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hello carpet ID here and as you can see I've been having lots of fun making baskets and bowls this first video if you've never made a rope basket do look at this video first he shows you lots of tips and tricks and the basics on how to get some and how to finish your basket the handles or a loop then I showed you how to make a basket with absolutely no raw edges so that's so fun basket as well a little bit more labor-intensive these ones but beautiful and then I had people say well how do you make a square basket so this is what I've come up with and I will show you how I make the little handles and how to start it kind of it finished and this one is an actual raw edged basket so you will get that more rougher sort of look that you get from the finished basket like this but that's just the look for this one some people like that look so if you're like that look and want the ROG basket and you want to make a square then keep watching [Music] and the supplies will be using Priddis basket I'm using the continent sash cord which is a clothesline cord it's from Ace I bought this one from a local hardware store but I will also leave some links in the description box below if you need to find some clothesline cord this one is a synthetic quart it's fine it's this little tiny fibers inside you can sew through that and this particular one is 1/4 inch x 100 feet or 0.6 centimeters and you're also going to need a cutting board i used an omni grid ruler my rotary cutter to cut my fabric lots of thread in the color of your material lots of bobbins Priya well could you use a lot of thread to do the zigzag pair of scissors or clipping scissors for clipping your threads and this is just a crochet hook that I sometimes use when the clothesline is rock back and forth or sometimes is handy to have something to keep it push together while you're sewing and I do find that finding the right fabric will make all the difference for your beautiful baskets and how it looks this one has got the shades going from a light purple to a dark purple I've got some white this will make a variegated kind of look from these tips here and again about some darker or some lighter purple up here so I like to just fold my fabric in half so I'm just gonna go ahead and cut my 3/4 inch strips using my Omni grid ruler and measuring up my 3/4 onto my cutting board and using my rotary cutter and then once I've cut this 3/4 that I know I can move up to my half inch mark and then cut again I will get another 3/4 inch strip in so forth and carry on until you've got all your 3/4 inch strips cut and again this will be a raw edge basket because I will not be fooling people for any of my edges we will be using it just like that if you have bought your full sign cord like this and a hank like this it's much easier to take it and just roll it up in a ball because this does tend to tangle and it's not fun to sit there and try to untangle a knot in the middle of your project and this will just sit in one of your baskets and you can just pull out the amount that you need and it's really nice and handy that way and I did forget to mention rather handy little item that I use which I did find at the dollar store are these clips and they've got a really nice wide opening so it will fit perfectly over a nice quarter inch or even the smaller cords and I use this for when I'm winding my fabric around my cord and then when I've stopped I'll use this to adhere the material under the cord to get your wrap started I'm going to be placing my first strip of fabric over my cord and I'm going to leave it so it's only about halfway up the material like so so let's just wrap around that first part as tight as you can and go around a couple times once you've got it nice and secure on the top we're just going to wind it down like so once you've gotten down about two or three inches I'm going to secure it and then what I like to do is I'm going to come up in here and I'm going to sew a straight stitch along here just to secure this first part but what I'm going to do is I'm going to turn it this way because it's always easier to sew into something solid and it is to start here and get the feet to grab it so I'm going to come back this way and I'm going to lift my presser foot up to sneak that underneath and I'm going to make sure my sewing machine is just on a straight stitch not the zigzag put my presser foot down and I'm going to use a fairly long stitch so we'll just start sewing and we'll do a little bit of a back stitch just pull that in there and I'm just going to sew along right through the middle here and right to the end of the fabric and back stitch and you're gonna find that just doing that one extra step is really going to help a lot so just clip your threads now what I'm going to do is I'm going to put my needle in the end of my material here and put it on the pressure foot I now have something to hold on to my cord while I wrap the rest of this material so in the beginning because we're going to be forming this in loops going back and forth I'm not going to pull down a lot because I find that when you twist the course back and forth it tends to open up so for the first part we're going to do a fairly tight wrap just for the first section so I'm going to continue to wrap until this whole piece of fabric is used up I'll come to the end of my one piece of fabric so I'm just going to use my handy dandy little clip here I'm going to reverse this needle so you're not actually sewing you don't want to be sewing that hard and I'm just going to move it up again and this is just giving me something to hold on to alright so now I've got my next piece of fabric you move my clip I'm going to continue this wrap so let's wrapped all the way around nice and tight I'm coming with my next one I'm just going to follow exactly where I was on that last one I'm going to fold that little end in make a nice tight fold nice tight wrap and then start bringing it around I'm going to wrap that one extra time just to make sure that's nice and secure once it's secure you can then start bringing it down and I've just finished wrapping my second piece of fabric I'll just secure that with another clip