How To Brew Delicious Coffee On The Moka Pot

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hello there for everyone missing the uh the cat cameos here's a cat Cameo hi buddy if you want to if you want to talk about mocha pots today you are welcome to have at it okay but in reality you do have to exit the scene today we're going to be talking about a classic Brewer that is near and dear to my heart now a lot of these older what I'm what I'm calling classic Brewers um are things that you don't see used as commonly in like modern coffee brewing and espresso however there is a reason and that they are so traditional and so iconic and I think it's really fun to look at these Brewers and figure out how to get some pretty tasty coffee from them so with that being said today we're going to be talking about none other than the mocha pot our goal today is to talk about where the mocha pot comes from we're going to be talking about the different components of a mocha pot how to brew with it and then also some additional tips and tricks and things you can play around with once you've got the basics down to potentially improve your cup or really dial it into your own liking now the mocha poot comes in in all sorts of shapes and colors nowadays however the function across all of these is pretty much the same it just kind of varies as to what Aesthetics you like and additionally how much coffee you ultimately want to brew you will notice that this one in the center here is significantly larger than these two now we're going to be focusing on this one today but again you can take these principles to really any mocha pot that you have now the mocha pot is a a decently old Brewer uh the mocha pot was invented around 19 33 um it is Italian in origin and the company beti is one of the first companies to really put this Brewer into high production and really proliferate it um across Italy and also across the world you'll see beti and their their lovely little uh mocha poot Brewer man right on top here the mocha poot Brewer is primarily powered by steam um it is a brewer that doesn't really need a lot of other gadgets uh you need coffee you need water and you need a heat Source preferably a stove top of some type however let's break into this your mocha pot is going to break down into three different distinct sections the first one is going to be your base right here pretty simple it's a base for water uh this is going to be what sits on top of your stove top uh the only thing that's really notable about this is that you have this little like pressure gauge right here but beyond that this is for holding your water the next thing you have is going to be your filter basket this is going to be what your coffee goes into as as you can see you have your kind of first level of filtration with a little metal filter here at the bottom this little extension down here is what goes into the water uh and all your water is going to travel up through this and then get dispersed through the bed of coffee that's going to be sitting in here then you have your top chamber if you look inside you'll see this um kind of continuation of an extension inside uh with two holes on either side this is where your coffee is going to come out of once it's been pushed up uh through all the different chambers into your your top Brewing area and then it's just kind of a nice Basin to collect your coffee into these three sections generally will just screw together very easily now the mocha pot is a brewer that doesn't necessarily have a lot of rules and it's one of those Brewers that similar to like the Vietnamese fi or even kind of like the French press in some ways uh you can kind of eyeball some components of this and you can kind of use your your gut instincts to brew with it so I'm going to get some coffee ground we're going to talk about Brewing I'll be right back I want to give a huge thank you to trade coffee for sponsoring today's video trade is a coffee subscription service that makes it easy to discover new coffees and roters from all over the US with over 55 roters and over 450 unique coffees to choose from there's something for everyone my most recent bag from trade is this Colombian coffee from broadcast in Seattle Washington with notes of marzipan chocolate and Cherry I've been brewing it as a pourover as well as on espresso because it's always such a treat to find a coffee that performs well on both Brewing methods one of the other great Parts about trade is that you can set your delivery on a schedule that works best for you whether you're crushing multiple bags a week or sipping a little bit slower the coffee arrives freshly roasted to your front door and all you have to do is figure out how you want to enjoy it right now trade is offering one of their best deals if you're ready to get started head over to drink MDC to sign up and save $15 on select plans plus you'll get your first bag for free that's drink MDC or the top Link in the description welcome back let's scw some coffee all right so I have some coffee ground here and you'll notice that it is it is pretty fine um this is definitely not as fine as I would grind for like espresso however um it is a good deal finer than I would grind for like a pourover um I would I would honestly say I'm I'm splitting the difference between those two methods of Brewing here uh your mileage will vary on what grind size um however I think starting in a a more fine position and then easing up if need be is usually what I do now on the mention of coffee with the mocha pot I tend to lean towards somewhat more traditional profiles of coffee um and roasting Styles when I'm brewing on the mocha pot you can 100% get delicious cups of coffee from the more kind of modern specialty roast levels so things that are lighter um things that are roasted to show a little bit more Nuance from the green coffee uh that acidity and florals and all that stuff you can definitely brew that in a mocha pot