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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] help [Music] hi guys I need to save Sammy and make him a lovely gift back especially since we have everything we need for this some festive paper I'll be the one carrying it after oh good you'll also need a ribbon I have several to choose from Sam which one should be used a very important decision all right I'll also need this time we can do without it Thanks I will also need this whole punch though - the glue that's everything I can start I'll take this piece of paper and fold it in half just like this there now I need to fold the edge nice and neat I'll press it tight to get a clear line now let's open it and fold hmm I'll need to glue this side but where's the glue oh wow just in case you need it don't chat yes thank you I will take this one and rest aside now I'll apply some glue just like this super easy and to the other side there now we'll press it tight let's continue so we have the base now we need to make the bottom we need to fold the paper this way sure you'll term them all oh wow not that I'm boasting but I always become the center of every party you know tell them about my adventures or a joke and follow them there's nothing to worry about yeah just make it a gift bag or I'll be making the wrong impression ah it's almost done Sam just a few easy steps and there the bottom is ready now what well now I need to make the sides like this there's one there I'll unfold it very carefully and cut off the excess remember to be careful with the scissors guys there now we'll shape it up a bit [Music] almost I need to make the holes for it first this hole maker is a bit scary I think I'll keep one from it it's a hole punch Sammy and it's not scary at all it'll quickly make for even holes look now it's time for the ribbon hey Sammy what are you going to do myself of course after all I'm the best gift at any birthday party yourself but that's not your a gift no doubt but I'm sure the birthday slime wants something more material like what like something sweet I think it's a great gift idea let's see what we have ah he'll be boring but alright okay here's what we have what does your friend like this one orange boring alright let's put it into the bag and you're good to go guys did you like this idea for a gift back give a thumbs up if you did and don't forget to subscribe to the channel and if you make a bag like this then Sam and me a photo it'll make our day use in well go on have fun [Music] [Music] Verena never saw a salon with a piggy bank before you're the first one come on it everyone subscribe every single one hey guys today we'll be making yes a hedgehog out of do you say why thank you I love hedgehogs guys what's your favorite animal leave a comment below no we can't let that happen give it to me let's see what's inside oh [Music] that's a girl Hedgehog perfect for me let's see here okay let's start from the base of the jewelry box this one goes here that one there and then you connect them together like this hmm I'm wondering if there's a job that requires you to construct Lego toys all day long I totally take it would you guys one more here and here it's a good thing it has a manual I couldn't figure this out for the world oh man I can't wait to have this ready I already know what I'm gonna put in it [Music] they're great jewelry bags that a thing sure there must be one shape that keeps you teeth aligned okay let's get these little guys in place I'll put one there and here awesome oh look at these cute little blue eyes they go right here and now the nose cool now let's make the paws these details are so tiny well I can imagine it's easy to lose them and they're all done now I'll attach mine here there where are the Apple apples on the pictures they are always running with apples on their backs oh no Sammy in fact hedgehogs prefer eating insects and small creatures like snails and worms share my worms with strange now alright let's see what's next hmm okay I got it these guys have to go here I'll put these aside for now now what Sam's right these small round pieces kind of look like candies or chocolate bubble wrap [Music] yep that's you that Hedgehog mini and we'll go for a walk not really hedgehogs prefer to sleep during the day sometimes they have these long claws I predict this will be more of a trouble than a get hmm [Music] what is it the Hedgehog like oh very generous Sam what before stomping at night guys the box is almost ready I just need to get the bow in place to make the Hedgehog even prettier and here perfect look how cute and not prickly let's open it not a lot of room I could probably only keep really small valuable things there is the first one hey guys give a thumbs up if you like this really cute box and if you want to see more Lego crafts subscribe to Sam's channel bye Larry here were my fish for sooo thank you love you you don't stop at least [Music] [Music] and failed well to make something festive out of a balloon you don't necessarily have to inflate it I'll show you to create a festive mood we'll just need a few simple things beside the balloon this toilet paper roll well it will be pretty you'll see I'll also need a piece of very colorful tape first I'll paint the roll with a pretty bright color okay fine let it be purple mm-hmm I'll cover the whole surface nice and thick make sure you get every single little part and make it oh I don't think we express our deepest gratitude to everyone who has subscribed and we express our sincere request to subscribe for everyone you haven't thank you for your attention hmm there the roll is all painted and now it's the balloons turn I'll take the scissors and cut the top of the balloon off and now we just need to stretch the balloon on top of the roll like this fix it with the tape all the way around carefully now cut off the excess there it is all ready to go I'll show you I have some colorful I'll put it in the balloon down there [Music] [Music] man that was some celebration for Sammy all right cracker day give a thumbs up if you did and let's get it to 1,000 thumbs up to super day what are you doing in the kitchen Sam Barret spinner spinner why well alright you can take my spinner here hmm boring boring well I have what I have these spinners are everywhere now total spinner frication chinois you can't even go into a shop without getting a spinner as a bonus this shop I'm just exaggerating this thing is completely useless can't make a sandwich with that or use it as medicine spinner so can do here you go [Music] right to make soap I'll need a soap base and the mold thank you Sam but know what I'll need is a spinner picture like this it's laminated covered with a special layer [Music] your whole yard right I'll start making the spinner soap I'll take the soap base see I've already diced it up I'll get everything ready for a bain-marie pour some water into the pan ah nice and uh oh hey where did the spinner go well fine I'll go melt the soap I'll put it in a pan and wait for the soap cubes to melt whoa then I'll stir them really really well it's the truth okay while the base is hot I'll move it place it here and add