How to make a 3D cube in Figma

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hey youtube will from world brat design here so today we're just doing a really quick video on how to draw a 3d cube in figma so this is something i recently learned um it's really cool you'll be able to use it in one of my other videos that's coming out soon or it might even be out already if you're watching this in the future that video will be all about loaders and how to create animating loaders using interactive components within figma this is also the first video where i'm actually showing my face in the video which is pretty cool usually i use quicktime and i've found that quicktime isn't the best for showing my face as well um so i'm trying out loom which is pretty cool and let's have a go so this is actually recording in 4k um and using my camera and it's using very little cpu at all which is really nice so what we're going to do we're going to go over here grab our polygon tool i'm going to draw out a triangle and then we're going to select this here and we're going to increase the count to six so now we've got six we've got this nice polygon and if you use your imagination you can kind of imagine a line across here here and down here and that's your 3d cube so we're going to jump into this and how i've done that is i've just double clicked in i've also added a drop shadow let's remove that because we don't need a drop shadow so jumping into the shape here we're gonna go to our pen here which i think you can just press p yep you can just press p and we're gonna join this one in fact no we're not we're going to join number one to number four down here like that so now we've got this kind of um uh hexagon here or yeah hexagon here and no not hexagon hexagons eight no hexagon is right hexagon is six oxygen is eight so now we've got this hexagon here we've got uh a line going down the middle so we're gonna jump back in again grab our pen tool again in fact we're just going to press p because that's much better we're going to grab this point here and we're going to drag it down to the center and it's important that it's that snapped at the center it's also really helpful and that we've got that center snap there and we're going to do the same here there we go so if i just click out of the pen tool a second we've and add a stroke you can now see we've pretty much got the cube plus this line here so what we want to do is we want to copy this shape here this shape here and this top shape here without the line down the center so to do that we're going to click it again and we're just going to grab these sides no this can be a little bit fiddly there we go i'm not sure i've grabbed that bottom one yeah there we go so we can see if we zoom in a little bit you'll be able to see we've got this highlighted blue edge all the way around the shape and i'm going to copy copy it which is command c and then i'm going to do command v to paste and that's not work somehow let's try that again click in grab the edge there we go grab the edge grab the edge oh i know what i did so you can see i actually grabbed this entire shape here which because it's highlighted with this these horizontal lines or diagonal lines we don't want that so i'm just going to shift click into that shape and deselect it and now now you can see we've just got those edges there so i'm going to command c command v pull that out over there if we leave the shape we can see it's actually still one shape so we just need to click in command x we can leave that now and we can paste it outside so it's now its own shape over here we're going to do the same over here we can ignore that we don't need that we're going to delete this whole thing soon anyway so we're going to click in again grab this edge this edge this edge which doesn't want to be grabbed for some reason there we go and that edge yeah and make sure you haven't got the rest of shape selected command c command v drag it away command x command v again no uh click outside of the shape and then command v and there we go so now we just need this shape here and we're going to do that by clicking in you get the idea now i'm going to select all these edges make sure we haven't got the background and we haven't got that edge there we go there we go that's what we want so we can see it's all highlighted with the blue edge command c command v to copy it command x to cut it click outside of the shape so we're no longer in that shape and command v again and there we go so now we've got our cube or all our pieces to make our cube don't really want these edges so let's hide the stroke and we can pull it and it snaps like that so there's there we go so i think that's pretty good and now we can choose our highlights so we're going to make the top let's make them all i don't know let's pick a color that isn't disgusting that'll do that believe will do so copy that hex oops paste it in there we go and then we're going to just so we're going to say the highlight is coming from top left i think so the top will be the lightest so if we go in here and we just pull that up a bit and then this will be the next slightest so just put up a tiny bit like that and there we go we've got a 3d cube and that's as easy it is as it uh that's as easy as it is to create it and we can now delete this this was just for working we don't need this anymore group that and you can see you can now now kind of stack some cubes together and they snap pretty nicely as well say there we go and just a real quick one um just to kind of show what i'm building somewhere else uh with these cubes is i've built this little prototype here this will be in another video but i just want to show it really quickly as it's relevant and there you go you can create like loading animations like that so that's kind of the power of using cubes in figma so i hope you enjoyed enjoyed this video um make sure you like and subscribe let me know in the comments below if you have any uh feedback if you've got any videos that you would like to see um if there's anything i missed out in this video that you didn't quite understand drop me a message i'll reply as soon as possible um please make sure you like and subscribe and i guess most importantly tell your friends share this video on social networks um the quicker this channel grows the better i'm trying to reach as many people with these free tutorials as possible and improve the design community as a whole also feel free to tag other channels if there's other great design channels feel free to tag them i'm always keen on watching other people's videos um yeah so see you in the next video thanks for watching
Channel: Will Brett Design
Views: 250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d Cube Figma, Figma Cube, 3d Cube, 3D Figma, 3d figma illustration, 3d cube illusion drawing (easy), 3d cube drawing, figma 3d icon, figma 3d animation, figma 3d objects, figma 3d model, figma, figma design, figma tutorial, how to, how to figma, figma how to, UI design, ui, ux, ux design, user interface, user interface design, product design, digital product design, design course, free design course, free ui design course
Id: vbgpIhOXL3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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