How to Make a Perfect Sublimation Tumbler (Very Easy)

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hi sarah bannis here learn to craft i'm going to show you today how to make a sublimation tumbler these are incredibly easy they're all the rage right now everybody loves them they do really well at shows and private sales they're just they're incredibly popular you can put anything you want on them any picture you can print you can put on a sublimation tumbler so what you're going to need is you're going to need first off either a sublimation printer or a converted inkjet printer if you're not familiar with how to convert an inkjet printer um it's incredibly easy i'll link in the video description when you're looking at the video under the video there's a drop down if you click on that excuse me it'll expand and i'll link in there a video on how to convert an inkjet printer um it's it's like i said it's incredibly easy so you're gonna need uh either a sublimation printer or a converted inkjet you're gonna need uh tumbler these are pyd life i really like these they were actually kind enough to send me um some tumblers some tape which i really like sublimation paper and um a press so that i can show you guys how well their products work um i will link all of this in the video description these are super high quality uh the tape let me show you the tape the tape is really nice so oftentimes with sublimation tape it'll come in like a brown or a yellow this is better this this doesn't so the brown or yellow can sometimes leave like a um almost like a mark on your on your products this does not so this is what you want i'll link this in the video description okay and their paper works really well too so let's go ahead and get started what you're going to need to do is you're going to need to measure if you don't know the dimensions of your tumbler you're going to need to measure it right so this is our tumbler you can if you have like something like this a flexible tape you can just always you know go ahead and do that you always want to do it on the top rim so that you know that you're not you know going like that with it so if you do not have a flexible measuring tape there's an easy workaround take a piece of paper take it into a strip and then take that and run that right along the rim make sure that you are right on the rim and then take a pen and right where the two meet up make a little tiny knot okay and that'll give you then you can just measure it on a regular um ruler or whatever so this is going to be let's see that is nine and just over a quarter so that is nine and um i'm gonna call that now that's so nine and a quarter and then another half of a quarter so 12 so i'm going to call it 9.35 so that's 9.35 wide by straight down [Applause] tiny dot at the bottom and then my height is exactly eight so i am going to do 8.05 when i print because i want to make sure that i get this bottom rim totally covered i like it to be the whole thing so you don't see any white at all okay so that's how you get your dimensions easy enough the next thing you're going to want to do is you're going to want to put on a pair of gloves okay because what you're going to do is you're going to get any bits off of here any oil that could have gotten on here from your hands you want to make sure that you get that all off of there okay so actually you know what let's before we get into this let's go ahead and let's go over to um the printer and we'll print first and then we'll clean off our cup okay so here we are we are in silhouette studio you can print from any program that allows you to print to the size that you want your design to be so silhouette studio inkscape is free you can get that at inkscape that's for pc or mac there's lots of programs you can print from so let's go ahead and the first thing we're going to do is let's size this to the size that we're going to print to which we determined was um 9.35 wide but we're actually going to go to 9.37 wide i want to just be a little bit long a little bit wider to make sure that we don't end up with any line of demarcation so make sure that your lock is locked and then change your width to 3 9.37 and now my height is going to be a little bit higher than what i need it but i'm not going to bother slicing that off of there because what's going to happen it's just such a small amount it's not going to matter because what's going to happen is that it'll just go over the edge a little bit and it'll end up giving us a perfect edge on the top so so that's that's fine um let me just before we go any further let me just say if this video is interesting to you or helpful like the video but also subscribe to my channel i come out with new videos once or twice a week just lots of neat ways to make you a better crafter cricket silhouette scanning cut sublimation so lots of neat ways to make a better crafter but also a better designer so that you can start making your own designs i have fantastic design series coming out very shortly um you're not going to want to miss that so subscribe to my channel you'll get the notification when the new videos come out okay so now what we're going to do is we're going to add a name to this and just i'll link this in the video description as well i'm going to link this design i'm going to link all the pyd life stuff we're using the tape the paper the tumblers the press is fantastic i'll link a video on how to um how to well i'll link a video on how to um convert a printer and then i'll link a video on this as well i'm gonna and also i'll link our facebook group we have a ton of facebook groups sublimation for beginners is one that you definitely want to be in there's about 90 000 members in there super friendly super helpful super knowledgeable um so join us there i'll link that in the video description as well when you're looking at the video on youtube underneath there's like a drop down click on that that'll expand you'll find all of the