How to Make $10,561 / month with Digital Products Using AI

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I have eight digital product ideas that you can easily create and sell using AI tools these products have the potential of earning over ten thousand dollars per month and the best part is since they're digital most of that revenue is profit plus these are almost completely passive because they just continue to sell over and over again after you have set them up so let's jump right into the first idea on the list which is printable coloring pages there are many types of coloring pages that you can sell on marketplaces like Etsy you can sell coloring pages for kids for adults I found this shop right here relaxing color that offers animal coloring pages mandala coloring pages and doing some quick research this shop has made over ninety thousand dollars in Revenue so far and looking into it a little further it's making over forty five hundred dollars in Revenue every single month so how are we going to use AI to create similar products for us within a matter of seconds the first place we're going to go to is chat GPT if you don't know what chat GPT is it's an AI program that essentially has a conversation with you so you can ask it whatever you want and it will give you very specific and detailed information based on the text that you type so at the bottom here is where you're going to ask chat GPT any questions that you have so I went ahead and typed in list some ideas for children's coloring pages because I just want to get some ideas on what I can create and right away it's giving me so many Amazing Ideas some animal coloring pages cartoon characters now any copyright characters like Mickey Mouse and Tom and Jerry I'm going to stay away from that but I really like the ideas of animals fantasy Vehicles now that we have some great ideas from chat GPT we're going to head over to Mid journey to generate the images for us if you have not heard of mid-journey it's another AI program that will generate images based on the text that you type or essential actually The Prompt once you are in their Discord you can start writing out the prompts right here to generate any image you want to type in a prompt click forward slash image and then you can describe what you're looking for so I started off with children's animal coloring pages and within a few seconds mid Journey generated these beautiful images for me I mean look at these they are so detailed and beautiful I could just save these and offer them as is but I had something a little bit more simple in mind for children to color in so I went back in and added basic children's animal coloring pages and within seconds mid-journey generated these beautiful images for me so you'll notice that under the images there are a few buttons that you can select from the U stands for upscale let's say I only like the second one and I want mid-journey to upscale it for me so I have a larger size that I can save onto my computer so I would click U2 to upscale that image the other button I want to draw your attention to is this one here this will allow me to generate new images using the exact same prompt and it's literally just that quick and easy moving on to the next item on the list which is Clipart clipart is typically offered in packages of Graphics that the buyers can use in their own personal projects I found this shop right here that's offering many types of clip art packages really cute ones watercolor packages and this shop has already made over 966 thousand dollars in Revenue bringing in over ten thousand dollars in Revenue every single month so let's figure out how we can get into this Market using AI for this digital product idea we're going to hop on to Kittle which is a graphic design software that is very easy to use you can see all of these super cute food clip art that I created in Kittle within a matter of minutes in order to generate fees go to the Kittle AI feature just down over here and you can actually filter the type of styles that you want to create I'm going to go for the Kawaii icon and I'm going to type in my prompt right here now if you're wondering how should I write out my prompt the great thing is they actually have a prompt book so just click on learn more right over here and they give you examples on how you should write out your text depending on what you are creating under clip art styles it looks like less is more so I went ahead and typed in an apple click generate image and that's what I got it is absolutely adorable I love it now of course if you don't like the image you can just generate the exact same font again and it will create a whole new image for you so now what I want to do is remove this white background because I want to offer clip art with a transparent background so I clicked on AI background remover right over here and now that looks perfect I can offer that as is cable is offering 100 free credits right now which equates to 100 free prompts you can grab that from the link down below and if you want to try their Pro Plan they're offering one month absolutely for free just make sure to use the code Sandra at checkout this code is is only valid for one week so if you are watching it during the week that's great but if you're watching it after I will do what I can to get more promo codes going next idea I have is digital paper there are many styles of digital paper and patterns that are being offered by successful shops if you're not sure what digital paper is used for buyers can use it as a physical product or a digital product so some of them will print it out and use it for scrapbooks wrapping paper cards or they can use it digitally whether they want it as wallpaper or maybe as the background of a digital product that they're creating this shop has already made almost 80 000 sales and they're offering really cute digital paper for their customers now the real kicker is I found that this shop offering all of these instant downloads for their buyers and they have generated over three million dollars in Revenue making over 29 000 per month what okay how can we get in on this Market fast we're going to use a Kittle again for this one because I love the fact that you can filter the pattern Styles right over here so I chose Baroque style and for this one I typed in florals with pink roses white daisies and green leaves on light blue background so I got very very specific just to see what it would give me and right away it generated this beautiful image that includes all of the graphics that I specified in my prompt and just for fun I decided to generate the image again just to see what else it will come up with I actually liked this one even more I decided to play with different pattern Styles so I created this Baroque style I tried this cute one and then I tried this wallpaper one now I already know some people are asking why would people pay for these products when they could just jump onto these platforms and create it themselves well first of all most of these platforms are not free you actually have to be paying monthly to be able to use them and also many people don't know that these platforms exist so there's a lot of money to be made using these features next digital product idea is checklists I've talked about printable planners and checklists Performing really well on Etsy but the best way to make sales as a new seller is to get very specific on the type of planner or checklist that you're offering I found this shop as an example that has made over 85 000 sales and they're offering many types of planners but they're also offering checklists which I notice that they're making a lot of sales from specifically and this shop has already made over one million dollars in Revenue bringing in over nineteen thousand dollars monthly so the first thing I did was I hopped onto chat GPT and I asked it to give me ideas for checklists I just want to get some ideas on what I can create because I want to get very specific