How to make a 3 tab shingle roof repair last

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all right brian with grand roofing take number four or five or something the phone keeps ringing it keeps shutting down my video hopefully we can get a few minutes in without a phone call to interrupt we're talking about three tab shingle repairs in this video this video first off let's get this out of the way not bashing anyone just a good point to learn with this i don't know if this was a homeowner do-it-yourselfer diy contract i have no idea so this applies to if you are a homeowner and you're going to do it yourself some things to know some things to pay attention to so you don't have this happening here we'll go through that in a minute by the way it is uh what march 25th i think i don't have consent to do this so i'm gonna watch what i show on the camera here i'm gonna try to get consent from the homeowner allowed to put this on the channel so we can all learn from this as i said i don't know who's who did it but we're going to try to learn from it these videos aren't intended to bash so keep comments nice down below the whole point is why this went bad let's switch camera around and go out here all right if you look at this you can tell this is clearly a new three-tap shingle repair at some point by new i don't mean like this week it could have been up here for months or years but it's loose and why they're blowing out some of them in the area are obviously old that's not good that'll leak so when it comes to repair if you've got say this shingle right here let's just go through what you're going to do to get this out you're going to flat bar the nail out here here and one above it you're going to cut it if it's not at a key way pull this out put a tab in a nail nail nail and some people will leave it at that and back out a little bit on the view here what you need to do after that this is a crucial part is put a small dab of sealer i like to put a dab of sealer near the nails and then one on each end never a line not a lot you want to push it down in it with just a small discrete amount so the corners stick and where it's nailed fast and down was stick if not what you have and what will happen is this will continue to flap in the wind eventually creasing folding over like that and blowing away if that happens and you have an area where there's a keyway that comes together that is an area for water to get in you'll start getting water intrusion over time it could break down getting in other areas and cause damage inside that's also a good reason why you have paper synthetic barrier underneath or black paper berry underneath is for those as a last defense it's not a roof system this needs to be repaired you got a handful more going bad up here up there there's a section right over here we're gonna go over there in just a minute and look at that you can clean see they're clearly snapping here these are repairs at some point see they're not sealed down that was another shingle repair this these are all new tabs right there it has a lot to do with the seal strip from the manufacturer let's look at this tab right here so most all three tab manufacturers they're a top seal it would be right through here over time when that breaks down if you would repair this say that's your new tab you put in it's never gonna stick down it's compromised that's why i need to add it there if it's a dimensional shingle most all dimensional shingles now these days are a top seal but some have different factories that have a bottom seal and top seal what i mean by that is if this was a dimensional shingle this is the fiberglass mat back the bottom side like that when it lays on the roof some of them have a bottom seal it'll be somewhere in this area so when they're installed they will seal down in the area that they are gripped down by your nail it's important if you have a sometimes let me go to past employer there was a point where they got mixed tamco batches from joplin plant from another plant one was top seal one was bottom sealed they're never going to work good it's going to set you up for some serious issues so make sure you don't mix them you can in a rare case i mean probably get left behind on this but if you've got a top seal you can switch to a bottom seal because they're going to stick together on that row clear across the roof you don't want to mix them back and forth or up book shape because they'll have areas they don't seal i'll give you a visual on that right over here so i got over here to look at this just to kind of confirm and this is where i said oh you know let me pull the phone out and let's shoot this and then that's when i got interrupted by a lot of phone calls so these three tabs it is one shingle that has been repaired or replaced here you can clearly see there's some obvious wind damage in this area but if you get to looking at this you can see here's a good example perfect example right here here's the new tab you can see the sealer strip on it as i said most all three tab brands are top seal so when you put this in the old tab is going to heat up and stick into that good juicy seal strip this one however does not they may have broke this free to get that tab in but this side here is so old worn out there's no seal strip left it's going to continue to flap over time it could crease and snap off lift up whatever you don't want that that's why these there is no seal strip left on that old one it's actually got mat transfer where it had pulled the granules in mat right off the shingle below it when they split this one or when the original wind damage occurred that's why that's happening also note look at that nail and the color of it that's a classic kind of nail that comes from a coil nailer a coil gun air gun pneumatic gun i'll point something out right here i'd seen yes this one right here so to get this tab out or this shingle that's damaged out to take the new one you're gonna need to flat bar and loosen the nail here here here here here here and here to get the old underlying head lap out prep by removing any nails or driving them down put your new shingle in and nail it off and then don't forget to nail these they did nail it you can see it's a hand nail i don't know if the camera can show the difference there make sure you go back and forth that's a shinier one that's a hand nail store bought out of a box this one is more of a yellowish gold that's from a coil nailer galvanized coil nails so they didn't seal this as i stated over there i like to put a dab right over the nail because that's where it's going to grip down because the nail is pinning it down and then a couple to seal the corners so they stick down the other thing to point out is you need to nail the shingle you're putting in on i noticed they didn't nail it but then i saw well they did it's just