How to Create Online Course Slides with ChatGPT and Canva in 5 minutes

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when I started creating online courses three years ago I remember spending hours and hours every single day scripting and creating PowerPoint presentations and then actually pressing record to my camera and screen recording my screen going through those PowerPoint slides in just 15 minutes and I would think of how dumb is it that I need to sit down and script for hours and hours a huge PowerPoint presentation that only makes me 15 minutes of content and this was my reality as a course creator for most of my courses literally for years in this field I spent hours creating and perfecting my PowerPoint presentation slides so you can imagine my excitement when I found out that you can literally create 30 40 and 60 slides of PowerPoint presentation in the push of like 10 or 15 buttons in this video right here we're going to go through how I create my PowerPoint presentations for my courses in less than 5 minutes with just the usage of three online completely free tools that you can use right now enough with the intruction let me show you exactly how to create a PowerPoint presentation for your online course in less than 5 minutes so the first step into creating a PowerPoint presentation in less than five minutes is to launch chat GPT now in chat GPT we're going to first outline our course it is actually important to outline our course in order to create PowerPoint slides for each one of our lessons so right here I I entered this prompt which is I'm creating a course around YouTube marketing for example please outline a 10 lesson module CH obvious is going to outline 10 lesson modules so we got lesson one introduction to YouTube as a marketing platform lesson two setting up and optimizing your YouTube channel lesson three content strategy and planning Lesson Four video production etc etc etc now we are going to be creating a PowerPoint presentation on each one of those bullet points so for example we're going to have a different lesson regarding the overview of YouTube significance in the digital marketing landscape a PowerPoint presentation on understanding the target audience on YouTube department presentation on exploring success stories and case studies if you will again we don't have to follow the course outline of chpt we can obviously tweak this far but for the sake of this tutorial here let's actually create a PowerPoint presentation on the overview of YouTube significance in the digital marketing landscape so I want you to go ahead and copy the first bullet point okay so the first bullet point of the first lesson that Chad GPT suggested in your curriculum and go ahead and enter this prompt right here say summarize this in 20 bullet points okay and then you paste the first bullet point that chat GPT suggested you in the first lesson of your course so summarize this in 20 bullet points overview of YouTube significance in the digital marketing landscape as you can see chpd went ahead and created those 20 bullet points right here that summarize exactly the content that we want to have in the first lesson of our course now these lessons right right here these bullet points right here as you can see they're a bit short they can't actually create different 20 different PowerPoint slides so this is why I went ahead and asked tgbt to elaborate more in each one of those bullet points so it said of course here's a more detailed elaboration for each of those 20 bullet points so we have bullet point number one YouTube's immense impact in digital marketing and it says YouTube stands as a dominant platform in the digital marketing landscape due to its vast user base and influence okay so these ladies and gentlemen are all of the content okay this is the content that we're going to have in our PowerPoint slides so what we're going to do here is actually copy all of those bullet points that chpt has created and open our second tool that we're going to be using outside of the artificial intelligence Spectrum okay and this tool we're going to be using is Google spreadsheets okay so here we have a new spreadsheet and keep in mind that I have absolutely no idea on how to use Google spreadsheets I am a complete beginner but this is just so easy to do you go in the First Column right here you press right click paste special values only and as you can see all of the data that we have from chbt have been successfully transferred in this Google spreadsheet now what is the next step we go here file okay download and comma separated values so we download the comma separated values that we pay pasted in this Google spreadsheet and this ladies and gentlemen is everything that we need to do inside of Google spreadsheets we have this download file and we move to the third and final program free completely free program that we're going to be using to create our PowerPoint presentations and no this is not going to be PowerPoint this is going to be canva now keep in mind that canva is a completely free tool that you can use for many different cases online you can create thumbnails you can create posters you can create sales pages okay and you can create PowerPoint presentations in canva so what we're going to do now is open just a simple PowerPoint presentation blueprint out of canva and as you can see we just have this basic text right here so what we're going to do is going we're going to delete this text and write for example let's say example in this m in the middle of our page right here okay so we have this example part in the middle of our page now what we're going to do is that go down here to bulk and create okay and upload CSV so we click on upload CSV our downloads folder opens and we're just going to download and open our comma separated values so we open the comma separated Val that we downloaded right here and then we press on this text box right here more okay connect data and you can see that we can find the data that we just connected and bulked right here so we press on this right here okay now we have this check continue and we got all of those different slides let's uncheck the boxes that have nothing you know next to them so 5 8 for example 11 14 17 20 23 26 29 let me just uncheck all of those slides we don't want them to be generated because they're just going to be empty okay so once I uncheck all these create 30 nine pages and a new again window is going to pop up with our complete presentation ladies and gentlemen so this is the slides okay the presentation that we just created by completely importing 20 prompts out of chatu PT the information that we got from chat PT through Google spreadsheets in our canva presentation now from here you can do many different things we can change okay we can delete the bullet points we can make them bold but again we have completely transferred information from artificial intelligence programs from CH gbt inside Cana so ladies and gentlemen I hope that you enjoyed this video on how to create PowerPoint presentations using those three completely free tools from the web in less than 5 minutes if you enjoyed this video I am sure that you're going to find huge amounts of value in the rest videos of my channel especially if you're a course creator and I'm going to see you in the next video
Channel: LAMZ
Views: 14,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Online Course Slides, how to create ai video, How to create an online course with AI, How to make money with AI, How to create powerpoint slides for your online courses with AI, How to create and sell online courses with AI, Hwo to use AI to make money, Making money with AI in 2024, How to create poweroint presentations with AI, artificial intelligence, chatgpt, canva tutorial, How to create presentations with AI in Canva
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 26sec (446 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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