Big Beautiful Basket - What To Do With Variegated Yarn

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[Music] hey everybody welcome to the Jain institution while ago we did a livestream in which we talked about the fact that Mister in stitches as I've reset the craft room for 2019 and in doing so I realized just how much variegated yarn I've managed to collect over the years I had it all stashed away in a box last year and I never really looked at it so as you can see I have it all around me I wanted to do what we did last year take it all out put it in my face and I'm gonna use it up so one of the things we want to do this year is come up with projects to use up variegated yarn we know a lot of you guys have collected it because it's beautiful but it's sometimes just ends up sitting on the shelf so we have devised the first project of 2019 to use up some of that variegated yarn you could actually use any yarns you wanted for this project but it especially looks good with variegated yarn and what is it well a great big beautiful basket how big she says this big this is a big basket it's bigger than 14 inches across bigger than 14 inches tall it's gonna have a little bit of stretch to it and it's one of those baskets that it's you considered at your feet and keep your yarn in it your works in progress you might even want to keep all of your socks in it it's big enough that you could plug it in a kid's room and keep all of those spare stuffed toys stuck in it or maybe even bundle up some clothing and have it sit there maybe you're off seasonal stuff your sweaters in the summer maybe your t-shirts in the winter whatever you want a great big basket for the trick here is that we are using three different balls of yarn held together at the same time and I'm gonna get mister and stitches to zoom in on that beautiful colorway so those are three completely different variegated yarns like I said you could use three solids or treat it like a scrap project just work in any old thing that you might have lying around but I'm using a variegated yarns and when you mix them all together you get this absolutely fabulous colorful tweed kind of look so three strands held together a very big hook equals one very big functional basket sort of chatter let's grab our hooks grab all of our very gated yarn head on over to the craft table and we will stitch up a great big beautiful basket together visit our shop and purchase a pattern you'll help support our show and we'll put a link to our shop in the description box down below in order to make our great big baskets we are going to be holding three strands of yarn held together at once so it helps to have three different balls going it's also a real yarn eater so you're going to want approximately 300 grams per ball so 900 grams in total I'm using a medium worsted weight size yarn which is also a size 4 they're all the same size and weight but they're completely different colors which is what's going to make this basket so pretty you're going to need a pair of scissors yarn needle and I'm using a really big hook today this is a 10 millimeter also known as an N or a size 15 in the u.s. not a P I don't know why that says P it's also a triple zero in the UK so a nice big hook and if you're not already subscribed take a moment to hit that button and the belt so you never miss another episode and once you've got all that together we can get started because we're using three strands of yarn held together you want to remember to be patient with yourself this is a bit of a strange feel when you're holding three separate balls all going at the same time you might want to have them all sitting in separate bowls so as they bounce around they don't enter twine with each other too much get complicated or tangled and it'll also help keep them from rolling away from you and of course always stop and take a moment to pull up some slack so that you're always feeding the yarn relatively evenly as you go so take all three strands held together we're going to begin by making a cinch circle so all the stitches are sort of done the same you just have to remember that you're using a bigger hook and you're always going to be using those three strands held together as though they were one big thick strand of yarn once you've chained one to secure your cinch circle you're going to work eight single crochet into that circle so remember you are using all three of those strands together as one big one you want to make sure that you get the strands or you get your hook all the way back through all of the little strands on your hook so this will take a little getting used to especially if you've never done multi-strand crochet before so be patient with yourself and just work eight single crochet into that inch circle once you've worked eight single crochet into that cinch circle grab all three of those little short tails make sure you got all three of them and cinch up that circle nice and tightly we're not joining our rows as we go we're just going to keep working around and around and around so we're going to work our first stitch into the first stitch that began Row one this one's always a little bit tight so just sort of get your hook in there I'm going to work over my short tails but you can also just push yours to the back and weave them in later we're going to work two single crochet into each stitch all the way around so at the end of Row one you had eight stitches at the end of row two you'll have sixteen at the end of row two you should have sixteen stitches take a moment to stretch out your hands if you are new to working multiple strands it might take a little getting used to you might be squeezing your fingers in a different way or holding your hook a little differently especially since it's a bigger hook so remember with this project you want to take a moment every so often you just pause shake out your hands shake out your wrists so that we don't get all tight