and it gave me a great ideas that I didn't even think about travel packing checklists home cleaning checklist event planning checklist and I can confirm from this Etsy keyword research tool that cleaning checklist and wedding checklists have lower competition and they're making many sales so I decided for my research that I want to create a home cleaning checklist so I hopped back onto chat GPT to give me some items that I need to include in my cleaning checklist so it gave me a lot of details under this prompt that I can now just copy and paste into the checklist that I create so this product does require some work on your end because you will need to now transfer this information into a graphic design tool like canva and make it look the way you want but you can see that more than 50 percent of the work is already done for you just by chat GPT giving you all of the ideas to include idea number five is product mock-ups in order for Shoppers that are selling digital or physical products they need to display them in an eye-catching way and they might not be photographers so that's where they purchase product mock-ups from other shops you can offer frame mock-ups for Shoppers to display their digital artwork you can offer mock-ups for t-shirts sweaters mugs tote bags and all of these can be created within seconds using mid Journey so hopping back onto mid-journey I typed in the prompt picture frame mock-up on white desk and white background and mid-journey generated these types of mock-ups which in my opinion are very beautiful you might notice however that there is some weird text that don't really make sense in the middle of these mock-ups and we want to offer blank mock-ups for our buyers so that they can just use it however they want so here's what you need to do upscale the ones that you really like so for this example I'm going to upscale the third one so I'm going to hit u3 and once I have a larger image of it I'm going to click on it and then I'm going to open in browser then this is where I'm going to save the image to my desktop now I'm going to hop onto a free agraphic design software called photo P which is similar to photoshop but it's free now I'm going to drag in the image that I saved from mid Journey me and zooming in I'm going to use this lasso select tool and just outline the text that I want to remove then I went up to edit fill and then I change the fill to content aware and selected OK and right away it just removes all of that weird text so now it's perfect as is I can just now export this image and offer it as a digital file next up is digital art I personally sell wall art in my shop so I had to include it on this list and honestly printable wall art is one of the most highly searched products on Etsy I found this shop that has already made over 300 000 sales and they offer a lot of landscape wall art antique wall art very very beautiful Graphics this was probably one of the most eye-opening shops that I did research on because they have generated over two million dollars in Revenue with over 64 000 in Revenue per month so let's figure out how we can create our own Graphics using AI jumping back onto Kittle they have all of these different different image styles that you can use so for this one I decided to choose painting style and I typed in a landscape with green and blue trees a river mountains in the background and the sunset so I got very specific in my prompt just to see how it turns out and Kittle generated this beautiful image I mean look how gorgeous that is so I wanted to test it out again and I selected generate image again using the same prompt and it created this for me which was absolutely stunning so you can see how the options are endless here in terms of your image Styles the prompts you use and the adjustments that you make to each one of these pieces that you generate moving on to the next product which is resume templates this product is pretty much completely passive because once the buyer purchases it from you they can just edit the template for themselves this shop has made many sales selling these very simple basic resume templates with some options that include a photo as well and they are generating almost ten thousand dollars in revenue from this completely passive product so first I went on to chat GPT and I typed in list important sections I should include in my resume template and just like that chat GPT gave me all of the necessary information that I need to include in my template for my buyers now that I have all of that important information I'm gonna jump on to Mid journey to get some template ideas that I can start creating so after testing out a few different prompts I landed on Modern text only resume templates and these are the kinds of templates that mid-journey created for me which in my opinion look very professional and clean so I upscaled this image and I put it into a canva and then I turned the transparency to 50 and locked it in the background this is where some of the work comes in you will now have to add in the text boxes and some elements in order to recreate this template once it's all finished you can just delete that image that you generated from major journey and then just share it as a template within your listing you can offer startup guides as a very profitable digital product the great thing about this product is that you're able to charge way more than many of the other digital products because it's a very helpful resource for your buyers I've noticed successful shops offering business startup guides real estate startup guides social media guides and it really depends on what you're good at but we're obviously going to be using AI to help us outline what we should include in our guides this shop in particular is offering coaching business startup guides and on average they're charging between 20 to 40 dollars per listing and some way more so I went on to chat GPT and I asked it to give me ideas for startup guides to sell and it's given me Amazing Ideas and then I really liked the idea of online course creation guide because I have some knowledge in that so then I typed in please write out a professional introduction to an online course creation guide and it gave me a very detailed really nice introduction for my guide now I can copy and paste this and then I can edit and tweak a few things if I want to but this is a great starting point I decided to take it a step further and I typed in list important items that should be included in a course creation guide and it listed out great sections that I really should be including of course there is some work that needs to be done on my end now I need to transfer this information into a graphic design software like canva and make it look the way I want but you can see that chat GPT has already done most of the work for me already if you want step-by-step tutorials on any of the digital product ideas we went over let me know in the comments below I know we went through these ideas really quickly but I really just wanted to show you the possibilities using some of these AI features make sure to grab your 100 free credits with Kittle using the link down below and you can also grab a one month free trial of their Pro Plan I hope you enjoyed this video guys if so give it a like and I will see you in the next one
Channel: Sandra Di
Views: 347,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: digital products to sell online, sell digital products online, how to sell digital products online, digital product examples, make money with chatgpt, making money with ai, Etsy digital downloads, digital products to sell on Etsy, ai digital downloads, make money using ai, digital products you can sell using ai, digital products you can, digital products you can make using ai, Etsy digital products, create digital products using ai, make money with midjourney, sandra di
Id: mfui4sPZHgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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