How To Make A Concrete Bonding Slurry

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okay I'm going to be making a bonding slurry here and the slurry is preferential to just using straight bonding agent which can create a plane for de laminating between the layers so to avoid that what you want to do is you want to mix them into a paste with a Portland cement now in this instance I'm going to be using an acrylic fortifier this product is going to be beneficial because this this concrete bonding application is going to be for an underwater application and as a result I'm going to need something that's going to be able to stand up to the hydrostatic pressure more so than the other style this is a this is thin this bonding agent is the thin one like milk as opposed to the thick one like a white glue the white glue one is very easy to use very user-friendly it's called Li the universal bonding agent this one here is a little bit more technical of a product but ultimately if you're going to be doing something that is going to be exposed to constant water the thicker white glue product is not ideal for the application you want to go with an acrylic latex product here and I'm going to show you how to make that bonding slurry now so the optimal liquid content here is going to be 50 percent water 50 percent of this acrylic fortifier so this is about 1 liter here so I'm gonna go ahead and add half of that into our bucket here so I want 50% of my liquid content to be this acrylic fortifier so we got about 500 milliliters in there now half a liter and then I've got 500 Mills water so now I'm gonna have equal parts water and the acrylic latex a now all you're going to do is add Portland powder to this and that's what I've got in this bucket here is just some regular old Portland powder and the amount that you add more so than a measured quantity is going to be how much can we add to achieve the desired consistency that we're looking for and once what we're looking for in terms of consistency it's somewhere in between warm butter but not quite fully liquid yet that's kind of what we're aiming for here with this consistency such that we can brush this bonding slurry on with a you can use a paintbrush or you can use a amazing brush like this this is good for dunking in water and applying water to your concrete - to achieve the saturation or surface dry basically all of your concrete has to be damp before you apply the bonding slurry you never want to apply a bonding slurry over a dry concrete so you can use this brush to throw around some water get your concrete nice and damp and then when you're bonding slurry is ready when you're ready to apply your new concrete over your old concrete you can dunk this into the slurry and paste it on and then apply your new concrete over that I'm going to keep going here still a little bit watery so gonna add some more Portland once you have the slurry all mixed up it will actuate or become hard faster than normal concrete that you might be used to working with and you would definitely want to take care you never want to leave your bucket of slurry sitting out in the Sun or something like that you always want to cover it or provide it some shade and that way you can get the maximum amount of working time out of it before you find that it's hard in your bucket and you need to make another all right so I've got something that I think is maybe not 100% but I think we're pretty good here so as you can see it's almost self leveling it's really like a quite a liquidy product take a look down inside there so I'm gonna spend another couple of minutes maybe even take my drill and whip attachment and send it through here to get this all this Portland broken down once you got it all creamy all mixed together in some kind of consistency similar to what you see here then you would take your brush dunk it in the slurry paste it on to your old damp concrete and that's how you make a bonding slurry if you found this information helpful please be sure to like this video and you can check out my website swimming pool Steve calm
Channel: Swimming Pool Steve
Views: 211,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: concrete slurry, slurry, concrete, bond, bonding, bonding slurry, portland, portland cement, cement, acrylic, latex, acrylic latex,, Swimming Pool Steve
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 18sec (318 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2019
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