How to make a map for your gorilla tag fan game

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today guys I'm going to be helping you make a map for your gorilla tag fan game and I'm not going to make a whole tutorial how to set up the movement because that takes like 20 minutes and I do not feel like doing that um with the further Ado let's get into it so first you're going to need to go and download Unity Hub make sure you have like this version make sure it has Android installed open up any project or make a new one then when you get in you're going to need to do a couple things so first you can go you need to go to window and then you're going to go to package manager and then you're going to go to Unity registry search up prob Builder oh wait I spelled it wrong just put in Pro and you should see Pro builder then click install don't worry it doesn't really do that much it just makes everything so much so much easier to build if you want to add post processing I'll make another tutorial soon but um I'm new to Unity but to be honest it's kind of easy once you get for the first two two days if that's kind of mean then I'm sorry but if you take a a lot of time and effort then you'll get used to it so now you want to go to S then after probuilder you want to go to Tool uh probuilder probuilder window and you could drag it down here um but I like to drag it up here personally cuz it just shows me a lot um and then what you want to do go to assets and then on the side here click this plus and then Pro Builder and then plane so this is going to be your basic map so you could scale it how big you want and mine's going to be like this and what you want to do is you want to still go to your move and click these little four dots the ver the vertex selection and select all the corners if you want you can select the middle one and that's just the easiest way oh um so yeah after you select all the corners you want to go to the scale tool right here scale it inward wordss a little bit then you want to select the two next to the corners and then you can make kind of like a rounded shape and then we you can do is you can give it some texture on the floor like this go down a little this down the corner goes here um and then after you got that go to your well it's kind of bright right now so we're going to add some materials so I'm going to make a materials thing in the Discord but um what you want to do is you want to right click import new asset and then you can go to your anything I prefer using these materials then I'm just going to make this the the grass right now um and then you're going to take this corner selection you're going to hold down shift um just multi select and that's what you have to do to the other one as well or you can hold down control I prefer control because you don't select too many cuz shift like multi selects a lot sometimes and then with Pro Builder you can go to here and um hold on I do this oh well you can't so you're supposed to select all these let me just do that real quick okay so you can do excr edges click this plus and then you can do it or you can just click on it but I I prefer controll e cuz it auto does it for me and then oh I don't think I even did it contr e now I did it and then you just what here I'll just do screwed edges so mine's kind of oh wait ah shoot I have to Res s them but usually you would click controll e or with Pro Builder and you can only do it with Pro Builder because it's like a shortcut and you cannot extrude edges without Pro Builder so make sure they're all selected and use control e and it normally doesn't turn out like this but sometimes it can so what you can do if it does that is um like for some reason I don't know why it's doing that but it's kind of making like this so I'm just going to keep it like this I guess then do another CR e and then you can scale it but I think this is bit broken so you can do it cuz usually it works watch if I go I click here Pro Builder and I do a simple plane and I do not do anything and I just select the corners it should work because look watch yeah so that that works but now it's not working for some reason so I guess you shouldn't make the bumps um when you're screwed like before you make the edges cuz it kind of screws it up but I'm just going to make I'm just going to pretend that nothing happened so you scale it up then you want to do contr e again and then oh I did not mean to do that make sure your face the things are still selected um make sure make sure it's on the Move drag it up to your height then contr e again should look like this but you just want to select your scale tool and open it like this then you can do it again and then you can repeat that as much as you want but I just prefer two and then I like to control it again and move it straight up and then I like to date this and scale it inwards so it's like a little boundary so your players can't really escape from your map and to add textures you can so what I recommend doing is I take this and I just drag right here and if you um if you can you can hold down you can click control to get rid of those and just select the ones that you want the grass for so wait okay so if you accidentally select like a wall and you're trying to stop it just click control and then it should you select it but you also have to hold so I'm just going to pretend that did not happen so just make just select all your ground that you want and then drag on the grass and it may look like this but that means that it's fine so then just add the grass this thing the your dirt texture and then you can drag on the grass oh wait so it might look like this and then like but if you don't want to do that you can just click this right here detach faces and then it'll like completely detach your thing so then you can make this grass and then make this dir so it'll look like this and if you want you can fix the corners and now you can add the roughness and stuff with like the faces and this looks really bad but I'm just doing it to for the funny but I recommend if you want to add like the roughness and stuff so let me go back you want to add the roughness I recommend using this little small one cuz then you can do this and then yeah you can do it on the floor and that's basically how you make a map and if you want to turn it so this is just a tutorial but if you want to you can right click export package and then choose your thing like your um plane but also if you want your map you have to select both of these drag them in and then you have to go to export and then you can choose your plane so then you could export and then boom it turns it into a little file um and that's basically it um have a good day
Channel: Catvr
Views: 48
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fgnf12ZG2ik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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