How To Make A Feast From The Elizabethan Era | Time Crashers | Absolute History

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ten famous faces are going on an epic journey it's 2015 but not for long they're traveling into the past this is an historical circus with no idea where or when they're headed wow wake up in another place in another era oh my goodness exciting they've been told nothing in advance you know i've got absolutely no idea what we're doing i mean i've never had a costume fitting blindfolded so it's all a total surprise oh wow they're leaving the 21st century behind to crash land into six different moments in british history where are we we're early early 1796. welcome to 1913. oh wow they'll be stripped of their celebrity status i know we are we're servants thrust into testing environments where's the food it's coming i don't shout pulling these things in it is really hard work and thrown to the bottom of the pile shut up and listen instead of arguing can they survive everything history has to throw at them oh this is bad ah calm down fun we'll sunk the board please probably joking that's horrific they are the time crashers this is hadden hall in derbyshire 400 years ago it was one of the greatest manor houses in england now it's about to play host to 10 new visitors [Music] the first is hollywood actress kirstie alley is that a real pig oh lord the idea of living in a period of time that i would never have the opportunity to live in is exciting we learn things in school but to live it that's a whole different thing a lot of meat pheasants rabbits i don't know when they ate peacocks but they clearly did [Music] next olympic gold medalist long jumper greg rutherford oh wow that's what the smell was dead chickens which is nice hi hello how are we doing we're good good i love history and i've always wanted to travel through time and experience it kristy greg the opportunity to go and actually live it is hugely exciting it's taking me completely out of my comfort zone joining kirsty and greg are actor charlie condu wow tv presenter fern britain my goodness hello hey and commonwealth champion weightlifter zoe smith are we both servants it looks like it doesn't they probably are the time crashers have arrived at an extraordinary moment in english history the year is 1588. it's the height of elizabethan england and the country is a powerful trading nation luxury goods are coming in from overseas and at home industries like tin coal and shipbuilding are booming the rich are getting richer and building extravagant country residences like this one the need for domestic servants is exploding and that is where the time crashes come in the time crashes guide here we go to help the new arrivals settle in they've been given a guide to elizabethan life ah welcome to 1588 queen elizabeth the first the 55 year old virgin queen has been on the throne for 30 years a virgin queen yeah apparently she stayed a virgin the entire time you are all kitchen servants you must stay out of sight of his lordship and ladyship and their guests at all times especially the female kitchen hands who are paid the least you put that apple down i am master cook you are my new kitchen staff we eat when we are told and we eat what we are given that is theft my lord and lady are returning today we have a feast of many guests tomorrow i need you to follow me elizabethan feasts were all about showing off hurry up ladies don't dawdle a feast could cost hundreds of thousands of pounds in today's money and was often weeks in the planning kitchen would produce hundreds of dishes and the more flamboyant expensive and just plain weird each dish was oh man the better that looks like a pig head while the first time crashers faced life as lowly kitchen hands actor keith allen has higher aspirations i'm just wondering whether some people will be assigned a class role that is at the higher end of the spectrum and some which obviously will affect what they do i was born to the manor wow oh my god yes quite might even be lord of the manor joining him breakfast news anchor louise minchin oh wow what a beautiful room i'm in wow another bedroom are you myself am i your servant yeah do i look like your servants yes next in socialite meg matthews and footballer jermaine genus i think i'm going to be mate you don't look like you're going to be amazed i've got a funny feeling that now that i've seen you where the hell that where the hell we are the help oh i can stop behaving like a lord and last to arrive comedian chris ramsay oh i look like an absolute right one morning hello you are all household servants you have a prestigious position within the house according to this we're really respected yeah well i mean hope would you not respect them and dress like this joining me to watch over the time crashers is social historian and archaeologist dr cassie newland so you've actually got two sets of servants here we have and you'll see that in their outfits as well these guys are definitely household stuff i think you look very smart thank you very much that's their livery the clothing that's provided for them by the lord or the noble the better dressed your servants are the more respect you get compared to the lowly kitchen staff household staff are higher up the pecking order they are the personal attendance of the mistress and the master and they're normally from very good families high status maids grooms pretend upon me i am the steward of this house and steward of the estates he's in charge of household management if you like so he's basically going to organize them now and they're supposed to be deferential to him to work as a household servant is a great honour it is important that you behave with due respect and decorum at all times follow me