How to Make a 3D Lightsaber in Adobe Dimension

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how to make a 3d lightsaber in adobe dimension hey guys Cary Hawkins here with another vector made calm tutorial today we're gonna be talking about creating a lightsaber in adobe dimension plus if you stick around at the end I've got a nice Photoshop bonus for you so let's start off by clicking the ellipses next to create new I want 1920 by 1080 at 72 resolution pick your own size just know the larger you make the resolution the longer it's going to take to render later so be careful this is blank so far what we're gonna do is come over here to file and import image as background and I've already got this nice Luke Skywalker Return of the Jedi lightsaber that was it's flat I found this online it's a great image you just want to have it in the background to basically have a reference right you could have a reference in another monitor if you prefer but I like to have it right here because I'm going to be building right on top of it next thing we'll want to do is we'll come to camera camera view front you can also hit alt 2 as a hotkey then come over here to camera bookmarks click on this and say main or you can call it flat or whatever else you know whatever helps you remember the reason we do that is let me show you if I right click and drag I'm changing the plane that we're on but that image in the background doesn't move so it messes up your alignment if you're doing this and you're like I want to get back to our was what's really hard to align this perfectly flat again so you just come over here to your camera bookmarks click on main and it snaps right back to where it was really handy so we're gonna make everything with these basic shapes today and there's lots of options so it's going to I'll show you how you can make this piece right here and kind of give things little rounded edges and stuff like that it's pretty cool let's jump right in so first we're gonna click cylinder that's going to drop a cylinder right in the middle of everything on of the plane this horizontal plane so we'll want to drag it until it snaps to being in the middle we're going to want to rotate the z-axis and probably hold shift so you get a minus 90 degrees snap and then I'm going to come over here to where it says cylinder and change my radius to let's just try a few here maybe one point five one point three five I like one point three five that looks good enough and let's drag this all the way down to about where it needs to be probably there is perfect so I've got about eight inches and that works just fine now so that we can see behind us you can either click this little eye icon to hide it or you can come into here and double click on cylinder and then lower the opacity right here if you want to see it a little bit but for now we're good let's just let's just unclick it so we can't see it but let's do that after we make a copy so ctrl C and then we'll hide it and then ctrl V so that we are seeing the new cylinder see we've got the cylinder that we can't see and the cylinder that we can see and I'm going to drag this one over to about here and I'm gonna reduce the height to mmm let's see maybe two point two five two point three two point three five somewhere in there I like two point three five I think that looks pretty solid and let's increase the radius to maybe one point four or five yeah that looks fine to me do the same thing ctrl C to copy it let's go ahead and hide it control V put one in there and bring this one to about here and then increase the height on this one to see why don't we try four even yeah maybe three point nine I like four let's go with four okay next up let's create this back section here has these cool shapes like this that it's not it's not very intuitive how to make these so what you do is click on cone and then I'll just drag that down a little bit grab the slice over here and click 180 and you'll see what that does in just a sec top radius let's say 1 1 and 0.75 something like that and then make this a 3 and then I'm gonna rotate it I want to do 90 degrees there it is and then bring it down so there you have it I've made that shape roughly we'll we'll just tweak the dimensions a little bit but basically that's what it's going to be go back to main I'm gonna add in the cylinder just so I can make sure we're in the right plane and we are not I'm gonna go to bottom so that it's closer to the shape click it over here let's go back to our main camera again just so I can see everything clearly come over here let's change the height no height was fine let's try it let's just do it this way we'll drag down on the z-axis to about here and I'm just gonna click and look make sure that looks about right I you know that's not bad I might make it a little bit wider maybe do something like that you just want to get it to where it looks about the way it does in the picture and that it's nice and centered and it does look to be centered so that's cool now let's go back to the main again I'm gonna click copy and paste and this one's gonna rotate on the y-axis 180 degrees drop it down over here about in the same spot as the other one and let's just look around make sure that looks cool yeah that looks good so I'm shift clicking to select both of these and I'm gonna hit control G to put them into a group you'll see group and then both of your cones and now I can select the group and move it around now if I click Center on group hopefully this will actually change to the center let's see nope but it's being funky and we're gonna go with top because tops actually