in the wrong spot they need to be near these keyways near this drip right here because the shingle above it is going to cover the nail if you put it over here you're close to the slit and that allows water to trickle in getting over this even though that is a tight seal around the shingle it's not done right that's not the right way because over time this will get wallered out it can back out it can rust out over time where the galvanization coating will wear it rusts it's got a hole all the water coming down does go laterally just a little bit on here the flatter the slope the lower the slope the more it will run over just seeping it i mean let's just look i haven't touched this one it's stuck down just go to a random one that's going to flop up easy see how wet that is right through here and how over it's still a little wet that's just with my fingers that's not good you can see so there is some lateral water movement the steeper the pitch of the roof you're going to have less lateral water movement but nevertheless you don't want your nails this close to an end you want them over then you want to make sure that sealed and since you've compromised that seal strip right there split it to pull the old nail out get the shingle in put your new nail down that's good but you need to caulk that you need to seal it something otherwise this is going to continue to flap like this one you can see all these crease marks how you've it's been fatigued over time there's some right here you can even see they're actually cracked it's full of water right now but it's cracked same right there in that top right corner nail pulling up a little bit over here here you can see the paper is the only thing keeping this roof as dry as it is but over time the amount of water going under this is now getting into and around any nails under this it's getting trapped in there and if you have a tear a split a vertical seam not lapped enough anywhere where water is getting in here that could potentially have issues or develop issues causing a leak so you want to get that addressed he's got an insurance adjuster coming out to look at this so he asked if i wouldn't mess with it and i'll try to come back out first part next week and cover this up for him figure out what's going on these are the areas that are crucial it's what you got to watch that's been a repair at some point cause it's got hand nails so you can see another repair at some point there was one other thing i want to show down here i was looking at this one that's blown out right on the bottom edge their starter is better than some that i've seen but not good in the fact that it's not hanging down enough this here is actually drip edge just go over that real quick it's a good point a lot of guys in my area use drip edge on the bottom d-drips for a gable and use it here it reduces the bottom capturing area of water flowing into your gutter and it's not as high up on the roof deck as say apron would be so really you want to use apron on the bottom gutter apron nice and water on top of it under whatever it's controversial and the drip goes on your end but the other thing i want to point out is the starter is actually too high it should be down at the edge we even hang it over a little bit so as it heats up it'll just curl down just a little bit gives it an edge for the water to run off but the part that i said is better is they have the seal strip there a lot of guys don't put them with the seal strip there whether they buy a starter row or flip a shingle there's just many ways of seeing it done you want a seal strip to seal these rows down so they hold like the last video i did just last week this was flapping they got nails low but again it's too close and more importantly right next to this is what i originally saw wanted to show there is a keyway and starter lined up only offset about an eighth inch if you get down in here and you look there's rotting wood now and it's not just that one every 36 inches or so the size of the shingle there's another one there is some more it's got a little bit of paper still on there actually that's kind of wood yeah so that's starting to rot out the next one's out of the way so here there another three shingle tabs and there's another one so it's probably this entire row that also means whoever roof this if they roofed another section it's probably that same way let's come over here and check these are sealed down i can't see i'm going to jump on my ladder here now i see it right there by the way let's take just a second to admire this beautiful standoff this thing is amazing i like it for multiple reasons it's stable it doesn't hit the gutter covers the gutter and also the other thing i found out sometimes if you're doing stuff like me yes time don't do what i do this is for entertainment purposes only i want to watch what i say with the agencies that like to look and watch what we all do i do what i do you do what you do i'm not telling you to do this so now great that's out of the way let's continue on about the latter standoff when the ladder standoff is up here say your bottom of the ladder kind of kicks out this is pulling on the roof so it doesn't shoot out it's amazing it saved me a couple times as i said that there that means probably every third row yeah let's just jump back i on see under better yep there's another one see it's not offset far enough but the point being it's going to open up additional issues potentially rotten wood uh and back to the original point of the video three tab three tab repair make sure if you're putting three tab repair down you spot seal those areas so they seal down i need to wrap up here by the way if i didn't say sorry for the sound i'm kind of congested in the nose here that's why i sound so bad and if you're watching this i did check and uh hopefully the owner allows me to put this out there for you guys appreciate it if you could give it a thumbs up consider subscribing you know the drill and the link in the description down below to the ladder here protect your customers later gutters standoffs yeah there we go unscripted unedited i can't fix it it's there forever i appreciate it guys until next time be safe we'll see you then
Channel: Grand Roofing Inc.
Views: 8,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roof, roofing, 3 tab shingles, 3 tab shingle installation, 3 tab starter strip, 3 tab roofing, 3 tab shingle starter row, roof starter strip, roof starter, roof starter course, starter roof shingles, grand roofing, shingles, roofing insights, roofing 101, worst roofever, roofer, roofin, roofing starter edge, roof starter shingles, worst roof ever installed, worst roofing job ever, asphalt starter, asphalt shingle starter strip
Id: nkwmCLmXFV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 25 2022
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