quick keep up the head cook and the head steward will be watching the time crashes every move to see who does well and who does badly if they're successful then they'll be rewarded in the way that they would have been in 1588 if they're not then they'll receive a fitting punishment for fern kirsty and zoe that means doing what they're told no matter how unpleasant i need boris here peeled that means stripping the boar's face from its skull i want them to meet out in one piece just leave the skin and then you get to stuff it smells lovely doesn't he weight lifter zoe smith is one of the strongest women in britain i've never been a quitter i i don't like to fail [Music] so i'm just going to kind of like put a brave face on this i think and just like throw myself into the deep end get stuck in [Music] i feel absolutely sick to my stomach all right you're gonna have to man up get your hands in there as zoe is finding out this is not a job for the squeamish sorry we can do this between us you know that i'm sorry you're freaked out i'm so freaked out quick quick sorry while the kitchen staff struggle with their duties household servants louise and meg have a much more privileged do you know how to wash clothes they're entrusted with washing the lady of the manor's nightgowns if i made it soaking that yes it seems that that is that water dirty i think it might have something in it that's not water that smells of urine oh does it yeah do they wash any of it in the time before washing powder people used human urine instead and the older the better old urine contains ammonia a powerful stain remover still used in household cleaners today it's not like we're rinsing out the smell is it no and the elizabethan obsession with we didn't end there urine was also recommended for cleaning battle wounds and even for washing your face the urine has just got me socialite meg this is a world away from life in the 21st century that's not clean is it at all i have a cleaner so i don't clean i have a chef so i don't cook i have a soft walker so i don't even want my dog i'm using muscles in my body that i've never used before and it's quite generous so far i think it's pile of poo having women as domestic servants was a pretty new thing wasn't it yeah i mean it's very much a 1580s thing you've got this growing gentry class who are building big posh houses and there's this massive demand for servants so they are employing women for the first time they're very much in menial roles they're earning about 70p a day in modern money and because the gentry don't want to be seen to be employing cheap female labor they're all sort of hidden away in kitchens and scullers in the kitchen okay don't look sit down fern and zoe are struggling with the boar's head that's it don't look don't feel awful just just stay where you are do you want some water it may look gross but this was the caviar of its day as only high status elizabethans were legally allowed to hunt and kill wild boar making it the centerpiece for tomorrow's feast but in the bizarre world of elizabethan food defleshing the head is just the start zoe and fern have to keep the boar's skin intact and stuff it with sausage meat just just that is that's horrific just think of it as an ordinary chicken i hate this time period like why this job i have a hard time at home like getting like a chicken breast out of the packet i'm genuinely considering becoming a vegetarian this is horrible it's 1588 and the time crashes are elizabethan servants preparing a hundred dishes for a grand feast in a day's time we leave the eyeballs in the head yes and we sew around it later lord hollywood actress kirsty alley has stepped in to help tv present a fern britain skinner boar's head i would love tea to be invented for servants right now the second because i really really need one exactly probably laced with a little scotch man alive fantastic job i am so delighted that i managed to do it this snout looked like our black labrador snout and i kept thinking this is the dog you are awesome the feast will take place in the great hall the master of the house this was his public theater where he entertained his guests and showed off his wealth only the high status household servants would have been trusted with the privilege of preparing it it would have been strictly out of bounds the menial kitchen staff so what we like were employees we're not like slaves are we no not at all but that doesn't mean household staff chris keith and jermaine don't have to get their hands dirty we're in a very privileged position yeah it doesn't feel like it just not right no with the arrival of the lord and lady of the manor imminent former women behind men form a line of three the master steward delivers a crash course in elizabethan etiquette grace decorum you are honorable servants quite right but comedian chris ramsey hasn't got the hang of deference your loudness is not behaving with grace within the hall control your face don't look directly at me don't look around control it servants were expected to be expressionless in front of their superiors at all times don't look up too much looks too proud keep your eyes straight do not smile at anything the elizabethans thought that looking at someone suggested arrogance just sniffing indicated malice control the face control it i just think he doesn't like me face i don't think there's anything i can do with my face that's going to please that man the household staff have got a heck of a lot to learn about etiquette haven't they but actually it's all written down there were elizabethan etiquette books which tell you what you should do and what you shouldn't do but they're pretty weird have you read some of them like there's one about um advice to remove your hat whilst urinating even