HOW TO MAKE A FURSONA | Furry Character Creation 101

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heyo guys my name's betta aidid's alota and today we'll be talking about some furry things the series where we talk about any cute and fluffy topics relating to the furry fandom god I missed that intro and speaking of cute and fluffy things for today's installment we'll be talking about how you can make your very own for SONA there are so many already ok yes I know there are plenty of videos out there explaining how to make a persona or tips on making a unique character in which I'm no different by even thinking of this but it's kind of really important to talk about the four SONA you carry with you through the fandom is a representation of you or a bunch of qualities in yourself that the fandom sees so whether or not you want your persona to be an extension of who you are or who you wish to be in the fandom it's really important that in the end you're happy with how they look or how they portray themselves and that's why the designing process can always be hard for a lot of people me included but I really want to do this video because I know there's an easier and more efficient process to helping people make a persona that they're happy with so even if this specific video has been done by everyone I'm gonna give my twist and take on how to do this welcome to beta's unofficial guide to creating your very own force onna certified and copyrighted ok maybe only certified because copywriting takes a while but anyways let's start with creating your persona and getting those creative juices flowing because that's what the fandom is about after all now the first thing I could ever recommend for creating a plan or an idea for anything is get out a piece of paper or open a text document and start writing down some ideas or concepts for what you would potentially want for year 4 SONA any animal combinations any physical traits personalities or even favorite foods you want to apply to your persona write them down even creating a scattered list of things you might want is honestly better than nothing in general getting ideas into a more tangible and understandable format instead of having them float around in your head is the best way to have a more successful end product I mean how do you think I make videos it all starts from a scribble of an idea and works its way from there and despite that you miraculously scraped together this video there's also the option of drawing the ideas and features you have for your persona if you're more proficient as an artist which it may be good practice for you in the future but for most people I'd recommend making a list so any idea you might have anything you might be passionate about or any aspect in your life that means a lot to you write it down or keep a note of it somewhere that is in your mind but what if you don't really have any ideas what if you're too unsure about some aspects or have a wide range of entry you can't really settle on one should you be a fox wolf or false or is it too cliche to go with any of the three there are plenty of things you can do to help with this and the most important thing I could ever recommend a self-reflection what are you passionate about what hobbies make you want to get up every morning do you have any friends or family members than you look up to what traits or personalities make them who they are and most importantly regardless of everything else what makes you who you are these questions especially apply to those who want to create a persona that's a more expressive and open version of themselves and these are the questions I asked myself when I wanted a persona that was more of me than anything else the next thing to do if you're really stumped is look for inspiration from the furry fin in which you've probably already been doing now I know what you're thinking don't be inspired to make a persona from someone else because it'll lead to copying you see there's a fine line between copying and being inspired and I know I should be talking about this in a separate video in and of itself but let me just use an example I'll look at this stripe pattern on there for Sona maybe I can make something like that versus I'll look at that stripe pattern on there for Sona maybe I could use that on mine you can kind of see the difference between the two but the main idea that I want you to take away from this is that inspiration helps you create instead of copy if you like certain aspects about different characters that exist already write them down consider them and come up with your own character from a design that's kind of similar to those look at different your character here's adoptable Xand art Commission's that have been done before since they're probably one of the best things you can look at for inspiration heck if you're at your wits end just buy an adoptable although it's good to be inspired it's a very finicky territory to go into if you want to create a persona based on a certain design so please be careful with what you're inspired by for your character like I said before be inspired to create not to copy as an example from my first sona's patterns and overall color scheme I was actually inspired by Eddie Van Halen's black and white Franken strat since I used to play guitar as a kid and use that as a design for my go-to guitar once you have some ideas down and maybe a species in mind you pretty much have the hard part out of the way it's time for you to put your money or skills to work you can put those ideas you've written down into a commission from an artist who specializes in creating concept for sona designs or you can simply draw your own persona i don't exactly have any specific people in mind though i know that my friend Gerst does an amazing job with character designs but my friend leo dha'fi actually helped me with the redesign of my sono last year which you can go and see how maverick the wolf der came to be in this video after all that it's just a process of rinsing p-ting until you're happy with the design of your persona now at this point I do want to leave a couple of important notes for you guys to keep in mind before we wrap things up these are probably the most important pieces of information you can take with regards to who your persona is or who you want them to be even after you have the design of course you might already know this but sometimes it's good to reiterate regardless of everything I've said about how to make your persona in the best methods of doing it correctly there really is no perfect way to do it as cheesy as it sounds the best way to do it for your sake is with your heart your persona is a part of who you are so the process of making them really should mean a lot to you and this kind of goes the same way with these furry fandom species like proteges --nz or Dutch Engle dragons it may not seem like there are many options for creating your own for SONA from an open species because of design constraints and what you might be able to make differently from what others have created so far but you need to remember that making a for sona in general isn't just about originality it's about the heart and soul that you put into it so just because there are only so many color combinations or patterns it's more about the personality and character you put into it as well which goes for any sort of species or persona especially foxes wolves and faults who I don't think are cliche god this is cheesy overall though use your heart when making your fur Sona you're the one bringing them to life after all and on that note thank you guys for watching let me know what you found at this video in the comments below I was actually really nervous about making a video like this especially about the part of taking inspiration from other for Sona since it's a very touchy subject but I think I did a pretty good job with it one final thing I did want to mention which I couldn't really find a part in this video to make it flow properly is that you are free to change the design of your persona anytime and you shouldn't feel reluctant to change it based on what others think because it's not there for Sona is it you can change anything about your persona and as many times as you want to make them a better representation of you or who you want to be in the fandom or something else entirely that's alright as well get creative but be safe about it either way do what makes you happy and create that for Sona of yours and most importantly as one of my role models Adler always says make someone smile today besides that I've got nothing else have a good day guys and as always stay lifejacket take care
Channel: BetaEtaDelota
Views: 223,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fursona, furry tips, fursona design tips, how to design a fursona, furry oc, Make a Fursona, How to make a fursona, how to create a fursona, fursona creation, create fursona, making a fursona, Furry Things, how to make a furry, fursona maker, fursonas, Beta, BetaEtaDelota, Furry, Furries, Fandom, furry fandom, reference sheet, furry art, fursona tips, furrys, furry ref sheet, how to fursona, furrsona, furrysona, fursona, furry reference sheet, furry ref, furry refs, make a fursona
Id: hZ3BlKJwuAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2019
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