How To Make $100/Day On Kindle (WITHOUT WRITING BOOKS) - 2024

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In this video, I'm going to show you  exactly how to make $100 a day using   Kindle ebooks, without writing or  publishing a single word yourself. What's going on guys, Matthew Sabia here. So  like I said, in this video, I'm going to show   you how to make a full-time income or just a  side hustle using Kindle ebooks from Amazon.   But you're not going to be writing books yourself,  you're not going to be self-publishing and trying   to rank and sell them and all that stuff. There's  multiple other ways that you can make money with   Kindle with little to no work whatsoever. Your  dog could do these methods, it's so simple. Before we jump in, click the Like button down  below. Things are a little bit rough out there   for some people. So I'm going to start sharing  some very beginner moneymaking methods like this   that I would use if I was just getting started or  I would share with a friend. Actually, that's what   inspired this video. I was talking to a friend  of mine. She recently lost her job and she wants   some other ways to make money online. And we  just kind of did this brainstorming session,   trying to explain to her just how much  money you can make off like a very   narrow down niche like Kindle ebooks or something  like this that people really never think of. Now, this list is in no particular order,  but let's go ahead and start with ebook   cover design. Now you could go onto all  these different websites. So for example,   if I go on to I made videos on Fiverr  before too. And if we just search for ebook cover,   you guys will see that there's a lot  of really great selling gigs on here   for creating covers for ebooks.  Now, these are very simple to make.   Maybe you have some Photoshop skills  yourself, or you could actually use   templates from a site like Graphic River or  something else to put these together very easily. For example, if you look at this one gig right  here, this guy is selling it for $100 a pop, and   he sold over a thousand because you could see the  number of verified reviews. So this guy has made   around $100,000, I'd say six figure income, just  designing Fivver ebook covers on this website. So   you guys can really see the potential behind this.  So again, you can design these yourself. You can   use templates from these different websites.  And it's super easy to do. Just make a really   attractive gig page on Fivver. Actually I have  some videos on that on this channel as well. Go on Amazon, use the inspiration from some  of their best selling titles in that niche,   and I guarantee you're going to have some  happy customers. You could sell them for   around a hundred bucks a piece. So one  sale a day it's 3000 bucks a month. Now the next method on the list is Kindle  formatting. Now, you guys already know   basically how to create an ebook. You go on  Google Docs or Microsoft Word. You export   as a PDF after you write it or whatever,  but it needs to be in a very specific KDP   format if you're actually going to publish  it on Amazon. And a lot of new writers,   maybe they're not so tech savvy, they just  don't know how to do this. They will go   on these different websites like Fiverr,  Freelancer, Upwork, looking for people to help   them format their ebooks from PDFs or Google  documents, Word documents, whatever it is,   into the proper format to list onto Amazon. It's  a very simple method. Look how to do. I'm going   to link some resources on how to do it down below.  So learn how to format the ebooks into the proper   format. They could easily charge between 40 and 50  bucks a pop for every single one of those as well. Next, this is a big one, editing books. Now, yes,   this one is probably going to be a little  bit more time consuming than the others,   but you can make a lot of money doing this on  these different freelance websites. It's super   easy to pitch as well, because if you're a writer  or you know copywriting or anything like that,   you're often going to hear people say, you can't  edit your own copy because you're still looking at   it in your voice. Your mind is going to process  it differently than you would if you're reading   someone else's copy and giving critique on it. So  you could offer just to make notes on the copy.   I mean, you could just edit the book yourself.  Maybe you want to put a little more time into   it. You could charge more obviously, charge  by the hour for editing the books, but just   editing ebooks is also another very lucrative  job that you could do on these freelance sites. Okay. So take a look at this gig right here on  Upwork, which any of you guys can go out there,   create a free account and start making gigs  and posts like this and getting sales yourself.   This person is doing full book edits for  $499. And as you could see right here,   they have at least 83 reviews. So that  means if I open up my calculator right here,   499 times 83, that means at a minimum  they've made $41,000 just editing ebooks,   and they also have other packages. So at a  maximum, they've also made around $124,000 ...   just by going out there and offering  to edit people's ebooks for them. Now this next one is probably one of the biggest  ones and it's one of the easier sells as well,   niche research. There's a lot of people out  there where they're not just like these different   authors who just happen to format their books to  Kindle and want to upload them and sell them on   there. People do this as a money making method  and they do this full-time. So if you could   save them the time, the process of actually  doing the research on what niches to create,   you're going to save them a lot of time and you  could also make a lot of money for yourself. Now, there's a lot of different tools to do  this. I'm actually going to hop in here in   just a moment and show you a quick little  method to do this. You're basically going   to be going off the seller rank on Amazon. So  for example, let's say you see a competitor   book in a niche you're researching for them  that has a seller rank of round like 5,000.   