in the company of animals do you think the lord will say thank you when he gets here the time crashers can't afford to put a foot wrong in front of the lord and lady of the manner my lord has entered the estate ready yourselves ready yourselves what are you doing turning around turn around are you insane i don't think you should have us back to you're right but there might be some rule where how dare you look at our lord before he looks at you yes that way come on i've seen these fellas in the way let us pass my love let's move on survey my hall come by sweet why did you place yourselves in the center of the hall so the mastering could not get passed you just stood there you should be at the back you should be out the way this is their hall they needed to walk through it the time crashers are used to being the center of attention but in 1588 it's those of the highest social standing who should be given the limelight in the kitchen work for the big feast continues stitch up his nostrils and fern and cursed his elite beef and boar skinning has just got even more bizarre and the mouth all the way around the mouth otherwise if you don't sew up the holes as it cooks it will shrink and all the sausage meat will come out it's known like a big sausage snot lovely okay god's sake hey hey but the boar's thick skin is incredibly tough maybe i have the wrong angle or something there's your t it's going oh okay i've broken the needle they've broken the only needle in the house strong enough for the job my reputation is based on what comes out of this kitchen it's not gonna work scrap it after all their hard work stuffed boar's head is off the menu i really feel now having been on such a high that we've you know got the blinking skull out and now the last hurdle can't do it and the poor people who were failing as i'm failing now they'd be kicked out on their asses with the boar centerpiece in ruins it's up to long jumper greg ah there we go here he comes and actor charlie to create some elizabethan theater this is what i want you to prepare right we're taking butchery and turning it into art that is the weirdest thing i've ever seen hang on a minute they've stuffed the duck into the pig why half goose half pig this is a [ __ ] and trice the height of elizabethan culinary humor these will be the centerpieces for the feast there is no room for error here [Music] i mean should i just cut down and cut it in half oh man i might have to snap this you know i'm fruit tudors were complete nutters when it came to food the fact that they they put them on the table as a centerpiece like it's something beautiful to look at is really bizarre upstairs the male household servants have been sent to prepare their masters bed chamber he hasn't even got plugs next to his bed to charge his phone man the elizabethans believed that bad smells spread diseases scattering sweet smelling rose petals isn't decorative it was the official advice of the college of physicians for warding off the dreaded plague smells lovely [Music] warm his bed is the only other thing you can do [Music] and when you say warm how do we warm his bed it's not weird at all this is it [Music] this bloke is so rich he's got people to warm his bed for him i didn't realize bad woman was a job it's a hard life isn't it i'd like to bring it back and maybe do it professionally because it's a good job best thing i've done so far [Music] having already washed her night wear megan louise are getting their mistress ready for bed cleaning her hands face and feet with scented water for socialite meg it's a revelation i think i've got quite into being the servant now to wash someone's feet you might think it's a bit degrading or could be a little bit weird but it wasn't actually it felt quite soothing i wasn't really put out by it i think that's all for this evening well the front of house staff are done for the day there's still hours of work ahead for the kitchen hands if the feast is to be ready in time i don't mind saying i'm getting a little bit pissed off in this period of time people just were on a hamster wheel it was just endless and we're going round and round in circles there's just no time to actually sit down and go we're full on full on one two three four five six seven eight nine ten we made ten pies this is hard there's always that opening for hookers in town which i'm highly considering i figure i can tips i can make way more than i'm making here and all i have to do is pour beer and show my breasts i've got no idea what i'm doing actor charlie is struggling to sew up his [ __ ] and tries oh man you're right this is so difficult but olympian greg has a sportsman's determination to do a perfect job i think this is where it was killed there right so i'm going to try and do is cover that as well sewing the front end of a pig onto the back end of a goose i'm very impressed how am i never dropped as a seamstress it's a welcome success after a difficult day in the kitchen right you know what i know this is weird and a bit sick but i'm quite proud of that [Music] my day so far has been full of highs and lows for the household staff it's time for a meal in front of one of the few fires in the house i think we're all agreed it's hard work it's hard work yeah it's hard work yeah and i don't find any of it demeaning no it feels very comfortable because you are so clear what your position is it's so defined do you know what i mean kirsty and zoe where have they been all day in the kitchen really hard cooking all day all right ladies and gentlemen tomorrow is the feast day and it's going to be an early start and full-on [Music] so i would advise you to get your heads down quick as you can gentlemen you will be sleeping in there ladies you've got sleeping in the left-hand side fell