HOW TO: Make A Glowing Watermark I After Effect's Tutorial

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so you want to get this awesome glowing Watermark to finally protect your edits from being stolen by these goofy cap cut editors well don't worry because today we will show you stepbystep how you can do it within After Effects only using a few simple steps let's not waste time and get right into it as you can see I prepared an edit that I want to know render but because I don't want to have other people just randomly steal my edit and reupload it in their own name in order for them to gain Cloud using my video I want to add this cool Watermark and now the first thing that we want to do for that is put all the separated layers into one big composition and to do that we're just going to select the first lay layer scroll all the way up to the last layer and while holding down shift click it as you can see now you have all your layers selected and now by pressing control shift and C it should open up this pre-composed window and we're going to choose a bottom option and also enable this check mark now press okay and if you see it all the clips are now in one composition this just isolates them from the original composition and puts it into an extra one but we can now apply our effects for the watermark on and therefore have them all be affected at once so we don't have to do it over and over again which will actually save you a lot of time and now once that's done we want to go ahead and duplicate that layer to do that just click on to the layer and press control and D as you can see you have the same layer twice now which will be important later on now for the next step we obviously want our Watermark to be in our own name so we're going to have to add a text for that that way we can put the glowing on so to add a new text just go to the top row and select the text tool now click onto your clip and just type in your name in my case it's my usual name open the Align panel on the left and then Center it to the middle of the screen or adjust it however you want I want it this way because this looks the best and depending how big or small you want your text to be you can adjust the size of the font do that by just double clicking onto the text opening the character panel on the right and then increasing or decreasing the font size I'll just put mine to 70 because I think it looks just fine now we're going to start with the gispy stuff because we're going to start putting the glow on our text and to do that we're going to have to go back to the layer that we duplicated earlier so just click onto that one head to the right and another effects and presets search for the flip plus flop preset drag it onto the layer and if your clip is now upside down don't worry this is part of the procedure that we need to do in order to get our text glowing the reasoning behind doing this is because we're going to later on add a blending mode to our text and obviously if we just put it onto the usual clip our text will be invisible and if you now duplicate our editing layer where we have all the footage on and then flip it around you will be able to see your text clearly and will also be in coloration with your actual edit because it's the same edit just flipped around if that doesn't make sense just wait a second you will see and now to add this blending mode we're going to go ahead and select this toggle switches SL modes button click on it once and now as you can see you can select the track mat now the one that we want to select is for the duplicated layer and we're going to select the text that we put in my case it's Rd y LT 09 as you can see if you now zoom in onto the text layer you can barely see it and this is the most important step because now we're going to put the text effects onto our text but be careful we don't want to put them Just onto the text but also onto the duplicated layer because as said before they go hand in hand now so we want to apply them to both layers and in order to make that easier we're just going to go ahead and pre-compose them both together again so just select both of them right click go to pre-compose and select the bottom option enable this check mark and press okay now the first thing that I like to add is a drop shadow effect so we just go through your effects and preset panel and search for drop shadow drag it onto the newly pre-composed layer and put the opacity from 50 up to 100 distance from 5 to 7 and the softness from 0 to 5 next up I'm going to make it a bit brighter because as you can see right now it doesn't stand out at all so to do that I'm going to use exposure so just go ahead and search for exposure this time Dr it onto the layer and put the value of the actual exposure from 0er to one leave the rest how it is and last but not least because obviously we want this to be a glowing Watermark we're going to add the glow effect so go ahead and search for that you might have to scroll down a bit and drag it onto the layer now the values you put in here are the most important so we're going to start with the glow threshold and put it from 60 down to 50 next we're going to change the glow radius from 10 to 25 the intensity we're going to leave at 1 and that's about all we have to change if you now go ahead and Skip throughout your edit you can see that you now have this glowing Watermark which will perfectly fit your clips and you will no longer face the problem of cap card editors trying to steal your edits you can thank me for that later though if you enjoyed this video make sure to like And subscribe and leave a comment down below telling me what tutorial you want to see next check out this video if you want to learn how to make a signal Watermark at the end of your edit as always thank you for watching salamu alikum and see you next time
Channel: rdylt09
Views: 20,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 046Qv0qow3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 57sec (237 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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