we'll reverse our needle so it's not sewing so I have about 28 inches my cording wrap with fabric which is about 71 centimeters now after I'm doing this a few different ways in one is to Xu's egg while you're on the machine and you'd be like curling back and forth to make the first part of your base to make your square now I found that if I didn't get these right on and it's hard to do it under the sewing machine if this is longer than this one you're going to get a really distorted square so what I decided to do is grab my omni grid ruler and then I've got a base but I can measure and keep in my two inch measure so every time I bend this up I want to make sure I'm not going past my two inches or not going below so once I get one wrap I'm going to come in with some pins some sewing pins I'm just going to adhere that and keep that in place and then I can do my next rap get numb be careful not to poke yourself but at least this way I'm finding I can really monitor if I've got my raps exactly where I want them so I'm just going to wrap that one more time and I'm going to attach it with my pins to fold it in place okay so what we've got now is I've got two inches this way and I've got two inches this way so if you've got the same measurement here and here chances are we will get maybe a square so once you've got that wrapped let's go to the sewing machine and we're going to start holding this together [Music] [Music] now that we've got that hell together in the middle I'm going to take my right side pins out because I don't want to sew through them and we'll go over to the right side and we're going to really squish these ones in as well again starting on the last row bring all our presser foot and really squish those in [Music] and I'm going to come over to the right side take my pins out and do the same thing [Music] so just doing that first little step it just really helps to hold it in place well we now go back and we do our zigzag and we start our Bowl I have a jeans needle in here if you want you can probably get borrow at the regular needle but just if you want something stronger a jeans or a leather needle and on our machine I'm going from a sig sake as wide as I can go so on my machine it's a six and for my length I use a four I don't like to use a really long length because I find that it just goes way too far down and it's too hard to control so we're going to start a zig zagging on this side my and is coming off the left side right now and my needles on the left right now so I will start on the left and we're always wanting to keep the center of our pressure foot in the center of our two cords so this is where you might want to get a tool whether you have a stiletto and the Stasi I can't find Sal's here but that's fine or whatever you can have just to give it a little push in to help it to keep it nice and straight together so let's just get it started and I'm gonna push in with my crochet hook make sure that's really nice and tight together and when I get to the end here I'm going to want to make sure that I end on the left side because now I'm going to be turning this and now we're going to come down and sew these two together and I'm just going to clip my answer so don't get in the way here alright so again we're now we're pressing these two together and we just exec together again again I'm going to hold my fingers this time or you can use a tool and I'm just going to press it together now I want to end on my right side because we're going to turn it and now we're going to be sewing these two together [Music] and end on the left and turn [Music] [Music] [Music] and now we've got a nice solid firm base to start our square basket now we want to keep our cord on the right side in our basket forming on the left so let's go back in continue with a zig zag up one more there we go just so it's a little bit further out because we want to keep the middle of our pressure foot in the middle of our two places we're going to so again lift it up a little bit and then we're going to press it in [Music] you coming around don't worry if we didn't quite catch in here what I'm gonna do is I'm going to just make my first round all the way around I'm going to come back in and then come in there again so right now we're just forming our nice square shape [Music] and you notice I'm sewing past and just into this to form our corner [Music] okay I'm gonna stop here because I wanted to come back in and want to reinforce this part here they didn't quite get sewing in and this might happen to you as well that's okay so we're going to just make sure that this is slow together tank this out because we had to come back and reinforce my one area there and if you have to do the same that is just fine just a little bit trickier than sewing all the way in a circle I'm just going to put my needle down because now it's time to wrap with more fabric [Music] you [Music] you so every time you come up to a corner we're going to go a little bit past to make our bend and then you can make your a corner and you can come back and push in and we're ready for our next edge [Music] [Music] you [Music] now I'm going to just stop here pull back stitch and I'm going to take it off because I want to trim up all my little rabble's and ends because it's harder to do that when you've got your size on it so I'll just take this off and the other thing too is because when you're making a square and basket it's pretty almost impossible not to get gaps here because you've got to form your square if you were to round this you're just going to start making a circle so I'm going to go back in I'm going to zigzag in between all these areas just to secure these again and I'm going to come in with my scissors and just take off any little stray bits of thread from the raw edges and clean it up now because it's easier to do it now then leader the far as I want is approximately eight by eight or that would be approximately twenty centimetres and I'm going to start making my size I want a fairly straight side so I'm going to lift all the way up here and that will form my size so away we go and I round me go you you [Music] and I'll just stop and find some more fabric around and I will continue to hold up and form my