though i didn't think i was a diva but i am i'll take it kitchen servants slept where they worked with only straw-filled sacks between them and the cold stone floor so this at the end of the day takes the last bit of air out of you first balloon i just be on the floor things aren't much more comfortable for louise and meg oh my goodness is this really where we're gonna sleep it's absolutely freezing the household staff bed down outside their masters rooms in case they're needed during the night [Music] we're so tired after today that we might just collapse that's what i'm hoping anyway that i'm so tired i don't even notice how uncomfortable i am but sleep doesn't come easy thanks to fern [Music] it's dawn the time crashers have had just a few hours of broken sleep right come on ladies time to go nice the wind's really [Music] good morning gentlemen up dressed pretty damn quick you got a big feast today a lot of roasting to do so we need to get the fires up to temperature right as soon as we possibly can there's a big feast today i think we should get the horses and leave there's got to be a carriage around there somewhere it was literally freezing you couldn't get warm and we had blankets all over us it was hideous it was just cool okay what's that beer this is why we work here in an age when clean water was hard to come by elizabethans instead drank what was known as small beer it contains two percent alcohol it is good and servants like fern and kirsty would have knocked back up to eight pints a day warm beer and lemon is the thing only tasty i think you'll find it's absolutely a taste sensation it'll be a better day breakfast for the kitchen servants is the standard grub of the elizabethan poor peas pottage a measly mix of peas and water i don't think i can eat any more of that meat would have been too expensive to waste on kitchen servants we've got bacon eggs ready for the household stuff but the household staff get a fry up oh you're having a laugh yeah if i were you i just wouldn't look at it are you kidding me that's not for us yes for you no way i'd like a fat piece if it's possible oh yes it's delicious look at those eggs they look so good was amazing as well just slapped you in the face this level of hierarchy they get nicer food and a nicer life in general oh it's definitely much harder being us while the higher status time crashes tuck in sorry mate the kitchen servants must crack on with preparing the feast now there you go right in the face fantastic here we go this way for olympian long jumper greg and actor charlie it's time to start spit roasting the meat on the menu two [ __ ] and trices 20 chickens a peacock i'll give you a hand as well 25 kilos of beef and mutton and two deers worth of venison nice all for just 20 guests you reckon one down from the top yeah why not yeah a flock of sheep cost more than the average townhouse in the elizabethan times so all this flesh is just another way for the lord of the manor to show off how rich he is how's that we seem to be getting the worst of everything the worst bedding the worst food um the worst jobs in my opinion you really are the lowest of the low i've just seen the other guys and they're complaining about laying the table well frankly i would swap with them in a heartbeat in the great hall the household servants are hard at work tell me what i want to eat off that polishing the plates [Music] in the elizabethan world everything had a status attached to it even the furniture i absolutely love that carpet starting to do me heading i don't know why they're bowing when entering the hall servants were expected to bow to the top table and the tapestry behind it whether their master was sitting there or not where's the loud fellow loud fellow hello comedian chris's confusion hasn't gone down well i hear you've been failing to pay courtesy to our lord's board oh i fear that chris won't be able to control not only his face but his deportment during the service chris cannot resist but play the fall he must suppress that he must control himself keep your front foot straighter if you can lower if you can if you could stick your rump out a little less that might be that might be better and hold you're trembling oh bad nemo that's what have you survived you're killing me left leg would be easier i don't know whether it's the mark of your deference how low you can bend but we might be in trouble you do this every time you come in the hall chris jermaine and keith will have to limber up on a busy day a household servant could bow up to 200 times satisfactory for the moment i mean this incessant bowing and protocol scrambles your head out in the yard the roasting of the meat is behind schedule gentlemen why on earth is this not in front of the fire already it should have been done get it on get moving now to speed up the cooking greg and charlie placed the precious [ __ ] and trices as close as possible to the fire i think he's getting frustrated because the banquet is coming and obviously the food's not ready and i understand it's all resting on his shoulders you feel practically worthless and all you're doing is just surviving to serve somebody else's chickens and you could be a potentially brilliant mind but it would have never been discovered it could have been physically fantastic but nobody would have ever known because ultimately if you were set to from birth to work in a kitchen you worked in the kitchen the kitchen hands are all under pressure part of the feast for my lord will be a banquet course which will involve sugar work very special the sugar needs to be broken and ground sugar course will form the highlight of the feast it's exhausting and sugar was yet another way to display wealth just one of the sugar cones that zoe fern and kirsty are