How to Make a Focal Bead Pendant, Ear Wires, Arabian Window Earrings, Tulip Column Earrings

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she's an artist a best-selling author a designer and an instructor who has taught all over North America Russia and the Ukraine and now she's taking you back to the basics of creating wearable art from wire and beads [Music] oh hi I'm Dale cougar Armstrong welcome to Jules Bowl in today's classes you're going to learn how to use wire beads and a few hand tools to create some amazing wearable art when you are done learning these techniques you're going to realize you are only limited by your own imagination as to how far you can take this art form with just a few techniques you'll learn to make a focal bead pendant basic ear wires Arabian window earrings and these beautiful tulip column earrings [Music] so let's begin by talking about the tools that you'll be using to create your wire jewelry designs we use four basic tools about all the time I have a pair of chain nose pliers which are round on the outside and flat on the inside we'll be using some round nose pliers which are just that round from one end to the other I also have a pair of wire cutters I'm going to talk about how to use these to save your wrist and the most important tool of the basics for making traditional wire jewelry designs is a good pair of flat nose pliers I will discuss these a little bit more later as well now I also have something that you're going to find fun and that's the sliding pin vise it's just some pretty cool magic now found items from your home go ahead and find an ultra fine point marker how about an emery board everybody has an emery board and if not they're not very expensive to clean my wire while I'm straightening it and to save my fingers I either use a piece of old cotton t-shirt because it has no lint or just a small polishing cloth not necessary to start out with tape however is very important okay I like to use quarter inch quilters tape you can you also use any type of painters tape something that's not going to leave a lot of residue on your wire because it makes it difficult to get off I mean it's possible and we'll talk about that but something that makes your life easy is always better okay now the wire we're going to be using I actually have two different metals here okay I have a 21 gauge square 1/2 hard in copper and I also have a 21 gauge square 1/2 hard and silver filled now it doesn't matter what your metal is as long as the gauge which is the size the shape obviously here square and The Temper which is how hard the wire is is the same okay you can use any wire that you would like now the second shape of wire that we're going to be using a lot of is 21 gauge round this is a half hard wire so it holds its shape better I also have a ruler now your ruler can be any kind of rule you would like however I prefer a translucent ruler because it's easy for me to see and measure items under the ruler and it's very important to have one that is in inches as well as in millimeters because most gemstones and beads are measured by the millimeter and it's kind of important to know what you're using the last of my personal favorite items to use with wire jewelry designs is a cushioned style mousepad I happen to go barefoot a lot and getting wiring your feets not fun so something like this where you can shoot your wire pieces into is nice it catches them also your beads don't roll off and if you stay with wire jewelry design you're going to need a firm but giving surface to work with gemstones and that's a possible future okay for magnification you know if you have regular glasses that's fine if you don't need glasses it's kind of smart to think about some safety glasses or magnifiers because if a piece of wire you know flies up and puts a dent in your eye or something you can't fix that so using magnification is always good for seeing very small detailed parts I have a pair of cheaters here so that you can see my own is better but I also like a pair of off divisors okay so now let's work on preparing our round nose pliers now to do this I'm going to be using my marker I'm gonna put on my glasses and I'm going to use my ruler and this is where the millimeters also comes in handy okay so the first mark that we're going to make is going to be at the two millimeter okay each of these little marks is just one millimeter okay it takes ten of them to make a centimeter but right now we're only concerned with one so if we see right here you can see that I have the tip of my player at the number two millimeter I'm going to use my marker and just make a quick mark across my plier okay now the next mark that we're going to make is at four millimeters and then we're going to move on to seven let me show you over here because I've already done mine so here I have two millimeters and then I have four okay the next mark you're going to make is seven the fourth mark is 11 and the final mark way down here is at 16 okay now the reason that I have these marks in so many places is because over the years making jewelry I kind of know where I want to place my wire it's very important to think of any time you bend wire around something the resulting shape is going to be just that much larger than the shape that you bent around okay so go ahead and rearrange your workspace and let's get ready to begin our first project [Music] the first project that we're going to work on today is a focal bead pendant and this may seem rather simple but as the technique instructor to me it's very important that I teach you some simple ways to use your tools and little techniques and things to do with your wire that you can later combine into many different designs now the techniques we're going to learn with this pendant today are how to make a wrapped loop which in this case is going to be baled we're going to make a second wrap loop down here we're going to use as a connection to hold the dangling charms that you're going to make yourself and when we're all finished you're going to see many variations for this particular design and I'll share some with you too okay so to begin we're going to need our wire and I'm going to just need to see what I'm doing so I'm going to use the 21 gauge square half hard wire okay and because I want you to be able to use any bead that you would like I'm going to give you the formula okay so here's where my little translucent ruler comes in play and if I measure across my bead now if you're going to purchase more of these from the jewel school section of jtv you actually see that this is a 20 millimeter square now if we turn that into English terms okay this is three quarters of an inch so the formula is the width of the bead plus three inches so actually I would only need three and three quarter inches to make this piece but because we're new today we're going to just use an even four inches okay so the first thing we're going to do is get out our wire we're going to learn to straighten and cut the wire okay so first thing we have to do when we straighten our wire is to gently take it out of its coil okay now let's look at the wire and let's talk about what we're going to do because really this is not as difficult as some people think if we have a piece of wire and if you think about the reasoning behind this if something is curved in one direction and you slightly push it in another direction you kind of should end up in the middle which is straight and that's what we're going to do with the wire okay we're just going to counter herve now to do that I'm going to be using my thumb and my index finger now I can't pinch because that's like pulling and you cannot pull wire straight so I'm going to slightly round the edge of the wire over my thumb countering the curve so I'm going to put my finger here at my thumb here and I want you to kind of watch this you can actually see it happen I can do this slow enough okay and you see that changing right not quite let's do it a little bit more a little more pressure you more time and that's a pretty straight wire okay now I told you I was going to tell you a little bit more about the cutters and how to use them well your cutters all have two sides okay you have a flat side and you also have a divot side well just think of it this way everything you do and why our jewelry you have to see so if we were to cut with a divot side you can't see what's in there but from the flat side you can see so everything from the flat side up we keep because we can see it so to measure my wire I'm going to take my ruler and lay my wire alongside it and we determined that I was going to just use four inches to make life a little easier and I'm right alongside here keeping my pliers so everything I'm keeping is from the flat side up okay I'm going to place this right here and just cut it that's all there is to it we now have 1/4 inch piece of 21 gauge square half hard wire so set the rest of the wire aside and let's begin making our pendant when we talk about different parts to our pendant okay I talked about the bail the bail was the round part at the top okay to make a nice veil you're going to need a minimum of three quarters of an inch now the connection loop that's at the bottom okay that my charms are hanging in that's a minimum of three quarters of an inch so let's go down from the top end of our pendant wire three quarters of an inch and Mark I'm going to teach you good work habits I hope okay with my ruler facing me so that the number one looks like it's in Reverse because you know it's on the opposite side there's nothing between me and my measurement except my wire let's line our wire up alongside our ruler and let's measure down one and a half inches and Mark with our marker right across right just like that okay I always close my marker because these things will last forever you keep them closed now let's pick up our flat nose pliers the flat nose pliers are actually square they have a square tip and they're straight up and down okay they don't bulge out they don't have a divot this is a 90 degree tool and that's what we need it for so let's take our flat nose pliers and let's place it on the wire so that the tip is just above my mark so when I make my bend my bend ends up exactly on my mark right where we want it now this is a 90 degree Bend it's the letter L of course it's upside down doesn't matter just give you a point of reference I'm going to take my round nose pliers remember we mark them this was the 16 millimeter