How to Make a Wordpress Blog for Beginners

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by the end of this video you're going to go from no idea how to make a website to a beautifully customized blog that looks like any of these live and online in less than an hour it doesn't matter if you're planning on making money from your blog or if it's just a personal passion project these steps are going to guide you all the way across the Finish Line I'll show you how to use the best free WordPress blogging theme perfect for any Niche and how even a complete beginner can customize it to look like this this this or like anything you want all you're GNA have to pay for is hosting which with my discount code is going to run you about three bucks a month and a little later I'll even show you how you can use AI the right way to create gorgeous images for your posts for free and unlimited content that's going to engage your readers and even sell your affiliate offers for you if that's your goal so the first thing we need to do is get you set up with your website address and an affordable hosting plan there's really no good way around this part so let's just go over to West hosting all right so if you followed that link you'll wind up on a page like this it may look different for me they change the look of it from time to time but what you want to look at over here is the deal you're going to get so right now their deal is $1.99 a month that's better than it usually is so if you see this price go ahead and jump on it I would but with this price you get a free domain for the first year in other words your doom name you get a security certificate which is great for Google and all these things that just make it really easy to use so I'm going to click on get started now now from here you make a choice of which plan you want for 99% of you I would say basic is just fine unless you have a eCommerce or anything like that um but if just a basic website let's go with the first option now here's where they're going to ask if you already have a domain name you own or if you want to create a new one so for instance if you already have you know your business you would just type it in here then click next and if not you're going to need to get one at this point so you just type in whatever you think your website address should be here and then you choose your extension Doc is almost always the way to go there's all these other ones but people get confused by them so highly recommend just sticking if you can and just click on next and if it's available it'll say so if not you just have to get more creative and try again um you're just going to go ahead and fill in all this information for yourself and then choose the service Term 12 months is going to get you the best deal so I'm going to stick with that and right here we're seeing we got the domain name for free here I'm going to go ahead and uncheck all these extras they're really not needed so it says apply coupon code but we've already used the link which functions as the coupon code nothing to do there so you have a website for a full year for under 24 bucks not bad at all we're just going to go ahead and fill in payment information now uncheck this so you don't get emails from them and then click on submit okay so the purchase went through and it took about a minute just to build out WordPress and we wound up right here so we're going to skip over all of this stuff and we're just going to go up to exit to Wordpress and click on exit okay so here we are inside of the WordPress dashboard so what shows up for you right here may look a little different for you again they change it from time to time but what you're really looking for is everything over here this panel where it has things like posts media Pages that's all the really important stuff and I will show you how to add a post later but first we have to actually create the website that we're going to put the posts on so the first step to do that is to actually add our theme so we're going to go down to appearance and themes so the theme is basically just like the visual wrapper for your website and there are a lot of great ones specifically for blogs but there's one that I think outshines all the rest and it's completely free so we're going to go down to where it says add new theme and we're going to search for bloxy here it is right here now this one just has all the bells and whistles you're ever going to need right out of the gate super easy to customize it can look however you want it to look it's awesome so I'm just going to click on install and then activate Okay so we're almost ready to use our theme but we need one more thing we need to install the bloxy companion this is just going to bring in more components that we're going to need to use so I'm going to click on that now we're not going to worry about any of these things just yet we'll handle these a little later but for now we're going to go over to starter site so this is going to let us have kind of a base of what it's going to look like now a lot of these are more for traditional websites right like a Cosmetic Company Real Estate so what we want to do is we want to go all the way down to the bottom may be different for you by the time you get to this for now it's the last one it's called news now this is perfect for any blog you can think of I'm going to click on import and we're going to click right here you definitely want to do that and then click on next next and then on install now this just going to take a few minutes to bring everything in and then we can get building okay so that's done let's go ahead and click on view site just to see what we're starting from so here's the look without any customization yet so basically we can change things like the fonts the accent color obviously the logo how the the header is arranged up top we can change pretty much anything to achieve any look you want so in order to customize this we're just going to go up to where it says customized go figure okay so the first thing we probably want to do let's just start right up at the top with the header so how do we change this to make