in the middle of these two isn't that weird that's really weird yep yep that's whatever you go with whatever the program lets you do all right so it's already in the right spot we've got it in the right location now what if I click on it okay now it's doing it back to Center see this program has some things like that that bother me but I like it it's a fun program alright so now it's working on Center if you have the same thing just click a few times and it will flesh itself out I'm gonna hit ctrl-c and ctrl-v to paste another group and i'm gonna look at it from this angle and rotate on the X I'm holding shift and I'm gonna do 45 boom control C control V do the same thing again hold and do another 75 and that should look terrible because I didn't do enough let's go here again should be 15 more and then this one is now fine now it looks like the way I wanted to do I just didn't do this enough there you go so we've got this nice rotation all the way around of this same shape cool cool cool I'm just gonna group all of these together in their own group we can name them you know filled no I don't know what I call it end of handle something like that so now I can just move the whole thing if I wanted to and let's just go look at main make sure everything looks good everything looks good so there it is next thing I probably would do is actually copy this and then paste it and make a smaller but slightly larger section like 1.36 and drag it over here something like this yeah probably there I might try one point three seven one point three seven one point three eight see what that looks like I'm gonna go ahead and reveal everything and go back to May and just see kind of how that looks that looks pretty good I mean I'm happy with that next thing let's do a let's do this little nubbin on the end so for that I'm gonna drop in a cylinder and drag it down to where it aligns we're gonna rotate it on the Z we're gonna lower that radius a lot and the height a lot I'm gonna be able to see it still so let's drag it out so I can see where it is 0.25 I mean 0.125 might even be good sides is good let's do a bevel and probably doesn't matter how big the radius is anything's gonna be fine well let's go ahead and make the height a little bit bigger we'll do one so that we get a little bit more of a bevel how about that and then we're going to drag it all the way through over here I'm gonna click right click on my mouse to drag around and kind of stick it about there maybe out just a little bit more and what I might do is lower the radius 2.5 mm point seven five yeah I think that looks pretty good and we'll just drag it in just a hair more there and we'll go back to my main camera you can't see it because it's obscured over here but we know that it's there and you know what I might do let me make sure that this is the one let's just call this one black end cap all right for the rest of this I'm gonna group and call this lower handle just so we know everything's in here right this is our little end cap it's gonna be a different color so I'd like to keep it separate but everything else is in here lower lower handle cool cool cool next we want to make these kind of this accordion looking section okay so for that let's drop in another cylinder lower it down rotate it I'm gonna lower the radius it's gonna be bigger than one we need to probably go to five ish 0.35 somewhere in there again height let's see what one looks like I wanna drag it over here so I'm gonna see it let's see maybe point two five two point two looks good for that little centerpiece you know about there I like that and I need to make two sides as well to make the to make this side we're gonna do a cone so we're gonna drop in the cone here and rotate the cone this way along the z-axis 90 degrees and top radius let's say one for now bottom radius 1.25 and the width is probably you know something like 1.125 let's see and it needs to be a little bigger at let's do point one five point one seven five and I probably want to make sure that this is touching so I'm gonna zoom in a little bit okay this is point one three five so we need whoops we need one point three five here so that it's touching and then I'm gonna make it point two and then drag this over to where they are touching now go back to main that looks about right I think that's gonna work out just fine now as you make it you may have to adjust these a little bit but this is the general idea I'm gonna go ahead and click on this control C control V Mikami bring it over here rotate it around and then kind of bring it back make sure they match I'm gonna zoom in again just to make sure I can see this I think that looks pretty good now another thing I might do here is is to change your color so click on this let's call the base because we're make we're gonna be making copies of everything and so let's make the base color black this parts a little bit more plasticky looking you what you might even do is come over here and just grab plastic and put it on there and then change the base color of the plastic to black so right there that's probably the best thing to do because it's gonna give you some a little bit more texture than if you just put it as a black color you know in the picture here it kind of looks plasticky so let's just go with a plastic look for this I'm gonna go with and I tested this out a whole bunch what I liked was this let's see it's this dark and antique bronze over here in substance materials so you put that on which gives it a nice texture but the color is wrong then you click on it again come over here to color and pick something that's kind of