information linked inside of there but what the reason i got into that is what i'm also going to link in there is something that we're going to do right now is we're going to use font clips if you're not familiar with how to use font glyphs it's incredibly easy i'll link how to do it on both qriket and silhouette on pc mac and ios so you can learn how to do it it's incredibly easy and incredibly important to design so the font that we are going to use is called sweet boho i'm going to link that in the video description as well it is a fantastic font i just got it recently absolutely love it so i will link that in the video description and you should get it also so i'm going to change the color of this i don't generally go with black i usually go with like a slate gray i just think it looks a little bit more elegant than flat black especially with the pink okay and now what we're gonna do is like i say we're gonna switch these out for a couple of glyphs glyphs are incredibly easy like i said i'll link it all in the video description on how to do this if you're not already familiar so we are switching out the s first okay and then let's switch out this h and let's use this age okay so now what i want to do if i just take this and i put this on top here it looks okay um but that's not what i want to do i want to take it and i want to offset it i will also um so offset is incredibly easy but i will link just a quick video in the video description if you're not familiar with offset um i will link a video in the video description how to offset both on cricut and silhouette then you're going to want to change that to white change your offset to white and get rid of that now select all of it right click and group okay so now now you can see how how that offset gives it a nice little something extra so i always struggle with if i should run my name up or if i should run names down the cup with this one i'm going to run it up you don't want it you don't want it up against your edges because you don't want it being right on your seam you also do not want to put it too high or too low you don't want it right on the bottom of your cup and you don't want it going into this so about that much of the top of this is coming off right there so you don't want to you know run it into that so this is probably just about perfect right here okay so now what we're going to do i'm going to group this all together and now we are ready to print so let's get rid of this when you are printing you are um mirroring your image okay so in your printer settings you can mirror in your printer settings and you can set it up so that it automatically mirrors for you on every time you print so you don't ever forget to do this you can also mirror it like this flip horizontally and that mirrors it as well okay so now i'm going to go to file print back out and make sure that's fitting on there nicely and it is looks good looks good and i'm going to go to print i'm going to choose my printer that i want to use and and if you ever don't see your printer sometimes actually when i first did this if you're ever if you're on silhouette and you don't see it it's a little bit strange because it starts over here and you don't realize it but you can just slide over to your printer and then i'm gonna go to print and now it's gonna print so let me go get this print and i'll show you how to wrap it okay so now we're going to wrap the tumbler so the first thing you're going to want to do is you're going to want to take your print and see it's mirrored okay you're going to want to take your print and you're going to want to cut off the excess so you only have your print nice and even okay not exactly perfect and i actually do want it to be exactly perfect you know but if i try actually i i am going to let that go because if i try to if i try to cut it any lower it's just going to chop it up so that's okay that's fine like that so then for this do it this side and you want to take it so that you are lining this up perfectly right on there like that and cut that and that one is a perfect cut i'll link this um this cricket cutter and the description as well i've had a lot of different types of paper cutter like this and i really like this one okay that is just let me just oops let's make sure i'm getting this on here perfectly so i'm getting a good good seam okay just like that that's good okay and now what you're going to do is pull your gloves on and like i said earlier so this will keep once you have um cleaned off your tumbler it'll keep you from getting the oil from your hands back on there again okay and these are the pyd life the 20 ounce and what did i do okay why you have to give me one second i had broad oh here it is you're gonna want alcohol wipes or you can just have a bottle of alcohol um these are nice because they are lint free so you don't have to worry about the lint from your um like if you put it on the paper towel that getting back onto there so that is nice open this up and you're going to want to wipe this down real good this will get any oils off there actually we can take this top right off there see how nice that top comes off these are really really nice tumblers so and like i said i will link these in the description i'll link everything in the description it'll be super easy if you want to get into this it'll be super easy for you to um locate everything that you need and i'm telling you these like like i said fairs shows especially um at least at the time of taping summer's right around the corner and um these are really well especially like you know local fares if you put things for um that are part of the town like if you have a you know uh creek bank or something like that in the town that everybody in the town knows and you put that on there lots of people travel back home from out of state or out of town to come to the local festival so that type of stuff goes really really well okay so now you're gonna want to let it dry for just a