it fit your own brand your logo all that good stuff well we're just going to go over to the sidebar where it says header now this is pretty cleverly arranged so what we have here if you look up top We have basically two levels of the header you can see this one up here it's dark it has its own set of links it's got some social icons right up here then the logo then the main menu and a button and you can see this is mimicked down here as well so this is a thre layer menu they give you the option for as many as three layers there's nothing in the the bottom row right now that's why you're only seeing two we've got the logo we've got the menu the button then we have the search icon right up here socials and menu two so we'll talk about setting menus in a bit but for now like let's say you wanted to set all your social icons you just click right here and then you can get rid of any you don't have like if you don't have Pinterest you would just x that out and if there's one that you have that's not up here you would search for it right here so we have like apple podcast behance all these different things I if you're a design and you have dribble you just click that and you click the plus icon and then from there you can rearrange these however you want to you can go to design and you can change the colors for them right now it's got a initial color of this gray but you can change it to anything you want and then the hover state which is when you actually hover over it with your mouse you can change that to whatever you want all really customizable and if you wanted to change the background color of this whole bar you would just click on the top row then go to design and you can choose whatever background color you want right here but let's say you don't even need this top row you know you just want to make it super simple well all you really need to do is just X all of these different things off just one at a time and then it disappears when there's nothing in there it leaves let's say you don't need the button right you could click on it and you can change the text over here if you want to do that you can change where the link goes and you can even change the design you can change the colors the same way we did before just choose any color you want to but let's say you don't need it I'm just going to click on the X and you can move things around however you want to let's say we wanted to have the logo centered with the menu centered underneath it so how would we do that well the first thing we need to do is I'm going to move the menu down here into the middle column and I'm going to do the same with the logo right here I'm going to drag that into the middle column which looks like it's only two but then once you start dragging things a third column opens up in the middle there magically for you and then maybe we want a search icon over here too so that people can actually find with a looking for on your site so the way you do that is over here on the panel you have all these different elements that you can drag over so I'm just going to find the search and I'm just going to drag it right where I want it next to the menu over here and let's say I want that to be a little bit more in yourf face so that people can actually find it we'll just click on that and under General icon size we'll just bump it up to wherever we think looks good we can even make it a little darker if we want let's go to design and choose something a little darker gray yeah I think something like that looks nice now let's go ahead and change our logo so let's click on it and you'll go over here where it says logo and you'll click on the little pencil icon then you just find the icon on your computer the file of it and then you just drag it right over here and then click on select and then from there you can change the height of it the size of it all that good stuff one thing though that's bothering me there's a lot of space between the logo and the menu so let's go ahead and try to tighten that up we're just going to go down to the bottom row and click on the gear and then under minimum height let's drop that down we can just eyeball it to where we think it looks good maybe something around 40 now let's just take a look at our menu real quick I'll show you what we can do with that we'll click on menu so there's things we can do like with item spacing so if we wanted to make them a little more spread out we can do a look like that we can go to design and we can change things like the font if we choose this we can choose whatever we want to down here from literally thousands of Google fonts there's plenty of options can change the size the weight of it if we wanted to change the font color to something just a little more neutral rather than with that blue tint we can do that looking pretty good now we're just going to click on this little back arrow we'll go to headers Global header so one thing you'll notice here if we scroll down the header disappears it goes right up with the top of the page you don't really want that you want people to be able to go to whatever page they want to at any point of them scrolling down so what we do we'll just click on sticky functionality so now let's try scrolling down and see what happens okay so the top row Scrolls but the bottom row doesn't so we have to turn it on to where it shows Main and bottom row cuz that's what we have here we have Main and bottom so click right there now when you scroll down it all stays together okay so this is looking pretty good I'm going to click on publish just to save all of our changes really important to do that as you go so now we are going to go to the back button and we're going to do it again and we're going to go down to footer so let's check that out so footer is obviously the part at the bottom botom of the page where we have right here we have posts we have some some links just some kind of random stuff here and the way the footer works is just like how the header worked we have three different levels we have all these different widgets you can customize them if you want if you want to keep your popular posts here that's one way to go