mark let's see if that's going to work okay I'm going to actually put these this is the shorter of the El wire this is going to be the top of my pendant if I put that there and look you can see that's a pretty good sized bail we might want it a little bit bigger depending on what you're going to be putting this on so let's move it down just a little bit okay I might be a millimeter below that I'm going to take this short wire I'm going to bend this up and over my tool and notice while this hand is going this way this hand is going this way so that I'm countering every move now I can't go any further because my tool is in the way so I'm going to go back keep my tool in the same position rotate my pliers so it's no longer in the way and now I can take this bottom wire again and I can complete the circle around the jaw of my plier so that when I take this off it almost looks like a kid's lollipop now to make it look more like that lollipop can we use my flat nose pliers place it on the entire loop hold the tail and just bend this loop so it's centered on top of the wire it's that easy now to wrap this and I'm going to use two tools I'm going to hold the shape I've just made with my flat nose pliers so I don't mess it up and I'm going to put that in my non-dominant hand so that my dominant hand can grab the tail or shorter wire with the chain nose pliers and I'm going to very carefully keeping this on the square wrap this around the wire once you get good you can just whip this around but once you'd be able to see what I'm doing okay not gone completely around that twice let's do it one more time and that's three rats now I'm going to trim the tail of that wire off remembering that everything I'm keeping is from the flat side out okay let's get down here and trim this notice I use my finger to keep my sharp wire end to drop it on my mousepad don't want it in my feet okay and I do have a burr here now to tuck that burr in where I want it to be I'm going to use the chain nose pliers they have a very thin surface but the inside is flat so I can grab on to something and make it happen but the outside is round if I need that round shape so let's put this on the wire end and let's just roll that wire end okay that kind of deepers it and it also smooths that down okay so we now have one wrapped loop okay and all of the different techniques that you learned with that one wrap loop you're gonna come in handy later okay so it's fun time now let's add the bead and I was trying to decide which it's kind of smart to look at your bead and orient it in whatever shape that you would like to bring out because a lot of our beads have different designs and different shapes and sometimes they'll spin after you have it on the bail but sometimes they won't I'm probably well okay this is kind of fun these are actually dyed and they have the name of a Jasper but the fun part about this is these are crying too it stems okay for those of you interested in fossils and in using organic materials these are fossilized crinoids stems a very early form of life okay I've inserted my bead onto my wire I'm going to try to keep the tucked end that we just did to the back may not always happen but whoa that's that's the goal okay so here we have the beginnings of our pendant now in order to add my connection loop at the bottom I have to hold the space and the reason I have to hold the space is because I want to make consists few wraps on the bottom like I did on the top so I'm going to use my chain nose pliers to hold the wire space okay and that's going to give you about a millimeter and a half or so so and it really doesn't matter what size it is just so that you become familiar with using your tool as a space holder okay so I'm going to hold that space I'm going to use my finger to bend this bottom wire 90 degrees so it is perpendicular to my stone okay because I want my loop to go this way now to make the loop we're going to repeat what we just did except this time I'm going to get down here I'm going to use mark number four I believe that that was the 11 millimeter mark let's see what that's going to do okay if I look at the size across here okay this is what I'm doing so I'm teaching you how to use your tool why are you making this one project remembering that the shape I make is going to be just a little bit larger than that let's go down a little bit smaller okay I'm gonna go just below that mark yeah and now again I'm going to repeat the exact same procedure use my finger to bend this wire over the top of my tool while my hand with the tool move so they work together get to the point where I cannot go any further so I'm going to rotate my tool keeping it in the same position so that I can now wrap my wire completely around the jaw again my hands are both working together and I have my second loop now we're a little bit further on this one that's okay I can make these adjustments while I'm holding the loop I just made with my flat nose pliers I'm just gonna pull that tail down there we go now again hold the shape that you just made with your flat nose pliers in your non-dominant hand and you should chain nose pliers to grab on to the tail of the loop and very carefully and tightly begin your wraps immediately under the loop that you just made and work down the stem of the pendant you know that's three times and that's the same amount that I have on the top let me tell you it really doesn't matter as long as you have one wrap you're good alright so I have my wraps and we're going to trim this now remember everything I'm going to keep is from the flat side up my wire down there and then you should chain nose pliers to deburr and spin the end of that wire in okay now if you look at this piece you see how this is kind of crooked all right I want that straights I'm going to use my flat nose pliers put it over the entire unit and Bend the unit back okay and now I'm straight or straighter okay so I have my bail I have my bottom connection loop now we're going to learn how to make a couple of charms we're not going to use head pins because back when I started making jewelry they didn't make head pins no I'm not as old as Methuselah but it's kind of fun to learn to make everything that you need because then you can use what you have you don't have to go out and buy more supplies but if you have more supplies available we're going to learn how to adjust those into other conditions these are two charms right here there isn't going to teach you to make two is because of the different sizes of the blocks bead stops rosette spirals whatever you want to call them at the bottom okay for this we're going to need your 21 gauge round half hard wire now I know that on the market round wire is readily available however you don't want to use a wire that's really soft okay so if you need more wire we've got everything you need at Joel's goal J okay so we're going to straighten measuring cut our wire again I'm going to counter the curve by placing my index finger under and my thumb on top of the curve next to one another not pinching going to draw the wire through my fingers countering that curve that's pretty almost straight the first time let's keep that one more shot okay now we know that we need a minimum of three quarters of an inch to do around blue right so if we're going to be doing a wrapped loop at the top that's three quarters of an inch if we're going to do a rosette or a spiral on the bottom I'm gonna give you some numbers you need to have a minimum of half an inch you might use five eighths you might we use three quarters so we're going to use three quarters on this one plus our beat combination and what I'm doing here is I'm giving you the formula so that you can use any beads you want any wire you have and make anything using the same techniques that were using today all right so let's measure and cut the necessary wire knowing that I need an inch and a half plus 5/8 so let's just say that I'm going to need two and 3/8 inches okay so that's two inches and two marks after the quarter now that's for my longer wire okay for some interest we're going to make a longer one and a shorter one so the shorter one let's straighten some more wire and actually I don't need to use the ruler again I can just use my first wire and say okay I want this a little shorter I'm probably a half an inch is good there you go is that easy now to make a spiral which is a very important part of wire jewelry design and for some beaters too I'm either going to use my chain nose pliers or my round nose pliers now the reason being depending on the width of my wire if my wire is very very fine I will probably use my chain nose pliers because they have a flat grip inside and grab that wire and a round surface that will roll the shape round where I want it if I have a heavier wire like I do today I'm going to just use my round nose pliers okay these are actually a thicker and not a needlenose so I'm able to grab the end of the wire without slipping off and let's begin by marking the length of our spiral so I'm going to use my marker and I'm going to measure three-quarters of an inch from one end of my wire this means that this will have a good sized or larger spiral and if you're using your own beads and when you use whatever you want the reason I'm marking in this is because you can't go past 3/4 of an inch okay otherwise you won't have enough room so I'm going to use my flat nose pliers which I use to make angles and again I'm going to place these just above my mark so that my Bend ends up on the mark okay and I'm going to bend this with my finger 90 degrees or the letter L okay now to make a spiral I'm going to use the ends of my round nose pliers I'm going to place these on the very end of the wire or as close as I can get and if you want to make a circle and not the letter P it's very important that you cannot feel the wire although I tell you this is so small and that end is so close we might not have a perfect circle this time but it's okay so notice that my hand is in this position that's because I know that my hand likes to go this way I don't want to hurt it by going all over the place okay although that would be fun dance so I want to go this way so my hand is going to start out here so that I get the most movement out of it possible I'm going to hold on to the rest of my wire and support it with my non-dominant hand I'm going to roll my tool completely around now we know I can't go any further because my tool is in the way so I'm going