like greyish mid mid gray tone somewhere in here you know if you want you can use your eyedropper and just grab something that's over here - maybe this is maybe this is a good color really light just try that see if that works for you and then you can come over to miscellaneous you can mess with the resolution 10 20 24 is fine you can randomize it and what's cool about randomizing is it will do slightly different roughness to the texture so it's not the same looking on all of them I highly recommend that you do that too so next let's go back to main we will create a copy of these two I want the middle and the right to drag over here control-c control-v i'm going to bring it over i'm gonna zoom in again using my mouse wheel just scrolling in to zoom and i just want to see if we're touching we're touching overlapping a little bit it's fine I'm gonna go ahead and grab all of these just click and drag over them and drag it over to make sure they touch and I'm gonna go back to our main and just see how everything's looking looking pretty good I think I'm happy with that all right back to main now you just click and drag on one of these and I would say go ahead and group it we'll call it single accordion maybe that would work it's a good idea and then we'll just ctrl C a control V and drag it out it's like so control-c control-v drag another one out ctrl-c ctrl-v drag another one out control-c control-v and drag another one out and I gotta go back and look and see how many I need I forget so it's one two three four five six seven eight nine ten of those I've got one two three four five six I need four more and I can already tell I'm gonna have to accordion these out a little bit more one two three four all right so now we've got them they're probably not all perfectly spaced and as you can see it's a little bit shorter than our model over here so what you might do is just grab them all and scale them a little bit of course I'm gonna change this to scale from the bottom or top oh it's not gonna do it the way I want it of course it's not well tell you what we're just gonna do it the way I think is gonna work maybe we can scale it on X so if I scale it on X just a little bit let's just do one click of my keyboard and then drag out I think that's gonna be good enough that that looks fine to me I'm okay with that another thing you can do is come over here to align and distribute and click on that and it will bring up these handles and you can align things this way if you need to if like there's space in between you know it's pretty handy for when you're making stuff like this like we wanted all 0 so 0 0 0 it's perfect everything's really good right there I'm gonna grab this and just drag it out a little bit more cool let me go back to main looking good let's just do are those they're not grouped I want to group those group 11 will rename this to just call it accordion cool cool cool I'm gonna go ahead and drop in another cylinder drop it down here like so we're gonna rotate it around actually I'm gonna do that on the center if it will let me there it is I had to click away and click back on I don't know well you have to do with it but hey it does its own thing sometimes and you just got to work with it so this is probably 0.75 inches on the radius and we only need it to just go short little way here so let's not make it too big maybe two inches of height maybe only 1 inches of height 1 inch of height something like that I think that's fine that'll be good I'm gonna go ahead and click back to main I'm gonna grab this and ctrl-c ctrl-v bring this guy over here make the radius probably one inch yeah the height half an inch quarter of an inch I think quarter of an inch and then drag it over here that looks pretty good I'm gonna go ahead and ctrl-c ctrl-v again and put another one right here next to it this one needs to be 0.15 maybe mm-hmm and let's go 1.25 1.35 that looks good I'm gonna go ctrl-c and ctrl-v again drag another one right out here make the radius less let's do one point two five one point two one one I think one point two is probably gonna work Heights just play around with a little bit maybe 0.5 no it's 2.75 98.7 five works very well I'm gonna grab this one over here ctrl-c ctrl-v drag it out to here and little reduce that radius down to 0.65 yeah and let's make it two inches that might work I'm gonna just check to make sure we're good on spacing here appears to be just fine go back to my main again and you're just gonna rinse and repeat all the way through this section doing all the same things that we're doing right now so control-c control-v drag it over just a little bit increase that radius 0.75 0.85 I think looks good we don't want it to be very big maybe half an inch quarter of an inch point three five inches stuff like that so just input this until you get it to where it looks the way it needs to that's all I'm doing very simple stuff here radius again a one point one point one one point two five that looks pretty good let's do a half an inch let's do point seven five inches and probably gonna do a little bit bigger point eight five maybe just a tad bigger point nine five do I go to one that's good control C control V and let's make this radius bigger something like that and let's do that ctrl-c ctrl-v once again we're gonna go five point seven five yeah point one two five maybe and then maybe on this one when you add a little bit of a bevel just to give it that rounded look and default was great I think default is gonna work just fine copy and paste again come out just a little bit make this one slightly bigger and maybe not quite that big something