if you want your contact info great I'm just going to simplify this quite a bit I'm going to get rid of everything in the second row I don't know that it's needed so now we're left with just social icons your menu and your copyright line that's it and we can change the design by going up to design and choosing our a new icon color like maybe we just want it to be a little more medium gray but how about the background right now it's set to this like light blue color it's easy to change we're just going to go to where it says top row and the gear icon and then we're going to go to design and we can change it any color we want just by clicking here you can play around on the the slider here get any color you want or if you already have a color you know you want you have the code for it you can just paste that right in here and then you would have to do the same thing for the bottom row so click on the gear design background and I'm just going to type in the same number there okay great so speaking of Colors Let's go and look at how we change the colors for your whole site right now so we're going to click on the the arrow we want to get back to the main customization area and you guessed it I'm going to click right on colors so you've got some good options here if you go up to Global color palette and you click these three little dots and just click on color palletts it's going to have have all of these pre-made palettes for you if you choose to use them you can obviously bring in your own colors if you want to do that but if you're not really a designer and you just kind of want to go with something you've got some really solid options here so maybe you like this one right down here pallet 12 that automatically changes the colors around the whole site so these little boxes links the boxes over here it just thinks through everything for you which is really nice but let's say you wanted more close control of the colors you're going to use you're just going to come right back up and you're going to change these colors one by one so here we have this is what I would consider color one to be like the main accent color of the site you can see it's as orange across the board here then I believe this color is kind of the the hover color so just change it one by one color three looks like it might be just the the text and I think color four is the headline text color you get the picture but the other color that you really want to give some serious thought to is down here where it says site background so right now it's this really soft light gray color which works perfectly fine you don't have to change it but if you were going after a certain look you would just click on it and you can change it anything from really dark you can do a gradient if you want so if you wanted something and they've got all these cool gradients for you to choose from so there's some really interesting looks here if you wanted to go for something specific you do that or just kind of a like a light to dark tons of different options for you even some lighter more subtle ones down here too just make sure that whatever background color color you choose or gradient you choose works together with the the main accent colors you're using you could even do a background image I don't probably recommend that I think that's going to look too busy most of the time but it's there for you if you want it I'm just going to go to color and I'm going to choose something nice and subtle I'm just going to go ahead and paste in this color it's just kind of a nice Light Beige it'll go with almost anything okay so with colors out of the way let's click on publish just to save our changes again let's click on the back button now we're going to look at at typography so if you have a specific font you want to use this is where you would do it for most of the time again if you're not a designer the fonts they have here right out of the box are perfectly fine I think they look very nice but if you go to the Google fonts website just explore and see if there's anything that catches your eye there and you can make your entire site just based on Google fonts so there's one that I really like so I'm just going to click here and I'm going to look for monserat so I'm just going to select that so when I chose that monot font for the base font that filtered down through all of these but if you ever want to have closer control over a certain type of headline you can just go to that specific one and you can change it to whatever you want to change it to you can change the folding the size all that good stuff but I think out of the box this looks pretty good I'm not going to screw around with it too much because I think that generally will only lead to problem so let's go ahead and stay with this now we get to have a little bit more fun and choose what our blog posts are actually going to look like so let's hit the back button again and we will go down under post types we're going to go to blog posts so when it says blog posts this is what it's referring to this like homepage basically where it's showing all the different posts you have a little later we'll get to what each individual post is going to look like but for now let's stick with this homepage layout so you've got these different options here you've got five of them so we're going to click on each one so this one option one looks like this option two is a more full width display then we have a grid and then we have this is my favorite one the enhanced grid if you click on that so it basically it goes in two different columns so we have two then it goes to three then back to two so it just has a little bit of variance which is nice when people are scrolling down a page so everything doesn't look exactly the same the whole time then as we scroll down we can choose the number of posts it'll show on any given page I think 10 is a good number that way it doesn't take too long to load and then they'll just see you know this pagination stuff where you know go to the next page for the rest so we're going to tackle card options a little later and we can skip this but now we have page elements so