some coloring now some sugar and stir it really well already now I'll take the mold and start pouring the soap into it just like this now the spinner and more soap like this oh it's gonna be so cool the coloring and even some glitter what are you saying [Music] actually I've got an idea I'll take another mold place a spinner into it and spin tiny bit I'm fine I'm watching you watch he's gone now we'll pour the soap base over our spinner just like that and some more there now we wait for it to harden let's take the soap from the molds carefully now they're all looks really cute right now the second one I'll remove the mold and now this is a real spinner soap simple when the soap washes off you'll be able to play with the spinner here first it's not your spinner it's mine these are your details hurry yeah I'm waiting throw away these Wow Hey it's really cool guys if you like the soap give it thumbs up softer where I need to be I have things to do things hey Sam Sam guys if you want to find out what things Sam needs to do let's get this video to 2,000 thumbs up I really need to see what he's up to [Music] what for Sam I'll pretend I didn't hear that Oh candy day don't be silly every day is candy day obnoxious raccoon day oh I give up then hopefully I can't believe you that's maybe you can make a guess what day I'm waiting for so much press the pause button right now and comment below know hello everyone today I'll be making well I don't care Sam okay okay [Music] it's not your birthday today guys how old do you think Sam is leave a comment below today but very very sure and what is it you want here thing I need a so let's one handle to make a slime candle we'll need a regular candle and slime what's the fine I'll take the slime and tape it lightly to the candle look how pretty it turns out how about a candle that is shaped like a cake guys I saw that coming and I ordered a special candle-making kit online it includes soft wax of different colors a plastic knife a long quick and a toothpick interesting I'll take the lead now first you need a plate where my precious cake will be resting sir yes sir to make this little plate I'll need blue wax Wow this wax is super soft even better than modeling clay but I still need to stretch it to make it more relaxed right all right now I'll roll it into this ball here look at that how cool then I'll squish it down to make it flat kind of like a plate squish it more let's flip it over and try to squish it a little bit more in our hands okay all ready okay Sam now wait wait wait there is somebody who hasn't subscribed yet okay we're good will you leave me alone promise take it then okay next we'll be doing layers I'll need three Brown layers so I'll take both of these pieces stick them like this and cut one piece up there two and three just like that now I'll roll them into balls and flatten them so they actually look like pieces of cake layers are ready just like chocolate now I need to make cream layers and for that I'm smashing white wax Sam win exactly is your birthday so I don't forget to get you a present in a month thirty day and day talk more work it's time to put everything together brown layer first then white cream layer now another Brown the yellow one and the last one will be brown whew looks good to me [Music] eating more efficient clearly why am I even asking the wrong way now I'll be making the candle I'll take even pieces of white and red wax and roll them like this oh cool they kind of look like unicorn horns now we'll take the wick and squish it in between the two like this then we'll twist and there we go how cool [Music] about my birthday you know presents I love it I'm making you a candle okay okay I'm watching you now I'll make a hole right in the middle of the cake with a toothpick I'll need to pass the wick through the cake so I'll use the toothpick to help me let's see poke it and there it worked now I'll just pull the wick and the candle will sit right on top there we go I've already made a few cream drops for the cake super cute little oranges and these tiny strawberries the candle is ready look at this beauty so what day exactly do I give it to you you pay too much attention to details well guys if you like this video give Sam a thumbs up and if you want to see a new video with Sam's birthday celebration subscribe to his channel and hit the bell button that's all today have a nice day when is your birthday [Music] [Music] mmm what to do maybe you could write it in here No Deal will make it more interesting then [Music] hi guys today I'll be making a pretty notepad for Sam a stray to use me a hoof alright alright to make this notepad I'll need any regular notepad like this we'll also need a clear file like this and a glue gun but most importantly I'll need well almost I'll need slime I'll take 2 colors guys do you like playing with slime give a thumbs up if you do right I'll build a file with pink slime then a bit of blue like this cool the more the merrier right now let's close the zipper like this and hide it I'll fold it neatly in and fix it with a glue gun slowly now [Music] I've been thinking what do you great memoir writers and you know candies for memoir writers they get cookies instead here right now let's glue the rest of our cover like this ready now I'll take this blah she tape Sammy doesn't like it of course but oh well I'll need to remove this layer well I have such pretty nails right and I'll neatly stick the tape along the edge to make it all pretty like this now the other sides to the tape shouldn't overlap the edges it looks lovely Sam you can come out now I've put away the sticky tape are you sure yes look how pretty it came out I do we'll fix it right now to make this notepad more Sam like I'll need to stick an image on tape over again not quite sit here for now I'll take this square piece of tape alright then stick it neatly to the salmon image and remove the paper [Music] now I'll stick it to the notepad and close it all done doesn't it look cool hey guys what do you hate see on the side until they subscribe to the channel Sam time take a look oops well it came out pretty neat right now Sam has a personalized note pad for memoirs [Music] strawberry pen don't you let's see here and I'll put it here so you never lose it again let's make a liquid notepad Howard show you well if this video gets to 2,000 thumbs up will surely make it bye for now
Channel: SLICK SLIME SAM - DIY, Comedy, Science
Views: 4,855,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slime, slick slime sam, kids shows, kids videos, kids diy, easy crafts, fun crafts, DIY, crafts, diy projects, Tutorial, children, jelly, hot glue, candy, compilation, video collection, notebook, glue gun, school supplies, balloon tricks, hacks, balloon ideas, balloons, party crackers, gift, gift bag, gift ideas, birthday party, birthday present, birthday, fidget spinner, soap, fidget spinner tricks, fidget toys, candles, cake, lego creations, lego hedgehog, lego ideas, lego, toys
Id: mgb2VhtasDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 37sec (1897 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2018
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