however starting off if you're looking for Success right off the bat going for something that's more of a medium a little bit more of a traditional like chocy dried Berry like that sort of flavor profile tends to I think perform better in this specific type of Brewing again not a hard and fast rule just like a good starting point but enough love talking I would like to drink some coffee so let's get started now that you have all of your pieces separated the first thing I like to do is add my water into the Bas base um I'm going to add water right up till under this little pressure gauge you don't want to go beyond and submerge that you can go right up to the bottom here now some people will do this with cold water uh kind of the general consensus and what I also like to do is to preheat my water um prior to putting it into the base so I've got some water in my Kettle that is sitting I believe around like 200° F which me find out which is like 90 5ish de C 95 96 so easy enough we put our water in I like to do this first because there are a couple other steps we have to do including preparing our coffee prior to Brewing so while we do that this water will cool down a good bit but it will still be nice and warm so that once we get to that stove top and begin the Brewing process we aren't starting from Square zero this Brew will happen in a a nice reasonable amount of time so let's move that station off to the side now we have our coffee now one of my uh not a chief complaint but one of the most tricky things about a mocha pot is the fact that this stand is is not really meant for standing like you can kind of get it to do it when it is empty however when you start trying to fill it with coffee you definitely need to be holding this there are quite a few Contraptions and gizmos and like 3D printed designs that you can find online um that are actually made to be stabilizers so you can just like set it down in your Gizmo and then uh fill it up with coffee I do not have one of those so we will go the old fashioned way we will hold our filter basket now again I've got my freshly ground coffee here the goal here is not to not to overfill the basket we're just going to fill it up just about to the top and we're going to kind of settle and distribute our coffee even though we've got a uh a fine grind on this coffee um even though we are making it into a shape that feels like an espresso Puck uh one thing to note about mocha pots is that you don't actually need to Tamp down your coffee uh you'll want to kind of level it and distribute it evenly into this filter basket however you don't want to apply additional pressure um like you would an espresso Puck so once you've got it full give it a little Shake level off the top you may get a little bit of grounds fall out um just because we have a metal basket here and that is fine you can just kind of discard and continue on if you're having trouble Distributing couple gentle Taps around the edge should do the job all right once we have this ready simply pop it in there and now carefully we going to screw on the top now remember you have hot water in this base which means this base has heat it up a good bit so just be cautious when handling this all or be like me and just kind of grab it all right let's take this over to the stove top okay before we turn on the heat let's talk about a couple of things uh regarding heat we're going to want to be keeping this Brew pretty much on the lower half of your heat range I don't find myself ever really going over like what I would consider medium we might start out in medium but we're going to be controlling it down as the Brew begins one of the things we want to keep an eye on here is making sure everything doesn't sputter out of control too fast and then we get a nice somewhat even extraction again this is a little bit of a game as you can't really see what's happening in the Brew chamber but we can see what's happening on the top so when you start brewing make sure you keep that lid open so you can keep an eye on it now let's get our stove top on all right so I have it at kind of a true medium right now I think a good indicator of this is you don't ever really want to see the Flames like licking around the edges uh of the base of your mocha pot you really want them just kind of encompassing the bottom there while our water is preheated it is going to take a couple minutes to reach that full like steaming potential uh and so for a little bit nothing much is going to happen but you do want to keep an eye on this once we see coffee you'll usually begin to hear kind of a a hissing like bubbling sound about probably 15 to 30 seconds before you're going to see coffee and then once you see coffee we're going to bring that heat down a little bit in order to stop it all from sputtering out too quickly you'll know your brew has reached its end once you see it begin to sputter truly and for it to be more air than it is coffee at that point we're going to turn off the heat and then we'll just pull our mocha pot off let it cool a little bit then we can drink it all right I beginning to hear the sounds of steam and here's our coffee all right again so I'm going to bring the heat down just a little bit see that coffee flow begin I kind of want to maintain that speed I don't want it sputtering out too soon nice and even nothing too dramatic happening dramatic things are happening with your mocha pot something is wrong all right with that sputtering close the lid take it off the heat okay let's let this cool and let's taste it a little bit all right there you go you have a nice steaming pot of coffee now I will note that coffee oh bye cat I will note that mocha pot coffee initially is very hot so take caution when drinking it immediately after Brewing however I rarely listen to my own advice so let's have a go at it now one of the things that is very iconic and also unique about mocha poot coffee um is that it has a very distinct style