How to Make A Scrappy String Quilt Block

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hi welcome back to crazy Dave's crew this is Laura and I just want to introduce myself and to let you know I am addicted to these string quilts I I really think I am addicted to these and I will show you why I think that hold on a second I cannot seem to make enough of these those were some I did was just all in blues I have some bright colors I think the wonderful thing about this pattern is it gonna be whatever size you want it to be and then I'm even doing some these are ones I'm working on so we got some red white and blue and then i'm leavin' playing around with the size of my strips so there's any number of things that you can do the number one rule have fun okay I even made a bigger one alternating cut the colors with some black okay and I just love these I just need to square these up and then put them together and I have been doing these for some swaps and I'm having a grand time with it so we're gonna talk about how to make these sometimes they're gonna tell you that you need to have a five and a half inch square sometimes are gonna say you need a three and a half inch square that's easy breezy if you need a five and a half inch square mm-hm you're gonna start with a six inch piece of muslin okay if you need a three and a half inch square you're gonna start with a four inch 4 inch square of muslin and this could be muslin it can be you know white fabric just you know whatever you happen to have on hand this is another fabulous stash buster and I have got a tote full of strips and I'm following the rules for a swap that I really enjoy doing if you're just doing this for yourself you make it however you want to if you're doing it for a swap then you kind of want to follow the rules so here's the rules of the swap that I'm doing we want to have a mixture of strips anywhere you know from 1/2 inch 3/4 inches up to one and a half inches okay so what I'm gonna do to get it started we're gonna go corner to corner boom and then I'm gonna get me another and I'm just gonna happen to pick to see the two of the bigger ones to start with I'm gonna match that up corner to corner and yep you guessed it I'm gonna pin it yeah I cut that one a little bit too long but that's okay this is all my scrap this is extra all right so we're just gonna pin that and then we're gonna serve that down with a quarter inch seam so all you're gonna do is just sew that down on your strip on your muslin its quarter inch seam and then you're gonna open it up and press it and this is just finger pressing but I'm gonna take it to the ironing board in just a second and then after you press it down we're gonna add more strips on either side so see you over there in just a second all right so let's see what else we've got here see I want that there or do I want that I think I want that over here so I'm gonna press lay that down and that happens to fit beautifully awesome trying to get nice and straight and let's see on this one do you like that yeah I think so too and then we're just gonna keep adding until our block is covered so let's finish covering this up all right so there and I'm gonna throw this one down here and I'm gonna take this one I'm sort on this side getting closer all right so we're adding one more go because and oh I don't know what color nail let's do that one this pattern is very forgiving of any little errors so it's wonderful for the novice it's great if you've had a really rough day and you're tired but you just want to sit at your sewing machine for just a few minutes nice way of using up scraps you can use up of the colors this would be called a scrappy string block I have done a video where I showed you using a jelly roll and that was a lot of fun we're doing this for you swap I don't know what colors I'm gonna get so let's just make it a scrappy as we can as pretty as we can as colorful and just have fun with it number one rule is have fun let's sew these down and then let's finish it all right you see they didn't take long at all we've got the entire square covered I think there's just a little bit of piece right there but that's gonna be alright now how does this become this let me show you we're gonna turn it over to the back and for me I'm gonna find the seam that's gonna be closest to the point which is this one right here I'm just gonna take a pencil and just kind of just so I can see it a little bit better okay I'm gonna use a five and a half inch square didn't buy this for this reason I just happened to have it I would recommend you search out a some squares I have learned the hard way that this is probably a very important step if you're wanting your quilt to look good even if it's a scrappy quilt you want your squares to be the same so again I've got my little red line there's my little marks so I'm gonna try to get my grid line my diagonal grid line to match up all the way from corner to corner okay cuz I like to have my points we're not when I saw these together on my points to be together and then I want to take my rotary cutter yes I know I'm doing it the wrong way I'm trying okay now I'm gonna flip it again getting my diagonal lying on my square matched up to that seam on the back and it's nice and even on this side in this side okay and there you go there is your five and a half inch square scrappy string block ready for you to put together or for you to send off for a swap I am learning a lot from the Facebook groups so I hope you'll join me in some of those and I hope you'll come back as we explore more things to do so don't make some scrappy string looks have fun maybe not as much fun as I'm having try to moderate it moderation is good they'll go overboard but have fun remember that's the number one rule have fun with it and don't be afraid a life lived in fear is a life have lived hope this has been helpful for you I hope you've enjoyed it hope I've inspired you and I hope I see you next time be sure to subscribe I believe that's down here on this side make that subscribe button go from red to grey and don't forget to come back love to see you and look for me on Facebook Krazy Dave's crew and also Krazy Dave's crew sewing for beginners hope to see you there and let's go have fun let's make their world look a little bit more colorful by now
Channel: Crazy Dave's Crew
Views: 713,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrap quilt, scrap buster, scrappy quilt, string quilt, easy quilting, quick quilting, quickly quilting, simple quilting, how to quilt, quilt, quilting tutorial, quilting, learn to quilt, tutorial, learn how, instruction, fast quilting, simple quilt, foundation piecing, strip quilt, quilt project, precut quilt, quilting precuts, pre-cut fabric, strip quilting, strip quilt tutorials, machine quilting, cdcrew1, Crazy Dave's Crew, missouri star quilt company, jordan fabric
Id: 9Tl08Lzz2ow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 06 2018
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