How to make a Discord Bot Without Coding

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hello ladies and gentlemen welcome again to my channel it's your boy Zeno in the building and in today's video I'm going to be showing you how you can install your own path for your Discord server I'm going to give you a step-by-step tutorial without any need of coding it's going to be easy you're going to give a commands and it's going to do whatever you want So before we get started I would like to inform you these videos for educational and entertainment purposes only if you find any value in this video which you will please smash that like button and hit that subscribe button so you can start following my channel so let's get started thank you [Music] so to make this all work we're gonna go ahead and visit two links I will leave a link in the description of my Discord that being said go ahead and visit it and go ahead and verify yourself right here uh you know hit verify And subscribe to my YouTube channel after 15 seconds you will be automatically given the rules to see all the channels and we're gonna visit this channel right here for these two links as you can see you can also just type them over you don't need to you're not obligated to join my Discord but uh yeah feel free to do because we also have a support page let's go ahead and visit the first two links that's already here this is link number one and our first step what we're gonna do here is we're gonna go ahead and make a Discord bot name again this tutorial is for people that don't know any coding and it's going to be easy or wants to start learning how to code because this is the first basic steps let's go ahead and give it a test oops so out there test bot uh cool and we're gonna hit check this and create it and here we can actually add a picture if we want and what I went ahead and added this picture here you can give it a description Lambo and you can give it tax um go ahead and save it after that is done we're gonna go ahead to click on bot right here and then we're gonna go ahead and scroll down we're gonna check this this and this so that's gonna be these three right here that you can see and then we're gonna click on here and Save then you've saved it then we're gonna click on here right here yes and then we're gonna go to URL generator and we're gonna click on here and here we're gonna give it the permissions let me go ahead and explain this quickly Um this can do everything you want but it's also dangerous if for whatsoever reason your Bot gets hacked I don't know why or how then it has administrator rights if you just want it to manage generals ban people send messages etc etc and you know exactly what you wanted to do then go ahead and only check those as for this tutorial I'm going to be using this right here on your own risk we're going to go ahead and copy this link and we're gonna paste that in our browser as you can see right here I'm gonna hit enter it's gonna add it to the server we want testbot 2 with the picture as you can see we're gonna add it to the server right here and we're going to authorize administrator we're going to confirm that we are human and we're gonna go to the server that we just added it to it's gonna be this one right here and as you can see here it is but it is offline so we're gonna go ahead and get it off online uh how we're gonna do that is we're gonna go ahead and visit the second link this right here open it up we're gonna go ahead and click on create a bot as you can see and we're gonna press on that um you're going to be be taken to this link right here where you need to give the path token uh what you just saw I logged out so you see it as a new user uh we're gonna go back to link number one we're gonna go to uh bot we're gonna reset token hit yes do it and I have authenticate authenticator key for my Discord so I'm gonna go ahead and press this in uh you might not have one so it will do it for you right away and it has been reset we're gonna copy it we're gonna go ahead and fill it in right here I'm gonna go ahead and create but and we're gonna go to the settings uh nut settings modules oh sorry it is settings I clicked on premium settings and the bot is online it's online let's go ahead and check if that's actually true and the spot number two there you have it as you can see it is online so that is awesome so now the question is um what are the next steps and that is to actually see what it can do uh let's go ahead and oh let's go ahead and see what commands are possible if we do slash right here we're gonna go over to our bot and here we can actually see all the commands we want to give it so that's pretty awesome it can do everything um let's go for a test and we're gonna say say uh if you have any questions please open up a support post something like that support questions but server just like this it will actually say it and you can automate this process for instance if you want this to be set every x amount of time every hour Etc it is possible you can also um give it warnings or whatever let's go ahead and test that out we'll go to modules right here and we're gonna go and scroll down and we're gonna go ahead and click on Auto Part and here we can enable enable auto moderator so let's go ahead and do that and here we can enable the things that we want it to be able to do so if someone said bad words it's going to delete and warn that person if someone sends links it's gonna do the same thing uh Mass emojis server invites and links and etc etc so we're gonna go ahead and for this tutorial we're gonna go at an uncheck ignore admins the reason why is because I'm an admin so if I'm gonna test this right for you guys it's not gonna work so I'm gonna go ahead and uncheck that we can hit DM reason and what that means is that if someone does something that's not allowed they will get a warning and it will message to their inbox and you can log everything which you also want okay so this is where the logging will happen uh so for instance let me go ahead and delete this and add a new warning for you for instance you can name whatever you want and then we can click refresh right here on this right here refresh then you can see the channels and right here it's been added we're gonna go ahead and hit save and now how we're gonna test this is we're gonna go ahead and post the link here let's see what happens and it didn't get deleted that is because it's a link of itself of course so if I do any other link there you go it's gone and I've got a TM you've been warned if we go back in here not this one residence right here you will see that we also received a warning so we can test that one more time got it DM and a warning right here that's how easy and awesome this is what this means for you is that you just created a bot without any coding you've automated the process for it and that's pretty awesome and this is the first step if you go back to your dashboard you can go ahead and add more modules uh more Automation and this is all free if you go to the premium you also have premium options but look how how much free options you have you don't even need the premium so yeah that's about it for this tutorial again if you wanted to do more things you can just go ahead and see right here and do more research for yourself try it out test it out this is the foundation of trying to to build something yourself so I hope you enjoyed this video I hope I made you understand it good if I did please give me a thumbs up don't forget to also subscribe to the channel and if you have any feedback from me please leave it thank you all for watching and have a very pleasant day goodbye [Music] foreign foreign
Channel: ZinoNetic
Views: 1,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discord bot, how to make a discord bot, how to make a discord bot without downloading anything, how to make a discord js bot, how to make a discord js bot without downloading anything, how to use discord js, how to host discord js bot, how to make discord bot online forever, how to make discord bot 24/7, how to make a discord js bot 24/7, how to make a bot without downloading anything, how to host discord js bot online forever, discord js v13, discord.js bot tutorial, discord
Id: vKPSmJR27W0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2023
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