let's see what we mean we have this sidebar up here I don't think it's super necessary to have this here because we're already looking at all the most recent posts right so I'm going to clean it up and just check this off and Pat ination you want that on we can make it a little bit more fun with the cards reveal effect so let's go ahead and click on that that's what happens so you scroll down and they all kind of animate in which is just it's a nice effect I highly recommend keeping that on okay so now let's go back down to card options so I'm going to click on this so let's see what we're looking at here I'm actually going to go to this row where it's easier to see everything at once so what we have here are a few different elements for every post we have the category cards we have the title of the post the featured image an excerpt of the post and then some you know meta elements the author the date that kind of stuff and this is all accounted for over here in order so for instance you can drag the title underneath the featured image and that's where that would go then so let's say you didn't really want to have these category cards all you need to do is just click on the X and they go away and for the excerpt we're just going to click on the little eyeball icon to hide that for some reason the X option isn't available for that so not sure why that is but it works the same way we can just hide stuff as we need to so let's say we want to keep the author but not the date I actually recommend hiding dates on blog posts for the simple fact that most of the time blog posts can be very Evergreen right people can read them and get value out of them at any time in the future but people's brains are kind of wired to if if they see that a post is old they kind of don't want to read it so I'm just going to click on post meta I'm going to hide taxonomies and I'm going to click on author and of course you could hide it all together if you didn't want even the author just click on the eyeball icon and you're good to go but one thing we're missing here is actually a button that tells people that they can read the rest of the story right so to turn something on we're just going to find it it's gray out here that means it's hidden we're going to turn it on by clicking on the eyeball and there we go and if we click on this downward Arrow we can choose how that's displayed right now it has a back background color it's a button we could make it simple to where it's just text or we could do it outlined I think I'm just going to go back to simple and if you want to change the text maybe you want it to say you know read story instead of read more you can show an arrow if you want and I think that looks pretty good now you've got a few more options under card type so right now it's set to boxed let's see what the other options look like click on simple so that gets rid of the Border behind it so we're just looking at the background color of the site or we have cover where all of the text is actually on top of the image now if you go with this route you're GNA have to do a little bit of design work you're have to make sure like the text is white and all that good stuff I tend to shy away from this one simply because you have to put such a dark overlay on the image to make it read that it kind of dulls everything so that's why I don't like this one as much so I'm going to go back to box this one's my personal favorite but there's still more we can do so we can click on design to really customize it the way we want you can obviously change the fonts and everything one at a time if you wanted to override the settings you already have you can change the background color of the card if you just click on that you can make it whatever you want I happen to think white looks the best by far here you can add a border around it so if you clicked on I'd probably choose a solid line I think the dotted lines can probably look a little funky and then you can just change the width of it you can change the color of it to whatever you want it to be but I think I like it better without a border so I'm just going to click right here and then choose none you can have a drop shadow here you can just click here and change the values here you can just kind of bring it off to the side a bit or like so you can do all these different things with it and change the color of it right here as well so you wanted to make it black oh that's way too much yeah so I'm probably just going to disable this for now I don't think it's needed and then here's one you might want to do border radius so this is what's going to achieve that little kind of rounded Corners look so we just go down here to border radius and just let's just play around with it I think something like that looks pretty good around eight but hopefully you're starting to see how customizable this is and how all these elements can be tweaked to really give you any look you want okay so now let's click on publish to save our changes and now we're going to take a look at how we can actually change the look of an individual blog post so let's click on this back arrow and one more time and then we'll go down to where it says single post and now we actually have to be looking at a single post to to see all these changes in effect so just go ahead and click on the first post here okay so here's what we've got and if we scroll down we can see that this page pretty much mimics this first option here where we have a nice big featured image we basically have a one column layout pretty simple let's see what the other options would look like option two I think that's just a wider layout is all we get there then we get a left sidebar with option three or a right sidebar with option four and I'm going to go with this I think having a sidebar on the right side is a better way to go I just from a usability standpoint now we've got some choices to make like do you want the content to be on the background color of the site or do you want it to be boxed I tend to think this is a better way to go it's going to be easier to read it depends on the background obviously but if you were going for a