll choose thumbnails that tend to work well and will attract a good click-through rate however as your YouTube channel becomes more and more prominent and as you have more subscribers and viewers it makes sense to upload your own thumbnail that really represents what the video is about so you could go ahead and do that I'm going to wait for the upload to finish and then I'll select one of the pre-selected thumbnails now what I can also do here I could select a playlist that this video goes under I could also indicate if this video is made for kids or not this video is not specifically for kids so I'm going to go ahead and select not and then there are some additional options down here that you could open up where you add things like tags subtitles where it was filmed and information like that but just for simplicity's sake I'm going to leave those as is all right well once the video finishes uploading it needs to process the video and here you see the three different options for the thumbnail they're all of Kerry Park but they're simply different parts of the video I'm gonna go with the the early evening shot where the sky is somewhat dark blue and you can still see the city and some of the sun against the buildings I think that one looks nice so that's going to be my thumbnail and I'm going to go ahead now and click on next now what I can do next is there's something called video elements I can add an end screen what an end screen is I'll go ahead and click on that just to show what I could do is I could feature a video and I could also encourage users to subscribe to my channel I'm going to go ahead and just click on the recommended option here and what I'm going to do here is this is just going to be the best video recommendation for the viewer this looks great to me and I'm going to go ahead and save this what I can also do is there's the option to add cards to your video and what you could do with cards is here as this video plays I could add a card and I could promote another video or playlist another Channel or I could create a poll that users can look at so another nice way to generate or Drive traffic back to your other videos but in this case this is my first video on the channel so I'm just gonna go ahead and leave it as is and we're going to go back to YouTube Studio now back here it looks like all of that set now I'm going to jump through and I have a few different options I can save and publish and make it public so everyone can immediately see it or I could unlist it or I can make the video private I'm going to just make it private for now but I also have the option to schedule the video if I want it to go live at a certain time so let's say that I want to release my videos every morning at you know say 8 A.M I have the option to do that and there's also something called a Premiere where it'll go live at the same time for everyone so let's say you have a big unveiling of some exciting new video you can make it a Premiere and that way you could watch it along with your viewers all at the same time it adds a little bit of excitement so but what I'm going to do is I'm just going to list it as a private video since this is one of my test channels here and I'm going to go ahead and save it and congratulations hooray this is the first video on my YouTube channel and if you've uploaded your first video your YouTube channel is officially set you technically now have a YouTube channel congrats regulations this is the main YouTube Studio View and I'll show you how you can get back here if you ever want to return to this view so what I'm going to do is let's open up another Tab and I'm going to navigate back to and up here under the people profile picture so this is your photo up here in the top right hand corner I'm going to go ahead and click on that and then within this you'll see an option that says YouTube studio if I click on that that will bring me back to this view here so just a quick way to navigate back but this is where you're going to manage your videos and we'll come back here in just a moment but what I want to start with first is let's take a look and see what your channel looks like now that you've uploaded your first video so I'm going to go back to my main YouTube chat uh Tab and then here again what we're going to do is we're going to click on your photo up here in the right hand corner and along with the YouTube Studio there's also an option that says your channel and so if I click on your channel what this will do is this will bring me to my main Channel page and I can go ahead and refresh it now and what will happen is this is my home page here so what I can do is right now it looks a little Barren because I don't have much content here but what I can do is I can click on customize channel so let's go ahead and click on customize Channel and I'll show you very quickly what we can do here so here at the very top there's something called channel art this represents your channel to anyone stumbling upon your channel and so what we could do is we could click on ADD channel art here or if you already have channel art you could click over here on the pin and then you could also edit your channel art so let's go ahead and let's add some channel art you could upload a photo you could select an existing photo or you could click into the gallery and simply choose one of YouTube's photos and I'm just going to go ahead let's choose this one for now now the interesting thing is YouTube will crop the photo depending on whether the photo appears on a desktop on a TV or a mobile device if you're interested in learning more about how to create a great looking piece of channel art I've created a video on that and you could find it in the description of this video so feel free to check that out all right well this looks good so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and select this photo and that's going to be my new channel art along with changing the channel art what I could do is I could also update my photo here if I click on this icon here I can update my photo up here so this is my way of representing who I am to the world and so I could update that picture one other thing that you have here one thing you might notice on some other channels is there are links that appear here in the bottom right hand corner of the channel art if you click on the pen you could click on something called edit links and this will allow you to add different links so whether you say have a Facebook whether you have an Instagram whether you have any type or a Twitter account any type of link that you want to feature on your channel you could very easily do that using this link right there one of the other things that I want to show on this page as we go down here there's something called featured channels this is where you could feature your favorite YouTubers right here and I would hope that everyone watching this video would add Kevin Stratford as a featured Channel because I know you love it so much all kidding aside this is where you could add different channels and you could feature say friends or maybe uh people who you uh really find inspirational uh you could add them right here now one of the other things that we can do is over here in the main section of the page this is where it's going to feature your uploads now I just uploaded a video but it takes YouTube a little bit of time to detect that it's there but what I can do here is I could add different sections to my page so here I could select the type of content that appears so I could put down popular uploads and I could list out the uploads with the most views I can show my playlists I could show subscriptions that I have so all sorts of different ways of representing the content on my channel and then as I choose these different content types I could also choose do I want it in a horizontal layout or do I want it in a vertical layout so two different ways of representing how the videos look but you have control you could customize how this page appears to your viewers the next thing I want to do is on