DIY Organizers With Secret Sections || Back To School Crafts

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[Music] okay so where is it oh where is it like so many sections aha there you are my treasure [Music] hey guys do you know how i got there [Music] guys it's time to get things on the table in order today we're making drumroll a big organizer all right let's get started [Music] hi guys today we're in a ta da rainbow mood what about you give a thumbs up if you're in a good mood today too look out shooting sam the cardboard master has come to save the day um i'm here too sammy no offense sue i'm just so happy we're making this craft today oh me too the number of markers and pencils has significantly increased since the last time we made an organizer i'm only half responsible for that i swear wanna see the last organizer we made quick save the link before it disappears this one will be cooler i promise we need to glue this part this way bend it here to make a small wall while here we'll have sammy sorry sorry did i interrupt you one moment before i forget we'll have a spinning section with lots of paints here oh i can only i'm so excited oh sammy you stole my moment i wanted to tell the viewers about it oopsie i didn't mean it i'm off for a while or the hurricane susan will blow me away hmm well since i'm alone let's start on my special craft mission guys we are going to make a secret compartment i made this mechanism with a rubber band for it but shh not a word to sam it'll be our secret i wonder what you would keep inside it will hide a part of the mechanism behind the back wall jeffery cheddars here's the main piece seems like sam's spirit possessed me did you call me you're just in time sammy things aren't moving without you um did something happen i think you forgot to tell me something choosing i don't understand what you mean okay okay i give up i'll tell you everything oh it's too late i got it i have to do everything myself you should have told me that the axle's not ready yet phew so it's okay what a relief here you are susan what would you do without me that's a good question guys any ideas can you even imagine me and sam separately i definitely can't oh sentiment can anyone turn on the light please oh that's better it was a bit dark before there done sammy how many sections do you want to make well let me count my paints green yellow blue red violet pink black light blue purple i'm out of breath look sammy is this enough well of course true does he want to store all of the shop here or something i think something's missing right the side wall here it is still apply some glue to the outer part of the circle and attach it to this piece now it looks like a ferris wheel all right sammy but we need to add more colors to take the glue i've got an idea hmm it doesn't look like a crayon but let's trust sam right choice it's all done wow great job sammy there i'm always happy to be praised by you this piece is ready we can move on to the next step of the construction guys i think we'll need lots of sections i like it when things are in order that's why every section will have its own color glue it carefully right here sammy bring the self adhesive paper check out my fancy accessories guys do you think the world is ready for a new fashion icon sammy i definitely follow you on social media look guys we have almost all the rainbow [Music] colors but it doesn't seem like it's raining duh can't i even dream we're making another section for the stationery upon sam's request guys do you have lots of stationery at home too no doubt too cause they're crafting with ice let's finish our stand with this transparent wall all around press it against the sticky surface tada we'll put the stationary of different sizes in here okay it's time to make the shelves on top this is the front side and this is how it looks from the other side we're going to add more sections for crayons here carefully apply some glue and attach the section here's another piece for the front panel ooh i should glue it fast before sam sees the scene says what uh that that there's no there's no section for copy books right huh how could we forget that sammy holy crap i'll take care of it all right so here's a cardboard and colored paper i'm gonna make i guess sammy didn't find out our secret drawer shall we continue [Music] now he'll never find it it's so well hidden help what color do i use for the last wall um pink of course i knew it too do you guys like pink too give a thumbs up if you do let's make a fan club of pink color lovers i hope there are many of us guys do you remember what this is it's a section for copy books and we're placing it here just a little left sammy where are the drawers uh i'm sure i brought them here oh i'm gonna start in another room it kind of looks suspicious no come on we're just making an organizer in the meantime i'll finish making my secret compartment open the drawer and attach the marker then take it out and close the drawer insert it carefully into that hole and fix our drawer now let's check if the mechanism works whoa let me hide a small stash here somebody hasn't got a clue so how come you didn't notice the drawers are right under the table whoops my mistake hey did you start without me are you already arranging the markers oh sorry i couldn't resist but we're going to continue together deal so is everything ready i believe so wait sammy how will we open our drawers oh sue i didn't think of that i think popsicle sticks would be perfect exactly so will this do sure we only need to apply some glue be careful when working with hot glue guys and attach it right here now it's done so shall we begin arranging the stationery you're too late i've already started [Music] what a fidget i'm gonna catch up with you now sammy [Music] let's put colored pencils here too it looks cool and here come the markers and some more done she was arranging her treasures my lovely paper clips my sweet copy books i've got a whole lot of them guys do you love coffee books the way i love them here's a nice place for colored paper while here [Music] wow it's so spacious i'll put everything here hey sam we've got plenty of time i think [Music] well i think it's gonna be a while we'll come back when sam's a bit less excited sammy you did a great job are you happy now oh yeah it's even better than a dream [Music] quiet nobody where's my treasure huh that's not possible it's not that easy to trick you what now sammy huh show me how to make a drawer like this also i want ice cream for two [Music] oh what is it sammy what happened don't you see look closely carefully i don't get it what do you mean it's clean here completely clean where is everything i left it all here oh lost your stuff again not just any stuff and no i didn't lose it maybe some of it did you already forget about the cool organizer that we just made i just didn't think it could fit all my stuff you're funny it was you who showed me where and what i should put remember hi guys today we will save you from messes and if it's an artistic mess well then it's even better because we're making an accentable desktop organizer with several sections right we've already prepared and glued the paper onto our parts you'll have to do the same check out the measurements and i have the glue gun here let's start assembling yes yes yes and we'll see the results soon i am looking forward to it it will come out awesome i promise i know what i'm talking about but it is important to make everything in a certain order like i do so we apply the glue here just like this be careful with hot glue guys then we attach the part really carefully there we go and huh let's see what's coming out the