sides I wanted to show you how I actually do my wrapping I actually stand up I've just got it wrapped around the top of my sewing machine here and with both the cord and fabric going straight down it's much easier to just keep turning it around and you're not kind of doing this big flip over and it's not getting caught up on anything so if you want to wrap like this it will go a lot faster for you [Music] you and I'm continued to go around and you see my basket is read up and over the sway machine so I can get a nice flat side and continue to go around [Music] so I've decided to stop there and I've actually got about three and a quarter inches or eight centimeters and Heights and what I like to do is I pre wrap about two meters or two yards of my cording and then of what I'm going to do is take this to the sewing machine and I'm going to just zigzag along this whole rope just to secure my last row I'm going to change the width of my zigzag to be a little bit narrower so I'm going to bring it down to four and I'll leave my length at four as well so I'll just come back in and finish up where I was here on my basket you there's many ways to finish off your baskets here's one way that I've just brought it back in and then sewed it together you would just be cutting off part of that and then tucking it under and this one is what I made handles and you stop sewing and then just keep going around a few times so you've got a handle if you want more detail on how to do these two handles and please watch my first video on how to make rope poles on my second video on rope bowls I chose to finish off this way so this way I've just looped it around and then sewed it to the basket that's another way to finish off on this basket I've actually looped it around and done the same on the other side so when I'm sewing this it was actually like this and I brought it up slowed it around come around again so it around and then I've twisted it and that's how I got these handles and I'm aside here again I've done the circle and I've had it a button many many ways to finish off your baskets so this time I'm going to do something different again because that's it's just fun to do things different so I'm just wanted to just bend it up make a little loop come up again with another one have the second loop come up a bit further and then I'm going to come up with my smaller loop on the end and sew that in place like sort of like so I think that matter kind of pretty so here we go you [Music] you [Music] you you [Music] so this is what I've got so far now I'm going to come in I'm going to so through these parts here and then this part here to give it some more strength and also here in here in here and this is where you might need a tool to keep that pushed in there just until it catches [Music] and so there's my decorative side I'm going to just come around and so again one more round and I'll do the same thing on the other side to match this decorative inch I'm going to do a little bit of a twist in the cord like so I'm going to sew just along here about attaching this cord you know I'm gonna take out my next pin and I'm gonna start sewing this together right here so just angle my ask it again and bring it up actually come back with a backspace backstitch sorry so what I'm going to be doing isn't going to drop at this cord so it's gonna be down in here so I'm not actually going to sew any of this I'm just gonna leave this out I'm going to bring my needle up to this point and then I will do my last design up here so this is going to just stay out of the picture we're just going to sew around so just angle it back again so you're only slowing into this [Music] [Music] so I'm just bringing my cord around to the back here so I'm going to finish this off and we're just going to do a back stitch I'm gonna take my basketball off because what I want to do now is make a little circle on the end here so I'm just going to take off some of the bulk right here angling that down with my scissors it's gonna pull down the material and get rid of some of the cords I don't see it bring that back up and now I'm just going to coil this around and make that's they're called [Music] so with a straight stitch I'm just going to sew right through this whole circle just to fasten it [Music] you [Music] you [Music] [Music] you [Music] you you [Music] now all you have to do is tack down the leftover cord that you have but you wrapped this one was up here I decided to bring it down and I've tacked it here I've brought it around just let it drop down and then I'm gonna do a little turn here and there's my little spiral that we need so all I'm doing is I'm coming in with a threaded needle and it's much easy if you find that you can go and find a space in between the two rows when you're sewing these together so everybody here I'm coming in between two rows I'm going to come right over top and go down in between two rows here again and just give that a little bit of a tug we'll do that one more time and just cinch that in and then just tie off your knot on the back and then just go around wherever you feel it's necessary to tack it in place and here I'll finish tying this off later and I'll probably talk it here as well I also found these cute little wooden cutouts of the dollar store and I thought that would really look really pretty on a basket and there's our finished square basket you started with the cord going back and forth to form our square we finished off with some fun little loops for the sides and then we brought up our last bit of cord for the circle and finished off with a little butterfly [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Crafty Patti
Views: 69,088
Rating: 4.9370236 out of 5
Keywords: how to make a square rope basket, how to, diy, square rope bowl, rope bowls, clothesline bowls, sewing machine bowls, sewing tutorial, fabric rope bowl, sewing gifts, how to sew, trends, decorating diy, trending crafts, easy crafts, fun crafts, diy rope bowls, diy fabric rope bowls, arts and crafts, easy sewing tutorial
Id: wFkILZkIkb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 24sec (2124 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2019
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