more kind of crazy colorful background you would definitely want this just to to make that easy on people and as we scroll down I would just keep content area vertical spacing where it is and now for post elements so this is interesting there's a few things you probably want to check on one would be a share boox so that makes it easy for people to share your article you definitely want that you go in all the trouble to create these articles you want to make it easy for people to put the word out and you might want an author box too maybe you take guest posts from people and you want to be able to give them an author box so I would definitely keep these on now featured image this one's a little strange to me because technically the featured image is already up here but if you turn this on it's going to repeat it right here you don't want that there's no there's no point to that so we leave that off and the rest of these as well and then under page elements I like to have related posts on that way if people like the article it's going to show them other articles that are similar to to the one they just saw so let's go down and see what that looks like it pops up at the bottom of the page just like this now comments that is up to you I like to turn comments off because I feel like you just get a lot of spam when you leave them on up to you though if you really want to encourage comments and engagement go ahead and leave that on now if we go up to design there's a few more things we can change here too scrolling up we definitely want post title on if we got rid of that the whole top image with the title goes away so obviously we want to keep that on now scrolling down so we have content area background that's this I'm I would almost always leave that on white content area Shadow you could have like a shadow underneath it it looks like there's a really subtle one going on right now I'm not going to change that but if you click on adjust you can change all these values and make it look however you want to you can add a border around the content area I already showed you how to do that and we've got a little border radius around here maybe we want to mimic what we had on the homepage so make that eight and that just makes it a little bit more rounded here then content area padding so padding refers to the area right in here so from The Edge to where the the words start that's padding it's about 40 pixels wide right now looks good to me I wouldn't change it and then scrolling down yeah nothing really more here okay so one last area to look at here which is this top section with your title so we'll just hover over this and click on edit so here we can make a major choice so type one looks like this which does not include the featured image type two obviously does that's what we were working with originally I happen to like this better but it's a personal preference for sure and then let's go up to design and obviously you can change the fonts all that kind of stuff here the main thing I want to show you that's new is this image overlay color so right now you have to put some kind of a color overlay over an image for the text to be able to be read on top of it CU if you don't it depends on the image but it can just get lost so right now let's just click on the color it looks like it's kind of set to like almost a blue tint that may not always work for what you want so what I recommend is just probably making that much more of a gray with no real color in it at all and you can make it more transparent you can make it a little less transparent whatever you want I feel like something like this looks pretty good to my eye in gradient I would enage you not to even mess with it too much can go wrong there I think a solid color is the way to go now back under General if you want to get rid of any of these elements here you're just going to go under elements to post meta and then the little drop down I'm going to hide publish date for the reason I said before and I'll just keep the author name and the category and then if you wanted to change so it's got like this little uh backslash here if you want to change that just go to items divider you could choose none you could do a dash or you could do a bullet that's just really dealer Choice totally up to you now I'm going to click on publish and we can move on now to our next category here so I'm going to click on the back button and one more time to get us to the main menu and I'm going to go down to categories this is basically what the categories page looks like let's say we're here and I want to click on Trends to get to all the all the different blog posts under that category click here so this is what that looks like so basically it looks pretty much like the homepage did right so you probably just want to mimic exactly what you did on the homepage so if you remember we did enhanced grid there or I did you may have done something different by the way feel free to make it different on this as well it doesn't have to be exactly the same these are the ones I tend to stay away from okay the first one and the second one because these two they require you to scroll down too far to find stuff I tend to like the ones with multiple columns so it's easier for people to kind of get where they're going so for that reason I like number four number three works too now let's scroll down we'll just keep it on 10 like we did before card options remember we have SIMPLE boxed or cover we chose box last time so I'm going to stick with that but if you chose simple for instance you would probably want to stick with what you did on the homepage I'll get rid of the post meta here that means the the category I will put the title underneath the featured image I'll hide the excerpt and under post meta drop down I'm going to hide the publish date then from there we can change things like the cards Gap make it more of a gap between then in card spacing we can change that around but I think it was all good before and then of course we can go up to design and we can change all the the card background color if you change this to a different color you'd probably want to repeat