Wolf snare construction

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alright neck of the woods here just in the skinning shed gonna make up a few wolf snares and I'm one of my video is somebody was commenting and asking how I construct my wolf snares so I'm just doing this myself bear with me with the camera I've got four components here so I've got here we'll start with this this is a 1/16 inch single ferrule stop okay so we'll need one of those and I take these modified cam locks you can see the teeth there I believe these are four five sixty four four three thirty-seconds I get them a little bit bigger but they work on the 1/16 cable 750-pound breakaway but I I just crimp in my in my bench swage er as you can all see it's just a vise holding it down works pretty good ok so I attach a bunch of these ahead of time you'll need one of those and then I've got the Seneca kill spring trigger use one of those sorry I've got five components there's the Sun occur kill spring these are the magnums need one of those and then here I've got a double ferrule for one eight this is a one eight and the reason why I go with that is I end up running my number nine wire through that with the 1/16 cable and I use the number nine wire to anchor to a tree I take one of the big large 50 pound coils I don't have any here but what I'll do they put that whole coil into here clamp it down and then I take my sawzall or a hacksaw and I cut right through the coil you are not on coils each one of those strands is perfect length for going around about a six-inch tree okay and it gives you lots of room to band when you're out in the bush setting it up so I'll have a goal here at trying to film while I make these okay guys so we're just taking a chunk of 160 it's cable it's cut off my bench is 50 inches long so I just run the cable out cut it off get yourself some good cutters they're not cheap but they're worth their weight in gold I use this to cut the number-9 wire and you cut my cable I don't get any frayed ends or anything like that so that's that's important you don't fray them okay so then I just take this count lock this is my first thing that I start with run it through get it through the hook I grab my trigger make sure it's facing towards where the stops gonna go okay and then next take your kill spring run that through okay next you would take your sixteenth inch single ferrule stop put it on there and crimp it down good I like to get it kept really good about three different times and that's what you end up with okay now on the other end these number nine wires they've already pre coiled just wrapped it around a log in the skin and shed here then I'm gonna put one-eighth inch double ferrule on there run the sixteenth inch cable through there and this is one sixteenth one by nineteen and there's gonna be people criticizing and the size that I'm using and yes the rolls roll too often but I've had them to off three thirty-seconds they've had them to our 5/64 and the firm believer that if you don't have a good catch on them they'll to off anything what I like about a sixteenth inch is it frickin it's lightning fast it falls on their neck pretty much as soon as they bump it and if you have it hung right in the tree it doesn't you know it shouldn't just fall from the wind or anything like that okay so make sure it's perfect really good that's what you end up with the snare loop okay so you're gonna have this out coiled around a tree that's gonna be hanging here to see if they'll fall but it's falling all over the place okay you're just having hanging out there literally when the wolf tops it that just falls on their neck okay you could do this with yeah if you want to do it with three thirty-seconds five six of Flores one eats sure won't matter do what you want I'll boil all these snares up and baking soda sorry about half an hour let them dry that gets all the grease off them and I actually kind of lay them all out with the loop just like I did there I usually put on a long broom stick or something so they're all hanging there and then I'll come in with spray kind of trim clawed and spray-paint the bottom of my snare and I'll also spray paint some of this shiny stuff the cam locks the springs just white and it just takes the shine off like you can see that breakaway hook there you know when the light hits out it's shiny and the Wolves will see that so yeah that's how I do mine I'm still learning you know but I'm noticing the Wolves even myself they're hard to see out there I hang a green ribbon up in the tree really high at each snare and that's just how I do it guys hopefully you like that
Channel: Neck of the Woods
Views: 5,520
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: wolf snare, snaring wolves, trapping, yukon trapline, neck of the woods, wolves, fur
Id: lhUlP-fHpIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2018
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