pounding would have cost two months of their wages the nation would have to wait another 150 years before it got cheap and plenty for sugar when britain established the west indian plantations which relied on the backbreaking work of thousands of slaves back in 1588 it's still the height of luxury and yet another food that can be turned into art i'm making fried eggs to go with the bacon kirsty and fern have ground the sugar with almonds to make an elizabethan favorite marzipan that's a pretty color for this it's a very nice color i'm enjoying this i don't know if i'm in my element but it's clearly the best thing that i've been able to do these are little mice eating cheese this little beady-eyed mouth very impressed ladies really you obviously found your niche in life the feast is just one hour away great that one looks like it's coming apart which one one at the other end cock-and-tracks yeah you look at the bottom oh no it's split greg and charlie have put the cock-and-trice too close to the flames i absolutely don't like genuinely gutted this has spent so long sewing that thing as well i must look we've had an absolute nightmare it's got a little bit too hot and bad and it's falling apart i am concerned very concerned that this is just not going to happen [Music] we need a staff of about 80 to pull this off attend on me attend me for a moment it's not only the kitchen who are short of staff obviously women cannot serve at table it would be demeaning so you two down to the kitchen go and see if there's any tasks you can do as menial servants your reference please away continue your practice so we're not even allowed to serve no a feast had to be served by men [Music] [Applause] show me your hands we are very very low on [ __ ] steph you two at a seventh table go and wash your hands you'll be supplied with delivery go go now right come in oh my god these two scullions have been promoted to household staff you will need to teach them what we have taught you quickly [Music] for greg and charlie life is on the up [Music] well these are much better with the feast looming keith and chris finish laying the table left foot forward footballer jermaine has next to no time to bring the new recruits up to speed turn to right turn around which way do we touch you're right always do right always every time you go into the room you've got a bow three times i've been complaining about them saying god they've got it easy in there but now i would so much rather be out here it's like it's nonsense what we were doing well it seemed to have a purpose what they're doing has no purpose no none whatsoever a waste of time [Music] the guests are starting to arrive it's the moment of truth for the time crashers herbs flowers quick the first conveyance of dishes to the lord's table will encompass a very large peacock peacock cockler tries cockatoos no peacock cockatrices top table yeah those two are going to top table all right i am really really nervous i'm gonna try and control my face i can't promise i won't laugh it's just a nervous thing i will just laugh okay use your legs it's not just you're not just bending your upper body or puffering it like that it just looks good [Music] in the kitchen the meat is only just ready right come on ladies it's a scramble to plate up and hide the damage to greg's cockatrice today is an incredibly important day it is important to the status of our master they must get it right master steward we're ready to receive my lord's honor guests let's begin [Music] the lord and lady of the manor enter the great hall my lord hello worthy guests honored friends pray be seated the guests take their seats [Music] they are ready for the feast food there's just one thing missing they're waiting for it where's the food it's coming i don't shout [Music] out the ten time crashers have spent two tough days preparing for a grand elizabethan feast everyone's now seated with the most important guests closest to the lord but the food is nowhere to be seen so what goes first peacock for the lowly kitchen staff the hard work is done and then [ __ ] and choice it's time to hand over to the household staff according to elizabethan dining etiquette every dish has its place these two are top table the time crashers have to deliver the most expensive and extravagant dishes to the top table and the inferior food increasingly further away to the lower status guests not only that but every dish has to be placed with complete symmetry and they must bow three times with every dish they deliver all 100 of them how are we even going to bow with that i'll just lead you up the show's stopping dishes must be served first chris jermaine and keith take the lead with the peacock my lord before your great peacock bringing up the rear greg and charlie with their [ __ ] and trices forward peacock takes most of the room shut up what's next we want the two big haunches pigs and peacocks may be allowed into the great hall stop at the top and wait female servants can't go beyond the kitchen door so success or failure now rests entirely with the male servants my lord for your honored guests capons and haunches and no guest can eat a mouthful until every single dish is out mutton pies there's more food there's more food sweet pies next two custards top table custards thank you there's hardly any room for dinner pair of custards i mean all that bowing is absolutely killing my knees you just get going out again we keep going out and bow my lord sundry pies from your ovens my lord diverse salads it was all going really well they have to move some things around and then more and more food kept coming out and there was nowhere to put it space in the corner cheese towel cheese with the food coming thick and fast what's this big one for where's that the