I think the Amazon Kindle seller rank  it's called so a little bit different,   or maybe they change it by the time you're  watching this, who knows, but there's tools   that you can install into Google Chrome that could  let you see the seller rank in search results. There's other things you could use  too. Just go off of the reviews,   see what the best seller section has, and  try and niche down from there. So instead of   books on turkey hunting, see if you could sell  books on underwater turkey hunting. As you know,   it's a very popular niche, especially  in the internet marketing space.   Anything underwater turkey hunting related  is going to make you massive amounts of   money. You could easily become a billionaire  selling underwater turkey hunting type things. All right guys. So let me give you the basics  of doing niche research for Kindle books. But   I do hope you go out there. If you're going to  do this method, find some more in-depth videos   and articles online to make sure you know exactly  what you're doing, but let me give you the basics. So here I am in the book section. And let's say  I want to start searching for something like   camping. Now, what you're going to notice  is there's over 60,000 results for different   camping books. When you're doing Kindle niche  research, you want to make sure that there's   not a lot of competition and there's not a lot  of search results. You want to make sure that   the Amazon seller ranking or BSR as it's called,  when it comes to books, is fairly low. Now you   could actually see this number in search results  if you use a little Chrome extension I have called   DS Amazon Quick View. Go ahead, search for that.  Install it in Chrome. It's free and easy to use.   And it's going to show you the BSR number and  seller rank right here inside of search results. So like I said, we want to find something with  less results in here. So let's go ahead and niche   down. Let's say we search for camping and cooking.  You can actually use the search recommendations up   there to find other ideas as well. So if we scroll  down here, now we're getting some better results.   So there's only 6,000 results. Typically, you want  to look for something that's under around 6,000 to   7,000. So this definitely qualifies. And please  scroll down here. You'll see that a lot of these   books actually are very popular. They have these  very high seller rankings. And the way the seller   rankings work is there's this many books minus one  that are selling better in this category than this   book. So the lower the BSR number here, the better  the book is going to sell. Here's a great example. They're selling this book for $15, around  200 reviews. So it's selling pretty well,   and it has a BSR of 31,750. Now what  you can actually do is copy this number,   head over here to an Amazon sales estimator.  I'll link this down below as well. We can paste   this in here. Click on calculate sales. And you  could see that this seller is making on average   310 sales a month, which if I bring up the  calculator, we do 310 times 15. So minus fees   and all that stuff, the seller is probably  making around $4,650 a month from this book. This is a great example of a niche that you  can give to one of your clients if you're doing   niche research for Amazon books. Take note of the  cover, take note of the things in the listing.   And one last thing I want you guys to keep in mind  as well is make sure you're using Google Trends. For example, if I go ahead and do a search for  camping, you're going to see that we're in the   middle of summer. So it's pretty high up right  now. It dips down in the winter. But you want   to make sure that you go and check out the  past five years. If the trend is consistent,   it's going to be a profitable niche to invest  time and effort into writing a book about for your   client. So as you could see, camping spikes every  single year. It's fairly consistent. So this would   definitely be a great niche to give to one of your  clients to write some Kindle books about. And that   guys is going to be the basics of niche research  for Kindle books. But I highly encourage you to go   more in depth, learn some more advanced methods  if you're going to be taking this seriously. Now the sixth item on the list is one that I  really like, because coming from a marketing   perspective, this is something I think a lot  of ebook publishers don't really understand,   especially more like independent authors,  who they're not really doing it for the money   making aspect. What I would offer to do is get a  ClickFunnels account, which you can create a free   trial for. I'm actually going to put a pre-made  funnel down below that you guys could use.   Build opt-in pages for ebook publishers. So  you could create gigs for this or you can   reach out directly like let's say on Instagram  or LinkedIn or wherever you guys want to do it,   contact ebook authors and offer  this service to them, on forums,   wherever they tend to hang out,  do a little bit of research. You're actually going to be able to use the  link that I'm going to show you guys down below.   Click that. It's going to import it into  your ClickFunnels account and you could   actually just customize that opt-in page  for them to start building their email list,   explain to them how having an email list  for your books is so profitable. You guys   know the drill. But building websites  and opt-in pages for these publishers   is often something that is a little bit underrated  and they don't understand the power of that. And of course you could take this and you could  build a whole business around it. You could be   an ebook marketing agency or something like  that. There's plenty of other branches from   this that you guys could market with. But building  opt-in pages is something that's very lucrative   for these publishers. And most of them, I would  say eight out of 10 probably are even doing it.   