How to make a Gorilla Tag fan game! (UPDATED TUTORIAL)

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all right so I think my old tutorial was outdated so this is a new tutorial how to make a fan game uh new projects and then editor version for me I'm just using I mean you can just copy this version it works perfectly fine uh make it 3D core project name uh whatever your game is going to be called I'm just going to call it tutorial and then just create the project uh the first time you run the project it takes uh probably like 5 10 minutes it just kind of depends on how good your PC is but this could take a little bit to load so just I'll just pause the video until it gets finished all right uh it's finished so uh come on it's to install packages all right come on all right now you have the project uh you need to set it up for so I'm not going to bother making it for PC VR cuz your game's probably going to get modded super easily if you do this and it's just a lot easier if you make it Quest only so just click on Android and if you don't have this Android thing right here uh go to your Unity editor press installs uh and then your version should be right here click the settings button add modules you don't really need this but get Android build support and that will oh don't install that that'll give you the option to do Android so go to your player settings XR plug-in management and install XR plugin management all right and then check Oculus right here and then what you're going to do you're going to go up to window uh package manager press the plus add from get URL and do com. unity. xr. interaction. toolkit and I'll put that up on the screen press add and let that add I'll just cut to whenever it's finished all right and then whenever it's done installing everything it'll give you this warning just press yes and your Unity will close and reopen and this time it should load very fast depending on uh your hard drive speed all right and then now that you're here Find Unity or no it's called it's all I can't speak in your package manager it's in Project XR interaction tool kit samples import your starter assets all right once that's installed uh your St start I can't speak your starter assets will open uh in your project thing uh open up the starter assets go to presets and you'll have all these like switches so you're going to click on every single one of them and press this so let's go right here add them all right that's your starter Assets Now what you're going to do go to file build settings player settings uh player no no don't go to player settings uh open XR plug-in management and then go down to Oculus change multiv view to multipass on both of these project validation uh don't fix this but if you do have an error this this will get stuck sometimes so I just let that run so XR and copy those settings you can uh check Oculus on here but sure that off that's there and yeah so now what you're going to do you are going to go to window package manager uh un registry and scroll down until you get to Pro Builder or you can just search it up here it's kind of like blender built into Unity it's very good for building once probuilder is done go to tools probuilder probuilder window and drag the tab up here press new shape make sure this is set to Cube and draw a cube and just bring it up a little bit and that's your floor so now you have VR set up Android support and all that now what you're going to do is go to the first link in the description I pull it up real quick if it's not in the description then just copy up here copy this link or just search gorilla Locomotion it's G gorilla Locomotion by another axium uh click on gorilla Loom motion. Unity package and download it click on it and press import press reload and it it does remove your map so sorry about that just delete your main camera and draw the cube again got a resources gorilla prefabs and drag your gorilla rig in here drag it a little bit above the map so you don't start under the map and this is just a uh yeah it's just a basic gorilla rig there's no colliders or anything like there's gliders on the hand that you can walk but you won't really interact with anything so uh there's this I'm going to move it a little bit and now if you want to color stuff make a folder call it materials no make a folder oh yeah folder call it materials create a material and I'm just going to call this red I'm going just make blue green red blue green I'll do brown all right blue click up here I'll just make this a blue [Music] brown brown green red and now you can drag your materials onto here so I'm going to make some more cubes and just stuff that you can play on I guess and then I'm going to go face selection drag this up this up I'll make these green oh I'm using face selection still green I'll do blue brown so yeah that's my basic map now what you need to do say I'm going to save your project you can press control s or file save go to build settings player settings uh publishing settings custom key store and then up here company name put uh you can put like your YouTube channel name or just who you're going to publish game as and then product product name is just the name of your game I'm just going to call this tutorial game and then version it's going to be 0.1 and other settings every time you make an update or a bug fix or something like that you're going to make this bundle version code one more and then you're just going to make this version 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 all of that so uh scroll back down open publishing settings select actually no don't select press key store manager key store create new uh anywhere and then just press save password make a password so uh for this example I'm just going to make it tutorial you may make it twice new key values allias make this the name of your game so it's going to be tuto actually put it in all lowercase no spaces tutorial game password I'm just going to make it also tutorial and then this stuff you don't need to change this press add key yes and it'll put in the password every time you restart Unity you need to put your password in so for me it's going to be put tutorial in and uh that's ready for uh publishing you actually need one more thing if you want to get it on applab or just make it usable in general go to package manager and then go to the second link in the description it's going to uh take you to the meta Quest XR allinone toolkit for Unity so I got to pull it up it's going to be this you you're need to press add to my assets Okay add my assets it'll tell you to log in and then just press open in unity and it'll be right here so just press install all right now it'll say this I'm just going to send you statistics I don't care and then press restart editor it'll close your Unity editor open it back up and then you can close that and now you have a new little thing down here it's Oculus so you're going to click on press project setup tool and then press fix all apply all and this basically optimizes it so that it runs better uh and it also like you can't publish your game on applab without applying these fixes and using the extension so all right and then once that's set up that should be all good all of your settings are set how they should be to compile to Oculus so now now your Unity editor did restart so put in your password again and then you can close this and then you need side quest to side load this to test it it just makes an APK file just put it on T stop all right file name I'm just going to call it tutorial game is 0.1 and I just change a file name every time because it just looks better so now that you're done press save and uh it might lag your PC I don't know but it just builds it into an APK file but you can side load all right whenever it finishes uh it should open your file explorer and give you the APK now just to show you that this works I'm going to plug in my Oculus and show you just plug in your Oculus to your PC install APK desktop watch tutorial game should say APK installed okay and now let me stream my quest all right so now open your quest go to unknown sources open your game uh where my controllers at turn on faster no come on all right as you can see it's the game that I made there's a little steps so yeah you can kind of just continue adding on to the game from here there's no vibrations it's literally you have spheres on your hands and you can move and you can collide with the stuff that you touch so make a player model add multiplayer if you want me to make a tutorial on how to add multiplayer or you know whatever uh how to make a better game just leave it in the comments leave a like subscribe and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: NoobZoid
Views: 4,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jEqMCp2qBnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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