How to make a Greek Fish Stew with Jamie Oliver's Tefal Hard Anodised Cookware

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[Music] okay here we go here we go lovely people we are gonna make a beautiful Greek Aegean cacao yeah it's a beautiful fishermen soup I love it it's gorgeous you're gonna love this recipe and this is tea fails professional series pan this is the hard anodized coating and I'll tell you all about it when we're cooking so first up let's get this celery now I'm going to use this lovely white stuff here okay this is so good and these yellow leaves are amazing these green ones are a little bit bitter so I'm just going to trim off this part here I'm gonna slice my celery in half like that drip it into quarters about centimeter dice beautiful then here I've got some onions lovely sweet white onions that's going to give you that base to the soup and a sweetness so just half and roughly chop it this is the time you can let out some emotion because right now all I want to do is cry so four cloves of garlic sometimes I just think I don't cry enough do you know what I mean for kids wife nice to have a little cry every now and again okay on with the recipe I'm gonna go into the pan with some olive oil and just put the garlic in first the onions and the celery just mix that up in the pan straight back on the heat oh okay a good pinch of salt and pepper goes in now while this fries off and softens and gets lovely and sweet lid goes on so we're trying but also it's gonna start to steam as well it's gonna get sweet and soft and gorgeous let's just talk about the pan for the minute what's the point of a good pan okay so this is an aluminium pan okay it's nice and thick so it holds and retains temperature beautifully underneath it's got an aluminium core so it heats up super quick and when it gets hot it holds it nicely you can see it's got lovely handles here so even though I've got it on full whack down there it's still pick up a ball and you've got air flow around there it looks beautiful and of course we've got a nice tight fitting lid and you can see already the steam that's being created here it's just rotating with fry and we're steaming or frying with steaming and after a little while it'll start to just sort of like drip so let's crack on with the recipe I've got four potatoes about 500 grams I'm just gonna peel and cut the potatoes and dice roughly kind of that size this is a rustic soup this would have been made either on a boat or pretty much near the sea the original recipe wouldn't even use stock like I'm using it would he use seawater and they wouldn't have used salt you can see with the pan now even though we're kind of firing this on full whack and to get it sweet and gorgeous a little hole here is letting the excess steam come out so you don't build up pressure but here you can see that wonderful condensation appearing and as you take it off that's just gonna run off like that and you can hear it's cracking away in there the onions here are doing beautiful and the really important thing about good quality pans is you need that thickness of the gauge of metal just to sort of separate the heat now I'm using gas here as you can see but you can use it on induction you can use it on electric it's riveted it's all metal you know it can stand a really good kind of pasting and the lovely thing of course about having a thick pan is you don't have hot spots okay it's nice and even so you can hear that's doing a good job okay so next thing tomatoes I've got some lovely Tomatoes here I'm simply going to just slice it up roughly to the same size as the potatoes again with the pan we've got really good top quality peafowl nonstick coating absolutely brilliant should you not want to use any oil this is the best surface you can use minimal oil it's easy to clean easy to cook him so what I want to do now is go over to my pan and just go in with the potatoes and then to mark those cook this for about 15 minutes oh it smells good now when it adds a little bit of bay leaf it's wonderfully fragrant two or three gorgeous we're gonna add a litre of stock now it could be chicken stock actually even though it's a fish you or a vegetable stock so we're gonna let that simmer now for 15 minutes until the potatoes have just cooked okay we don't want to boil it and boil it and boil it because we want it to be a delicate fish broth now it's the fun bit fish here's some rib mullet I've got some sea bass you can really use any fish in like I'd stay away from the oily fish so no mackerel no salmon about 700 grams we've got here slice up the fish into chunks like this and just drop it into the soup straight away like that so slice it up and in we go you have a nice little stir up now really gorgeous imagine that I don't want to overcook the fish so it sort of ten minutes on a gentle simmer I'm gonna go in with some more black pepper absolutely the most important bit is the salt perfect you know a nice little handful of parsley here and some dill is ideal so that goes in I'm also gonna use some lemon juice you know because we're in Greece the sun shining we're on the beach lovely fish you know it's be alive okay so next thing good cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil try and use the Greek stuff just put a couple of tablespoons in now it's another kind of seasoning and you're not cooking the flavor of the oil away it's going to give it that lovely kind of cut grass kind of flavor which is really really good one last thing another little tip that I like to do just get yourself a few bits of potato here it's kind of thicken the soup but I just mashing up a few potatoes that does allow you to kind of make it a little bit more like a more robust soup let's serve it up let's come over here and it's very comforting very beautiful something a bit different does taste fantastic it just has that incredible taste of the sea some more fresh herbs over the top and of course I love a little drizzle of the extra virgin olive oil so let's have a little try [Music] tugga so so good great recipe so they go guys are beautiful Aegean Tattaglia from Greece from me and a little bit of help from the guys of teeth
Channel: Tefal Australia
Views: 187,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: greek, fish stew, aegean kakavia, stew, professional collection, professional cookware, jamie oliver, jamie oliver cookware, tefal, cookware, frying pan, frypan, hard anodised, hard anodised cookware, cooking, meals, food, easy, simple, fast, quick, healthy, lunch, dinner, non stick, non-stick, non-stick frypan, non-stick frying pan, thermospot, thermo spot, premium cookware, recipe, recipes, jamie oliver recipes, jamie oliver's recipes, jamie's recipes, jamie's
Id: 53g_zqypgmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 14sec (434 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2018
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