How to make a round Amish knot (toothbrush) rag rug - tutorial

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hi I'm Barry Jane from Beijing makes I'm going to show you how to make one of these lovely to flash needles the rocks it's been white clothes out in the moment this is what I made before and here's one I'm working on so all you need is an old duvet cover or old sheets any type of fabric clearly which is easy to rip off so basically plain fabric will give you a tablet or if you want a slightly mottled effect you can use fabric which is floral all have lots of different colors to it so this is totally up to you in order to make this rug you need what is called a toothbrush needle these are neither toothbrushes nor are they needles but basically this is the gadget you need in order to make on the Z's vlogs years ago all toothbrushes used to have holes in the bottom of them bristles up here so they would chop off the bristles sharpen it to a point and that would become a needle but they can be a bit expensive to buy so basically I'll make on my own I have wire snips fold one end my bed fold the other end over and then I just get a piece of masking tape just wrap it over the join joint between so don't have any sharp edges and that becomes the needle so these are all the different types that I've made now that you've chosen your fabric and you've made your needle you're ready to start I'm going to choose this fabric what I need to do is cut it into strips so let's cut that bit already just snip a little wave and just flip your fabric what I find easier is if you rip all of your fabric in one bow so basically you need about the inch and a half or fabric and just rip it all the way down I won't finish with this one okay so what you also need to do is because a lot of the fabric they fray remove these extra pieces of thread now because otherwise it becomes a tangle later and then it will make the rod make it a bit stressful that you don't want to do to remove all these edges of the pieces and just put all your bits of fabric into little balls good you're ready to go now you're ready to start from a communal rug so you start with two pieces of fabric needle one piece of phablet just cut a small hole it can be a bit smaller than normal and on the other piece do exactly the same so just cut okay but this piece through the hole and open up the hole that one with the end of the fabric I can find it if I through that hole so this piece show again gone through and then the tips tail goes through and just put it through give it a cool tuck and now you're ready to start your work what I'm doing with this piece is I'm putting it between my knees so that I can hold it quite stiffly it makes a little bit easier to work and with the end of the working piece as I call it put it through my needle put this cross get your needle flip up and through so you've created a little hole do the same again the first finger through there my second finger and put it across like the number four get your needle go under and lift it through so you have two holes you keep doing this and up and through three holes I'm going to remove my fingers and move them down the holes won't close so don't worry below I have one two three four five and what I do once I've done that just will pop that over there needle this bet let's turn it under turn it over needle from this side have your last hole here and you have flips dipper sliding link sorry basically you just need to join the two ends okay so these are the holes that you've just created the needle is on this side so I bring this over here if you feel the first hole I created get this piece of fabric and put it just across there with the needle you're going to push it through the hole over there happy let's do that again there's my hole as a piece of fabric get my needle push it through the hole and underneath and through okay you can find the second hole which is that as my scar it hold it get upset needle through under x-ray okay this is the most Awkward part of it is the next hole legal under and next call just keep doing that keep going round and round and round this is a different one that I've been working on so that's the original okay gradually as you keep going round and round it will get bigger and bigger well what I find happens is the holes become really big after a while and they'll just get bigger as you keep going around the spaces it's just a bit too big so what I then start to do once I feel that these spaces are too big is I find the hole put the needle through pull it through instead of finding a new hole I go back to the same one put it through that's creating two new holes so it's going to have more of it goes round I'll show that again there's my brand new hole ship through the Buddha and then I'll do it once again then once I've gone all the way around you can see here it's got two - one hole - to one hole this one we've have anything yet so you need to do - to that one and then once you're gone all the way around then you can continue doing one to one hole it's actually that makes sense once you've got to the end again just remind you fold the fabric over give it a little snip your next piece of fabric fold flip this one push it through find the end cut that through exactly and this will continue as long as you need to once you've decided that you finished making your elk or still need to endless I'll show you what to do I won't actually end this one but I'm still continuing basically turning upside down does that be quite difference between the top and the bottom the side which is going through your top which is going to be your bottom in my X on the furthest side so what you need to do to em you put it into a little knot you take one ends push it through one of the little holes through another one doesn't matter which one and then with the other piece it would be shorter you'll do the same you'll push it through a different hole and then you'll tie those two bits together and then you turn it over it will be nicely finished at the later stage if you want it to you could still make this isn't even bigger by choosing another piece of fabric coordinating color and just making a start so what you would actually then do you start anywhere so that a breakthrough get your other piece of fabric create the hole push it through bring it to here that makes sense you just carry on please become as if do go it carpets hopefully this has been easy enough for you to follow and hope you'll be able to make yourself beautiful rug which can even be given as gifts as well as I've done in the past in the future I hope to do some other tutorials so please do look out for them and let me know what you think
Channel: Barri-Jayne Makes
Views: 3,710,795
Rating: 4.7977166 out of 5
Keywords: rugs, craft ideas, upcycle, toothbrush rug, amish rug, amish knot rug, fabric rug, rag rug, toothbrush needle, toothbrush needle rug, upcycling, diy, diy ideas, tutorial, how to, instructions, craft, craft tutorial, amish knot, rag rug tutorial, how to make a fabric rug, diy rag rug, knotted rug, easy rag rug tutorial, braided rug, toothbrush, knot rug, rug making technique, toothbrush rug tutorial, amish rug making
Id: KC59MqaedKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2017
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