to release my grip rotate my tool regaining my wire and grip again and roll again now let's see what happened that's a pretty darn good little circle now I'm going to use my flat nose pliers and if we think of this circle like a clock okay you got 12 o'clock 6 o'clock 3 o'clock 9 o'clock well in Reverse for you but whatever I'm going to come in at like 5 o'clock okay and why I'm doing this is because I'm actually grabbing the bottom wire at the bottom of this of this circle okay and that's what I'm gripping and I'm going to actually roll this circle onto itself okay so like this all right let's do that again and you see a spiral starting to appear did you know that the spiral has been around since the beginning of history actually since pre recorded history it's a symbol of life there you go and we have just made your first spiral okay we're going to do that again on the shorter piece of wire but this time we're only going to make it half an inch long so that means you need to measure and mark your shorter wire so that you don't go beyond half an inch and like before bend the wire to a 90-degree angle roll a circle and Center it all right you've done two spirals pretty cool now let's add the bead combination what I'm using for beads today I have some four millimeter bicones they kind of have a point on each end I have some six millimeter rondelle's they're like a circle with a cut-off top and bottom and I also have some six millimeter and faceted round beads you really don't need a lot if you have others that you would like to use that's fine go for it and what I'm going to do is I'm just going to thread some of these beads on here I'm actually going to mimic what I have over here all right I've got a four millimeter around and a rondell personally I like to put the weight of my project on top so I'm stringing these beads from smallest to largest alright so after you have your beads on we have to make another wrap loop so here we go repeating what we've done twice before going to hold the space I need with my chain nose pliers by placing them immediately after the last bead and trying to remember to keep my pliers perpendicular or like the letter T to the spiral that I made okay and I'm going to use my finger to bend the wire in ninety degrees forming that little elbow that I need and now on my tool I'm going to use probably mark number two okay the mark number two is right here and that's about four millimeters down so I'm going to place that on the top wire I'm going to make sure that my mark is on my wire and I'm going to use my finger to bend this wire over the top of my tool down the other side I can't go any further I'm going to rotate my tool keeping it at the same mark and bend my wire completely around the jaw okay now before I close it this is very important and this is why we're doing this okay after I have this closed when you use my chain nose pliers and I'm going to slightly open this loop because I have to put it in my connection loop on my pendant so remembering that the smaller loop was my connection loop I'm going to slide this wire through here now they're locked in okay now I can't hold that loop closed with my flat nose pliers because obviously they're too big and I'm going to be using my chain nose pliers to work with the tail so I'm going to hold the loop I just made using my round nose pliers and again moving this to my non-dominant hand okay I'm going to use the chain nose pliers to grab on to the end or tail of my wire and very carefully wrap this around one two three times okay now I have to do something with my tail here and you can see that it's kind of curved and the reason that I over curb this wire is because as we're beginning to find out if we tell the wire where to go it's going to do what we want it to do and that's what this whole class is about so where the wire is curved to go in that direction I'm going to trim it so it's little longer and now I'm going to use my chain nose pliers I'm going to tuck this wire around the edge and I'm just going to roll my tool and that takes that wire end right in where it needs to be it's gone no sharp edges nothing sticking out okay so now let's use our longer piece of wire and let's make another beaded segment on top of our spiral [Music] so aren't you amazed you have just learned several very important wire jewelry techniques to review we've made rap loops we've learned to make head pin oh yeah I forgot to tell you they actually make these things called head pins but you can make your own now complete with spirals you've learned to make connections you've learned to turn it into a bale and you've created a whole pendant so let me show you some of the things that you can now do with these magical techniques this piece is actually a variation of what we just did now when you look at something like this notice that the bead is bigger so you have to go back and remember the formula I taught you at the very beginning of our lesson and the difference down here my dear is that instead of one wrap loop I put two so think about the possibilities now you could actually take this and make 3 4 5 as many loops as you would want I also added some bead caps and I did some additional beads here this is just another pendant idea you can get them as big or as small as you'd like something like this piece that I made is very simple it's actually a piece of chain ok and on each piece of chain I have put one or two little wrap loop drops just like we just made and then I attached all of those chains to one ring which you could be a wrap loop stuck it on a chain there you go piece of cake also with the wrapped loop idea you can now make your own earrings okay check it out you can use your own beads crystals combinations go shopping on jtv and see what they have it's amazing but oh wait am I forgot you can't make earrings yet because you don't have make ear wires so our next project is going to be how to learn to make your own ear wires [Music] probably the most important part of an earring is the part that goes through the ear now there are several different styles I prefer the French ear wires although I have no idea where the word French or description came from but I do know that either ear wires work or they don't either they are the right length or they're too long and they hurt the back of your head or they're too short and they come out of your ear as you're walking and you lose a very important part of your earring like the whole thing so the next important technique I'm going to teach you is how to make your own French ear wire to make this project we're going to be using 21 gauge half-hard round wire believe it or not even though this is just a half hard meaning number two on the hardness charts this is going to have enough spring to take the abuse of bending and opening and closing your ear wires multiple times so let's begin making our own ear wires for each ear wire I'm going to need a two and a quarter inch piece of wire we already talked about how to measure and how to cut so just reviewing you'll notice that everything I'm keeping is from the flat side up this is called easy cut okay I measured once I cut twice you gets a carpenter's thing okay so now I have my wires and I'm going to need my round nose pliers remember earlier I talked with you about making a perfect circle and said that you had to keep your wire inside your tool well we weren't able to do that then but now I can so I can show you how to make a perfect circle we're going to use mark number two on the round nose pliers going to make sure that I can't feel the wire which I could I still can there we go okay when you cannot feel the wire you know all of the wire is inside the tool therefore all of it is going to be bent none of it will be flat so you're going to not make the letter P I'm going to roll this tool with my wire down my hand I've come as far as I can tools in the way release my grip spinning around keeping the same position tighten up grab some more wire and roll again we should have a perfect circle okay now let's make a second one on our second ear wire place the wire in the tool roll release grab some more wire continue the roll there we go now let's introduce the pin vise although not in the capacity that I said was going to be a lot of fun it's got a cool shape and it's got these neat ridges which I tend to use for anything but what it was probably designed for I am going to use this as a shaping tool so I'm going to hold the eye which is the circle that I made against my tool I'm going to grab the other tail on the backside I'm going to wrap this wire around my pin vise I'm going to overcompensate meaning go beyond my loop because when I let go the spring in the wire will take it back and that needs to be shaped a little bit more so let me show you how to fix that because I mess up too I'm going to hold this here I'm going to take my eye and I'm going to bend the eye around the tool that's a little better okay now make the second ear wire in the same manner [Music] there's no way to keep this straight while you're working with it so I'm going to fix that by using my flat nose pliers and this is really cool too because it shows you how you can utilize your tools for different purposes other than what you thought they were for so I'm going to take this curve you see that horrible little curve there and I'm going to use my flat nose pliers by placing them on the entire item and then move it where I need it to be ten I will do this until I'm happy with the result you doesn't take long now use your flat nose pliers to shape the second ear wire all right there we go I have two ear wires now let's fix the tail of the ear wire which is what makes it easy to put the ear wire through your ear now to do that I know that my tail needs to be about a quarter of an inch long okay and I want to show you how I use my tools as shaping and measuring items okay if I take my flat nose pliers and let's just start this at the number one and I'm going to put that on my ruler here we go here you can see that the width of my tool is almost a quarter of an inch okay this means that anytime I need to measure quarter of an inch to make a bend I can just use the width of my tool I don't have to use a ruler again so if my tails on my ear wires are a quarter of an inch long I'm going to place my flat nose pliers on the tail leaving just a little bit and I'm going to bend these back on less than 45 degrees now then the tail back on the second ear wire okay so now