second and then once it's dry and it's dry you're going to want to take a lint roller and you're going to want to lint roll it just make sure you don't have any little bits of lamp [Music] someone should build a concave lint roller that would it wouldn't work but it's a good idea [Music] so you can get it right up on the edge [Music] a little time consuming but it's an important step not to skip if you have any little tiny pieces of lint on there it'll leave like a weird little demarcation on your foot way too much time and effort into these to do that okay so now this this is the peace day resistance so this is i just recently got this and it's a complete game changer for um for taping so it's really nice because it it cuts it for you see how it cuts the pieces for you or you can use this and cut it the exact size that you want so now what we're going to do we're going to take this and we're going to put it right right like that right on the very very very bottom okay and then that's going to be a perfect seam it's gonna be nice okay so you're gonna want to get it so it's overlapped just by this it's not even really overlapped but there's just like just a tiny tiny tiny little bit but you also want it even so there is a little bit of a um skill to this that you get over time just get it just exactly right and you also you want it as tight as you can get it on there but that's where this comes in so handy being able to um grab just the pieces like that that you need and not messing around trying to trying to cut them okay and you want to get all the way down so that you can see okay all the way down and then you're going to want to make sure you get that all the way down to the bottom okay and then tip it down tip down your bottom just a little bit okay because you're gonna you you i'll show you we're gonna tape the bottom off so just crinkle it down like that so that it tapes really good on there okay and then you're gonna take and right along the bottom so you're getting all of it touching the bottom this is gonna be super pretty okay okay so now that's all of our bottom done okay and now so let's go ahead again just make sure that you're getting it as taut as you can you don't want any wrinkles in there and you want just nice tight bond on there okay so that is that now i do also do the top because it'll give you a nice so just flip it right over the top but make sure your top is nice and tight against the ear you want it so you see how i'm kind of like flipping that under you want to make sure that you're not you're not getting folds where it's going to sublimate okay right over flip it right over over okay so now what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna take this you can see i'm just flipping that right inside did you see how i taped it and flipped it right inside move this over so you can see it a little better what i'm doing i'm gonna tape that right along the edge and then i'm gonna flip that tape and i'm gonna push it right from like like the side and then coming into the middle and i'm gonna flip it right inside there so maybe take you in two hands and just flip it right inside of there okay and then all the way around to the edge and this is going to give me a perfect top rim actually at this point i can take these gloves off do not need the gloves anymore okay done here okay so now we have everything taped off nice and solid on there the only other thing that we need to do before we can press this is we're going to take a couple of sheets of copy paper or butcher paper and what that does is it's going to if you get any blowout so the way sublimation works is um i don't know if we went over this earlier in the video but it it um vaporizes the ink and then the ink adheres to the substrate the in this case a tumbler so if you have any blowout they call it um you shouldn't on this because it's all taped off but if you have any blowout this paper catches it okay so i'm going to take the end and then that way it can't get on to your press take and we're going to roll this and again you want to keep this tight um generally i use two sheets but i'm up in my craft room and um the rest of my printer paper is downstairs so i'm gonna use one and that should be fine and then just like that okay so now we are all ready you can go ahead and you can um push that in just in case there is any blowout that'll catch it and now we're all ready to go to our press so let's go to the press okay so here we are at the press this is a fantastic press highly recommended i will link it in the video description the nice thing about this press is they can do multiple sizes it can do um 20 and 30 ounce tumblers i'm gonna have to check i think it might be able to do 16 ounce tumblers also but i can do 20 and 30 ounce tumblers and also 11 through 15 ounce mugs which is really nice so you can see that i've set it i have my um i have my temperature set at 360 and i have my my time set at 50 seconds now we're gonna do um two sets if 50 seconds we're gonna do it at 50 seconds and then we're going to turn it and we're going to do it again at 50 seconds um i have my heat gloves i'll link these in the description as well if you do want to have a set of these to protect yourself and grab my mug or my tumbler rather okay and we are at 360. so i should have checked first let me take another tumbler that i have down here already and let me just let me just try to um here i don't have any blank paper i was going to see if the i should have checked my um to see how tight this is first to see if that needs to be adjusted so just give me just one second here you know i'm going to go ahead and just put it in there and i'll do it that way that'll be fine so i'm gonna put that in there and let's just see yeah that's way too loose so what you're gonna do is you're gonna tighten this up quite a bit i want good even firm pressure on this it doesn't have to be super tight but it does it does need to be firm sorry i should have done