Discord is Removing the Partner Program!

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there's this message going around saying that the Discord partner program is no more is this even real and if so how big is the impact on Discord and how is Discord going to be in the future so I was browsing the cess pool that is r/ Discord app and I came across this post talking about how the Discord partner program is stopping now anyone in their dog can uh make an announcement that just spews out random bull crap so when I heard that the Discord partner program was closing it made me think this is probably a whole load of BS I mean the message has a verified Emoji that's not even Emoji it has spelling mistakes like violations hour by violating that makes no sense and right after it discord's terms of server this genuinely feels like it's written by chat GPT so I decided to investigate and I went to discord's website discord.com partners and uh I ain't no rocket scientist but uh this website's working so it looks like this message is a whole load of BS but I was reminded to uh maybe apply for partner for the sixth time as I learned in middle school when you get rejected once maybe five times six times the charm it wasn't and in this case it turns out that the partner tab is actually actually it's not here so you know what I decided to go to Discord previews because they know all their stuff and uh removed partner program so it seems like this announcement is actually real and uh I can't read this quality I actually can't read at all I have too much caffeine in my brain but thankfully for me there's another screenshot that has a little higher quality and it turns out this announcement is from Quick blend this is a Discord staff member that genuinely scares me I don't know if they're human or robot they might kill me I don't know over the coming weeks we will make some fundamental changes to the partner program like killing it and what's changing the partner program will no longer be accepting new applicants no one can get this thing no more they're also going to remove the tab in the little settings that I've already shown you if you manage to become a Discord partner you no longer need to keep up with all the engagement stuff something about support that no one should care about and what's staying the same while all existing Partners will retain their user and server perks unless they're removed from the program by a violating hour by violating discord's terms a server you know quick blend might actually be a robot with this grammar and we will continue maintaining and running the partner server and newsletter when we have important information to share there is a little bit of a a silver lining because Discord will be uh selecting partners for product testing as well as providing feedback in Discord if you ever need a free product tester you got one right here just make sure to get me an extra extra large I'm going to need it now if you aren't a chronically online Discord user where if you open up your web browser and type in D it'll just show Discord right away then you might not know what the Discord partner program is basically if you are a turbo Discord nerd and you have an outstanding Discord server that has more than 500 members and a couple activity requirements then you can apply for the Discord partner program and the reason why people want to be a Discord partner is for the perks you can have your own custom invite link you can get free Discord Nitro for as long as you're a partner and my favorite perk is that Discord will mail you a pipe uh they'll mail you custom Discord partner merch and i' show you some sweet images of me in the merch if I had any so instead we're looking at someone else's and finally the thing that most people actually want partner for is for a special badge on their Discord profile and I kid you not this exclusive merch and this partner badge were things that people froed at the mouth over but it shows that you're part of the club God I feel so cool and just to show you some of my most popular videos are talking about Discord badges these badge goblins eat these things up what am I even doing all right moving on to my second question that structures this whole entire video how big is the impact of the Discord partner program being removed well it turns out there's quite a big impact because if for some reason your brain malfunctions and you decide you want to actually create a Discord server whether it be for your favorite video game or you just want to have a large group of friends there's always going to be a carrot dangling in front of your face oh and it's right here the Discord partner program if you have a really successful Discord server with a lot of people you might be able to get that free Nitro or that partner merch or that elusive partner badge some people will actually make a Discord server just so they could try to get in the partner program and whether you like it or not managing a Discord server is a big headache I'm not saying it can be a headache it is a headache you got to deal with setting up bots in automod which is torture you got to deal with trolls which is annoying and I think really the worst of the worst is you got to deal with the brain damaging drama from chronically online people genuinely speaking I think I've gotten 20 IQ points Dumber just by hosting a Discord server it's also probably carbon monoxide poisoning regardless going through all this pain really isn't worth it anymore because there's no Discord partner program there is no goalpost is it even worth running a server or should I really just bite the bullet delete the server and go outside for once and with the Discord partner program being cancelled this partner bad is now more rare which means that the people with Discord partner might be even more insufferable than ever I am now part of an even more exclusive Club also if it wasn't obvious most partners aren't like this and you want to know what's even worse since you can't get this badge anymore people will want it more because people will go on like Discord articles and look through every single Discord badge and try to collect them all what this means is that if you have the Discord partner badge you're going to have more kids asking to buy your account and you're going to have more skids trying to hack into your account but no no text a speech what about me I have a partner application going right now wow cool so do I we're getting rejected so don't get your hopes up oh and guess what sugar plum the Discord partner program isn't the only thing that Discord killed if we go to the hype Squad events badge they have a link here to go to discord.com hypesquad and when I click on this link you'll notice it the page is not found now what are Discord hype Squad events well actually first before I do that let's boost the retention of this video by playing the snake Easter egg on this web page but discord's Squad events where basically Discord telling you to go outside which is rare make an event just go to an event and spread the word of Discord it's like some sort of religion but instead of uh making people pay for it you just give them free merch and what happened is that in August we got this very fantabulous announcement okay I lost we got to go to the announcement now so this was in the middle of August inside of the Discord hype Squad event server blah blah blah bold text cuz that's all we care about on September 1st 2023 we will be closing the hype Squad event server permanently and sunset the event events portion of hype Squad now this was absolutely no shocker because the hype squad has actually been on a 4-year break now this is where you get this sweet succulent Insider info but basically in March I was actually contacted by someone in hype Squad not an official Discord employee but just someone in the server and they said that Discord was actually trying to work on Reviving hype Squad remember this is March and then everyone got laid off and now we're here middle of August it being completely cancelled now it's time for that third question baby how is Discord going to be in the future I mean we don't have to wait long because let's see what discord's doing right now oh they're laying more people off Discord Cuts 4% of Staff as part of company reorganization but in this article if we scroll down the job Cuts have affected people in marketing design and entertainment partnership teams that sounds like the Discord partner program and the Discord hype Squad events program and it turns out this was actually a warning for us that I did not catch on to because my brain doesn't operate anymore but this post was on August 3rd and hype Squad being canceled occurred halfway through August and the Discord partner program closed on October 4th or 3rd time zones or me misremembering but really it should be extremely obvious where discord's going if you open up the Discord app right now and you click on the Nitro tab we have the serers shop microtransactions it's to make more money Discord removing the partner program and the hype Squad program is to save more money and of course Discord laying off staff is to save more money it's all about that cheddar baby for warning this is a bad analogy and I couldn't think of anything else but Discord is starting to trim off the f and they're trying to become a lean operating company but here's the thing you enjoy pork belly for the fat the fat is the flavor and two people are going to understand that I'm just awesome at confusing people sometimes anyways back to normal non- analogy stuff it would be super nice to see Discord have some sort of replacement for the Discord partner program but considering that discord's trying to save money and make more money I really doubt that they have Community engagement in mind so let's be realistic I don't think the Discord partner program is coming back now before I wrap this up I have a question for you if you're someone that owns a Discord server or you want to start a Discord server does Discord removing the partner program demotivate you or do you not care at all anyway sweetheart keep on that grind and uh gilded always has a partner program if you want to try and get free clothes from a company anyway bye-bye love you m
Channel: No Text To Speech
Views: 201,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discord, discord nitro, free discord nitro, discord partner program, discord partner, discord server, how to get discord partner, discord partner server, how to get discord partner badge, discord badges, discord badges 2022, how to get discord badges, discord mod, discord partner perks, discord partner benefits, discord perks, discord ntts, ntts, notexttospeech, no text to speech, no text to speech discord, discord no text to speech
Id: sskfgHnKiO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2023
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