I have a pair of ear wires which means I have to make a pair of earrings to go on the ear wires stay tuned that's next [Music] you know often people ask me where my inspiration comes from and really I have no earthly idea but I can tell you that the earring design we're going to make next came oh not too long ago when I was listening to a certain piece of music called Scheherazade the tales that shekhar azad is what the story was about and i was making these earrings with different components wondering what the heck i should call them we all listening to that music and looking at this shape that's the name Arabian Windows now designer jewelry is nothing more really than a beautiful collection of well executed components okay everything from what we've already done to what I'm presently wearing here is just wire and beads and your imagination and a few tools so let's begin learning how to make some of these components so that you too can be a wired jewelry designer to make these earrings we're going to use both of the wires we have previously played with we're going to be using the 21 gauge round number two hard and we're going to be using the 21 gauge square number two hard the usual tools I'm going to add a tool and I knew this is rather odd but and people give me funny looks it's a funky bottle yeah but okay I choose my items for reasons okay my found items number one they don't make anything like this yet and number two it has a reason the light plastic cover over at the heart plastic has a give to it so I often use this for a shaping item as you're going to see today you can find whatever you need I'm going to be giving you the diameter to find your own tool so let's begin learning how to make my Arabian window earrings now I'm not going to repeat everything as slowly as I have before because this is kind of a review and we're going to be building on to each technique as we move through these projects so go ahead and see if you can remember how to straighten measure and cut your wire we're going to be needing two pieces each of the 21 gauge square half or two inches long and two pieces each two and a half inches long straighten and clean then measure and cut using the first piece of each wire to cut the second okay so now we're going to learn how to use the sliding pin vise adding a little bit of magic to your wire I'm going to take the two and a half inch piece of wire and one of these is for each earring I'm going to place the end of this into the pin vise about an eighth of an inch and if you're not sure how much that is it would be close to three millimeters or two little lines on your ruler in there I'm pushing this nut up very tightly and if your tool is new believe me sometimes it doesn't want to slide up very easily so you kind of have to work at it after this tool has been worked up a little bit and it's broken in it's phenomenal okay now I'm going to place the other end of the wire inside my flat nose pliers and I'm not going to place it this way because this means I want to pull you cannot pull because you will pull it right out so I'm going to hold it this way and if I hold my wire about two-thirds of the way down in my tool okay down meaning this way that means I don't have to hold it as tightly as I would if I were holding it up in the top now using my pin vise I'm just going to roll this tool away from me or in a clockwise motion and do you see what's happening do you see how that wire is turning different it's twisting it's adding a bead kind of fun huh now twist a second piece in the same manner [Music] all right so we've learned to use the pin vise now and we're going to return to the top wire the top part of the earring okay the very top right here we're going to make the top part of this earring out of the two-inch plain square wire now in order to produce the window like effect first I'm going to have to find at the center of my wire now you can do this one of two different ways okay either you can measure it and Mark it with your marker or you can just find it on your ruler and that's what I'm going to do because the other way is obvious so if I place my wire next to my ruler it's two inches long so my Center is going to be at the one going to place my round nose pliers on the wire at the number one position so basically this is the center of my wire okay now to make that keyhole shape or the top of my window shape I'm going to make sure that that's firmly in there and I'm going to press equally on both sides of the wire get it started to be bending over my tool and what's fun here is because this is round I can actually make it happen evenly without even marking it you see how this sides a little bit longer I'm gonna press this one toward the other one now that's back the short went away press long one toward it and look at that they have equal legs okay so now let's do the keyhole effect if you've got a piece of wire that looks like this but the bend in the center I'm going to put my tool on here and if I just loosen my grip okay I'm not holding it I can spin these tools around right so the whole idea here is to loosen your grip but keep the top jaw down so it doesn't flop around and I'm going to roll my tool toward one side now I cannot go any further here because I'm hitting resistance okay the jaw of my player is hitting the wire this is when I tighten up on my grip and I dip my wire and the result is this a drunken pea there you go now I'm going to come in on the other side and because my hand likes to go like this let me turn the piece around because going like that's kind of awkward so I'm going to replace my tool inside my opening and again keep it loose grip spin around hit resistance tighten up and dip now I have something that looks like this yeah and that's I didn't come out quite right so I'm going to go back in and just tweak that a hair more there we go now can you see where this kind of looks like an old fat keyhole shape okay that's what the name of this design came from now to get this spread out to resemble the top of my earring I'm going to have to use my flat nose pliers to hold the top of the earring with the shape I just made and then I can easy fan those out just a hair here we go that's it I'm going to repeat the process on the second wire and hopefully so are you find the center of the wire bend it equally on both sides of the plier jaw forming a tight you rotate the pliers until you feel resistance and dip spin and dip on the other side then use flat nose pliers to bend the leg slightly out all right so the next step here is to make some new connection loops now some of the pieces parts I'm going to be teaching you how to make here are going to be able to go together in many different configurations in the future and I'm going to show you some of those so pay attention and do your practice and even if you don't like the earring design let's make it together anyway because the techniques are very important now once again using your round nose pliers okay now I'm going to use the marks and remember we have marks all the way down to 16 millimeters I'm going to use the second mark in which is about 4 millimeters keeping in mind that I want to make a circle whenever possible make sure my wire is in my tool and I'm going to tighten up and roll my tool back toward the wire when I cannot go any further I'm going to release my grip and back around grab some more wire and airily roll my tool so that you have a circle now normally I wouldn't even take those out now because we can take this one step further okay I'm going to bring my grip back around like we did before with a keyhole tighten it up on the other side and slightly dip my loop toward the front of the earring okay and what this does is this forms a connection loop on the side or perpendicular to the keyhole we're going to repeat this on the other leg using number two [Music] you notice how it's a little bit open that's cool because we're gonna have to open it anyway so go ahead and repeat the procedure of making a connection link at each bottom of the other legs on your keyhole [Music] okay now the links that you have just made are also called keyhole links and these can be used to make a variety of chains and other designs these are all techniques as I told you earlier that can combine together to make really beautiful jewelry designs now the second technique that we're going to use today making a different component we're going to use the two twisted wires that we made and again these with the two and a half inch 21 gauge square have hard wires we twisted them individually by hand and now I'm going to have to shape these well depending what you're using for shaping item you can actually shape them at the very same time and here we go with my very strange little shaping item okay I'm going to kind of find the center and hold the center of the wires down with my thumb in this manner I can also show you at the same time yay okay I'm going to grab on to both of these wires and bring them around my shaping item let's criss cross them over okay let's give them some overcompensation and let them go so that when I remove them I have two horseshoes okay pretty cool so after I have my horseshoe shapes they have to be the same length and we'll notice that one leg is longer on each of them to make these the same length okay can you see this I have one shorter one longer I'm simply going to trim it here and trim it here and now I have the same length okay we're going to set those aside this is kind of like well it could be called the horseshoe length it could be called the starin link and we're gonna talk a little bit bit more about that later as well but first we have to make the charms that are going to go on these links before we start playing around with them too much and putting beads stops on them so to make the charms that I'm talking about right here okay I'm going to be using 21 gauge round half hard wire now have three on here you can put five one whatever you want artists actually use more uneven numbers than they do even I don't know maybe it's because we're off balanced and even this balance but anyway it always looks better if you use uneven numbers so we're going to make this design using three on each so we'll have to make six headpin charms using homemade hip pins now what I'm doing for my wire as I mentioned I'm using the 21 gauge round half hard and my shorter side wires are each going to be two inches long and my longer Center wires are each going to be three inches