it here same with the border and the shadow and the Border radius if you remember I did a radius of eight just to kind of round the edges out a bit and now it looks pretty much like it did on our homepage so mission accomplished there I'm just going to click on publish and then click on back and one more time and now we're going to go down to author page so what's the author page well that is like let's say you're on an article and someone clicks on the link for the author and in this case they're all linked to me so I'm just going to click on the name right there then it brings you to a page where it has the name of the author how many articles they wrote when they joined it basically again it mimics the homepage so we're just going to do all the same stuff we just did maybe this time we want to just choose the normal grid we don't need the you know back and forth between two and three columns so I'm just going to make it easy with the normal grid we'll leave columns and number of posts the same again here's where you would do simple box or cover and where we would eliminate individual elements or change them around I'm going to once again hide post meta I'm going to drag the title under the featured image I'm going to hide the excerpt and under post meta I'm going to get rid of publish date so it should all be looking familiar now and then I'm going to go back up to design and again if you changed any of these values before you'd want to repeat those and I'm just going to change the Border radius back to eight for consistency and then click on publish to save okay so let's go back up to the back button and again to get to the main menu one more time and we're just going to do this one more time for the search page so this is the same idea let's just go up to the search bar and I would type in you know something like WordPress if I'm looking for an article about that okay so basically it's the search results page right so when people search for something this is what it'll show there only happens to be one here with WordPress in the title so we're going to go through the exact same steps we just did okay so having made all the same changes I'm just going to click on publish again so now let's just click right here to go back to the homepage clicking on the logo will always bring you back to the homepage we're almost done but there's still a really important step because I don't know if you know this more than half of people coming to your blog are going to be coming there from their mobile devices so we need to make sure it looks good on that as well the good news is most things have already been figured out within the theme but we definitely do want to do a reality check just to make absolutely sure that it looks good so all we need to do is come down here here to the bottom left we have these different icons so we've got a desktop logo we've got tablet and we've got mobile so let's start with mobile I'm going to click on that so this gives us a preview of what the site's going to look like so far I think it all looks pretty good again almost everything has been thought out as part of it so you'll notice you click on the little menu icon here we go with the menu and we've got you know the logo right up here but so far everything looks pretty good I'm just going to make sure that our actual you know blog posts themselves also look good yeah nothing is standing out to me is needing fixing so I think we're pretty good to go there so basically now the site let's just go back to our desktop the site itself is now designed and it's ready for your content so let's take a look at how you're going to add new content to your site so right now we have to actually leave this environment and we have to go back out to our WordPress Das board so all we're going to do we're going to click on the X up here and then we'll just go right up here where it has the name of your site and we'll go to dashboard okay so here we are again inside the WordPress dashboard now there's a couple things that I would encourage you to do here there's a lot of plugins that came with your site when you first installed it that you probably don't need um and that's what's cluttering all this up so I'm just going to go down to plugins and then installed plugins then I'm going to choose all of them right here I'm going to uncheck bloxy companion that's the only one I think we actually need here yep and then I'm just going to go back up to bulk actions deactivate apply for some reason we have to deactivate them before we can delete them I'm not sure why but so I'm going to choose them again and then uncheck bloxy companion to keep that and then under book actions delete and then apply and then choose okay okay so now the next thing we need to do if we go to posts and all posts so when we installed that bloxy companion plugin the good thing is it gave us all of these posts so we could kind of visually see what it would look like the bad news is these aren't real posts so we have to delete them right so I'm just going to select all of them by clicking here and then under book actions move to trash and apply okay so now you're starting completely from scratch everything you put on your site will now be your own the way we add a new post is under posts add new post so here's where you would add the title you know maybe you maybe you have a pet blog I'm not sure but something like this and then right here this is where you would just click here you would start typing out your article I just kind of quickly whip something up on chat GPT so I'm just going to paste that in here so we've got a full article and they probably call it bloxy because it comes with all these different content blocks that you can add to make your post more engaging um this is really effective especially especially when you're trying to sell affiliate products so if you want to add a different element you just kind of hover over where you want it click the plus sign and here are like the main things right if you want a Heading an image a gallery a list or a quote but then there's other things too if you click on browse all you have all these different