like that okay I think that's all we need for the gist of this the basic shapes I think we're good I think that's gonna be just fine so we'll go back to main and here's what what it looks like so far now let's just go in and color everything and add some final touches okay I made a couple little tweaks because some of the spacing was off in here and so that's why it's gonna look a little bit shorter than it did just a second ago but not a big deal feel free to do the same thing with your own model it's hard to get these things perfect all the time what I want to do is add a little bit of detail to this back section let's just see where we are I want to get the right ones here and it would help if you labeled these but you know what I'm lazy and I don't label stuff all right clicking on this cylinder here I want this one and I want this one here I'm gonna click on bevel and I'm gonna reduce this to a very small amount point one is probably good and I may even reduce it to nono 20 I'm gonna leave it on 20 and point one that's fine this one is here okay same thing point one I think that looks fine let me kind of look at my reference again looks like there's a little bit of a bevel a bit beveled edge on this as well so that would be the main cylinder where is that one is on here yeah this one so let's just see what point one does on that as well yeah just rounds it off a little bit makes it look a little bit more realistic I think that looks nice and this one we might try a bevel point one as well and that one go 0.05 maybe see if that looks better yeah I'm happy with that that'll be fine all right and then what we're gonna do is I want to color all of these that same substance material which is this dark and darkened antique bronze just click and drag it all over everything here and then what you'll have to do unfortunately is you got to go into each one of these and change the color but we've already done it so you just grab this down here oh yeah I forgot that's cool when you got a group tittle just do it for everything so that's super super nice the other thing I want to do is grab this black end cap and give it that plastic look which is cool and then change the color to black cool so it's a plat black plastic end caps looking thing I'm sure it's not plastic if it's a real Jedi but you know whatever alright what else do we need to do we've got that's black with one little silver so these two need to be that same plastic look I could group them but I'm not gonna mess with it we'll just go into each one so you can see what that looks like plastic black oh because they're both selected it did both them at the same time that's wonderful let's grab this one we'll do the same thing with that Derek and bronze and then come over here to grab the right gray then we'll grab these two which are actually like a darkened bronze we probably just grab that and leave it we might try a different color like what about this one is this scratched copper we might try that just to see what that looks like it'll be different and then really all the rest of these - that one are also going to be in this dark and bronze and we'll just go in here to one of them and change the color to this gray again so we should be good as far as all of the coloring is concerned what I might do is again just grab some of these and give them a little bit of a bevel you know 105 kind of bevel just so they don't all look absolutely perfect you know it's one thing it'll look a lot less a point over at that point buy it wouldn't be terrible try this one bevel 105 I just said accordingly again I want point O five people point oh five there and then this one the same thing hopefully 0.05 look so good on this let's see might be too much oh do it again on this one that's probably all I need to do I don't think I need to do it on these that'll work just fine and let's look at what that looks like on the main hey we're looking really really good I want to go ahead and get rid of my background and let's just do a quick render one thing I want to point out is ah if you're gonna render it you've got to drag everything above this plane or it won't render the whole thing I had forgotten that point so I'm glad that I made the mistake so you I can show you guys and hopefully nobody does that but drag it and place it above this plane so that when you render it the whole thing will render so now let's uh let's render it and see how it looks see that's what it did boo we don't want that and there you have it it's finished looking pretty cool as you can see when it renders out it looks a lot more realistic Photoshop bonus is how we would handle a the light saber blade actually coming out so what we'll do here is we'll grab a cylinder and I'm gonna rotate it and then drop it down oops drop it down to here let's just see if we're in the middle we're probably not quite and then drag it out this way and we just want to get it close to that the radius is much too big it's probably probably about there actually and it looks about right I might drop it down just a hair more yeah and then let's increase the height of this and this the reason I say Photoshop and not dimension is because dimension is a little bit limited here on what it can do for making something look diffused so that's probably a good length right there but what we want to do is add this glowing effect to it and let's go ahead and give it a background like a backdrop I'm gonna I'm gonna drag everything over I'm holding shift and then I'm right-clicking to to pan left to right I'm gonna do that and then in the background I'm gonna drop in a plane so that