long so I will need for two-inch wires and two three-inch wires [Music] you okay now if we look at the bottoms of these two different charms you will notice that the bottom of the Swart charm has a smaller spiral than the larger one so not only here I'm going to verbally tell you but also when you written follow up directions that accompany this DVD lesson you're going to find my favorite numbers for lengths of wire to make perfect revolution spirals every single time the ones that we're going to use today on the shorter wires are each five eighths of an inch long now - anybody get really confused so let me show you okay five eighths of an inch means that we have a half an inch plus two little marks so go ahead and measure and Mark five eighths of an inch on each of your two inch wires okay and then on the three inch wire the longer one we're going to use three quarters of an inch which is 1/2 plus 1/4 okay so that's three quarters of an inch go ahead and mark each of your 3 inch wires at 3 quarters of an inch and you're shorter wires at five eighths of an inch or two marks past the Center I'm gonna show you something here quick time-saver - and I guess some people would call these tricks but really there are no tricks and wiring jewelry design none there are only tips and technique so what I did here is because I have to make this measurement four times I made it once and now I'm going to use my pliers to make my bend in two wires is one and now let's bring up another short wire make a similar Bend here and one on the last wire so these are just some time-saving little technique tips now on the three-inch wires obviously I'm going to using my flat nose pliers to make a 90-degree Bend as well on the marks I'm making these both at the same time now if you remember to review how to make a spiral you're going to take your round nose pliers place the tip of them on the short wire and you're going to roll the wire onto itself and then come in at five o'clock with your flat nose pliers and roll the loop that you made alongside the wire all the way up so it's centered at the end like a lollipop okay so go ahead and make all of your spirals and when you ready come on back and let's make them into charms [Music] let's go ahead and add your bead combination I'm going to tell you what I'm using today however you can use anything that you would like an interesting idea here which is kind of fun too is to recycle old jewelry so if you have some of your sisters or maybe not your sisters but your mom's or your grandma's or if you go to flea markets or yard sales and pick up some old jewelry and take it apart this is a great way to use some of those beads and components I actually have a couple of eight millimeter collars here with a rhinestone type crystals in them a little bit of bling and I also have some six millimeter and eight millimeter rondelle's and this really gorgeous aqua glass it's gonna be really really pretty with the silver okay so go ahead and start adding your beads to your spiral wire or homemade head pins remembering that you have to leave about three-quarters of an inch on the top of every wire so we can make a wrap loop so go ahead and start beating [Music] okay as soon as you have one of your spiral wires or homemade head pins beaded it's very important to remember to lock the beads arm for this remember we're going to be using our chain nose pliers be sure to place them perpendicular or like the letter T onto your wire according to where your spiral is and then use your finger to bend the wire ninety degrees to one side or the other okay I'm going to do this on each of my bead wires and set them all aside because it's easier for me to do it that way and then we're going to learn to make all of the wrap loops at the same time [Music] okay now here's something that you might want to take into account is the fact that you're making a left earring and in right earring and although it's a beginner it's not wicked important to do this the first time around but you might want to take into consideration in which direction your spirals are facing so for example if I want these to be opposites on an earring and then if my wire is bent toward the back of this one I would want to bend it toward the front of this one therefore when I put them side-by-side you see they're going to be facing one another in other words making a mirror image pair so if you haven't already done so don't worry about it it's not that important right now which is why I hadn't mentioned it yet but if you are pretty proficient at this go ahead and try to make a mirror matching pair and now it's time to make a loop on each single one and because we're going to be threading these on to the stirrup or horseshoe component that we need you don't have to worry about not locking them in okay so go ahead and make wrap loops this is a really good time to practice making the wrap loop so that you become more consistent and you're going to have a really nice product when you're finished - you could actually make these this afternoon and wear them outside tonight and people are not going to believe you made your own earrings so I'm going to be using the second mark on my round nose pliers again just reviewing let's put that in the upper corner of the 90 degree angle that we just made do you use my finger to bend the wire over the jaw of the plier so it's coming down the other side I cannot go any farther rotate the tool keep it at the same location and use your finger to bring the wire back around the plier jaw so that you have a perfect circle with a tail hold that circle made with your flat nose pliers in your non-dominant hand and use your chain nose pliers to wrap the tail around the bead stem as evenly as you can minimum of one okay we actually have left enough here and we left enough wire the 3/4 of an inch so that we could put three nice wraps on that and remember to finish these off nice I go around even though I'm overlapping and then bring it back getting that wire the direction that it needs so that after I trim it I can use my chain nose pliers to just tuck this wire because I've already told it where to go okay so go ahead and continue making a wrap loop at the top of every single one of the breasts of your five head pin spiral charms place the round nose pliers at the top of the 90 degree angle bend the wire up and around the jaw of the plier rotate the plier and bring the wire back around the jaw to create a full circle with a tail hold the circle just made with latinus pliers and use chain nose pliers to wrap the tail around the bead stem trim and tuck the wire now slide the charms on to the wire horseshoe okay so I've got one down and to lock these on instead of using your chain nose pliers to make a bead stop a 90 degree angle in this wire to keep your beads in place I'm going to do something a little bit different which is actually a technique that's going to add to our design okay and what we're going to do is use your round nose pliers and we're actually going to do this around oh probably between I would seriously say it between number three and number four on the marks let me just see what that would be for my very inquiring minds including mine between a three and a four okay so that's about five millimeters we're somewhere in that general idea and what I'm going to do is we have to make a complete circle okay so I'm going to place my tool yeah and I'll just use that third mark because it's easier remember I have to place my tools so that my wire I cannot feel okay and I'm going to be rolling this to the side okay kind of like an urn like to decide a handle on an urn so holding my pliers in that position I'm going to roll my tool without pulling it again you know what to do next loosen your grip spin you tool back around tighten it up to grab some more wire and then continue to roll you see that you make a nice perfect circle and go ahead and do that on the other side of this first horseshoe and then put your beads on your second horseshoe link and put your connection loops on the outside remember we're using number three you [Music] okay after you have your links made and your little head pins I will charm things we'll have to come up with a name for those somebody let me know I'm okay uh-huh and after you have these locked in and locked on and you're ready to move ahead with your earrings you have to make sure that these shapes are pretty much similar okay so I'm going to hold both of the eyes okay like this and I'm just going to bounce them toward one another a little bit giving me more of a almost like a defined you or a teardrop shape okay I'm going to repeat that procedure with the other link so that I can get a similar shape okay and these are pretty darn close again you can always tell you something gonna be on opposite sides of the head and seriously symmetry and I did not become friends personally until a few years ago so it's perfectly okay if they don't match okay now that we have these things done and we're happy with the shapes we're going to put all this together alright this is the exciting part we are very close to being able to wear these things okay so going back to the keyhole links that we made first okay and remembering that the back of our earring should be where our openings open and close so I actually had the back facing me alright let's go ahead and take those openings and place them into the connection loops we just made on each side of our you okay let me show you this one it's not quite open enough that's a good thing so I can show you how to do it using your chain nose pliers on the open end let's just go ahead and slightly and that wire away from the opening just like that okay do you see how that's twisted and that opens our link now I can put this onto my connection loop let me show you how to close this okay I'm going to place my chain nose pliers on the very end of the wire that I moved and I'm just going to bend this back the way it came and after I get it there to make sure that it's flush just going to hit both of those wires at the same time putting them both into the same plane now you see where that is not as closed as tight as I would like it to be let's just use our flat nose pliers and remembering how we did a spiral if I grab on to this around number five and spin my loop look at that closes up nice and tight okay so let's go ahead and connect each of our legs to each of our links and then we're going to talk about how to make them mirror image if