How to Make a Patron

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so you're thinking about making a warlock a caster who's literally defined by another entity then why play the whole campaign like that thing doesn't even exist we're going to handcraft some more specific patrons to fit exactly what your warlock has become first off the defining trait of all warlocks why did you make the pact a few examples of warlocks motives as with most wishful beings would be wealth Fame power understanding revenge safety or a sweet booty vixen I'll be lining up seven warlocks because they can't stop making patrons and because my abusive patron is YouTube herself so going down the line I'll make Shak Martha slimy be fought the golden grundle the ashen crolick the torn shank the shiv the grave walker and carl the Starchild let's start with shaq Mart's patron shaq Mart is a slimy servant of an arch fade and not some fancy fairy both the sealy and uncie li are host to powerful creatures and i've decided to pick an annus hag I love hags and I really don't know why but I've named her granny Gertrude toe fungus every warlock patron has a reason to grant mortals power but for an ancient Anas hag this is actually easy to work out and his hags relish in torment and fear granny toe fungus in her ancient and disgusting wisdom chooses to do this with representatives shaq Mart is a simple Machiavellian who longs for power and doesn't give two flying chicken shits about other people's feelings so using this we take our first step toward his pact how did they first meet we'll cut these meetings short for this video but each pact forming is essentially a 45 minute movie that ends on a cliffhanger Shack mark was a slimy guy by Nature let's say was a cutthroat loan shark he made a bunch of dark deals and struck fear into people's hearts the check mark wanted more he wanted power so granny Gertrude heard about his ability to cultivate fear and came directly to him granting him the power he desired next question about good ol granny do people like serving her she's as old as Jesus's first fart so she knows her way people let's say she only hires twisted people who enjoy spreading fear because it makes her job that much easier next up which is probably the toughest thing for a DM to implement what does the patron ask of their warlocks granny Gertrude toejam has her own form of magic designed for her use so she gives every servant a small silver mirror whenever they strike fear into a creatures heart they have to hold up the mirror and recorder the terror they have to meet terror quotas and return to her every 30 days to show her what they've done if Shaq Martha slimey doesn't cause enough torment he'll probably be a frog next week one thing to understand when making a warlock and their patron is their similarity to clerics patrons are not gods but they're all just a step below because of this warlocks often worship them in a similar manner but not all warlocks have to be happy about their pact next up is be fought the golden let's put a twist on be fought and make him a goblin with strong chaotic tendencies this sucks for be fought because he's the child of a prophecy overseen by an ancient Codel how did this unlikely pair meet first you need to know about codels these guys were made before time and exists to fulfill prophecies and guard relics till the end of time one of these prophecies being b fox grand duel against a dark god charlie at his birth the Codel gave him the divine power of buyuk as a goblin he thinks Booya giz awesome however the conditions of his pact and his nature prove difficult for both him and his patron bee Fox least-favorite binding is that he cannot tell a lie the ultimate obligation for be fought is to become worthy of the homes infamous Ord and defeat Charlie once and for all other minor commands are simple good-natured things that be fought struggles with like charity and humility be fought the golden proves very tough to teach for the Codel and his thieving and dominating tendencies clash heavily with what he is meant to become variety is the spice of life and warlocks should vary as much as you can make them when making a patron dive into the monster manual or do some Wikipedia surfing to find a good base not everything about them has to be correct just have fun is is D&D next up we'll design the most classic and common warlock a pack to the fiend for a fiend patron you can use either a Demon Lord or an arch devil their hierarchy is wildly confusing and some day I'll have a video or two explaining them but for grundle the ashen I'll make him a servant of Mammon the merchant king of the nine hells grundle let's say was a very poor man who lost everything to gambling he sought out a ritual to summon a demon of wealth and met with one of Mammon's Devils as with most who deal with Devils the contract was more clever than poor grundle on page 666 as a footnote that redirects to an exemption clause detailed in a PDF provided via flash drive which stands on a basis that exists in an encrypted message that only appears once the Konami code has entered that details damage liability and additional terms that affect both parties once grundle is given a wealth of gold and power all other material possessions he earns or steals are immediately transferred to Mammon Mammon I don't know due to this it's likely that grundle the ashen struggles to eat food or accept anything that isn't gifted to him this simple term covers both of our issues grundle clearly doesn't like Mammon and Mammon only has one request that is ever-present rarely are warlocks the victors in their stories and making a fiendish pact will always have a downside for the player now we'll move on to trollop the torn pact of the great old one is my personal favorite because it pulls from Lovecraft inspired works naturally will be unique with this patron and make it something new let's go with [Music] we'll follow a classic tale and make charlyk a woman who looked too hard for answers whatever kind of research she used to do doesn't matter now an interesting note about elderts patrons is that most of the time they have no mental note of mortals and Cthulhu probably doesn't know taluk exists not to say that she gets her powers scot-free she likely either sets guidelines for herself or feels unavoidable urges to do strange and alien things like write using poopie on the wall a much simpler and mutually beneficial bond is the one between Shivashankar and shank the Shiv in order to make a hex blade patron take a walk with me down to the DMS guide page 214 sentient magic items that's all you need to know it's detailed essentially how to make a hex blade patron right here so we'll make shank an item with low sentience but strong desires and powerful magic he communicates with ship using emotions often being bloodlust he gives her added senses and can see and hear out to a hundred and twenty feet hex blade alignments can really be anything but will make shank the Shiv chaotic evil one thing to note about most of these weapons is that they were likely created by a neutral goddess of death so as long as this warlock is killing things they're on the right track Shiv the chancre who I forgot to mention is a six year old halfling found shank the Shiv while playing in the ruins being young and impressionable shanks magic convinced Shiv to use shank to shank people using shank as her Shiv and that's their whole relationship next up we have the grave Walker with the undying pact will make his patron someone we all know and love and is well known for collecting many friends and giving away free power a sour rack in this totally real scenario was hanging out at a local pub playing the trumpet when a Sara RAC heard his music and loved it so much he gave power over life and death then they went to a ser axe pad in a rag Corvette and a CEREC gave his phylactery loves being known as the grave Walker and regularly binge drinks with his litte friend all his patron wants him to do is that he accompanies adventurers and urges them into deadly dungeons and lastly we have Karl the Starchild his loyalty is to the Raven Queen who for some reason is also worshipped by clerics karl was once a resident of sigil the city of doors however he suffers from lengthy and detailed sleepwalks no one knows how many planes he's visited but Karl the Starchild didn't pick his nickname one day he slipped into the shadow fell and met with the lovely Raven Queen she is a non variable patron and is exclusively the god of death she only desires that creatures die when they're supposed to she made a pact with Karl's sleeping form and now he walks the Material Plane in a quasi dream state and destroys undead with his eyes closed mumbling both incantations and stuff about crabs thanks for watching examples work best for me when it comes to creating things and you can use what I did here hopefully as a template or play these stupid characters I really don't care that's the end of the video [Music] [Music]
Channel: Runesmith
Views: 664,245
Rating: 4.9694896 out of 5
Keywords: Dnd, dungeons and dragons, 5e, 5th edition, tutorial, funny, comedy, tabletop, game, tabletop games, dice, role play, role playing, rpg, easy listening, meme, memes, trending, parody, satire, sketch, sketch comedy, roleplay, series, warlock, patron, patreon, guide, magic, pact, pact magic
Id: tEQ19clqNP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 05 2018
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