elements that you can bring in now I'm not going to go through all of these things you can explore them on your own but there's a lot of different formatting tricks a lot of different interesting things you can bring in you know things like a table if they trying to compare different products to each other or a pull quote you know we've all seen those in magazines and on blog posts it can be engaging but for now let's just do a simple image I'm just going to click on image over here and then let's go to Media Library upload files and then you just find whatever image you want to use I'm just going to drag one for my desktop right here and then click on select and at the beginning of this video I did promise you a way to kind of create images like this so what you're going to want to do you've got a couple choices here you can either go to idiogram doai it's completely free or you can go to chat GPT now if you're using the new version 40 this should be free for you as well so you're just going to type in exactly what you're looking for in this case you know photo of a dog sitting on the floor of a bar patio during golden hour then you just choose the dimensions you want and then generate and now we've got four choices to choose between if you like this one you click on it and then you can just click right here and then go down to download or let's try the exact same prompt over on chat GPT and see what we get the only difference here is you only get one at a time and these ones tend to look a little less photo realistic so yeah and this one actually does look pretty good so it's up to you then to choose whichever one you want to go with and another thing you're going to definitely want to know how to do especially if this is an affiliate site and you're trying to link to different products super easy to do you you can probably figure it out if you've used uh Google Docs or anything like that you just highlight the text you want to link to you click on the link icon right here and then you just type in you know the link to the product you're actually trying to link to then of course you might want to give this a category too so we'll go under categories and this already came with a bunch of of them from the bloxy theme so let's say none of these really work you just click on add new category just type in something like you know dog products and then add new category and I would get it out of uncategorized cuz now is categorized and the one thing we're missing now is that featured image because remember when you're looking at the grid of all the blog posts for the site they all have an image attached to them now just putting an image inside of the blog post does not accomplish that for you so this one would not show up as a featured image we have to do that separately so we're still under post here let's collapse categories and we'll go down to featured image and then set featured image and we'll go to upload files and then again you just drag it right over from your computer onto the stage here and then set featured image now that's not going to show for you here but that is the image that will show when we're looking at the site so I'm going to click on update or it might have said publish I actually published this earlier you got to click on publish for it to actually take effect so now I want to see what this is actually going to look like so I'm going to click on the WordPress icon here and then under the site name I'm going to click on visit site to see what we've got perfect so we've got one post now and that's the feature and image showing through and if I click on the article title there we go isn't that beautiful got the whole article we got that image here it's all looking really nice but one thing that's missing now so look at this this menu look at these different items you may have a need for an AB us page or a contact form but really what these should be if if we're talking about a Blog we should definitely have your top categories for posts right up here so how do we change what's on the actual menu here well we're just going to click on the WordPress logo to go back to our dashboard and we're going to go down to appearance and menus so this is our main menu and these are all the different pages that are on that menu you'll notice some are nested underneath I'll just show you what that looks like real quick so we have these like Gutenberg blocks is the main one then all these are nested underneath it we have the same thing under pages so what we can do here if you want to just get rid of all of these we can just click on bulk select and then I'm just going to select each of these individually and then I'll click remove selected items now the menu is empty so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to go down to categories and I'm going to view all so now you would just choose the categories that you want to include here so I'm just going to choose you know five at random basically and then add to menu and then you can reorder them how you can even Nest them like that so if we had cars under architecture which wouldn't make much sense but we'll go ahead and order them however we want then save menu now if we take another look let's go ahead and refresh this page and now we should have yep there we go now we have all the different categories here if we were to click on architecture that would probably be blank but if we click on dog products we have our post right here so now we have the blog itself but what about the Articles to put on your blog to start attracting traffic and to sell your affiliate products that used to be super timec consuming but thanks to chat GPT it's really easy now and I've got you covered in this video so click right here and I'm going to show you my entire system for using chat GPT the right way to generate unlimited amounts of content that's SEO optimized and ready to sell your offers so click here and let's finish this up
Channel: Wes McDowell
Views: 3,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 52sec (2332 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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