How to Make a $30 Projector Watch! (Futuristic)

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[Music] what's going on guys so you know that super funny joke that everyone says when you ask them what time it is it's time to get a watch it's half past two freckle huff you make me physically ill so in order to put an end to this plague of a joke you know what I'm gonna take their advice I'm gonna get a watch then when I ask people what time it is because cuz you know I'm still desperate for human interaction I can say joke's on you I already got a watch so yeah but wait I don't have money for a nice watch because my YouTube views are down clearly people have not been ringing that Bell button so until y'all decide to watch my stuff I don't have a watch but you better watch it we're gonna have to find a cheaper method so recently I came across my old mini projector which I used to make an interactive hologram yeah cool video go watch it and that gave me the idea what if I could turn that into a watch I'm imagining some sort of like sci-fi projector watch that displays like a screen like literally on your forearm and also because it's projector we can display whatever we want on there so will this actually be practical though hell no just don't buy a watch at all just you literally use your phone like this whole videos pointless but but don't don't stop watching oh yeah best of all you can literally buy this projector for like $15 three times 5/5 $15 like this came out in 2008 I've sold 3000 belite so all the kids who bought them like myself now growing up and their moms are selling them along with all their other hopes and dreams joke's on you mom I never grew up you can't have it I swear to god though if you touch my pokemon cards any anyways the point is it's really cheap so I'd asked him in around like $30 for this project because we need a really cheap watch and like an HDMI adapter cable so let's build it watch this [Music] [Music] there we go guys the watch is complete so as you can see the watch itself is pretty compact except for this little bit sticking out by the side right there it's okay we're not going to talk about it don't everyone stay calm stop also one of the things you kinda have to wear this backpack when you wear the watch pretty much we've got this cord that plugs into this cord on the watch and in the backpack we've got the audio/video drivers and the batteries along with whatever output you want to use so your laptop or your phone or whatever or whatever else you want to hook up to the HDMI cable I know I know it's not exactly like in the movies but hey this thing just a prototype plus it's like thirty bucks so what more what more do you want so the way this works is we've got an on/off button right here a little power button so if we click this the projector it will start projecting onto at the back of my hand I'm not displaying anything at the moment the screens just black so uh you're not gonna see much but if we load up something like a stopwatch you can see it starts projecting on the back of my hand now much like Instagram models with facetune we can make this thing look way better than it actually is it's all we got to do is throw in a long-sleeve shirt bonus it can be a collared shirt so you can look super professional pull up the sleeves right to the watch Chuck on a couple bracelets in the front third the wire through the sleeve and boom looks like a normal watch no one will think twice again first Jeff prototyping and best of all we can finally flex on all those Bullock's wear and rappers and cancer-causing jokes you're seriously I don't wanna Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh with a deference what part our ad already so I see wonder why she liked me it's I'm drowning another cool thing guys because this is a projector we can actually project this on to other stuff say if you want a little bit more of a screen right you back your hands not big enough small hands whatever it doesn't mean anything you can use pretty much any other surface obviously the brighter the surface the better I don't know if I mentioned this before but uh but if you twist this front little lens capital adjust the focus if you want to project on a bigger screen we just turn this a little bit to allow us to project on something like a table you can see right now we have the stopwatch you can move it around a bit project it really wherever we want if we want more people to see something we can like projected on a wall make it bigger obviously we'd have to adjust the focus but you get what I'm saying there you go guys cheap projector watch prototype some ideas I had for this in the future maybe we make it gesture controlled tool wield actually like interact with it with our other hand we were pretty cool instead of just having to play like one thing I think I have an idea about how to do that too so make sure to stay tuned and ring that Bell button for God's sakes that is pretty much it for me today guys and as always remember to Like and subscribe I'll catch you in next one [Music]
Channel: JLaservideo
Views: 393,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jlaservideo, DIY, how to, tutorial, projector watch, holographic watch, hi-tech, futuristic watch, wrist watch diy, home made projector watch, eyeclops projector, mini projector, hdmi watch, projector spy watch, high tech spy watch, hi-tech wrist watch, cheap futuristic wrist watch diy
Id: 4PsfLFBdWEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 39sec (399 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2019
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