So all you guys need to do is click the link down  below, create your free ClickFunnels account,   and use one of these pre-made templates to  create a beautiful opt-in page for one of   your clients to sell their ebook. ClickFunnels  has tons of free templates like this. All you   got to do is come in here, click Select, and  edit the page with your client's content. Now, one of the great things about ClickFunnels  that a lot of you guys may not even realize   is if you share a funnel from inside  ClickFunnels to somebody else,   let's say one of these ebook clients, you  actually automatically become an affiliate   and get a percentage of their ClickFunnels  subscription every single month. So it's just   another way to get some more residual, passive  income off of building funnels for people. Now, the last thing on this list,  it's a little bit of a bonus tip,   but it may be the most lucrative and one of the  easiest ones out of everything that I've shared.   There are websites where you guys can go out there  and get paid for leaving reviews of Kindle books. Now, I know it sounds a little bit too good  to be true, but you guys got to remember.   The more reviews that a book has, the more it's  going to sell, the better it's going to perform   in the Amazon algorithm. And there's a  lot of people who are going out there   who they're just trying to churn out these  books pretty quickly to make a lot of money.   They don't have time to go out there, get organic  reviews, or just sit there and do it themselves,   the different Amazon accounts or whatever. So  they will gladly pay you let's say between $5,   $10, $20 for a review to review their ebook.  And you could do tons of these every single day. So go out there. Of course, they're going to give  you a copy of the book to check out. Read it.   Maybe not read it. I don't know. Maybe you're  a piece of shit. Whatever you want to do,   it's your life, your world.  You're the creator here. But   I want you guys to understand you could  get paid to leave Kindle ebook reviews. Let me show you guys quickly the website that  you're going to be doing this on. All right.   So there's actually quite a few websites you could  do this on, and we're going to link to this entire   article down below in the description. But the  one that I like the most is,   which if you go on their website and click  this link, they're actually going to give you   between $5 to $60 per ebook review. Now they say,  write on here, yeah, you're not going to become   rich by doing this, but you could easily make a  couple hundred hours a day. So go to this page,   fill in your email, and they're going to send  you some more information on how to get started. But I don't want you guys to stop there. We  could actually head right back over to Fiverr,   do a quick search for Amazon review, and you  guys will see that people are easily paying   and making $10, $15, and sometimes $20 for  a verified review on their Amazon product,   on their Kindle ebook, because it really does  help out their product or book in search,   and it's a really in demand service that  you guys could start offering as of tonight. And one thing I'm noticing is this is actually  a pretty undersaturated space on Fiverr in   particular versus the other freelance  sites. So I highly encourage you guys,   go out there and start capitalizing on  this tonight and start making some money   by reading and reviewing ebooks and maybe  just other Amazon products in general. And that guys is essentially it. So that's how you  can get paid to leave reviews for Kindle books.   Just get paid for writing reviews. It's super  simple. Guys, again, you hear me say this all the   time. There are no excuses today. We are living  in the golden age of making money online or making   money, period. Everything's on the internet.  Internet marketing is kind of like a weird thing   to kind of like separate the two between offline  marketing, right? But I'm going to stop rambling. I do hope you guys really  enjoyed this video. Again,   click the Like button down below. It helps other  people like this see videos. Share this video   with someone you know who may want to make a  little bit of a side income online. It really   does help people. So just copy the link, send it  to somebody you know. Maybe it'll make their day. Click the Subscribe button as well, and  turn on notifications clicking the little   bell icon. That's going to let you know  and be first to know when I upload a new   video. I make videos like this all the  time. They're typically more involved,   like business model methods or about e-commerce  stuff. E-commerce is my bread and butter. But I   want to make some videos like this to go out there  and really help some people out. So again, guys,   I really hope you enjoyed this video. My name  is Matthew Sabia. I will talk to you next time.
Channel: Matthew Sabia 🇺🇸
Views: 52,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kindle direct publishing, make money with kindle, make money online, kdp, amazon kdp, kdp niches, kdp niche research, make money online 2021, kdp keywords, affiliate marketing, amazon, work from home, kindle, kindle direct publishing tutorial, amazon fba, jungle scout, how to sell books online, merch by amazon, fiverr, make money on fiverr, john crestani, matthew sabia, kevin david, print on demand, social media marketing, ecommerce, shopify, dropshipping, work from home jobs
Id: Wdv1_lOvmO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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