we hadn't done so in the beginning [Music] okay so now I'm going to tell you something else that you can actually make for yourself you don't have to have earring tree I actually have an earring tree here that I can use however you may not have one and I was gonna bring it with me today and I'm apologize I didn't what I had done is I took a water bottle and I used a pair of scissors and I cut the top of my water bottle and I used that to hang my earrings on so you can make your own earring hanger while you work and the reason is right here okay first let's put the ear wires on our earrings and then I'll show you this little tip that you can use now to put the ear wires on the earrings I'm going to repeat the same process that I use to put the links on from my key holes to my horseshoes using my chain nose pliers up near the end simply going to twist the opening away to open it and let's put the link in and then let's go back to here on the edge and let's just roll that back okay and flatten it cool so now it's done pretty cool huh alright so let's put this on our water bottle or our earring tree and let's make the second earring you okay so we're done and I have to tell you the reason that I hang my earrings on a water bottle or plastic container or an earring tree is so I can look at every single detail okay not one piece of jewelry leaves my house studio wherever I'm working hotel room without me looking at and scrutinizing every single little thing okay if I'm giving it away if I'm selling it if I'm gonna wear it myself it has to be my personal best and to me this is the easiest way for me to do this now while we are looking at our earrings Kate let's talk about making their images again as I said that we would okay for this I'm going to have to wear my glasses and I'm going to look at my earrings okay if my Center spiral like here this is going this way therefore this spiral is going toward it oh and that one's going the same direction I really should change one of these okay so here's another little design tip when you have earrings or designs that go out they have a tendency to catch on to clothing or to hair more easily and it's also kind of like a flow away from the center like pushing away from the center I kind of like all my things to go in to kind of go together to hold together it's totally up to you you are the one becoming the designer okay so it's up to you whether or not you would turn my earring design so that the spirals based in or out as for me I'm gonna face them in now to do that and make this little subtle change I'm going to use my flat nose pliers and my chains my chain nose pliers again because they have a flat surface I'm going to hold on to my wire up here and I'm going to use my flat nose pliers to carefully twist my spiral in the opposite direction let's see if I did that in the right way okay so if we were to look at this design again now this barrel goes in that one goes in and the center one is the center one the only way that you can work with the center's is if they face either toward or away from one another on each ear if I look at this earring okay I'm going to have to make a few adjustments so while I adjust mine why don't you look at yours and you make the necessary adjustments now let's talk about some of the possibilities that these components have in making other jewelry designs you might enjoy for example if we look at the pendant right here on this chain the top part of this pendant is actually made of the keyhole link that we made at the top of our earrings let me tell you how I made this okay this is a large briolette bead it's a 20 by 30 meaning it's twenty millimeters across and thirty millimeters up and down all I did was take a piece of our 21 gauge round wire I put three beads on it and I wrapped it lightly around the bottoms of the legs that's all I did you can do this too oh yeah and something else I think it's very cool I've got these two check it out another pair of earrings now the fun part about these earrings which I call half a heart like you know have a heart half a heart whatever this is everything that we've done so far this is the horseshoe link stretched out with an extra loop on the top to put our ear wire in and it is two head pin charms so here you have three different designs that can be made just with the one we learned today remember you can find jewelry making tools and supplies at jewel school calm [Music] you know although I've had a good time working on our other projects the next project happens to be my very favorite right now because it kind of gets into the meat of what I really do traditional wire jewelry design I'm going to be introducing you to another wire basically an 18-gauge half round half hard wire and I'm going to be using the same beads or combinations of these that we've had before but we're going to be doing some pretty serious techniques the first thing that we're going to do is we're going to straighten measure and cut a piece of our 21 gauge square half hard wire and I know that you had as much fun as I did using the pin vise but I'm going to show you something a little bit different today so let's just take our wire we're going to eventually need 10 pieces each one 3 inches long however several of those wires are going to be twisted so rather than twisting them all individually I'm going to introduce you to one of my favorite tools so let's start out with a 12 inch piece of wire and my magic tool of the moment my drill okay using a drill is really not cheating it just makes your life a little easier and it makes your twisted wire a little bit more consistent so let's talk about how to use the drill while we twist this one piece of wire okay I'm going to open my drill and it doesn't matter if you have one like this or if you have a cordless screwdriver with a keyless hex chuck or if you have your pin vise okay your pin vise works good too but ladies you can now have a reason to borrow your husband's boyfriend's drill and gentlemen now you have a reason to bring your power tools into the house using my flat nose pliers to hold the opposite end of my wire again similar to how I use the pin vise okay we're not going to hold it in this fashion because it means you want to pull and you really don't want to pull it out of here so I'm going to hold it this way and again same as pin vise about two thirds of the way down into the job my player okay so I'm just going to push the button and let the wire twist no no if you could see that but that's pretty cool to release the wire I'm just going to open the drill and take the wire out okay I'm also going to just trim off the two ends that didn't quite get as twisted as I've wanted them to and that's why we only put about an eighth of an inch of wire into the drill if you really want to twist all of it and you want the entire foot twisted then I do recommend putting about an eighth of an inch longer into your length so that when you cut it off you still have a foot okay so let's go ahead and cut these as I mentioned earlier I need four pieces of twisted wire each three inches long so I'm going to cut this in the same fashion that we've been cutting wire and if I'm going to cut my second one of course I don't need my ruler I'm just going to but the first one against the second one and continue cutting okay so I have my four twisted wires I'm also going to need some straight 21 gauge square half hard wire and I will need six pieces of it and the reason that we're doing it this way folks is because you really need an odd number of wires in a bundle to make something that has a center [Music] okay I have cut my wire believe I have enough here one two three four five six and four of these cool so let's talk about what we're going to be doing with this wire okay the design I actually came up with I call the tulip column earrings and the reason being because the way I configured the wire around the beads both shown here at the top and at the bottom resemble the tulip okay an Art Nouveau tulip so by calling these the tulip column earrings it's kind of describing what you're going to be doing as far as technique goes you're also going to be wrapping wire as you can see and they kind of look like a Grecian column so that's where that name particularly came from so let's get started preparing our tape and bundling our wire now to prepare the tape usually when I pick up mine roll I'm kind of spoiled I have a tabbed ends I'm gonna take that off because you probably don't have that on yours and taping it may seem silly but it's actually very important I kind of prefer a quarter-inch quilters tape you can use a painters tape I'm tearing off about an inch and a half of tape let's just check that measurement okay and I'm folding part of the sticky back down onto itself forming this little tab and I'm going to prepare four different pieces of tape because I will need two for each earring bundle let me tell you a little bit more about the tape while we're preparing this if you have a tape that's going to leave a sticky residue you're going to have to use like an acetone or a denatured alcohol to get rid of it if you use something like this or painters tape and you leave your tape on your pieces for a while it shouldn't leave any extra residue but taping the proper way is very very important and it's going to make perfect sense to you in just a couple of minutes okay now to prepare my wire bundles we need two bundles each one consisting of five wires I'm going to use three plain wires and two twisted wires for each bundle okay I'm going to sandwich my twisted wires between the plain ones so I have plain twisted plain twisted plain and after I have these together I'm going to tap them down so I have one flush end okay meaning one end that's straight across now here's what the tricky part of the tape goes in I'm going to take my tape place it across the end of my bundle and press it down and notice this still some tape sticking up over here I'm going to fold that down onto the back of my bundle let's look at that so that the sticky part of the tape is sticking to the wire and not to the sticky part of the tape if you make sticky stick too sticky it will never come off and the reason that we want to do this is so we can use this tape as many times as possible and when you put a little bit of tension on this and I'm going to pull it across my bundle and press it down and then tension press now obvious I have a little bit too much tape here so I'm going to fold it down