The Internet’s BIGGEST Sharpening Stone SCAM

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so there's a lot of videos out there showing good reviews on sharpening Stones good reviews are popular because they're positive and people generally like positivity people generally don't like negativity that's why when you're looking for something to buy it's very difficult to actually find a negative review on something until today if you're sensitive in words heard you please turn video off now there's a lot of videos on the YouTube trending page that will suit you better bye thank you [Music] [Music] now the product that I'm going to be referencing is this very cheap sharpening stone that I bought on Amazon now I blurred out the exact brand name and replaced it with my own brand name we'll get to this in a second I did not pay a cheap price for the sharpening stone at the time I think I paid close to fifty dollars for this thing specifically to do a review for YouTube this was a one thousand six thousand grit Stone and to be quite honest this thing is terrible I'll leave a link to the review that I did on this Stone below or in a card up here somewhere these stones are very poorly manufactured they require soaking in water for 10 minutes the grit is poorly bound together they wear down super fast because of this they dish out after pretty much one use they have very poor feedback and they're extremely messy due to the fact that the grit is just so poorly bound together basically everything about this stone is bad and I pity the poor person who is attempting to learn to sharpen using the stone now technically these Stones do work you can sharpen a knife using these stones but you can also technically sharpen a knife using a brick foreign that using a brick is going to be a very pleasant experience it's just a miserable sharpening experience you're also not going to pay 50 to buy and sharpen your knife with a brick here how smooth that is like why would anybody do this now this video I didn't really want to go over this isn't really a stone review I didn't want to go over all of the exact problems and exact uh things that cause this to be a bad Stone what I wanted to do in this video is show you show you what these Stones actually are and I've got to be really careful with this because there's going to be a lot of companies that aren't very happy with me doing this video because what I'm going to show you is the inner workings of the cheap sharpening stone business on Amazon and I can't physically show you on screen what I'm talking about due to copyright laws and things like that but I will leave links to the pages that I'm referencing below you can click on those links and that'll take you to the pages that I'm referencing in this video and you can either follow along or you can just reference those pages and you'll see immediately what I'm talking about [Music] if you go to Amazon and search sharpening Stones you're going to see a lot of sharpening stones from different brands that look exactly like this one some of these stones may have different colors and some of them may be in different grits again from many different brands these companies don't handle sharpening Stones whatsoever in some cases these brands are just a single person sitting behind a computer placing an order from the manufacturer in China and then shipping them directly to an Amazon warehouse putting ridiculous prices on these things and selling them to unsuspecting customers who think they're getting a quality sharpening stone because they're paying a ridiculous price for it when in reality I'd wager to bet that the owners of these different companies or these different brands haven't ever touched a sharpening stone in their entire life let alone actually use one how do I know this you may ask well if you go to Alibaba you can buy all of the exact same sharpening stones that you can buy on Amazon for pennies on the dollar compared to what they're being sold for on Amazon now again I have have to be careful what I can show you on video here but if you go to Alibaba and search sharpening stone you'll see nothing but sharpening stones that look exactly like this one some may have different colors some may be in different grits but they're all unbranded what these companies do is they buy these unbranded sharpening Stones they print their brand name on the sharpening stone ship that directly to Amazon warehouses where people buy them for ridiculous prices when in reality they are cheap junk some of these manufacturers on Alibaba have minimum order sizes meaning you have to order a thousand of them or a hundred of them in order to get that kind of ridiculously low price a couple of bucks in a lot of cases but some of these don't you can literally buy a single sharpening stone one thousand six thousand grit sharpening stone for three to five dollars on Alibaba these sharpening Stones the one that you're the ones that are being sold for fifty sixty dollars on Amazon are the exact same sharpening stones that you can buy on Alibaba for anywhere from three to seven dollars again how do I know this because I looked into doing the exact same thing starting a Brand Outdoors 55 sharpening stones for instance slapping my brand name on the side of these things using my