while we're working with this extra thick yarn and an extra big hug row - sixteen stitches all the way around I already love the coloring that is starting to happen from those three separate balls of variegated yarn coming together we're going to continue to increase in Row three and here's the pattern we're going to work to single crochet into the first stitch and remember you want to get your hook through the entire stitch treat all three of those strands of yarn as if they were one two single crochet into the first stitch one single crochet into the stitch after that repeats eight times in total and you'll have 24 stitches at the end of row 3 at the end of Row three you'll have 24 stitches we're still increasing for Row 4 make sure you're still working all three of those strands held together to the first stitch we're going to work two single crochet and a single crochet into each of the next two stitches and that's the little pattern to repeat all the way around so you'll repeat this eight times in total so that was set number one you work to single crochet into the first stitch of the set and a single crochet into each of the next two stitches and at the end of row four you'll have 32 stitches at the end of row four you'll have 32 stitches again just loving how these three variegated colors are coming together to make that nifty crazy tweed look we're still increasing for row five we're going to begin each set with two single crochet into the first stitch and a single crochet into each of the next three stitches you'll repeat that eight times in total all the way around and you'll have 40 stitches at the end of row five at the end of row five you'll have 40 stitches we're still increasing for row six we're going to begin with two single crochet in the first stitch of the set and a single crochet into each of the next four stitches so two single crochet to begin each set single crochet into each of the next four stitches repeat that eight times in total and you'll have 48 stitches at the end of row 6 at the end of row 6 you'll have 48 stitches we are still increasing we're going to work 2 single crochet into the first stitch of row 7 and a single crochet into each of the next five stitches so 2 single crochet into the first stitch of the set single crochet into each of the next five stitches and at the end of row 7 you'll have 56 at the end of row 7 we'll have 56 stitches we're still increasing for row 8 we're going to begin with 2 single crochet into the first stitch remember if you have to stop and flex your fingers or stretch out your hands don't be afraid to do that so 2 single crochet into the first stitch of the set and then you're going to single crochet into each of the next 6 stitches you're going to repeat that 8 times in total and you'll have 64 stitches at the end of row 8 at the end of row 8 you'll have 64 stitches we are going to continue increasing we're working on row 9 now row 9 begins with 2 single crochet into the first stitch and then you're going to single crochet into each of the next 7 stitches so one single crochet into the next seven you begin each set with two single crochet in the first stitch single crochet into each of the next seven repeat that eight times in total and we'll be up to 72 stitches all the way around at the end of row 9 you'll up be up to 72 stitches we're going to do one more row of increasing as we want a nice wide bottom on our basket so one more row of increasing we begin row 10 the same way we're going to work to single crochet into the first stitch and then you're going to single crochet once into each of the next eight stitches so two single crochet into the first stitch single crochet into each of the next eight stitches repeat that eight times in total and you'll have 80 stitches at the end of row ten at the end of row ten you'll have 80 stitches and if you lay it flat and press it down any of that warping you might see happening while you're working will disappear but don't worry too much because once we turn this into a basket your bottom will sit flat this is about 30 centimeters or almost 12 inches across in diameter so that is quite a nice wide base to start our basket on so that's the end of row 10 we're actually going to slip stitch into the next stitch just efficient finish it off and then we're going to chain 1 to begin row 11 and 4 row 11 we're going to work around the post of every single stitch beginning with this one here so we slip stitched into the stitch we're going to work that post to start the easiest way to get the post to pop up on your hook is to take your hook come from behind poke it through the two stitches that sit next to each other and that's the post that gets popped up on your hook then you can just single crochet as normally and remember that first one could be a little tricky so just take your time there you go and they get easier from here on out so that's the first post now we're going to do the next post and these posts are pretty thick so you just come through the stitch from the back to the front go back out the other one it'll pop the post up on your hook just take your time picking up your loops and then single crochet you can work a little looser for this row take your time in through one stitch out through the other pick up a loop and single crochet remember you want to keep those three strands of yarn going as if there were one big one then it's just through the next stitch back out through the stitch next to that pick up a loop around the post and single crochet take your time you're going to have 80 of these all the way around because there are 80 stitches therefore there are 80 posts like I said it's a little funny so you want to just take your time picking up each post pick up a loop around the post make sure you're still working all three of those strands and single crochet take your time I'll see you at the end of row 11 phew that was a slog wasn't it your 80th post stitch