plan for perfect elizabethan symmetry goes out the window one table got like 10 pies and then another table just got meat it was like desperate dan's table was just bones and flesh everywhere i put art but they're puddings in the elizabethan world enough was never enough it's beef it cannot be anymore [Music] i have never seen so much food so much food and still the food kept coming out [Music] there may be chaos behind the scenes but at the feast it's essential to keep a straight face game face game face quick bad thoughts bad thoughts quick you're gonna lose your job in a world where just sniffing is an insult a servant laughing would be beyond the pale space my lord [Music] after 30 intense minutes all 100 dishes are out and the eating can begin i suppose the point about all this food is they haven't over ordered like we might do at the chinese restaurant it's not just about volume even though there is a lot of it it's about where everything comes from it's spices from asia it's citrus in the mediterranean it's hard to get hold of things this is power visualized it's designed to show what kind of standing you have did you hear that but there's still room for yet more elizabethan theater in there hello we've got a few of our friends [Music] master server he will attend upon my lord and break open the two pies which are before him live frog pies with the elizabethan's idea of a joke it falls to chris to handle any escapees with calm dignity [Applause] the main feast is over god save you all god save you but the eating doesn't stop the lord and a few chosen guests leave to enjoy a very special treat [Music] the exclusive sugar banquet courtesy of fern and kirsty what you're going to see next is the most conspicuous bit of consumption ever so this is your beautifully sculpted marzipan and your sugar fancies this is very exclusive only the chosen few get to go and have the sugar course because it's so expensive it's like opening your bottle of best brandy for your vips this love affair with sugar meant that the elizabethan elite had notoriously rotten teeth one teeth whitening treatment of the day was gargling with spirit of vitriol that's sulfuric acid [Music] the time crashes work is over time for the women to find out if they'll be rewarded or roasted for their efforts cheese tart i fought hard to get that you did fantastically well your reward for doing so well you get the ends of the lord's candles oh it's not much after all the work you've done it may not seem much of a bonus but a beeswax candle would have cost an entire day's wages for the kitchen staff thank you very much without you it couldn't have happened very impressed my time in 1588 has taught me to never go back to this period in time to me it just feels like the only thing reminiscent of this in the united states was slavery i thought it would be romantic and chivalrous it's not it's filthy it's smelly it is sheer hard work in the great hall you're right keith the household staff are completely wrung out attend upon me oh well it never end well done you did a superb job i was amazed and delighted i must admit when you came in yesterday i didn't have much hope for it in fact even about an hour before i didn't have much hope chris i was particularly impressed by you you're a man who obviously has difficulties controlling himself but at the end of the day you went away able to control your face well done warm yourself by the fire and stuff your faces thank you very much and i shall give you a final bear from me like you cheers scraping through someone's leftovers may not seem like much of a reward oh yeah but for the serving staff it would have been one of the few perks of the job cheers cheers [Music] people in the 21st century spend a lot of time having fun and filling their lives with stuff whereas it seems to me in this period there's no time for that it's work you are born to work i tell you what i haven't worked that hard for a long time like ever try ever it's been hard really hard i feel embarrassed to sit here and say oh it's hard because i can only imagine what the people of 1588 was going through yeah it must have been really tough you're just not allowed to be happy because i can't even smile up there what kind of life is that not when i want to live that's for sure [Music] the time crashers have come to the end of their stay in 1588 and although at times it seemed unlikely they've managed to pull off a grand piece of elizabethan culinary theater but it's been two days of sweat and toy from the minefield of elizabethan etiquette to the heat of the kitchen our time crashes have learned that in 1588 status was everything and we've seen the birth of domestic service as we know it the butlers footmen and maids who for centuries to come would serve our nations wealthy [Music] next time oh my god wow the time crashers find themselves in medieval england welcome to 1468 oh we've gone back even further then where they go head to head preparing for a joust that man's life is in your hands basically weapons ready who will emerge triumphant jousting is a war game they're not messing around out there quickly now and who will crash and burn oh this is bad this is let the awful begin
Channel: Absolute History
Views: 113,117
Rating: 4.9296584 out of 5
Keywords: history documentaries, absolute history, world history, ridiculous history, quirky history, elizabethan era, elizabeth 1, elizabethan, fern britton, louise minchin, zoe smith, meg matthews, kirstie alley, keith allen, charlie condou, chris ramsey, jermaine jenas, greg rutherford, tony robinson, time crashers
Id: ipY0caQC1tQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 29sec (2789 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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