onto itself so I don't wear it to dinner tonight that's kind of like part of the uniform all right now I have my bundle it has one flesh end I'm going to hold my bundle on the tape I just put on and draw the wires up through my fingers keeping them all together and I'm actually making a one by five plank of wire okay now once I have my bundle together I'm going to put another piece of tape at the other end folding the sticky part onto the wire kind of anchors it and give it a little bit of tension and press a little bit of tension and press and I'm going to tuck the rest of this tape up because it really doesn't look good on your arms okay now I have one wire bundle this is one earring bundle I'm going to prepare this out one sandwich the twisted wires between the plane wires take one end and then tape the second end I now have two earring bundles two 5x1 planks of wire now remembering what we've done before I'm going to measure and Mark my bundles keeping my ruler so that my wire is between me and it I'm going to place the flush end of my bundle against the number zero measure down to one inch and make a mark across my wire now the nice part about this is I don't have to use my ruler again if I don't want to I can simply take my second wire bundle put it next to the first make sure that both flush ends are equal to one another and mark my second bundle just like that okay remember to close your marker they last a lot longer that way okay now let's go to the 18 gauge half round wire and the fun part about this wire is it's like half a circle okay you know where a circle is around and if you cut it in half you have like a half a circle okay this is a half round wire and it's very important to know that the inside or backside of the half round wire is the flat side okay and the outside or right side is the rounded side the dome now I just straighten this the same way I would straighten any wire and I'm going to measure and cut this wire I will need one piece four inches long now I know that we can't get in close enough to say this but if you look at your wire usually the inside of the coil is more shiny that's the flat side that's the backside now if I slowly turn this over you can see the front side or right side is domed okay it's not as shiny and that's kind of one of the ways that you can tell okay so looking at our bundle now we're going to use our flat nose pliers it really doesn't matter if you have the same flat nose pliers as I do or not okay the idea is to make a hook using the flat nosed pliers and the half round wire now because the back of my wire is flat I want that to be inside my tool okay and we know that this tool is close to a quarter of an inch wide guess what my wire is not therefore I need to choke up on or shorten the amount of wire that's in my tool and use about half of it now because you knew if you want you can make your hook bigger and trim it off later again I'm just trying to teach you good work habits it really doesn't matter which way you do it as long as you get your hook made now I'm going to take my tool and I'm going to roll it on my index finger and actually make my hook by folding this wire very tightly over the job my plier so if we look at my plier right there you can see that wire is folded right over that job okay now I'm going to hold on to this wire and I'm going to grasp the tail and slightly offset my hook okay I did this one really exaggerated so you can see it you see it looks like a kid seagull you know a little drawing okay anytime that you offset your wire the offset goes in the direction that you are coming from so if I'm beginning wrapping here and I'm gonna wrap in that direction down the length of my earring then my offset is going to be on this side of my mark okay the side of the bundle that you made your marks on by the way is your back so this is where your bindings a wrap should begin and end okay this is the most difficult part okay I'm just gonna tell you right now shake out your hands get it ready because this is the hardest part holding this wrap wire exactly where you want it to be is the most difficult part of wrapping I'm gonna use my flat nose pliers and I'm only going to hit it here on the bottom now the reason that I'm only hitting my wire here is because the wire is only going to bend on the corner okay it's not gonna Bend all the way across and if you put your pressure on across the whole bundle you're actually wasting strength and you're countering your move making your wrap actually more loose okay so now I have to be on the wrap wire every single time I'm gonna bring my plier up to the very top of my bundle do you see where my plier jaw is right at the very top of my bundle okay this is the only time that the index finger is allowed to touch this wire the only time and I'm not in your house so I can't tie your fingers to your hand but I have been known to do so so you might want somebody else to do it for you if you cannot keep your index finger from touching the wire except for this one time and this is going to shoot this wire over the top of your tool which is actually if you see over the very top of your bundle okay I'm going to rotate this like a propeller remember with wire jewelry you have to see what you're doing so I have to turn my wire so that I can see where I'm working I'm going to take my flat nose pliers and hold it anyplace on the right that's comfortable with my non-dominant hand on the top okay my thumb here it can only go up and down and that's what we want my index finger can do anything so we're not going to use the index finger going to use only the thumb and after I have put this wire here I'm going to use my thumb to press this wire up telling the wire where to go now notice I didn't push it whatever because I have a tool for that so I told the wire where to go now I'm going to take my flat nose pliers I don't want to hit it only at the bottom because that's where that wire bends and look at that you actually watch that this wire jumped right over where it needed to be okay come up to the top of the wire top of the bundle and with your thumb press you're wired 90 degrees again over the top edge of your tool which is over the top edge of your bundle roll your bundles so it's facing you hold it anywhere on the right that's comfortable with your thumb tell the wire where to go put it there at the bottom with your tool support it at the top and thumb 90 degrees roll it hold it tell it where to go put it there support it at the top 90 degrees now if we look at this right here I have two wraps here and on the back which is where my line is I actually have my end and two so I'm always going to have one more wire on the back because I always have an end and after I put this neck strap on here okay I have one two three that's called three wraps to show so anytime you see any of my directions or while we're talking and working together if I tell you okay we wrap three times to show you know to put three wraps on the front which means as you'll see here my last wrap on the back is going to be my fourth now all of my wire wraps should begin and end pretty much across the entire bundle for this specific project thanks I'm going to cut my wire and I'm going to save the rest of this for my next set of wraps I'm just going to put this wire down where it needs to be okay so here I have a wire bundle with one two three reps to show on the front actually four wires on the back so go on to your second bundle you the remainder of your 18-gauge half round wire and let's go ahead and make three more wraps to show on the front of the second bundle now if you can't remember what I did remember you can always rewind me and do this again [Music] [Music] okay so now you have two earring bundles each one wrapped three times to show on the front and the shorter area is going to be the top of our earring so go ahead remove the tape and as I remove this tape I'm going to remind you this is why see as I unroll it this is why I never stick my sticky to the sticky this comes right off I'm going to place the tape on my ruler so I can use it for another project now we can do this together or you can just watch me and see what I do and use your own ideas to create your own type of tulip and make your own earring design so where I'm going to start is with the front of the earrings facing me and because I want these to be matching pairs I'm actually going to make each earring at the same time going to do the steps on one earring and then I'm going to mirror the image on the other earring when it's necessary so right here I'm going to take each of the outside plain wires and just use my finger to bend them each down 90 degrees toward their respective sides you you now I'm going to measure each of these side wires from the edge of the bundle out to three quarters of an inch and cut the remembering that I need to hold my pliers properly and keep my little wires from jumping can I here's another quickie alright I measured it once I made my cut and now I'm going to make my other cut simply by lining my bundles up next to one another and using my tool to butt them against the wire ends you that's pretty cool huh all right now let's use the round nose pliers and what I'm going to do is I'm going to start small spirals at the end of each wire and roll them down using my round nose pliers to start them and my flat nose pliers coming in at 5 o'clock to actually roll these I'm going to end up next to the ramps okay we're going to do that on each side of each earring all right there we go we have begun okay now go ahead and Bend out the second set of wires which are the twisted wires you let's take a little bit of a break from wire work and add our beads okay you can be putting your beads on the top I am going to be using what did I use over here I used one six okay that looks good this is a six millimeter round faceted bead and I topped it off with a three millimeter round metal bead you now after I have my beads in place remember what to do use your chain nose pliers hold it perpendicular to the product immediately after the last bead and make a 90 degree Bend with your finger you go ahead and repeat that on the second earring now here because I have bent my first earring the top of the wire witches can become the connection loop I have bent that toward the left therefore just to give you an idea of a mirror image I'm going to bend this one to the right you okay now to make a connection loop I'm going to use the number two on my round