will be right on top of this little jog where we slip stitched and then the the pull up row sort of starts here and there's gonna be like a little you sort of see your chain one your last it should be right next to it all you're gonna do is just put your hook in that next or first stitch of row 11 that's where we're going to start row 12 and we're going to just keep working around and around like we did the bottom now you probably have something that looks like this because you've been working rather tightly so flatten it down or flip it upside down and you can start to pull up that row 11 so that you see that little ridge row and what that does is it flattens out your bottom it gives your basket sort of a flat bottom to sit on so it'll look like it'll be much more obvious after a few rows but that Ridge row sits up along the edge and there we go now all we have to do is just single crochet in each stitch all the way around and around and around and around no increasing no decreasing for several rows because we want to make our baskets nice and tall so I'm going to let you work row 12 and then I'll hook back up with you and we'll talk row numbers at the end of row 12 you may have something that looks like this so your entire basket may want to lie flat and you're probably wondering hey where did the ridge and the edge of my basket go don't worry you start to loosen up again once you're not working a ridge row so if it's laying flat no problem because the more rows we add the more it will turn into a basket and if you are already looking like a bit of a basket and your row is sitting flat that's fine that means you've just got really nice even tension it's no worries you are now going to work another a tene rose yes 18 rows on top of that so we just finished row 12 you should still have 80 stitches all the way around every row from here on out we'll have 80 stitches in it and like I said if you tend to run out of yarn just tie in another ball as you go because all of those different colors together are still gonna have that really nifty prate Tweety effect going so carry on for 18 more rows and I will see you then whoo we're looking into the great big basket I'm at the end of row 30 so row 30 was 18 rows overtop of row 12 so we ended off at row 12 I said work another 18 rows that brings you up to the end of row 30 make sure you are in alignment with that little dog that's where we started row 11 which is the ridge row and you should be right on top of that 1819 rows above it so end of row 30 now we're going to put in some basket handles that'll make it easier to cart this thing around the house we're going to begin by chaining 8 so this is row 31 chain 8 to begin so pretty we're going to skip eight stitches find the ninth one and single crochet into it there you go you're going to single crochet into the next thirty-one stitches and I'll hook up with you at stitch number forty once you arrive at stitch number forty you will be directly opposite the first chain handle we made and we're going to repeat we're going to chain another eight there's eight skip another eight stitches find the ninth and single crochet into it you're going to single crochet in each stitch back to the beginning that is the end of Row 31 you'll still have 80 stitches all the way around but 16 of them will be chains because we've got our two little chained handles now so there's one the other ones right opposite you're going to work three more rows of single crochet into each stitch so one stitch one single crochet and make sure you single crochet into each of those eight stitches that run across the tops of your handles so count eight all the way across so you know you've caught the haul single crochet into each stitch all the way around you're going to work three more rows so there'll be a row that runs over top of your handles and then two more rows on top of that and that will be row 34 that we finish on and that will be the end of the basket and I'll catch up with you there at the end of row 34 you should be back to just before where your first handle starts you're still at 80 stitches you're going to slip stitch to join to finish off and then you're going to snip all three of those strands make sure you get all three and you pull them back through that loop on your hook to fasten off pull it nice and tight and then you can take your yarn needle and flip up the brim so that you're looking on the inside of the basket and you can just weave those little tails in back and forth underneath the stitches in the last row so make sure you get all three of those ends and then just go back over top back and forth through those same stitches a few times until all of your yarn has disappeared yeah it's that big and there you go everybody a great big beautiful basket made holding three strands of yarn held together with a mighty big hook and it turns out so nicely you've got a couple of handles you can drag it around the house you can put stuff in it including yourself maybe the kids we hope you enjoyed making this great big basket along with us this week and we will see you soon here on the Jade institution until then stay safe stay crafty have an awesome week everybody bye [Music]
Channel: Jayda InStitches
Views: 1,453,091
Rating: 4.8979845 out of 5
Keywords: crochet pattern, crochet lesson, large basket, huge basket, giant basket, crochet for beginners, variegated yarn, crochet and knitting supplies, use up your yarn, lots of yarn, crochet tutorial, really big basket, what to crochet with variegated yarn, three strands held together, Tidy Up, Organize, 3 strand crochet project, clean up room, kids room basket crochet pattern, toy basket crochet pattern, clothing hamper crochet pattern, laundry basket crochet pattern
Id: NzQmkNuruas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 29sec (1289 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 11 2019
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