How To Make 60, 70 Or Even 85 Degree Angle Cuts On Your Miter Saw!

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hey guys what is going on on today's video I'm gonna show you how to use your chop saw or radial arm saw and how to cut deeper angles than a 45 or 50 or even a 65 degree angle using your chop saw I'm doing a project right now and I'm gonna take you over there I'm going to show you this project real quick I'm building some benches and I needed to do some deeper angles because I'm using X braces let me turn the camera around I'm going to show you what I'm talking about if you look right here I make these are the leg bases of the benches that I'm going to be making and this angle right here is a 70 degree angle and I need it to do this where I have it basically a I guess a jig that I can make all of these cuts at the same time very easily so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go over here to my chop saw and I'm gonna show you how to do that super easy I thought this was a video that a lot of people would need to use because if you look at your chop saw right here this side only goes up to like 52 degrees or something like that and then same on this side 52 degrees but I needed an angle to be 70 degrees so if you look if I were to put this here to cut let's loosen that up a little bit even if I go all the way over that is not gonna do it I needed more than that the first thing you want to do is we'll put this off to the side you want to set your chop saw to your zero degrees okay taking just kind of something straight edge and you can see right here that mine are perfectly across right here I got it gauged out really well and then over here you could see my cut is exactly 90 degrees to this and you actually want to go to the blade not to anything over here so if you take this down it's gonna be exactly 90 degrees okay so I'm going to set up the camera so that I have both hands and I'm going to show you exactly how to do this about 95 degrees outside so this is a I'm gonna try to do this pretty quit cuz it's super hot but I thought this is something that everybody wouldn't you need to know so all right when we come back I'm gonna have everything I'm going to show you how to do this alright guys so I'm looking enough right here that my table saw that this bench system that I have that I'm able to put a stop block so this is going to make it a little bit easier for me to line this up so what you want to do is there's a nice straight piece right there you want to set your first this is going to be your jig right here a 2x4 so you set this up for 45 degrees let's loosen this up and we're going to put a 45 degree angle right here okay we're gonna lock in that and now what we're gonna do is I'm going to actually clamp I don't have lucky I'm not looking up to have a clamp to hold this board down so what I'm going to do is get a clamp and we're going to clamp this put into place because this piece of wood right here you do not want this to move alright so I'm gonna take my clamp get it into place and tighten it down so now it's not going anywhere so but I could still look loosen this up and I could still free we move because once this cut is done you do not want to move this because essentially what we're going to be doing let's cut this and I'll kind of explain how this works got everything - I know let me go ahead and make this cut all right now that we got a 45 degree angle what we're or this is would be 130 I believe what we're gonna do is move this over back to the zero so now what we did was essentially we took this back plate and now turn this into the back plate here so we added some degrees to this to your chop saw but what I like to do here's a little trick is I like to take this piece of wood right here that we just used okay and we're gonna add it to right here and I'm gonna get another clamp and clamp this down and now we have a ninety degree angle right here and this is going to be the resting spot for my other piece that I get so I'm gonna get a clamp and I'm gonna put this into place all right so that's good enough right there this is going to go ahead and really help out for a nice rest so when I put my jig in here or my little piece of wood it's gonna be perfect but let's go ahead and make one cut because this is overlapping so let's go ahead and cut this little nubby off right here all right so now you can see right here now this is the through spot for the blade to go so what I needed to do was I need a 70 degree angle on this board right here obviously I couldn't do it this way so now what we do is we know this is 45 degrees so we take 45 and how many degrees away from that is 70 so in this instance it's 25 degrees away from 70 so what I would do is take my oh I forgot this has to be okay yeah so what I need to do is one thing let's go ahead and move this I forgot because of this this piece has to go this way forgot how I did this last time and this goes like that alright so now we're good all right so now what I want to do is I want to take this cutting it's 45 minus 70 is 25 okay because that would be 45 plus 5 would be 50 and plus 20 would be 70 so we're gonna go all the way to the 25 degree mark right here okay mark it over so now I'm at 25 degrees right here on my marker I'll line this up and now you can see where this really helps out and that's gonna basically put this cut right on here so anytime you're doing X braces or anything this is exactly the hard part is kind of holding it so if you're doing really long X braces this is kind of a little tricky you might need some kind of brace underneath but anyways let's go ahead and make this thing happen so we're going to put it flush against that I'll push it into your stopper and let's make that cut and it's perfect so now you could see right here I have a 70 degree angle alright guys so I have this really nifty angle finder here every time you move it the thing goes up so let's go ahead and set this up we'll go ahead and set this here let that settle gonna raise the camera a little bit and then you'll be able to see really quick when that thing stops that we are gonna be dead on 70 degrees check that thing out that is a 70 degree angle it couldn't get any better than that so if you needed to do let's just say a 90 degree or I'm sorry an 85 degree angle or whatever maybe what you would do is you would take 45 and you would subtract 80 and you would get 35 so basically that would give you an 80 degree angle and that's it so it's a pretty simple jig all you got to do is clamp this down and now you can make multiple cuts at any point you could go ahead and you know just keep adding boards and make a bunch of cuts at the same time it's a super easy way of doing it you're taking this and you turn this piece into your new backer plate if you have a you know a miter saw that has a sliding miter saw I suggest that you use maybe a 2 by 6 or even a 2 by 8 that way you have a little bit better of a backer that would probably help out a lot if you have like a little bit longer but this is just a 2x4 but if you have a 2 by 6 a 2 by 8 2 by 10 whatever that might make your life a little bit easier and give you a little bit more stability - it is super hot outside oh my god I'm sweating it's about 98 degrees outside underneath my house I do not have air conditioning in my workshop that is another thing coming we're gonna I'm gonna have to get some air air conditioning in this thing cuz I am burning up I'm gonna have to get some fans or something in here because I'm just on fire but anyways on a different note that is it that is a perfect 70 degree angle it works every time I hope this helped you out if you like this video go down below hit that thumbs up button give this video a like if you haven't subscribed yet go down below hit the subscribe button hit that but and get notified of all my newest videos until next time make sure y'all do one thing stay awesome everybody stay awesome bye
Channel: The Crawlspace Craftsman
Views: 231,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4B3uEehX-w0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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