How to make a rotating book carousel using Canva

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hi today we're going to learn how to make a carousel featuring your books so that you can show them off on I don't know Tick Tock or Facebook or Instagram wherever quick shout out to Michelle Toth who did a tutorial on this a few weeks ago which is what inspired me to make my own with my book covers I will link to her original tutorial in the comments right let's get to it before we start please don't forget to like And subscribe to this channel because it really helps these videos to get seen if you would like a free canva template sign up for my author newsletter and for more author related canva chat join the free and friendly canva for authors Facebook group I will put all of the links in the notes okay let's go if you go on to the videos tab there you've got all these um ready-sized videos so you could have landscape one or a portrait one you can make an Instagram real ticked off video I'm gonna go with a landscape video I've got five books so I'm gonna put five books in if you've got more you can add more so first thing I'm going to do is find find an element to put these in so what we're going to do is we're going to look for frames the all and have a look through some of the frames now there is a frame that's a book that one but I'm actually going to use that frame which doesn't have anything around it I don't think there is a Kindle frame no there's an iPad frame that might be a good one as well let's have a look let's change the background now the background you can have gradients now which is quite cool so I think that's a nice gradient yes I think it is yes and then what you can do is you can go back in and edit the gradient a little bit so you can change where the color balance is so that's quite a nice one that's quite a nice one I think I would quite like that I'd quite like that so let's do that okay so right so you've got your background you've got your frame because we've got five different books we're going to copy this Ctrl C Ctrl V copy and paste and now I want one book to be at the front and be bigger and the ones behind it to be slightly smaller so let's do that one Ctrl C Ctrl V again to the same size okay and then you control C control V and a couple of smaller ones in the background okay now that looks great but they are in the wrong place let's line it up properly there we go okay so now they're in the wrong place because you've got small ones in the front and the big ones in the back so we need to change that so we're going to right click on it layer show layers and this is where it gets a bit tricky because you need to get the big one and drag it to the top because they all look exactly the same at the moment next one drag it to the next layer next one drag it to the next layer there we go that looks better right so now we've got our basic structure what I might do is I'm going to search for Shadows see all our shadows are really difficult to see so I'm mostly just guessing now ah that'll do there so it looks like they're floating right so this is our basic structure right the next thing we're going to do is we're going to duplicate this whole slide duplicate page duplicate page get page do this five times because we've got five books we need to go to them go to them to go around five times one two three four five because I've got six now don't need that delete page okay right now I'm going to go and find my book covers if you don't know already you click on upload and you upload your book covers onto your upload file right picture perfect that's one let's start with that one so which way is it going so it's this one's going to be in this one it's going to be here and this one it's going to be around the back and this one is going to be around the back on the other side you're just dragging and dropping it into the right place okay now then let's look for the next one so the next one's playing for love and that one we're going to put just behind the picture perfect one so in each page you put it one behind the pitch perfect one it gets really messed up if you if you get the you just have to make sure you get the first book in the right place otherwise it gets very confusing nope that's wrong so if you accidentally like this if you get it in the wrong place you go on there you go detach image it'll take you back and then you put it in the right place and Christmas to the Palace is the last one it will try and put it in it's the background when you bring it in so just hold firm don't let go of your mouse only let go of your mouse when you've got it in the right frame so let's shorten these so you can now shorten the clip as in how long this thing is on screen for so make them two seconds each actually has to make them one and a half seconds each because they don't need to be two seconds long they don't even need to be one and a half seconds long okay so now if we play it oh why is that one second okay now if we play it they should swap around but as you can see they're not going smoothly like they were before so this is where the magic comes in you go between and add transition match and move which is a new transition they have match and move edit for each one okay now and then you could just Loop it to go around and round and round that's it if you found this useful please tell all your writer friends if you do make any of these just tag me and so and show me them because I would love to see what you create as always don't forget to like And subscribe and I will be back into fortnite with something else thank you for your time
Channel: Rhoda Baxter aka Jeevani Charika
Views: 4,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TMwdsTEyVac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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