How to make a Gorilla tag Clone!!!

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hello guys welcome back today I'll be showing you how to make a gorilla tag copy first join the Discord and the description and go to dance fight and then download that one do that extract it and open it oh yeah make sure to like click this click the link and then click download okay once you're done Dance part should open okay once you extract it um you open it go to gorilla type data managed Ctrl a and then let me find it uh so hold Ctrl and select system core and system.dlo and I click open once you open it you can delete the assembly C sharp first pass and I click that open that gorilla networking playfab RT igator I don't know edit method and this should open go back to the Discord uh go to photon make your Photon servers something like that dashboard sign in okay so crane you up real time and then do like um how just do any name okay so that's my name and then you click create and click create new app and then voice and then put the same name if you want and click create after that go to that and then click manage and then um custom server go back to the Discord in my um this description go to webhook copy all of this and then go into playfab okay after that you need sign in and stuff click new studio uh let this load oh my gosh oh okay sorry sign in a new studio okay finally loaded okay so name it anything you want and I click save Studio and then you're gonna click this because it won't load after that you're gonna go copy copy that well not yet so copy first copy so I copied this new tab paste it and and then you copy that and you're gonna delete this and then put it in there and then you and you copy that go back to photon and then place this in and I click create after that go back to dashboard and then go find your voice that you made and manage custom server delete all of that and I paste it in adding you wait no great okay and then go back to dashboard find your real time copy it go back to the inspire delete all of this and then paste it and then do it the same as to the voice after that you're gonna go back to playfab click that and then you're gonna copy that and then you're gonna delete this and paste that in and then compile after that um oh yeah and then after that if you want the message of the date um it will be in the Discord server so go go to playfab add-ons photon install photon and then to the voice into there and then your real time into there and click install photon and then go to Comedy uh upload Jason and I search up DLC and you should find and double click on it upload file work um I think new Karachi and into Sr any shiny rocks and then do like as much as you want like I must say 20 000. save currency catalog upload and then search up DLC and I put yours and then click upload file yeah that should happen after that go back to the end spy click file save module and go back to your file explorer go back to it and then click archieve Christmas and name it to like test tag or like whatever your game is going to be called test tag after that double click on it should open on Steam yeah boom um oh yeah uh this will happen when you open the game because you need to change the message of the day uh that'll be in the next video so um it should say like three players online yeah um if you can join a server yep servers work go back to playfab click players search boom there and they click that and inventory select item every cosmetic and then Grant item and the X out of the game after that once you load back in the game you should have everything in the game Okay so bye
Channel: Forest_Walls
Views: 6,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZLcee-13kJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2023
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