is right here plane and I'm just going to make this I don't know let's just do one hundred five hundred we'll do 500 by 500 there I just want to cover up the background behind it and then give it like some sort of texture you can try you know here cement we can try giving it cement and what you'll probably need to do is do a repeat of five or ten or something yeah let's just try ten base color I probably wanted to do dark let's just do black and I think that's enough that should be good you see if there's anything else I want to do that's fine I'm good with that let me just make sure that that is on yep that's on the the flat area there and the cool thing about this glow is it will create a glow effect on the on the concrete but I do want to change a little bit about the cylinder first so one of the things I want to do is I do want to add a bevel because I want it rounded at the end because they're they tend to be rounded and let's go ahead and bring that in so it's not rounded here I don't I want to hide that part so there's that and let's see what else we're good here let's change the color of the glow we're gonna do like a green one sixty three five that's probably good let's do that green and let's make sure that that glow is like yeah it needs to be five hundred percent that's really good so that should be perfect I'm gonna go ahead and save this and I'm going to after I save it I'm gonna render it out as a PSD and then we'll bring it into Photoshop and I'll show you how I will finish handling the glow effect for the blade itself all right so let's let's hit render PSD makes sure PSD is checked because if you do PNG you don't have as many options all right I'll see you guys after its rendered alright so here we are in Photoshop with the PSD that we exported out and you get all this stuff over here you know they don't need to worry about much of these things these are going be layers help you select things although it might actually help to have this to get this pink area here but we'll leave it unchecked for now I don't think we'll need it and then you have like a rendered image and rendered image without noise I think this one usually is better looking so grab this and grab your wand tool you can hit W or come over here and grab your magic wand and then just click on the green and let's zoom in and make sure we're getting you know all of the green here probably don't actually want that little pixel right here this looks like a couple extra pixels I don't really want to have all of those selected that's fine let's go look at the end here yeah everything looks like it copied just fine I'm gonna hit ctrl J to create a copy from the selection so if I get rid of this you'll see I still have that on this layer right here but it's isolated by it by itself and the other thing I'm going to do is click on this and do a color overlay and and I've done this before so I'm gonna show you what I used just a little bit of green I did for cyan 6 yellow it's mostly white but just a little bit of green because I find that that's what it looks like in in all the movies and stuff it's actually really white in the middle with just just a hint of the color and then the rest of the colors on the outside so we'll do that for now I just hit OK on this level and let's go ahead and create a copy of that and on this copy let's do let's do this well we'll double click on the layer the copy we just created and I just hit just so you're aware control J without anything selected would make a copy of that layer so that's another hotkey so over here we will do a outer glow and outer glow here we go and this is the color I used you've got 18 146 72 you can also look at the CMYK values if you want to do it that way just something nice dark green and have it go normal and then you can mess with the size how big do you want it to be you really don't want it too big you want it kind of nice and tight something like that and then the only thing that you might do on top of this is blur the this layer so let's come over to filter and let's do blur maybe try a gaussian blur' see if what that does we might bump this up just to see I bet one is probably gonna be good and then we might need to blur this layer as well so let's try that so that blurs it nicely you can also hit after you've done that you can hit alt control F to do the exact same filter a number of times and so you can just kind of do it by one pixel at a time if you like that and that gets a nice fuzzy effect so that it's not so well defined and then you've got the nice glow from the lightsaber and you've got a little bit of the glow reflecting in the surface beneath from Adobe dimension and that's pretty much how I would do it guys so let me know what you think of that tutorial leave a like leave a comment down below subscribe share hit the notification bell and praise my name forevermore all those kinds of good things that help YouTube like my channel and I will see you guys in the next video
Channel: Cary Hawkins
Views: 8,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adobe, tutorial, adobe dimension, dimension, How to Make a 3D Lightsaber in Adobe Dimension, lightsaber, 3d lightsaber, 3D, adobe dimension 3D, lightsaber adobe dimension, dimension 3d, adobe dimension tutorial, adobe photoshop, photoshop, luke skywalker lightsaber, 3d lightsaber model, 3d modeling dimension, how to, adobe dimension cc, dimension tutorial, 3d product tutorial
Id: UCrBJuBtbhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 0sec (2280 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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