How to make a portable target stand

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hey guys welcome to boomstick tactical today's video is going to be just a little bit different than some that I've normally done what we're going to talk about today is cheap target stand now any time you're out shooting if you've ever been to a range if you've ever been involved in any kind of shooting sports for any length of time you've seen target stands get shot and get destroyed especially over a period of time so you don't really want to spend a lot of money in them if you know if if you'd rather spend your money on guns and ammo hadn't you know that's what I'd rather do one of the things that I needed was a portable target to be able to go to different areas when I am doing remote concealed carry classes and that's something that you know it's I like doing it occasionally instead of doing it at my own home my own range sometimes I will go out and teach a remote concealed carry class and in order to do that if I need a good target stand and there's a lot of different ones on the market that you can purchase but again I don't want to spend a lot of money on something that's going to shot up so I'd rather just spend as little money on something like that is possible what we're gonna actually be using to make this target stand which is what I'm doing it's PVC and let me show you just a little bit about what I've got here this is a b21 target which for those within Kentucky in a lot of other areas that is the standard concealed carry target the standard target for training for the concealed carry classes so I need a stand that's going to be very cheap that will hold that target and you know something very portable also so what I've gotten is a piece of inch-and-a-half PVC you can pick this up anywhere Lowe's Home Depot just wherever you want to pick it at a local hardware store I'm also got about four of the tees the reason that I went with an inch and a half is because another part of the target which is the one Batu's that I'm going to be using and you can use different size if you would like with these work fine for me that one but two will slip just inside that I'm gonna have to widdle that one down just a little bit but it will slip just inside of the PVC into that inch and 1/2 PVC and that way when I assemble it I can use those one Mateusz to slip into the base and then I can staple the v21 directly onto those one Mateusz and it will be fine you don't really have to spend a lot of time measuring it just really depends on how you want your stand to look what I've done is basically just put a tee on one end of the pipe set it on the edge of the target went to the other side and made my mark and cut it that way when I slip this tee into position and put the one but two down through the pipe I will have plenty of room here on the side to staple the target in place these pieces here are going to make up the base of the stand and I don't know if I can do this one-handed on my tripod out here but all we're going to do is take one of the tees slip one of these in it on each side and again folks sorry about the video I do not have my tripod out here and plus I'm recording with my phone so there's one side of the base I'll get us another tee put together the other side if I don't drop everything first this stand it's extremely affordable if you got any spare PVC sitting around you could probably make it without buying anything or buying very little actually to go out and buy a couple pieces to build this I did have some PVC and I didn't have the teeth and so they're not very expensive so we get the two bases the legs put together I've got these short pieces here just to give us something to set the upright in and I drop the other one maybe I should title this video making a target stand with one hand I just wanna show you guys how easy this is here we're going to put our other tee on the cross brace just like that just tap that down you can see here a little bit better picture what we're doing when we put the 1 but 2 in will still have plenty of room to staple so now I'm just going to take this slip it in there like that all one-handed there is the basis of the target stand you can glue these together I did not the reason I didn't if for whatever reason a piece of it gets broken gets shot or whatever I can simply take it out and replace it set that there one of our one bittu's slip it right down in there just like that I probably need to cut these off these are a little longer than what I need but it's going to work alright guys here is the completed target you can see that we have got plenty of room on the sides to staple the target in place you can put a some kind of a backer board either cardboard or plywood behind this just whatever you want to do project like this can be fun simple to do it's a great way to save money on targets target stands that sort of thing I looked at something online and you can find cheap ones for twenty or thirty dollars but you still have to get the uprights and something like this you can build for a little nothing even if you have to buy all the materials still doesn't cost you a whole lot to build it anyways guys that's just a quick video on how to build a portable target stand and if you would appreciate it if you would give the video a thumbs up also be sure to subscribe visit my website sometime I've got a blog boomstick tactical dot-com there I have articles on different things that sometimes I don't do videos on and anyways guys appreciate you watching be sure to subscribe drum any comments down below and we'll see you next time
Channel: BoomStick Tactical
Views: 14,050
Rating: 4.8328981 out of 5
Keywords: target stand, target stand pvc, target stand wood, target stand for shooting, target stand for steel target, how to build a target stand, how to build a target stand for shooting, how to make a portable target stand, improve handgun shooting accuracy, how to shoot a pistol better, pistol shooting drills, pistol target shooting, shooting target stands, target hangers, how to make a target stand, diy shooting targets, homemade shooting target ideas
Id: _Z37H7CfBeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2017
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