to it you'll notice that we haven't got a whole ton of coffee brewed in here however what is brewed is very intense in flavor it also has a pretty distinct mouth feel to it similarly to like a French press for example because we're relying mostly on metal filters here and of course we're using finely ground coffee there is the inevitability that some of that coffee is going to make its way up into the Final Cup this results in a cup that is kind of a little bit chewy perhaps um it has a a very thick texture to it uh and additionally the flavor is is very robust uh mocha poot coffee is known to sometimes be considered a substitution to Espresso uh again this is not true espresso this is not brewed under enough pressure to be qualified as espresso however the intensity of the flavor and all of those components when you pair it with milk you can get something somewhat similar to a latte and in fact if you really like Rich intense traditional espresso you'll probably like mocha poot coffee that was enough talking I think it's probably cooled enough it's Unique it is very distinct it's also very recognizable as this Brewer's coffee I think if you are very used to more modern take on like filter coffee uh this might be a little bit more of an acquired taste to you however I think it's a really really fun look uh tradition in coffee and in brewing and I think once you learn how to brew the way you like um there's a lot to appreciate here that was kind of your base overview of how to brew with a mocha pot before we wrap up today let's talk about a few tips and tricks that you can do and mess around with to possibly improve your Brewing experience well one thing I will note this is not necessarily A a tip or a trick but it's just a a passing uh thing that I want to say is that you can definitely fill up your filter basket with coffee with it resting inside the water chamber it seems like the obvious way to do it I will say if you're doing that I think it makes it a lot more difficult to evenly like level and distribute your coffee you have to rely a lot more on like kind of using a spoon or another Tool uh to tap or distribute everything down just because you have water down here and if you start doing this and like you're sloshing stuff around so just a note you can do that it does make some other steps a little bit trickier now as we just talked about the flavor profile and the mouth feel of mocha poot coffee is very distinct however there are some ways to clean it up a little bit uh you may notice this uh filter basket on top seems like the perfect size for a very particular type of filter that being a little arrow press filter now you of course very easily can just set your arrow press filter on top here uh these filters will work for most uh larger sized mocha pots you can wet it down to have it adhere to the coffee bed now you can use a tiny bit of water just over the top just to make sure that filter doesn't scoot around too much when you're screwing on the top and then you're providing a nice additional more controlled level of filtration Beyond just whatever metal filters you have inside I find when you're using primarily metal filters you are kind of at the mercy of them more so than anything else now another thing you can do uh when Brewing mocha poot coffee that will potentially improve your Brew um is that you can kind of cool off and stop the extraction very quickly once you're done Brewing once you take this off of the stove top once your Brewing is done the water down here still very hot you're still generating steam there's still a lot going on in order to stop that you can simply either run this base under some cold C Water by taking it to your sink and and very carefully doing this again remember at this point you will have hot coffee in the chamber so it's more a game of being very gentle and careful here however if that seems a little bit too nerve-wracking to you or you don't trust your own skills there which I don't blame you I don't either um you can have maybe a bowl of water on the side that you simply dunk it down into and then you're good to go and the last tip I'll give with your mocha pot is that if you have not added an AER press filter in here if you are at the Merc of those metal filters and you find you're getting a good amount of of fines and silt and all of that stuff in this upper chamber one of the things you can do is allow your coffee to cool slightly uh in this upper chamber and then pour very slowly into your serving cup all of that coffee and grounds and anything that has made its way up is going to inevitably sink to the bottom of the chamber and if you can pour slowly you will avoid getting a good amount in that cup addition on that note I don't recommend just kind of like pouring it all out like you'll probably want to leave a little bit of your coffee in this upper area as that's going to be the most chewy kind of Mucky part of this all but that all being said this is the mocha poot this is an iconic Brewer um it is traditional and wonderful and pretty easy to use once you get the hang of it and I think it's lovely it tickles me to use one of these and it's really fun to talk about so I hope you had fun today I hope you potentially learned something and additionally if you have any tips or tricks or even stories about your use with mocha Poots I would always love to hear them down in the comments below regardless my name is Morgan you can find me here on YouTube on Fridays Additionally you can also find me on YouTube shorts on random days I'm also on Tik Tok or Instagram almost every single day so with that being said I hope you all have a great week I've got a little cup of coffee I'm still going to be sipping and I'll see you all very soon bye everyone
Channel: Morgan Eckroth
Views: 223,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kK9-R5-r4X8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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