the channel page let's go ahead and click on the about pivot up here and what this will do is this brings up more information about your channel you could add a channel description for business inquiries you can include an email address so it's a good idea to create a separate email address especially as your channel gets bigger and bigger you might get a lot of business inquiries and you want to separate that from your personal email you could also indicate your location and lastly one more place where you could add links for your channel so I showed a previous way but this is one more way you could add links in so now that we've gone through and we've customized the channel a little bit why don't we go back to the YouTube studio and once again to get there you can click on your photo and then go to YouTube Studio I also have an existing tab open already that is in the YouTube studio so let's walk through this and I'll show you just some of the high level things that you can do within the YouTube studio and we're going to go down this list from top to bottom and we're going to start with the dashboard now the dashboard is where you're first going to come in anytime you launch the YouTube Studio some of the things you'll see here one of the fun things is how many subscribers you have now if you have a channel and you have more than zero you are beating this channel congratulations this channel does not have much of a following but perhaps one day we can build this up so here is just the main dashboard view some interesting high level information that you can see here there's also a lot of learning content that YouTube publishes and you can see right within this view they also publish a video every week where they give you nice information about new developments and Innovations at YouTube now what I'm going to do next is now that we took a look at this let's jump into the videos tab over here on the left hand side and here's where you see all your different videos that you have you can see what the visibility is you could see when it was published how many views how many comments you could also sort by views here if I hover over the video what I could do is I could jump into edits I could view analytics specific to this video comments specific to this video I can also view it on YouTube and if I click on the ellipses or the dot dot dot I also see a few additional links here if I want to download the video or I could simply delete it forever and it won't come back so a few of the things that I could do I'm going to click into the edit option and here you can see that once again like when I uploaded it here I can go back and I could edit details related to the video and hear what's interesting is I could see analytics specific to this video so now if I go back some of the other options that I could have I can create playlists related to my YouTube channel I don't have any currently but on my main Channel I have playlists related to different groups of topics so I've done a whole bunch of Microsoft teams videos and they all sit within their own playlist I've done a bunch of PowerPoint videos they also sit in their own playlist so it's a nice way to group related content together and then as I go down I also have overall Channel analytics I'm going to go ahead and click into that my this channel is not very active so there are no views but here you can see how many views you're getting what your watch time is how many subscribers you're gaining on a daily basis you could also adjust things like what time period you look at and there's also an advanced mode which allows you to get more granular views of how your channel is performing so some very nice in-depth reviews to keep you up to speed on how things are going you also have the ability to look at comments that are coming in on your channel YouTube does a nice job of holding comments that say are spam or link out to commercial website sites that people post occasionally and so you could review those and remove those and you have full control over what comments show up on your channel there are also different filters that you could apply here the default filter is comments I haven't responded to although I really don't have any comments at all here and then you could also sort by other things for example if someone would say a high subscriber count post a comment that could be kind of fun so you can very quickly sort by that you could also add subtitles and different languages to your videos or even in English once your channel is large enough you can monetize your channel to monetize you need at least a thousand subscribers and you also need at least 4 000 watch hours over the period of a year and once you hit those you can start making money on ads from your videos so it's kind of a neat little Milestone that you can get to and here you could have YouTube notify you when you're eligible for that lastly one of the great things here is the audio library in YouTube and this is awesome what this is is YouTube provides a massive library of music and audio files that you can use in your videos and you don't have to worry about getting copyright strikes you don't have to worry about people claiming that it's their songs you can use these songs and you can monetize your videos and along with all the free music there are also sound effects that you could use if say you want to insert different sound effects into your videos so really really nice capability here back in the YouTube Studio what we're going to do now is I'm going to click into settings and we could take a look at what types of settings are available there's not too much here but some of the simple things that I could do is if I click into channel here I could edit my channel name I could also add keywords related to my channel the country that I work in once again here's another path back to customizing my channel so they have another entry point from here you could also set upload default so every video that uploads you could set a specific title or a description you could also set your default visibility so you don't have to select that each and every single time that you're uploading a video and one of the neat ones is this is something called permissions so let's say you're setting up a YouTube channel and you have people who are helping you with it you can give them permission so they can also go in and they could access your account they could also moderate comments so a neat way to bring other people in on the fun of creating a YouTube channel all right well that was just a really quick overview of how you can set up your very first YouTube Channel hopefully you have some fun ideas for a YouTube channel maybe it's a hobby maybe you're doing instructional videos whatever your reason is hopefully you have fun doing it and you you really enjoy it with my YouTube channel I've had a blast creating this uh creating my channel and hopefully you do too if you have some fun videos or if you have a neat channel that you created leave a comment down below so both I and also some of the viewers can see what type of Channel you've created anyway if this video helped you get your first YouTube channel up and running uh please give this video a thumbs up if you want to see more videos like this in the future make sure to hit that subscribe button that way you'll get a notification anytime new content like this comes out and lastly if there are any other videos that you want to see me cover in the future leave a comment down below and I'll add it to my list of videos to create alright well that's all I have for you today I hope you enjoyed this video and I hope to see you next time bye
Channel: Kevin Stratvert
Views: 284,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: upload, video, youtube, you tube, channel, channel art, create, set up, build, post, how to upload videos on youtube, how to upload a video on youtube, upload video to youtube, 2020
Id: zRZpmkIn5Ac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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