base for our organizer is ready and what about these skis i haven't seen them before are they for me keys i love your imagination but yes they do look like skis a bit if not skis then a snowboard or a skateboard i can see them all the time that's another interesting option but actually these are the side walls one and two [Music] it looks like a two-level house are you sure it's an organizer oh yeah but it's only the beginning so it already looks like a palace that needs a door if it's a palace then this is a front door the first section is already holy cannoli i'm so happy tim to sue do you read me did you prepare the parts sure check out these awesome parts we'll glue them all together and get the second section i am already ready ready can we glue it now we'll start with these parts and attach them carefully on the sides huh awesome piece of our flight continues we need to draw some marks on the sides we'll take the ruler and mark here this is one and one more time here this is two blue blue glue don't spare it and then we need to glue it together and another part on top like this we need to work carefully and assemble a maze right shoot listen you glue everything so fast time shots and i'm a great helper right i'm working hard yes yes you're an excellent helper as always one more part and the stairs for our organizer are ready it's logical since every house should have a staircase especially in an organizer palace like ours and here is the landing does it look like one i think yes the second house is coming together real fast i'll go start on the third one oh it's coming out so beautifully and that's not all the work is done too i did my best and put all my heart into it great sammy we can get to the small parts right away parts like these guys take a closer look so you can make the same ones we need to mark the spots for the holes here plus here and here don't forget to mark all the holes this time we will need a magic wand a stick like this one we will insert it here like this looks cool right huh i don't get it yet what should we get in the end do you remember how you're supposed to behave while making a craft what do you have to show uh maybe courage or guts um bravery no i got it correct so just be patient for now then we have these parts too i prepared them long ago let's attach this here right onto the body awesome [Music] the parts are moving it means it's working sammy i told you it was a magic wand and here are the magic binoculars too oh cool i knew i had to trust that cordy you if you hadn't trusted me with the decoration of those paper rolls i oh what what would you do i would have decorated something else something else you're so funny sammy don't worry all the decor in this craft is yours and let's test it the stopper is on the right spot it's moving it's working all right and the final touch huh sam are you done yet sure ma'am don't worry i am the master of crafts great the base for the fourth section looks a little bit like the first one then we should move on to the things that are different right okay let's do speed gluing here are all the parts wow i'll do the time keeping ready yep one two three i have to do a good job gosu i believe in you guys give a thumbs up to support too and attaching the last part 59.99 great job let's place the assembled part into the fourth section there we go great oh wow this section is ready to whew all the sections are ready we did just super awesome no amazingly awesome sammy let's have a look at them shoe they look cool don't they what do you think yeah but something's missing oh don't worry sammy we'll fix it now it's easy peasy [Music] here's the rainbow is this the thing we need yes now let's glue each sheet to each [Music] [Applause] other [Music] so [Music] i'm placing our colorful accordion into the organizer here we go now i'll apply the glue to the upper part like we did before [Music] and then i'll glue this upper part to the door and then we've got we've got oh what is it actually i wonder rainbow full doors bright and rich i love them so much and a piece of craft foam to open the door we glue it right here right great voila everything's ready and it's awesome soon we'll see our organizer assembled there's just a bit left to do okay let's see on top of this section we'll make a bright board for notes four important notes the ones that i like the most yes yes yes yes for the most important note sammy anything for you to make you happy i have a marker for this then we will defo attach it here and don't forget to add some decoration and the lower part of this section will be decorated like this check it out guys what are those for i don't get it tell me here we will register all the thumbs ups this video will get amazing here's the final look of the section decorated and functional watch out i'm carrying a very fragile tower i warned you whoosh we'll make it sturdier let's give it a try aha they open easily oh and where did this come from i did it myself well you are very busy with the drawers i also decorated the third section oh wow great job let me take a look oh this section is also beautiful just one section to go are you ready sure let's glue a piece of craft foam here smooth it out like this and insert the inner part we made before it'll hold well now okay you forgot something you used the tape to stick that there was no let's glue the rolled up craft foam pieces here [Music] don't forget i need a cork board i've always dreamed about it as you say here you go let lots of useful memos appear here and here's the pin with paper for notes and now pay attention guys find two differences [Music] any guess check it out guys awesome right and how does all this transform into one compact organizer i'll show you now don't worry i've prepared three strips like this they have sticky tape on the other side now watch another one now stand up and we can attach the parts to each other just like this and here we have our expandable organizer we just need to secure them with velcro see how it works easy and durable [Music] four individual sections transform into a compact cube oh my god this is super awesome [Applause] [Music] let's hurry up and fill our cool organizer okay that drawer is for paper clips uh-huh nice nice and push paint go here okay lots of pinks they won't get scattered now and other straws for uh uh-huh i don't know what you call them oh mini clothespins done this one for the ruler uh-huh there you go these are for my pencils and scissors here they are [Music] final touches this section is perfect for stickers we can sort them by theme and they'll never get crumpled it's time to test our cool whiteboard i can write a to-do list for the day so convenient [Music] oh oh let's test the marker section they won't fall out by accident and pin it to sam's cork board guys do you want to make an organizer like this what do you think do you like it if yes give a thumbs up share this video with your friends and subscribe to our channel bye
Views: 1,367,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Slick Slime Sam, Slick Slime Sam Live, crafts, DIY, crafts ideas, DIY ideas, ideas for kids, Crafts for kids, diy for kids, family diy, family crafts, decor ideas, hacks, school hacks, school tips and tricks, tips and tricks for kids, learning video, tutorial, tutorial for kids, know how, how to, best crafts for kids, easy crafts, smart ideas for kids, diy ideas for kids, kids videos, kids diy, diy projects, diy family projects, diy kids projects, 5-minute crafts kids
Id: iuTL7HZiK6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 41sec (1421 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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