that before we started recording but i did not think to do it unprepared but that's okay now you can see how to tighten it generally speaking you would find that you would tighten this before you um before you so that's perfect generally speaking you would tighten that before you put your before you started the heat press before you started the heat on it and you can see it you can see the temperature coming down so like i said you you generally do that before you turn your heat press on so there's no heat when you're doing it um but we're going by the seat of our pants here so oh that should be fine though just gonna count down now on this press it won't beep when it gets down to zero you just kind of have to keep an eye on it i actually prefer that because a lot of times i'm pressing weight at night oh i'm wrong this press does beep i was thinking that this one does not okay that's okay it's actually prob probably better to alert you anyways okay now another 50 seconds like this but you can see i mean you can see how heavy duty this machine is like this isn't um just a you know something that you're going to use 200 times and then it's going to give you problems this is like a long time machine this is like a really good one so we'll let it get down to zero this is going to be super pretty okay so now we're going to let this cool down just a little bit and then once it's cooled down a little bit we'll go ahead and unwrap it and do the big reveal it's going to be super duper pretty okay so let's get this unwrapped this is gonna be pretty okay the first thing you want to do is take off your packing paper so just a heads up that cools off pretty quickly it's only been maybe less than like three or four minutes so let me actually so this best thing ever it's a weeding pen but it's also fantastic for this i don't want to scratch my cup though once you get it started it's pretty easy so you just got to get it started and so i want to i just want to show you this real quick so remember how i was telling you how um the the uh tape that is yellow or brown leaves a mark on there see how there's no mark at all when you peel that up there's nothing on your actual cut the parts of the tape that get on the cup that's i've seen some really beautiful cups get ruined by using um cheap tape so for lack of a better way of putting it um low quality tape i guess i should say even the low quality stuff is not always inexpensive this tape is fantastic this is what you want and i'll link this in the video description get in there get in there oh look at that that's gonna be pretty okay that's gonna be beautiful [Music] oh wow wow wow wow wow wow look at that oh my goodness look at it look at how pretty that is oh my goodness it's beautiful that is absolutely beautiful i should have gone one shade darker with um with my name because that gray is a little bit too light on there i wish i would have gone like one shade darker but look at how pretty that is look at those greens oh wow this is just spectacular oh it's so pretty oh my goodness i love it and so you can see how we got the perfect edge on the bottom see that and the perfect edge on the top there's no ghosting there's no nothing it's just a good solid perfect press that is beautiful oh wow yep the only thing that i should have done a little bit differently is i should have um because unfortunately it ends up my gray turned out a little bit too um i wish i had done that like one shade darker than i would have got a good solid slight slate plate uh gray on it but other than that this is absolutely spectacular look at those greens and those peaches wow look at the browns on that do you see that i don't know if you can see that or not wow that is so beautiful look at the clarity and how clean that pressed i'm telling you that that if you do not if you're so you can also press and um in a convection toaster oven but all the time i see people with ghosting and with just constant issues plus it takes way longer in a convection oven um and and you just you end up ruining so many of your blanks blanks are you know i mean that's that's money down the drain when you're ruining them not to mention your print and your tape and everything else you know if you're gonna do this it's better just to invest in quality equipment so that you're you know so you're getting what you you're not wasting your time and energy and money and on things getting ruined um definitely recommend this press about oh man look at that it's perfect perfect edges absolutely beautiful let's put the top on that is ready to go look at that beautiful have a good day make sure that you do like the video subscribe to the channel uh join us in the group i'm gonna link it in the vid in the in the description of the video you will love sublimation for beginners it's it's a fantastic group you'll learn so much there so um join us there uh link all of the materials i'll link uh the tumblers i'll link the paper i'll link the tape uh the the pyd life press i'll link everything in the video description i'm gonna link this fantastic thing that you absolutely need tape dispenser you need this in your life makes a huge difference and that's it if you have any questions at all you can ask them in the um under the video or uh better yet approach me in the group you're always welcome to come talk to me in the group i'm always in there always happy to help that's it have a good day bye
Channel: Simply Sarah Made Easy
Views: 137,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sublimation, how to, tutorial, tumbler, press, HTV, iron-on, iron on, cricut, silhouette, PYD, Life, 20, ounce, convert, print, printer, epson, sawgrass, maker, cameo, maker3, maker 3, maker2, maker 2, air, air2, air 2, air3, air 3, explore, explore2, explore 2, explore 3, explore3
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 56sec (2156 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 20 2022
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