how to make a gtag copy in unity

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hey guys to I'll be showing you how to make a girl tag copy in unity so you're going to have to download um Unity I'll leave all link to the description and then you want to go to my server and then go to my um announce okay so once your Project's done um opening you just want to remember where it is so mine's the spring you want to close all these go in un and go to desktop I no you go go to where your project is click it click on this click spring 20 and do not select anything oops you have to select just whatever like if it has like like assets inside of it uh click on that folder because you don't need to select like anything you you can't select anything in here just click on the floorer and then you click open and then spring 2222 should be opening so this should take a while so once your Project's loaded you'll be Meed right here with your project yeah this is spring yeah and yeah I don't the light if you you're lighting like this someone messed up the lighting pause okay there actually is a way to fix the lighting so go into file build settings then go to player settings then go to other settings then try to find that says high quality or low quality click on it and then change it to Quality and your lighting will be fixed if you like sometimes go upside down just hold like right click and then it'll fix it like like oh no hold right click I don't know okay so yeah so how do you actually get your servers to work so right here you want to search up Photon click on photon server app settings and then right here should be your um your your Photon you have to place your Photon so let's say this is my like real time so I like you can't type it and you can you have to put in your actual Photon but I'm just going to put that for content and you could put your Photon your your voice uh ID here okay actually going to use this project so let me just log into play [Music] FB okay you could put in here it doesn't really matter just put them in there now the next thing you want to search up is play FB now you have to put in your play t here but I'll blow it out then you want to go to photo manager if you're using a different build it should be a global photo manager play Fab and then you want to right click edit [Music] script so you will need uh Microsoft Visual Studio so you want to scroll down and you'll see this you want to replace this with your play faab if you do not have it that does not matter really does not then you could file save all and then it'll be [Music] saved just wait that for a load I don't know why it's loading so in the next video I'll be teaching you how to add finger painter bad and make a superider you will have to sacrifice a a badge for example you could sacrifice the mountain badge because who the hell wears the mountain and also I'll probably like make another video on how to like replace these Cosmetics because my friend knows how to do that
Channel: Cheedy
Views: 2,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: F8vxLC0ECbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 50sec (290 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2023
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