How to Make a Quilt Sandwch Using Pool Noodles.

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I am Sabina and about a week ago I posted something about using the swimming pool noodle method of making a quilt sandwich and a lot of people said or asked what is that method so I thought I would do a tutorial since I couldn't find the original one that I used so what you need is three full noodles if you're making a small piece if you're making a larger piece you'll have to join two pieces two tubes together and you can do that with a little bit of rolled-up newspaper stick them together and then secure them with some duct tape sometimes the noodles aren't very straight so you can put a this is an old curtain rod you can use that or a dowel rod you just have to make sure something that will fit the diameter of your inner oh the other thing that you need is a lot of safety pins I used about 170 on a quilt that was 78 by 98 and you need a few straight pins to secure your fabric to the noodles you also need something to protect your table I taped together a couple placements they're nice and thin you can use your cutting mat it's a little bit thicker but just protect your table the first thing is to take your backing fabric and put the fabric face down that's very important to have it face down on your table just let it hang on to the end of the table if it's too long just get it nice and straight have your fabric ironed and nice and squit you want to square it up too and take little noodle and you Center it on the fabric and take straight pin anchor it down here at the edge and another one this end you can put a few more in if you want but basically you just pin it on there and you roll it up as smoothly as you can keep rolling roll it up if you have a couple wrinkles don't worry too much because when you unroll it you'll be you'll have another opportunity to straighten it but do the best you can the first time around I think that goes without saying stick another pin in there and put it aside then take the batting and same thing open up your batting let it hang over the table if necessary take another noodle get it centered secure with straight pins again roll it up and you can see this part goes pretty fast and put the battery inside or take the quilt top this is a beautiful quilt top that I got for three dollars at a rummage sale and we put the quilt top face up remember the backing goes facedown and the quilt top goes face-up then take your pool noodle and get it centered stick a pin in a few places the next part of this method is tedious to say the least but this is how you do it take out that paint green pin and start to unroll the fabric which is facedown and line it up with the edge of your table unroll about 18 inches and then take your batting line it up Center it on your on your back backing and line it up with your edge and unroll that and smooth it out as you go smooth all the layers next take the quilt top and center it on the batting line the edges up and start to unroll okay smooth everything out and then protect your table we'll slide this under and we'll start to pin this little size safety pin is a good size it's perfectly adequate you don't need the larger ones I thought I did but they ended up being hard to put through all the layers so these little ones are okay I would not recommend getting pins at the dollar store because they are really flimsy and they're more trouble than they're worth but another pen start at the center near the edge and you put maybe a hand it's linked away from each other and then you move out to the edges and through all the layers but another one you might want to be concerned about your pin placement if you know where you're going to be quilting like if you were going to be doing the Linus line of stitching down here you obviously don't want to put your pins there in this where you'd be quilting and you would work your way out to the edges of the quilt starting at the edge of the quilt and working your way out to the sides so you would work your way up this way and out this way and then you would unroll your quilt backing your batting and your top a little and then you can move the whole thing forward so you can work on this next area and you do a little bit more you go out to the side so you unroll some more unroll warmer unroll put another pin out to the sides keep unrolling until your whole quilt top has been pinned some people use like to use spray based I don't because I am sensitive to the fumes but there are some tutorials that show you how that process works and I hope this was useful this was my first video so I know it will be helpful to you thanks
Channel: Peter Rosenfeld
Views: 461,142
Rating: 4.9249392 out of 5
Keywords: Pool Noodle Quilt Sandwich
Id: EpmWfZdxGSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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