influence here on YouTube to sell them at ridiculous prices to unsuspecting people make a bunch of money really quickly and then disappear Without a Trace never to be heard from again but I have a conscience and I just cannot recommend a product with my face behind it that I would not personally use myself and if that cost me a couple million dollars by not selling out then that's what I have to do so what do I personally use and recommend if you're a regular viewer of this channel you'll know that I recommend Diamond Stones no mess no fuss no water sharp knife that's why I like these Diamond plates it's just not any simpler now you have to be careful with these as well because not all diamond stones are created equal I know this because I looked into manufacturing my own Diamond Stones and at the moment there's only one brand that I trust to deliver a quality item and I'll leave a link to that in the description below along with all the other links I'd stay away from all of the cheap sort of knockoff Chinese branded Diamond Stones I personally have not had good luck with any of them if you're looking for Quality Water Stones I'll leave a link to those as well also if you check out my website which I'll leave a link to down below as well I go over a whole bunch of items that I personally have used and recommend I even have some items on that review page that I don't recommend and I leave a little mini review as to why so be sure to check that out these are all Brands and manufacturers of sharpening Stones who actually care and know about sharpening and they design their products to be good in that regard as a disclaimer I am not associated with any brand in particular at this time the only thing I am associated with is the Amazon affiliate links left below when you purchase anything through those links I earn a small commission at no extra cost to you Amazon requires me to tell you this but otherwise I am not associated with any particular brand and I can link to anything that I want if you are one of these companies who manufacture quality sharpening equipment reach out to me I have zero problems promoting quality products that actually help people accomplish their goals now I don't have any problems with companies making a profit make all the profits what I do have a problem with is crappy cheap stuff being sold as something of quality selling you something you don't actually need or products that don't even do anything math game pro extensions foreign pulling the wool over people's eyes with fancy marketing fake reviews questionable sponsorships ad placements and reviews from popular social media Stars telling you how much they love this particular product so now in order to straighten this wire out I'm just going to get my brand new pliers that I got from the get a hold of anything player company they're not unlike my old pliers except that they're blue and they're new and I'm just going to use them to straighten out this wire because uh you can't straighten the wire out without these brand new blue pliers from the get a hold of anything player company I really like these players from the get a hold of anything player company because they are awesome and I would not be able to straighten wires without them so get yourself a pair failure to disclose a sponsorship every time is a crime [Music] I've even been told that ads for some of these sharpening stones have run before my videos which I have no control over by the way that's just how AdSense Works a cheap price for the sharpening stone at the time I think I paid close to 50 for this thing just because something's expensive doesn't make it a quality item this is a scale model of my new submarine the final Destiny it is comprised of a carbon fiber tube a titanium end cap an aluminum end cap we will be taking her to the Titanic and ticket prices will range anywhere between 337 975 dollars and 337 972 dollars depending on how much you weigh call now to reserve your tickets on the final Destiny submarine I don't know and get your information from a trusted Source I like how everyone all of a sudden is a submarine expert just about everybody who's anybody at this point is bought and paid for aliens are real our government has been covering up the fact that we have discovered crashed alien spacecraft and we also have bodies as well so you're telling me aliens have the capability of traveling thousands tens of thousands hundreds of thousands of light years across the universe discover earth and then proceed to crash in the desert of course that is correct was there a spaceship made out of carbon fiber by chance foreign [Music] I will not take this video down so don't even try you know who you are unless you're willing to pay me one million dollars and then we'll talk [Applause] foreign [Music]
Channel: OUTDOORS55
Views: 311,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amazon sharpening stones, sharpening stones, sharpening, knife sharpening, how to sharpen, how to sharpen a chef’s knife, sharpening for beginners, knife sharpening for beginners, sharpen, sharpen a knife, chefs knife, sharpening whetstone, cheap sharpening stone, stones for sharpening
Id: V5shv-7m5Ic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2023
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