How To Make a Insert Boring Bar P1

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how you doing everybody Randy Richard in the shop so I got what I got for you here today is another tool making an ideal video so here's a boring and this is probably an encode one or something like it came with McNeal and when I bought my bill that has an r8 on it that's just your standard 1/2 inch boring head type setup with half inch holes so I'm going to show you we're gonna make one of these this is a boring insert holded holder for as a boring tool goes right in half inch holes it has a flat on it too when you tighten it so when you sit down on the set screw and it will index it with the same axis of the boring head go right in there and then it's adjustable it goes into any of the holes so you can vary that you can even put it in a one of these upper holes if you wanted to and turn it in the opposite direction if you really wanted to get wide do big big old so let's uh make this now you can't buy these I saw him somewhere trying to think of a websites online and I think that was only around $32 not not very much so but you know I had some nice material and some of the 4140 a little bit of chunk of it left so you know spend a couple hours and I decided make this make one of these up I could use it so like say found a big savings or anything but in a little bit take the same insert I put on the dovetail cutter so the tbg be 321 or 3 322 either one you can use that's just the radius difference of the tip so so anyway let's go and make it and I got a drawings of it and everything so if somebody wants a drawing email me I will send the drawing if you're interested and it's gonna work out I have not tested it yet but I'm going to soon so thanks a lot you guys ice I am selling the dovetail cutters as just a reminder informations in the description on the video email me if you're interested you know for all that information anyway thank you guys we'll see you in the next this is a boring tool for the boring head I'm gonna make this this is a I need a better boring setup than the Chinese ones I have they're pieces of junk so I'm just gonna make something up this is a half inch shank up here Oh a flat spot on it to clamp it into the right position in the boring head so that when you adjust the boring head it actually moves that distance so it's indexed properly we're gonna make it out of apply some alloy steel 4140 pre hardened chrome moly good stuff nice and stout very stiff 140,000 PSI tensile strength material so we're going to use a TV GV 321 - TP GB 321 insert for this and you can see that notch there where the insert will sit this would be the same insert I use for my dovetail cutters and way I kind of keep everything the same which is kind of nice this will be about this is a be a little less an inch-and-a-quarter half inch shank and nice little cutout and you can see the Khan profile they're pretty really it's pretty simple pretty simple make it shouldn't take us too long to do hardest part will be actually probably milling the slot out I'll probably hog it out with a quarter inch and no they think and then come in and we'll a small em mill and machine the rest here hey so that's the tool we're gonna make that up and have a new tool for the boring end giving up these an inch and a quarter forty one forty in there pre hardened state same stuff I make the ductile coverage from now you notice this stuff so this has been heat treated and then annealed and the hardness changes you can see as you get deeper into the metal and softer in the center and so it's kind of tough to get a real perfect finish on the end of this stuff this is a this isn't too bad I could do better than actually I turned it kind of slow I usually turn this stuff at a 12 about 1,200 rpm and cut pretty quick that now be fine so we're going to go down there it's gonna in China eight or so let's get it cleaned up Arpi Emma okay toy hunter 1200 rpm in about ten and a half thousand feed rate here go freak and thirty thousand F to cut w m ng 432 I insert their Kyocera one and it does a beautiful chip usually Maryana next client if there and it leaves a really nice finish there we go 30,000 Jessica that's 60,000 stole please a beautiful finish and you can get you get through the metal pretty quick and you can see you usually get about chip like this about an inch long inch and a quarter nice and blue and just a perfect little chip usually hotter than hell half-an-inch what we're looking for so let me give the measurement where we're at had a metric some more cuts no measure do a final okay everyone take 40,000 Soph see how we did might be a couple over yeah so 503 502 nine pretty straight I just leave it there and I'll just uh I'll Emory that day off yeah we'll just we'll take that down with some Embry Emery here a little bit to go okay we buffed her down a little bit and we got a really really nice fit there on on the boring head test all holes yeah screw in the way in that one yeah oh yeah nice nice fit though that would be perfect so we'll end up doing this we'll end up putting a little flat on here when we get in the mail for an orientation flat we when we go in to mill the rest of this so we're gonna turn this around and grab it on the other end now far as concentricity goes about this this is going in a born head and so this does not have to be perfectly concentric with this so we don't need to turn it but soon we need us we don't have to dial it in and we need just throw it in there it might be off a thousand a couple thousand set the usually at the very most when I in my three jaw here so I'm good with that because of where do you being used for okay so I'm only looking for an inch and three quarters on here and I've got like two and just shy of an eighth so we'll be I'm gonna hog off some of that off the end you so I pulled it out about 1/8 of an inch from the chuck slam some room actually turning really clear it is an idea where at takeoff 34 cuz I shoot for one to four within ten I'm happy it's not a critical dimension not too critical so that's pretty good that's wanting to polish this in in the chamfered a little bit so it's just a lot easier to do now because we're gonna middle off right down here to the to the center line and be kind of tough to do after it's after it's off alrighty let's see we're gonna we should clean up that top edge up I'll just go pop it around and put a little chamfer on that other edge let's do a little polish on that face okay they do submit one I think
Channel: Randy Richard In The Shop
Views: 8,768
Rating: 4.9699249 out of 5
Keywords: How to make a insert boring bar, How to make a boring bar, making a carbide insert boring bar, boring bar tool, making a insert boring bar, how to make a milling machine boring bar, how to make a boring bar insert tool, making a carbide boring bar, how to make a carbide insert boring bar, making a boring bar for a lathe, making a carbide insert boring bar for a lathe, boring bar, how to, how to make a boring bar for lathe, boring bar tool holder, milling machine
Id: CD_pNLK8Ces
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2015
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