nose pliers bring my wire up and over and seriously because this is kind of small I'm glad this happened here let's use the chain nose pliers to grab on to the end of the wire and bring it completely around the jaw you so I can complete my loop okay now we're gonna do a simple loop in this situation and this is where I'm going to just cut the end or the tail of my wire remembering everything I keep is from the flat side up and I'm going to press this into place with something with a flat inside okay and now I'm actually going to push this loop I made down into my earring so it's sitting right on top now that's gonna make my bottom wire a little bit longer but that's actually a good thing so go ahead and make the connection loop on your second earring okay now you can kind of see if you're familiar with my work I have a design out there called the angel chandeliers you can kinda see where that came from now alright let's continue on with the tulip now to make the tulip on the top I'm going to hold the six millimeter bead in place with my finger while I use my other hand to manually move both of these twisted wires up alongside the bead okay let's repeat that on the second earring you you now I have to make sure that my wires at the proper length meaning equal to one another we don't want them to be any shorter than they are but they do have to be the same length so I'm simply going to place them side by side and make any necessary changes which it looks like I only have one wire that's a little bit longer than the rest we go so now that my wires are the same length I have to trim them a little bit in order to make the tulip leaves and I'm going to measure them from the top of the wrap out two or three quarters of an inch I knew seems kind of silly that I had to trim them but you never know I might have changed my mind you okay this one looks pretty good actually it does look really good this one I thought one was a little bit longer just a hair right here you know this isn't rocket science not yet okay so now we can move these wires just a little bit out and use your round nose pliers on the tip of the twisted wire we're just going to roll these wires don't pull okay and if we roll them once and then halfway I'm going to form our first tulip leaf or tulip font I use my chain nose pliers to press them into place move that just down a little bit and see what that kind of looks like half of the tulip now I'm going to roll the piece in my hand so that I can hopefully duplicate the process on this side don't use your flat nose chains instead of your round go okay and here we go you have created your first tulip what you're going to do now is you're going to make your second tulip on your second earring and then we're going to make some more marks and do some more wrapping okay so we have two pair do tulips there we go okay and now we're going to go back to the back of our case I'm going to do a little bit more measuring now some people's wraps are not as tight as others therefore I didn't do this all at once okay on the back of our piece at the bottom of the last wrap I'm going to measure down the length of my earring bundle and mark it at one inch okay go ahead and mark your second earring bundle in the same fashion if you want to do the flip thing that works too okay and this time I would like you to straighten measure and cut one piece of eighteen gauge half round wire it's only going to be three inches long and sometimes some of the lengths that I give you are going to allow you a little bit of scrap but that's because as a new person to this art form sometimes it's a little difficult to play with wire that has very short tails as we found out on the top of this earring so sometimes I'd give you a little bit more leeway so using your half round wire three inches remember that we're going to make a hook offset in the direction that we're coming from you're going to place your hook on your bundle up and save minds backwards it's offset here so I would be rapping that way just gonna change that actually you know what even easier just change the position of my earring see now I'm starting here and working that way and I'm going to put two more raps on so remember lock your wire on come to the top on the rap wire right to the very edge index finger the only time it gets to play 90 degrees over the top of the bundle which is the top of the tool rotate this like a propeller gays support me knock that up there support your wire and hold it anywhere on the right side that's comfortable use your thumb to tell the wire where to go put it there at the bottom with your tool stay on the wrap wire come to the top of the bundle support it you should thumb and press 90 degrees over the edge roll it hold it tell where to go put it there support at the top 90 degrees and we only need to rep so when you get to the back side go ahead and trim press it down and the exciting thing take off your tape go ahead and use the remaining wire from the three inches and make two more wraps to show beginning at the mark on your second earring and working back toward the first wrap [Music] okay we're almost done let's do a little bit of decorating on the bottom make another tulip and then you can have to make another pair of your wires with the front of the piece facing you this is the side that does not have the ends of the wraps where they begin and end I'm going to again move all of the wires away from the center starting with the first plain wires one on each side and then I'm going to fan out the second twisted wire and repeat this on the second earring you you you okay place the combination of beads that you would like on the bottom center wire and I think I'm going to change mine around a little bit we'll see if they work I've got some a six millimeter rondelle's and I have these a very cool little four millimeter crystal spacers that's kind of pretty maybe it's a bit too much okay so let's just do two of the rondelle's and then we'll try the spacer I'm trying to do is I'm trying to break the color up just a hair that'll work can I'm gonna put a four millimeter on the bottom now we're just going to make a very simple loop at the bottom of this piece it doesn't have to be a wrapped loop however here we go again if you wanted to when you make your second pair make one of these wires about a half an inch to an inch longer now you have the ability to actually make a very small loop on the end of that and hang a dangle from it so here you go building another design can help it okay I'm going to use my round nose pliers here to bend the wire first to one side and then grab on to the end and roll up backwards just putting a little tiny stopper on this and I'll use my flat nose pliers to press it into place okay so you saw when I folded that wire it kind of jumped and split on me sometimes this happens all we have to do is make an adjustment now to make this type of an adjustment I'm simply going to straighten out the rest of that wire I'm going to remove a couple of these beads and let something a little different let's put a six millimeter round on here because we want to take up a little bit of space here we go Kim is straighten that out and one more time let's try this again go ahead and use your round nose pliers to move your wire toward the side and then to roll the end back so that ends up centered under your last feed okay now repeat that on your other earring now because the first one I did to the right I mean make this one go to the left not that it matters because this is not a rosette or a spiral but because I want to stay in the habit of doing things in the mirror image and again I just turned the piece because my hand wants to go that way that's actually a little bit long because we broke it before so it's just trim that and run and you know accidents just happen and you just kind of take it and roll with it seriously I have a lot of scrap wire at home but hardly any of it is because I cut up a design I just take what happens and go this is how you make new designs okay there we go now the last steps okay you're almost finished let's make our second tulips now to do that I'm again going to hold the beads in place with my index finger and Bend the twisted wires down alongside the beads both earrings you okay so let's make sure that these wires are the same length on each side they don't need to be any shorter than they are but they do need to be the same length you and once again to make your tulip move the wire slightly away from the beads you have a room to work use the tips of your round nose pliers and roll the wire toward at the bottom beads on each side you now I'm not going to place them yet let's just go to the next earring and repeat the step you now let's take our final wires the plain ones and move them down okay first I have to look at this and make sure that the back is facing me because I actually want these plain wires to sit behind the twisted ones so if you can see I just move those it's actually covering the twisted wire you see so if the back is facing you you can use your fingers to move these wires so that they are behind the twisted wires do that on each earring you make sure that they are the same length and this time you're going to roll these down you're going to end up immediately under the loops that we did for the first tool up you see now when I haven't placed them yet we're going to place those in just a minute you you okay so they're a little bit funky but that's okay let's use the flat nose pliers and let's put them into place [Music] so there you go you have finished your first pair of traditional wire jewelry design earrings you've done traditional wrapping how cool is that [Music] for more information about the supplies and techniques used visit jewel school comm and if you have a question or a challenge you can always email me down at JT be calm [Music] I hope you've had as much fun today as I have and if you think about it combining your own imagination with the techniques we've learned well you could probably create an entire wardrobe of wearable wire art awesome all right I'll see you here next time in jewels Bowl [Music] you [Music]
Channel: JTV Live Now
Views: 127,073
Rating: 4.8968596 out of 5
Keywords: jtv, jewelry television, jewelry making, jewel school, wearable wire art
Id: l0PX78yOP84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 44sec (6644 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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